Clover Cottage: A feel good cosy read perfect for your summer holiday reading (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 3)

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Clover Cottage: A feel good cosy read perfect for your summer holiday reading (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 3) Page 13

by Christie Barlow

  Allie had watched the majority of her friends go off to university but at the time she’d had no desire to do the same. Now this new opportunity had given her food for thought. Surely, if they’d gone out of their way to headhunt her, they must really think she was up to the job?

  Walking back into the pub she noticed her mum ferrying plates of scrumptious-looking roast beef towards a table on the far side of the room. Allie snuck back behind the bar and looked over the orders before heading towards the kitchen to bring out the rest of the meals, the interview with Caitlin still very much on her mind.

  ‘Not so fast, young lady.’ Fraser stood in front of his daughter. ‘Meredith, Allie’s finished on the phone,’ he called out, beckoning his wife over. She hurried towards them, her gaze firmly fixed on Allie.

  ‘Well – what did she want?’

  Allie sucked in a breath. ‘You are not going to believe this.’

  Meredith narrowed her eyes. ‘What is it?’ she asked grabbing her daughter’s arm. ‘I can see it’s good news.’

  ‘They’ve offered me an interview for a job on the paper,’ said Allie beaming with pride. ‘A six-month position to cover maternity leave.’

  ‘That is brilliant, absolutely brilliant!’ Meredith kissed her on both cheeks. ‘You clever girl.’

  ‘Mum, get off me! You’re showing me up; I’m not twelve,’ she exclaimed, wiping her cheeks, but Meredith didn’t care about Allie’s embarrassment.

  ‘I knew it, I knew it!’ she said, slapping Fraser on his chest. ‘Our lass is destined for better things. An interview! And if they’ve rung you on a Sunday, they must want you – it’s in the bag!’

  ‘It’s just an interview and they will be interviewing other people; it won’t be just me.’

  But Meredith wasn’t listening. She’d already turned and clapped her hands loudly. Every head in the pub looked over in their direction.

  ‘Mum! What are you doing? It’s only an interview and—’ But before Allie could finish her sentence Meredith had everyone’s attention.

  ‘Our Allie has an interview for this national newspaper!’ Meredith waved the paper in the air.

  There were nods and mumblings of congratulations all around the pub, followed by cheers. Felicity was up out of her seat and heading towards her friend. ‘Oh my God, what’s all this? An interview? What did we say only this morning? You never know what’s around the corner. This is fantastic news,’ she said, flinging her arms around Allie.

  ‘Will everyone just calm down and remember it’s only an interview?’

  ‘When is it?’ asked Meredith, wanting to know everything. ‘And good pay, I expect.’

  ‘I’ve no idea. They are ringing me next week to confirm all the details, but the job isn’t freelance – I will have to live in Glasgow for six months. And if they offer me the position, I can’t just up and leave.’

  ‘Why not?’ asked Meredith. ‘Of course you can. What’s stopping you?’

  ‘Because I have my job here, working with you and Dad … and there’s Rory and my friends,’ Allie said, despondently.

  ‘Don’t be daft, you can’t stay just for us,’ answered Meredith, frowning. ‘Allie, you have to follow your heart.’

  ‘Timing is everything, and this timing couldn’t be more perfect!’ said Felicity, giving Allie a knowing look. ‘And you’d be brilliant.’

  Allie didn’t know whether to feel upset that everyone seemed to be trying to get rid of her at the drop of a hat or chuffed that they believed in her ability so much.

  ‘I can’t believe they think I’m even worthy.’

  ‘Worthy? Of course you’re worthy! Surely you’re going to give it some serious thought?’ urged Felicity. ‘Glasgow! What I’d give for six months of shopping and fantastic nightlife.’

  With all the commotion Allie hadn’t noticed Rory walk into the pub.

  ‘Glasgow? Who’s going to Glasgow?’ asked Rory.

  Allie spun round. Rory had changed from his morning attire and was wearing black jeans and her favourite pale grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was looking directly at her, waiting for an answer. Zach, standing by his side, looked just as intrigued.

  ‘Allie’s had some fantastic news. Go on, tell him,’ urged Meredith. ‘She’s been offered an interview for a job on a national newspaper,’ Meredith finished, too excited to wait for Allie to fill in the gaps.

  ‘Mum! A little privacy wouldn’t go amiss.’ Allie raised her eyebrows. ‘It’s my news.’

  ‘Okay, okay, I’m sorry, we’ll leave you to talk, and well done you on your new TV fame,’ said Meredith, still brimming with pride. She touched Rory’s arm lightly before kissing Allie once more on the cheek and retrieving the empty glasses from a nearby table.

  Rory’s expression was earnest. ‘Really? A national newspaper? This is amazing. Come here,’ he said, throwing his arms around her and giving her a heartfelt hug.

  Allie felt guilty. Rory seemed genuinely pleased for her, and yet when he’d told her his good news all she could think about was how it affected her. ‘It’s just an interview – and it appears I need to thank you for that.’

  ‘Me?’ asked Rory perplexed, resting his keys and wallet on the bar. ‘Why me?’

  ‘You sent a copy of the local article to the Scottish Daily Mail and they uploaded my photograph of you and Zach – it’s had a staggering amount of hits, apparently.’

  Rory was taken aback. ‘Brilliant! And they’ve offered you an interview for a job?’

  ‘Six months working as a photographer in Glasgow.’

  Rory let out a low whistle. ‘My girlfriend, the famous photographer.’

  ‘I wouldn’t go that far,’ said Allie, taking a newspaper from the pile stacked on the bar and opening it.

  ‘Wow! Doesn’t that look good?’ Rory took the paper from Allie’s hand then twisted it towards Zach, who agreed.

  ‘Apparently it’s the most viewed photograph this year online, which led to the editor checking out my other work with the local paper.’

  Rory’s mouth hitched into a huge smile and he immediately put the newspaper down on the bar while not letting go of her gaze. He thrust out his arms, unexpectedly swooped her off her feet and spun her round. Once her feet were firmly back on the ground, he took her face in his hands and kissed her.

  ‘I’m proud of you, Allie. I really am,’ he said pulling away. ‘It’s amazing. I told you this one was destined for great things.’ He beamed as he turned towards Zach.

  ‘He did too,’ answered Zach, leaning across the bar and ordering two pints from Fraser, who was still smiling like a Cheshire cat.

  ‘It’s only an interview and it may be great, but everyone seems to be forgetting the job is based in Glasgow and I live here.’ Allie knew she was testing the water, but she wanted to see some sort of reaction from Rory that if she was successful he would miss her … but nothing.

  ‘Six months in Glasgow will fly by, and you’ll be working alongside other journalists, having your photographs splashed all over the national press. Heartcross is going nowhere. This is what you are about, Allie – photography. A national paper has recognised your talent, the ability to take the best photos. Who knows what this might lead to? It’s just fantastic.’

  ‘You’re talking as though I’ve already got the job. I’ve not even decided whether I’m going for the interview yet.’

  Rory looked astounded, ‘Why would you even contemplate not going for the interview? What have you got to lose?’

  ‘That’s exactly what we think,’ chipped in Fraser from across the bar whilst handing over Zach’s change.

  Allie’s mood slumped a little. It felt like everyone was overlooking the fact this job opportunity meant she would have to move three hours away. It seemed no one was going to miss her at all.

  ‘It sounds like you are trying to get rid of me. In fact it sounds like everyone is trying to get rid of me.’ Allie’s voice faltered. ‘Is no one going to miss me?’

��t be daft, of course everyone is going to miss you, but it’s six months and only three hours away. Look at Zach, you make it work, don’t you? And he travels all over the world,’ added Rory.

  ‘But that’s different,’ argued Allie, not letting Zach answer. ‘My guess is Zach can be flown home at the drop of a hat by a private jet whilst I’d be sitting night after night in a hotel room all by myself, not knowing a soul.’

  ‘Sounds like bliss to me,’ cut in Meredith, passing with a handful of steaming hot dinners.

  ‘Allie.’ Rory took her by the hand and sat her down on a bar stool. ‘Surely you are going to go for the interview? This could be the making of you. Step out of your comfort zone and grasp the opportunity with both hands. Do something amazing for you.’

  Allie looked into his eyes.

  ‘It’s not for ever and what’s the worst that can happen? If you really don’t like it, you can just come home. You are stronger than you think. And I’m sure Fraser won’t have rented your room out.’ Rory tipped a wink at Fraser, who chuckled.

  ‘I’m drafting the advert right this second,’ he replied, grinning at his daughter.


  ‘You have to go, Allie. It’s a national paper, a great wage, living in the city. Get your name out there.’ Rory’s huge brown eyes were clear as he willed her to attend the interview and give it everything she had.

  And even though Allie was in turmoil she felt excited, too. She was used to the safety of living in Heartcross, but on the other hand why shouldn’t she have a piece of the big wide world? But it would mean losing her support mechanism, the one thing that was constant in her life, and Rory. But with him going to Africa wouldn’t this happen anyway? She was used to him being there by her side, holding her hand, but this time she would be all by herself. Could she actually do it?

  Rory was always going to carve out a successful career for himself. A partner in a practice, he didn’t even have to leave the village to be handed his own TV show. Maybe this was her chance to become more of an equal partner in their relationship, to hold her own and be successful in her own right.

  ‘You make it sound so tempting, but I think you are all forgetting I’m a country girl at heart.’ Allie turned towards Felicity, who was still standing by her side, ‘Even you struggled in the city, Flick, and look, Polly’s escaped from the big smoke too.’

  ‘But this is different,’ said Felicity.

  Allie thought Felicity would understand how she was feeling, but it looked like even she was willing her to go.

  ‘You have nothing to lose by just going for the interview. Then make your mind up. It’s simple,’ continued Felicity.

  ‘And I second that. I think you’d be mad not to go,’ chipped in Rory.

  ‘And I third it,’ added Zach.

  ‘And we fourth it,’ continued Fraser.

  Allie suddenly felt overwhelmed. ‘Right,’ she said, taking control, ‘who knows what will happen? All I know is I need to get back to work as this is my actual job at the moment and people are going to go hungry.’ She jumped down from the bar stool.

  Just as Allie was about to turn away, Rory touched her arm lightly. ‘But we do need to talk,’ he whispered.

  Allie stopped in her tracks, knowing she couldn’t put off this conversation for much longer. She took a deep breath to mask her nervous laughter. ‘Go on.’

  ‘I’ve got more details about Africa. Allie, we can talk later if you like? In private?’

  Allie nodded. Since talking to Felicity she’d been mentally preparing for this conversation, but still wasn’t quite ready.

  ‘Great. Can we grab a couple of roast dinners from you? Zach is going to run me through the schedule for tomorrow. The film crew are arriving by 6am – is that what you said, Zach?’

  ‘Yes, bright and early,’ Zach confirmed.

  Allie scribbled down their orders and immediately disappeared through to the kitchen. Securing an interview for a national newspaper should be one of her happiest moments, but she felt far from happy, and had no wish to shout the news from the rooftops. Rory was being the perfect boyfriend, supporting and encouraging her to go for the interview, and she should be doing the same for him, but she knew she was going to miss him terribly.

  Armed with two roast dinners Allie stopped by the kitchen door. She looked around the pub, the place that was her home, the place she’d come to love. There was the welcoming chatter of her friends and family sitting around enjoying their Sunday afternoon together. This place was such a comfort; she wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave, even if only for six months. But she could see Felicity and Rory’s point of view: what would be the harm in attending the interview?

  Chapter 11

  Beep … beep …

  After a sleepless night Allie’s spirits took a nosedive as the alarm clock sounded. Surely it couldn’t be time to get up just yet? she thought, smacking the alarm and pulling the duvet back firmly over her head. She’d finally fallen asleep just after 4am and now it was quarter past six. She was shattered; every muscle in her body ached, not to mention the soles of her feet. The pub had been busy almost up until closing time, and everyone in the village seemed excited about Rory and Zach’s big day today. The buzz around the pub last night had brought both men a lot of attention, and Allie had spent the whole night forcing a smile. This morning it felt like her face muscles had participated in some mad extreme sport for hours on end.

  Hearing a quiet rap on the door she reluctantly pushed back the duvet and sat up in bed.

  ‘Yes,’ she answered wearily, wishing she could have sloped back off to sleep.

  ‘I’ve brought you a cup of tea,’ said Meredith, placing the mug on the bedside cabinet.

  ‘Thanks. You’re up early. I thought I was doing the early shift today?’

  ‘We’re expecting another full day with the film crew arriving, and the kitchen is going to be busy. I just need to make sure everything is prepped and ready to go. Apparently word has got out exactly where Zach Hudson has been staying, which has caused a few problems up at Foxglove Farm.’

  ‘Why, what’s happened?’ asked Allie propping her pillow behind her and clasping the warm mug of tea close to her.

  ‘Apparently busloads of Zach’s fans arrived in the village late last night and descended on the farm, all wanting to get a glimpse of him.’

  ‘They’ll be disappointed then – he stayed at Rory’s last night.’

  ‘Thankfully, he did. But Isla and Drew had to call in the police to remove some of the more crazed fans.’

  ‘It was that bad? You wouldn’t think one person could cause so much chaos,’ said Allie, taking a sip of her tea and wondering if this would become the norm for Rory too.

  ‘And that’s not all. Your dad has already been out walking Nell and reported the surgery has metal fencing erected all around it to stop fans from trampling all over Stuart’s front garden. We all know how seriously he takes his gardening.’ Meredith gave her daughter a knowing look. ‘So with all this palaver going on I’m just making sure we have extra provisions in the fridge. No doubt the teashop will be run off its feet too. Chaos has descended once more on our little village,’ she exclaimed in a dramatic tone.

  ‘I’m here to help all day so we should be fine.’

  ‘Here? Why aren’t you at the surgery? Surely you want to be in on the act?’

  Allie shrugged. Rory hadn’t even invited her along to the filming, he’d been so wrapped up with Zach last night.

  ‘I don’t want to get in the way.’

  Meredith looked at her daughter and perched on the end of the bed. ‘Why would you be in the way?’

  Allie shrugged again.

  ‘Come on, what’s the matter?’ Meredith’s tone was gentle.

  Allie blew out a breath and placed her mug back on the bedside cabinet. ‘Rory’s thinking of leaving for Africa.’

  ‘Rory’s leaving for Africa?’ Meredith gave her daughter an inquisitive stare. ‘What are you talking

  Allie explained all about the charity Rory had supported since university and the fact that it was still something he was passionate about.

  ‘Zach has offered him a fantastic opportunity, which I know he would be mad not to take up, but it’s for twelve months.’

  ‘Twelve months,’ repeated Meredith, now realising why Allie was so subdued. ‘And I’m assuming you aren’t feeling too happy about it?’

  ‘Yes … no … I don’t know. I’m scared, Mum. I’m scared it’s going to catapult us both in different directions.’

  Meredith paused before she spoke next, knowing exactly how her daughter was feeling, ‘Look at me and your dad. All those years ago, before we settled here, your dad had to take a job at the other end of the country and we were separated for a short time because we were locked into the contract on the place we rented. Your dad bunked in with a mate whilst I felt like a single mother. It was hard being apart for over six months, but it’s all about trust and believing in your relationship.’

  Allie nodded. She knew exactly what her mum was saying and that things had been tough for them, but they were the strongest couple she knew.

  ‘It just feels like everything is changing fast.’

  ‘It can feel that way at times, but that’s life, Allie. So strap yourself in and embrace the ride and look for the positives.’

  Meredith knew that moving around and dragging Allie from pillar to post in her early childhood had caused her anxieties. She hadn’t been a confident child and her self-esteem had taken a hit because of the constant moving of school and the pressure of making new friends.

  But since working in the pub Allie had grown much stronger. She was self-assured and fun to be around, because she was familiar with the environment and felt comfortable surrounded by people she knew.

  ‘Are you going to go for this interview in Glasgow?’ Meredith asked.

  Allie finished her tea. She didn’t know what to do. Everyone was willing her to go, to succeed, but the thought of being on her own in a strange city frightened the life out of her.


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