Cozy Christmas Murder

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Cozy Christmas Murder Page 35

by Summer Prescott

  Liar, liar! You told Sheriff Morgan you never saw Ophelia.

  “And what about you?” Chloe said looking at me.

  “Me? After my ski lesson with Andrew, I skied the bunny slope awhile. Then I went into the chateau and grabbed a sandwich before heading to the condo. I think I got to the condo around one-thirty.”

  “Oh,” Helen said. “So you probably heard me come in a few minutes later?”

  Was that fear or hope I heard in her voice? I couldn’t tell.

  “So really,” Margot sniffed, “any one of you had ample time to put the ice axes in the chimney.”

  “Yes,” I said, glaring at her, “I suppose you did have plenty of time, Margot.”

  Margot and Chloe let out identical gasps. Had the situation not been so serious, it would have been funny.

  “How dare you accuse me of this!” Margot shouted indignantly.

  Helen held up her hand. “Let’s not fight. I think we’re jumping to conclusions. Never once did Sheriff Morgan say to me that we were all suspects.”

  Well, he more than hinted that very thing to me.

  “Holly and I are going skiing right now,” Ophelia said. “Were you all planning on going to tonight’s event?”

  Bitsie and Helen looked at each other and then nodded their heads.

  “Well?” Ophelia asked Margot. “Are you and Chloe going?”

  “Yes,” Margot all but spat.

  Helen twisted her hands in front of her. “We should probably do what Sheriff Morgan said and all stay together.”

  “Fine,” Margot relented. “How about we meet upstairs around six?”

  We all parted ways and Ophelia and I went into our bedroom. I gathered up my notebook and flipped to the suspects and motive chart. “There are some outright lies, and some huge holes in everyone’s story.”

  Ophelia nodded. “I know.”

  “For starters, Margot and Chloe were not on the mountain the whole time skiing.”

  “I know. We need to find out where they were. Even Chloe lost track of Margot at some point in the afternoon.”

  I pursed my lips and saw nothing but huge holes in everyone’s timeline. Finding a way to fill in the gaps was going to take quite a while. “Also, Bitsie told us she skis, yet she told the Sheriff she didn’t.”

  “That’s true,” Ophelia said.

  “So she should probably know what an ice axe is.”

  “True again. But she’d never met Andrew before. It makes more sense for his murderer to be someone he knew.”

  “You mean either Margot or Chloe?”

  Ophelia nodded. “Yes. Or Clive.”

  I smacked myself in the forehead. “Of course! I’m the one that keeps mentioning him. I need to put him on the list and see what’s going on between him and Margot.”

  “We’ll feel out Clive tonight at the party,” Ophelia said. “Just remember, we need to be very careful from here on out. Now, put that notebook away and let’s hit the slopes.”


  “Let’s cut through the back path tonight,” Helen said as the six of us walked out of the condo’s front door. “I love looking at all the decorations and lights.”

  “Me, too,” I said.

  We crossed in front of the condo then made an immediate left at the end of the house. The three-foot American Holly hedges lining our condo and the condo next door were covered in freshly-fallen snow and Christmas lights. The air was crisp and cool.

  At the back of the condo we paused and kicked off the snow that covered our boots. To the left was the bunny slope, now dark and quiet. A life-sized, white Santa sleigh with two reindeer covered in Christmas lights sat next to the first of many old-fashioned light poles that lined both sides of the wide pathway that would lead to the chateau. We took a right and stepped onto the snow-packed path. Christmas music was softly playing through the outdoor speakers. Ophelia wound her arm through mine and hummed along with the music.

  Even though the last forty-eight hours had been harrowing, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else than right there in that moment with my best friend. This would definitely be a Christmas for the record books.

  “You know that elf guy I gave my digits to?” Ophelia asked.

  “Yes,” I laughed, already knowing where this was heading.

  “He texted me today. We’re gonna try and sneak in some alone time tonight.”

  I shook my head and smiled. “Be careful.”

  Ophelia laid her head on my shoulder. “Always. Merry Christmas, Holly.”

  The thousands of lights that encircled the enormous chateau were shining bright as we made our way up the steps and into the estate. I wasn’t sure if the flutter in my stomach was excitement for tonight’s activities, or anticipation of finding and interrogating Clive.

  “Oh, look,” Ophelia said as she dragged me to a nearby table, separating us from the other girls. “We can make our own adult hot chocolate.”

  A large, silver dispenser and white mugs sat on the left side of the enormous table. The rest of the surface was covered with different liqueurs, marshmallows covered in chocolate and sprinkles, and containers holding candy canes, chocolate chips, and cans of whipped cream.

  “I’m going to put peppermint liqueur and crushed candy canes in mine,” Ophelia said as she started filling her mug and working her way down.

  I eyed the table then made up my mind. “I’m going to put butterscotch liqueur and whipped cream in mine.”

  “Yummy.” Ophelia snagged a chocolate-dipped marshmallow and shoved it in her mouth.

  We got our drinks and mingled with the crowd of people packed into the chateau’s front rooms. There was a Karaoke machine set up in a corner where over a dozen people were huddled, listening to the latest crooner. In another corner, Christmas Bingo was jam-packed with participants anxious to yell out they were winners.

  Ophelia gently nudged me. “Look, it’s Clive.”

  Clive Wellington was standing behind the check-in counter, slowly surveying the room, smiling at guests. His red sweater hung nicely on his thin frame, and was a striking contrast to his blonde hair and blue eyes.

  “Do we dare go now and talk with him?” I asked.

  Ophelia didn’t say anything, just grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her. Clive’s eyes widened slightly when he saw us bearing down on him. He suddenly looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.

  “Clive,” Ophelia said enthusiastically as she set her mug down on the counter, “good to see you. Everything looks lovely.”

  He gave her a tight smile. “Thank you. The chateau does a great job of providing all guests with myriad of choices for activities.”

  Spoken like a true manager.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?” he asked.

  “We were looking for Margot,” Ophelia said. “Have you seen her?”

  Clive’s nostrils flared. “No. Why would I know where she’s at? I’m sure she’s with Chloe.”

  “I’m sorry,” Ophelia said feigning innocence. “I thought you guys were a couple.”

  “Margot and me? Why would you think that?”

  Ophelia leaned in conspiratorially. “Well, Holly here said she saw you and Margot…well, having a rather heated, intimate discussion last night before we went on to perform in the talent show. I just took it to mean you guys were together, and you might know where she was tonight.”

  Clive’s lips thinned. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, that wasn’t you last night?” I asked.

  Clive looked quickly around the room before he spoke. “Yes, it was me last night. No, we aren’t officially dating.”

  Ophelia crinkled her nose then made a clucking sound with her tongue. “Lovers spat last night?”

  “Is there a purpose for your questions?” Clive asked through clenched teeth.

  Ophelia emphatically shook her head, her dark hair moving slightly. “No. Like I said, we were just looking for Margot.”

“We’re good friends and that is all. Margot has been best friends with my sister for years. Any relationship we have is strictly platonic.”

  Oh, please!

  “Whew! That’s good to know,” Ophelia said as she picked up her mug and turned to leave. “Because I’d hate to think you and Margot were fighting last night over how she’s been throwing herself all over Andrew. And then minutes later Andrew would have the unfortunate luck to be murdered.”

  Ophelia had her back to Clive, so she didn’t see the anger and rage that flashed in his eyes at her words.

  But I did.


  * * *

  “Psst, Holly.”

  In the dark recesses of my mind, I could feel someone trying to pull me from my sleep. I had a momentary sense of déjà vu. I rolled over, hoping to escape my current mortal enemy.

  “Holly,” Ophelia said exasperatingly. “Get up. It’s almost nine o’clock.”

  I groaned and told myself I couldn’t kill my best friend…especially a day after Christmas. “But I didn’t get to bed until late, remember? After the social last night, you wanted to stay for the late-night dancing. So that put me in bed around midnight. I hate going to bed around midnight.”

  “Geez, you’re always so whiny in the morning. Get up!”

  I didn’t tell her the three Jack Frost cocktails I had while she danced into the wee hours of the night were probably not a good idea. I’d keep that little secret to myself.

  I pulled the covers up higher on my body. “What’s on our agenda for today that we need to be up so early?”

  “I thought we might do a little after-Christmas shopping in town.”

  I opened one eye and peeked at her. “Really?”

  “Okay. Maybe I thought we could do shopping and see if anyone remembers seeing Bitsie and Helen in town Saturday afternoon.”

  I sighed. I knew she was right, we needed to get up and go investigate. However, my head wasn’t currently up to the task.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Ophelia said, peering down within an inch of my face. “You don’t look too good.”

  I gave her a shove and sat up. “Nothing. I just need some water. This altitude is killing me.”

  I could tell by the look on her face that she didn’t believe a word I said. “Fine. I’ll go get you some water while you get dressed.”

  “Coffee,” I croaked.


  I waited until after she’d left to stick my tongue out at her.

  Groaning, I threw the covers off me and started setting out clothes. I then cracked open my door to see if anyone was in the restroom. Coast was clear. I finished my morning routine in fifteen minutes, then scooted back inside my bedroom to get dressed.

  “Water’s on the dresser,” Ophelia said as I closed the bedroom door.


  I took a huge gulp, grateful for the cold, soothing liquid. Even though coffee would have been better. I threw on black skinny jeans with a hideous Christmas sweater complete with dancing Santa and reindeer. I zipped up my boots then stood up with my arms out ready for appraisal.

  “That’s absolutely hideous,” Ophelia said.

  I smiled. “It’ll help me blend in. I look all sweet and Christmas-like. No one will think twice about answering our questions.”

  Ophelia gave me a wry look. “If you say so.”

  We grabbed our purses then headed upstairs. Helen and Bitsie were in the kitchen making breakfast.

  “Hey, you two,” Helen called. “Do you guys want some breakfast?”

  “No thanks,” Ophelia said. “Holly and I are going to go into town and see what Christmas sales are going on. We’ll grab some coffee and a snack at a café.”

  “Have fun,” Bitsie said as we walked out the door.

  The ride to Winterdale was short, and a few minutes later we were slowly creeping along the two-lane road straight through town. According to the sign, Winterdale boasted over twenty-five thousand people. We passed day spas, high-end boutiques, tourist shops, coffee shops, bars, and countless other merchants flooding the downtown portion of the town. Overall, Winterdale definitely had a young vibe to it thanks to the local university.

  “It’s not like this is Kansas City,” I whined to Ophelia as visions of me still sleeping permeated my brain. “No one is going to be fighting for after-Christmas sales.”

  “I wish I knew what stores Bitsie and Helen had gone into,” Ophelia said, ignoring my remark and pulling into an empty space on the square.

  Our first stop was a high-end boutique that sold trendy clothes we could never afford on a teacher’s salary. We made small talk with the girl behind the counter as we rummaged through locally made jewelry.

  “We’ve enjoyed our stay here at the Chateau and Ski Resort,” Ophelia said as she dug in her purse and took out her cell phone. “Despite the tragedy that happened, we’ve made new friends.”

  “I heard about what happened,” the young girl said. “I didn’t know the man who was killed, but it’s still such a tragedy.”

  “Here’s a picture of some of us girls who are staying in a condo,” Ophelia said, handing her the cell phone. “That’s our first night together.”

  The girl took the phone and looked at the picture, smiling at the four of us toasting to a good night. “Looks like you guys had fun.”

  “I think the girls in the photo are from this area,” Ophelia lied. “Do you know them?”

  The girl looked closer then shook her head. “I’ve never seen them before.”

  “Well, they said great things about this store,” I said. “You have beautiful pieces.”

  We offered a few more pleasantries then went to the next store—another dead end. In fact, we hit a wall at every store we went into. Either Bitsie and Helen hadn’t left a lasting impression on anyone, or the workers that we spoke to weren’t on duty Saturday afternoon…because no one remembered seeing Bitsie or Helen.

  “I say you make good on the promise of coffee and pastry,” I said, noting the time on my cell phone. “It’s a little after eleven and I haven’t eaten today.”

  Ophelia chuckled. “Fine. Let’s find a coffee shop.”

  I scanned the stores on the square, my eyes making instant connection with a coffee shop across the street. I took off at a near sprint, practically tasting the double-shot mocha already.

  The tinkling of a bell overhead alerted the lady behind the counter of our presence. A slightly overweight woman with short brown hair greeted us. “Welcome to Katie’s Coffee Shop. I’m Katie. All our Christmas pastries and cookies are on sale today. Take your time and order when you’re ready.”

  I sauntered over to the display case and took in all the goodies. On the sale rack were cranberry scones, candy cane cupcakes, and gingerbread men. You didn’t have to twist my arm.

  “I’ll take a cranberry scone, a gingerbread man, and a large mocha.”

  Ophelia snickered. “Hungry much?”

  I shot her an evil eye. “I’ve been needing this for hours. You’re the one that dragged me out of bed to go shopping.”

  Katie smiled as she started the process for my mocha. “Are you girls staying at the chateau?”

  “Yes,” I said over the hiss of the coffee machine. “We’ve really enjoyed our visit.”

  “A shame about that young man dying.” Katie loaded the top of the cup with mounds of delicious whipped cream. “Sprinkles?”

  “Goodness yes,” I laughed. I’d never been offered Christmas sprinkles on my mocha before.

  “Did you know him?” Ophelia asked as she pointed to the gingerbread man she wanted.

  “I’m afraid so. I’ve lived in Winterdale for about twenty-seven years now. Hard not to know everyone.”

  Ophelia perked up at that response and dug out her cell phone once again. “Holly and I are staying in the condos at the resort, and we’ve had such a great time. Here’s a picture of our first night together.”

  I noticed she didn’t menti
on Bitsie or Helen being in the photo.

  Katie took the cell phone and frowned. I took this for a good sign.

  “You might recognize the other girls in the photo. They’re at the condo, too. I think they came in town on Saturday and went shopping. They’re both from Colorado Springs.”

  “Colorado Springs, you say?” Katie continued staring at the picture.

  “Yes,” I said. “One of them is from Wyoming, and the other was born and raised in Colorado Springs.”

  “Oh,” Katie said as she handed the phone back to Ophelia. “That’s so strange. I waited on them both Saturday, and I swear I knew one of those girls. But I guess not.”

  My heart skipped at her words. She thought she knew one of them…but that made no sense. Bitsie and Helen had both claimed this was their first time in Winterdale.

  “Which one?” Ophelia asked.

  “This one,” the woman said pointing. “Only she looks different. When she used to live here and attend the university, she was a lot heavier and her hair looked nothing like that.”


  * * *

  “This is so not good!” I exclaimed for the third time on our way back to the resort. I couldn’t help it. My mind was having a hard time putting the pieces together.

  “Obviously Helen has been lying to us the whole time,” Ophelia said as she pulled onto the blacktop highway that would take us to the resort.

  “I’ve always said something weird was going on with those three girls. I think Helen is the girl that Margot and Chloe were making fun of the first night we arrived. Which leads me to believe that maybe Helen is here for more than a little Christmas skiing.”

  “But murder?” Ophelia asked. “I have a hard time picturing that. She seems so meek.”

  I scoffed. “That could just be a ruse. I’m thinking she somehow found out Andrew was back and she decided to make her move.”

  Ophelia shrugged. “I suppose that could be true. I don’t think we can believe anything Helen has told us so far.”

  “Exactly. Do we really think she was sitting in the condo, alone, for over two hours Saturday afternoon? I don’t think so.”


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