by Lee Isserow
I Hate Time Travellers
Five years ago, everyone became a time traveller. Everyone but Luke, who now lives in a world where practical jokes are up 60,000%, his roommate insists on having 12-self orgies in front of him, and every potential girlfriend has dumped him for stuff he hasn't done yet.
Luke suddenly finds himself on the run from a government agency with the intention of slicing him up for experimentation.
No wonder he hates time travellers...
Simon & Emily Are Going To Hell
Simon & Emily are in love. They’re also damned to hell.
It’s complicated, but trust me, I’ll walk you through the details.
Be warned: this is a story that requires lots of words to be told, lots of tangents, lots of sex, even more BDSM, and far too many expletives. Jane Austen, this is not.
In this tome you’ll find Faustian deals, sex, expletives, comedy, sex, angels and demons, tragedy, expletives, comedy, horror, comedy and expletives.
And it’s funny, did I mention it’s funny?
Also, the world ends and the heroes go to hell.*
*Spoiler alert
Murder By Natural Causes
George Walther Stott took his final breath,and died of natural causes with a smile on his face. For even though he was passing on, he would have the last laugh.
His children, those appalling mumblecrusting jizzbags who seeped forth from his former wife's formerly perfect vagina would only inherit his massive wealth on one condition...
That they solve his murder.