CAPTIVE ON THE FENS a gripping crime thriller full of twists

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CAPTIVE ON THE FENS a gripping crime thriller full of twists Page 28

by Joy Ellis

  She gave a helpless shrug. ‘It’s like you just said, I always hoped.’

  He held his arms out to her, and she fell into them with a sob. In that instant, he knew that he’d been right to hold on, to put up with the terrible suffering. It would take time, he knew, he was no fool, but surely, if they could each pull through alone, then they would damn well pull through together.


  Joseph looked around. The gathering for the engagement was verging on the surreal.

  Niall and Tamsin had said it was to be a casual drop-in/drop-out affair, to accommodate their colleagues working shifts, but it seemed that everyone had stayed. The room was full of guests, all drinking, eating, talking and laughing.

  The surreal part was the mix of people.

  Eve Anderson was laughing with the pathologist, Rory Wilkinson. Niall’s sister, who worked at a seal sanctuary, was in deep conversation with Superintendent Greg Woodhall. Mickey Leonard was happily chatting to the custody sergeant, and that was really weird. Dave was having a friendly joke with a friend of Tamsin’s, who looked more like an eco-warrior than a party guest. And Nikki had been cornered by a couple of probationer constables, eager to hear what sort of advanced technique she had used to run the Lexus off the road.

  The only two who were glued together were Cat Cullen and Ben Radley, and Joseph wondered if they might be the next ones to be celebrating.

  Tamsin swept up to him and clung onto his arm. ‘No Jessie?’

  ‘They sent their love, but it’s a bit too soon for Graham to be in a crowd like this.’ Joseph looked around. ‘Where did all these people come from? The nick must be empty!’

  ‘Search me, Dad. I sent out ten invites — methinks my husband-to-be is a popular man.’

  ‘He is.’ Joseph smiled at his daughter. ‘I am so very pleased for you, sweetheart.’

  ‘It’s going to be okay, you know that, don’t you?’

  ‘I do now. You make a wonderful couple.’ He took her arm and steered her to a couple of empty chairs. ‘I haven’t mentioned this before, but as an engagement present, I’d like to help you with the deposit on your new home. I’m telling you this first, because I want to make sure that I’m not doing the wrong thing. I know Niall is a proud lad and he wants to provide the best for you, and the last thing I want to do is upset him.’

  Tamsin hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Dad, that’s wonderful! And you won’t offend Niall, I promise you, he’ll consider it a huge compliment that you want to help us.’

  ‘Good, then keep it quiet for now, and I’ll tell you both together.’

  ‘And I’ll act so surprised!’ She looked at him. ‘Speaking of being surprised, someone who obviously wanted to remain anonymous has put a large sum of money behind the bar. You wouldn’t have anything to do with that as well, would you?’

  ‘No, Tam, sorry. Not me this time.’

  ‘Mmm, then I need to do some sleuthing. Although I do have my suspicions.’ She kissed him again and ran off to join Niall and his brothers.

  ‘She looks so beautiful, and so happy.’

  He turned to find Nikki staring after his daughter. Her eyes were misty, and he knew that she was thinking of Hannah. He slipped his arm around her waist. ‘Yes, yes, she does. I never dared to believe this day would come.’

  ‘But it has, and I can’t tell you how pleased I am for you. It must feel like it’s taken forever, but you really do have your daughter back.’

  Now it was his turn to wipe a tear from his eye.

  ‘Joseph? It’s been a very long time, hasn’t it?’

  He turned to see his tall, elegantly dressed ex-wife watching them.

  ‘Well, introduce me, Joseph. This has to be the famous Nikki Galena!’

  Joseph stared from one to the other and coughed. ‘Of course, sorry, Laura, meet Nikki, and Nikki,’ He gave a small shrug, ‘I think you probably guess that this is Laura.’

  They shook hands, all smiles and pleasantries, but the tension hummed between them. Joseph felt the chilly draft. Until this moment the party had been so relaxed, but now he wished he was out on the marsh somewhere.

  ‘Would you mind, Nikki? I’m terribly sorry, but I really need to interrupt. Joseph and I have a lot to talk about, and some arrangements to sort out, as it seems our daughter is about to marry.’

  ‘Of course. Take all the time you need.’ Nikki gave him a strange look. He was sure it meant, ‘Good luck, mate, looks like you’re going to need it.’

  * * *

  Yvonne Collins sipped her glass of wine and moved closer to Dave. He looked like he needed rescuing before he went off to join Greenpeace.

  ‘I was talking to Jessie earlier,’ Dave said, helping himself to a sausage roll. ‘She is taking extended leave to be with Graham.’

  ‘That’s good. They need some time together.’

  ‘I don’t think she’ll come back, Yvonne. Graham knows that he couldn’t do this job any more, not after what he’s been through, and I get the feeling they will move a long way away from here.’

  ‘Can you blame them? I would, if I had someone I loved like that. I’d go at the drop of a hat.’

  ‘Me too, but I’ll miss the kid. She’s not been with us long, but I really liked her.’

  ‘That’s life, my friend. But on a more serious note, what do you make of that?’

  She nodded her head to where Joseph and Nikki were talking to a tall, rather austere looking woman.

  ‘Ah, the ex has arrived.’ Dave stared, unabashed. ‘She’s beautiful, isn’t she?’

  Yvonne took another mouthful of wine and looked over her glass at the trio. ‘Sure, she’s beautiful on the outside, but . . . damn, I was really looking forward to this bit, but not anymore.’

  Dave stood beside her in silence.

  As they watched, Nikki walked away towards Eve Anderson. Just before she reached Eve, she glanced back at Joseph, and Yvonne and Dave both saw the look on her face.

  ‘Oh dear,’ said Dave.

  Yvonne merely sighed loudly. Then she said, ‘I could be wrong, but this does not bode well.’

  * * *

  Nikki and Eve walked together to the back of the room and found a quiet spot away from the hubbub.

  ‘I’ve just met Joseph’s ex-wife, Laura.’

  ‘And from that stony expression, I gather you were none too impressed.’

  Nikki shrugged. ‘She’s not what I expected, that’s all. I thought she would be, well, nicer, I suppose. Joseph always said how good she was with Tamsin, and she did pull out all the stops to help when the girl was in danger a while back, but, I don’t know, she doesn’t seem like the same person.’

  ‘Didn’t Joseph say something about things going wrong in her life? With her job and with her partner leaving her?’

  Nikki nodded.

  ‘That could be the answer then. People change when bad things happen in their lives.’ Eve looked at her shrewdly. ‘You don’t have to worry, you know. Joseph is a very astute man. He won’t be doing anything silly, have no fear on that score.’

  Nikki didn’t reply. She had sensed something about Laura, and she didn’t like it. She sometimes experienced the same feeling when working a case, and it always spelled trouble.

  She took a long swallow of her wine, then looked at Eve. ‘If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday break, where would it be?’

  Eve didn’t hesitate, ‘Santorini.’

  ‘Greek island?

  ‘In the Aegean Sea, one of the Cyclades.’ She smiled at the thought. ‘I went to so many places while I was in the RAF, but somehow I never made it to Santorini, and I’ve always regretted it.’ She looked enquiringly at Nikki. ‘Why?’

  ‘It should take a couple of weeks to get my desk cleared. Will you be free then?’

  ‘As a bird, but—’

  ‘I’ll book the tickets.’

  Eve stared at her. ‘When was the last time you had a holiday, Nikki?’

  Nikki opened her mou
th and then shut it again.

  ‘Come on, when?’

  ‘Hannah must have been about eight, I suppose. We went to Scarborough for a week.’

  ‘I thought as much. Work always came first, didn’t it? So why now?’

  ‘Er, because I’d really like to spend some time with my mother?’

  ‘And that’s absolutely wonderful, but is there another reason?’

  Nikki gave a brief glance over to where Laura was in deep conversation with Joseph. ‘Because it’s time I got away from Greenborough for a little while.’ She finished her wine. ‘Yes, Eve, it’s time for a break.’



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  The DI Nikki Galena books



  DI Nikki Galena Book 2



  Detective Nikki Galena’s friend and neighbour meets a tragic end but there’s more to his death than meets the eye . . .

  And someone terrible from DS Joseph Easter’s past is back . . .



  A vicious criminal is targeting DI Nikki Galena and her team. One by one he will hunt them down and destroy their lives, unless she can stop him first



  DI Nikki Galena’s close friend Helen Brook is involved in a serious accident where she is trapped in a collapsed cellar. After her hard-won recovery, Helen is still getting flashbacks to a man she says was down there with her and who confessed to a murder. But no trace of this man can be found.

  Then Helen tells Nikki that someone is watching her. But is all this in her friend’s imagination and part of her post-traumatic stress?



  "What if your mother was a serial killer?"


  A gripping standalone crime thriller by the best-selling author of the Nikki Galena series.

  Twenty years ago: a farmer and his wife are cut to pieces by a ruthless serial killer.

  Now: a woman is viciously stabbed to death in the upmarket kitchen of her beautiful house on the edge of the marshes.

  Then a man called Daniel Kinder walks into Saltern police station and confesses to the murder.

  Character List

  Detective Inspector Nikki Galena

  Nikki is a brave, honest and dedicated police officer who started at the bottom and clawed her way up through the ranks. Although once a loner, hardened by personal tragedy and some of the terrible cases that she has dealt with, the formation of a new, close-knit team has given her drive and enthusiasm.

  She is based in the Lincolnshire Fens and her ‘patch’ includes miles of agricultural farmland, massive stretches of dangerous marshes and Greenborough, a big market town with as many criminals as some urban areas. Nikki is divorced and her only child Hannah, died tragically in her teens.

  Detective Sergeant Joseph Easter

  Joseph had a middle-class upbringing, good education, went to university then left to join the military. He keeps this fact a secret from his colleagues as he became bitterly disillusioned after an operation went wrong and innocent people died.

  He has a quiet way and a calm, reasonable attitude, and he is completely unaware that he a very attractive man. After a dramatic first case with Nikki Galena, he is asked to join her team permanently, and now he lives close to Nikki on Cloud Fen. He is divorced with one daughter Tamsin, a girl who hated the thought of her father being a soldier and killing people. Initially Tamsin lived with her mother and had nothing to do with Joseph, but slowly they are rebuilding their father/daughter relationship. Joseph hopes that one day she will see just how much he has changed.

  DC Caitlin ‘Cat’ Cullen

  Cat is tough and shrewd and the most streetwise copper on the team. Since joining Nikki’s team she had redeemed a failing career and is becoming an excellent detective. Cat is a chameleon and works brilliantly undercover. Nikki recognises her skills and knows that she can trust her. One of Cat’s strengths is that once she gets her teeth into a problem she never gives up. Another is her keen interest in technology. She is fiercely loyal to her team and works closely with her older working partner, Dave.

  DC Dave Harris

  Dave is good old cop and a proud man who chose to hide serious family problems in order to cope alone. Nikki found out about his background, and does her best to help and protect him. He repays her by committing wholeheartedly to her team and brings with him a wealth of local knowledge and old-style intuitive policing.

  Superintendent Greg Woodhall

  Greg became superintendent after the retirement of Rick Bainbridge. He is another officer who worked his way up through the ranks, and has a lot of time and respect for the men and women who work with him. He has known Nikki since she was a probationer, and he also knows that she and her team sometimes operate outside the box, but more often than not, he chooses to support her. Greg does not suffer fools gladly, and where Nikki is concerned, he appreciates both her dedication to the force and her high arrest rate.

  Professor Rory Wilkinson

  Rory is the area’s Home Office pathologist, and after being closely involved with Nikki Galena in some terrifying cases, he has become her friend. He lives with his partner, David, and is happy to share the fact that he is gay with anyone who will listen. He has a wicked, dark sense of humour, but is fiercely intelligent and treats all the souls that end up in his care, with the utmost respect and sensitivity.

  WPC Yvonne Collins

  Yvonne has spent almost two decades as a uniformed officer on the streets of Greenborough. Although a highly decorated police woman, she loves being a ‘beat bobby’ and knows more about the town and the surrounding Fens than anyone else on the force. She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law, but relies on her good instincts that come from experience.

  PC Niall Farrow

  Niall is Yvonne’s crew-mate. He is young and enthusiastic but has all the right values. He is something of ‘Boy’s Own’ hero; loves his equipment belt full of gizmos, and is happy to get stuck in when needed. In becoming a police officer he fulfilled his childhood dream, and he loves working with the street-wise Yvonne. He is engaged to Tamsin, Joseph’s daughter.

  Eve Anderson

  Eve is Nikki’s birth mother. She never planned to tell Nikki about her love for Frank Reed, Nikki’s father, but a complicated case brought them together and the truth came out. Eve
was in the RAF and served with Frank, then she went on to work with the MOD. When she discovered that Nikki did want her to be part of her life, Eve moved from Conningsby to Greenborough, to be closer to her daughter.

  DS Ben Radley

  Ben is stationed in Derbyshire and has been haunted by one particular unsolved case for years. After a combined operation with Greenborough, and seeing the close-knit team that Nikki runs, he wonders if it is time he moved on. He, like Nikki, lost his only daughter and his marriage ended in divorce. He is a tough-looking man, but beneath the hard exterior he is a very sensitive and caring policeman.

  Glossary of English Slang for US readers

  A & E: Accident and emergency department in a hospital

  Aggro: Violent behaviour, aggression

  Air raid: an attack in which bombs are dropped from aircraft on ground targets

  Anorak: nerd (it also means a waterproof jacket)

  Artex: textured plaster finish for walls and ceilings

  A Level: exams taken between 16 and 18

  Auld Reekie: Edinburgh

  Barm: bread roll

  Barney: argument

  Beaker: glass or cup for holding liquids

  Beemer: BMW car or motorcycle

  Benefits: social security

  Bent: corrupt

  Bin: wastebasket (noun), or throw in rubbish (verb)

  Biscuit: cookie

  Bloke: guy


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