Herbert, George 134, 146
Hobbit, The 175, 197–198, 264, 277
Holy Trinity Church, Headington Quarry, Oxford 156–157, 359
Home Guard, Oxford 192–193, 196
Hooper, Walter xiii, 353–358, 363, 365, 367–369
Horse and His Boy, The 273, 282, 299
Idea of the Holy, The (Rudolf Otto) 288
Inklings, the 175–182, 194–197, 200, 204, 242, 249, 328, 353, 369
Irish Home Rule 4, 13, 94
Kaufman, Bel 322
Keble College, Oxford 56–60, 64
Kennedy, John F. 358–359, 379
Kilby, Clyde S. 368
Kilns, The 126–127, 161, 163, 192, 194, 245–247, 312, 324, 326, 328, 332–333, 338–339, 348, 350, 354, 356–358, 364
Kirkpatrick, William T. 6, 30–32, 35, 37–44, 46, 164, 266
Kreeft, Peter 370
Lamb and Flag, The (public house) 353
Last Battle, The 266, 271, 274, 282, 299, 300, 304–305
Lawlor, John 164–165
Lean, Edward Tangye 177
Leavis, F. R. 101, 311, 320
Letts, Winifred Mary 55
Lewis, Albert 5–8, 14–15, 17–18, 22, 24, 27, 30–31, 34–35, 40, 46, 54, 66–68, 71, 73, 84–86, 88, 95, 118–124
Lewis, Florence (née Hamilton) 7–8, 15, 20–24, 58, 96, 118
Lewis, Warren Hamilton (Warnie) 8, 14–15, 17–18, 21–22, 24, 25, 27–28, 30–31, 34–35, 37, 42, 71, 76, 95, 120–122, 124–127, 152–153, 155–157, 161, 163, 165, 176, 179, 192, 196, 240, 245–247, 249, 257, 259, 312, 324–325, 329, 332, 333, 337, 348, 350, 352, 354–360
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The 15, 138, 181, 256, 265–274, 278, 280–283, 292–296, 299, 303–305, 377
Literae Humaniores 80–82, 162
Little Lea 14–15, 17–18, 36, 121–122, 124–125, 161
Lloyd-Jones, Martyn 365
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 18
Lord of the Rings, The (J. R. R. Tolkien) 130, 181, 197–200, 246, 273–274, 279–280, 291, 352, 366
Lucas, J. R. 256
Lurgan College 6, 30–31, 40
Macan, Reginald 45–46, 89–90, 106
MacDonald, George 42–43, 141, 202, 270, 375
Magdalen College, Oxford 92–93, 109–112, 113–118, 127, 145, 162–167, 175, 196, 218, 248, 310, 314–315, 359
Magdalene College, Cambridge 311, 314–315, 356
Magician’s Nephew, The 23–24, 266, 272–278, 282, 299, 328–329
Malvern College 25–28, 30–37, 50, 53, 90
Martlets, the 61
Matthews, W. R. 207
Mere Christianity 172–173, 213, 218–229, 233, 255, 281–282, 290, 310, 318, 330, 364–365, 370–373, 377
Merton College, Oxford 127–128, 350
Merton Professorship of English Literature 175, 243
Miller, Molly 349, 357
Milton, John 163, 166, 189–190, 202, 225, 229–230, 292
Miracles 233, 252–253, 256, 260, 318, 323
Moore, Edward Francis Courtenay (“Paddy”) 57–59, 64–67, 70, 72, 75
Moore, Janie (Mrs. Moore) 58–59, 64, 67–68, 70, 73–76, 84–89, 92, 95–98, 100, 105, 116–117, 122–123, 125–127, 161, 194, 216–217, 245–248, 257, 259, 265, 333, 337
Moore, Maureen: see Blake, Maureen
More, Paul Elmer 139
Morris, William 62, 185
Narnia 10, 23–24, 158, 181, 190, 231–232, 237, 254–255, 260, 263–283, 285–305, 310, 328–329, 365–367, 376–378
Nesbit, Edith 269–270
“New Look” 103, 151
Nobel Prize in Literature x, 351–352
Norse mythology 29, 36, 128–129, 175, 197
Northernness 28–29, 36
Otto, Rudolf 288–289
Oxford Pastorate 250, 365
Oxford University 44–47, 50, 52–63, 79–83, 87–95, 98–112, 113–118, 127–129, 137, 162–169, 175, 177–178, 180–181, 191, 196, 206, 216, 218, 237, 239, 243–245, 247–252, 309–311, 314–315, 358–359, 369, 375
Oxford University Officers’ Training Corps 46, 53–56
Oxford University Press 177, 183, 194, 230–231, 248
Paradise Lost (John Milton) 56, 166, 189, 225, 229–230, 292
Pascal, Blaise 134, 138, 173
Paxford, Fred 312, 349, 357
Penelope, Sister 178, 345
Phantastes (George MacDonald) 42, 141
Phillips, J. B. 353
Pilgrim’s Regress, The 16, 158, 169–175, 277, 318, 368
Pittenger, Norman 241
Pitter, Ruth 178, 305, 321, 324, 330, 332
Place of the Lion, The (Charles Williams) 177, 183, 287
Plato 102–104, 189, 300–302
Pocock, Guy 169, 183
Preface to “Paradise Lost,” A 56, 189, 225, 229–230
Prince Caspian 274, 282, 299, 305
Problem of Pain, The 132, 196–197, 200–206, 222, 233–236, 259, 288, 292, 344–345
pseudonyms, Lewis’s use of 63, 76, 132, 343
Pullman, Philip 304, 376–377
Queen’s College, Belfast 40
Quick, Oliver Chase 217
Rackham, Arthur 28–29, 271
Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford 242, 341
Ransom Trilogy, the 42, 233–238, 255, 343
Reflections on the Psalms 317, 320, 328, 339, 341
Riddell Memorial Lectures, Newcastle 229, 231
Riez du Vinage 71
Rowling, J. K. 269, 376
Royal Society of Literature 244
Russell, Bertrand 235, 291
Sade, Marquise de 61, 107
Sadler, Sir Michael 106
Sassoon, Siegfried 63
Sayer, George 25, 75, 164, 321, 324, 356, 359, 369
Sayers, Dorothy L. 177–178, 217, 222, 246, 251, 334, 336, 375
Screwtape Letters, The 216–218, 232, 258, 282, 323
Shelburne, Mary Willis 331, 354
Silver Chair, The 282, 299, 301–302
Simpson, Diane 263
Socratic Club 251–252, 256–259, 277, 365
Somerset Light Infantry 65–66, 71
Somerville, Martin Ashworth 58
Space Trilogy: see Ransom Trilogy, the
Spenser, Edmund 12, 29, 178, 185, 190, 256, 288, 297–298, 350
Spirits in Bondage 61, 63–64, 69–70, 76, 80, 85, 201
Steiner, Rudolf 102
St. Mark’s Church, Dundela, Belfast 7–8, 41, 120–121, 287
Stott, John R. W. 211, 372, 373, 374
Surprised by Joy 25, 29, 31, 34, 36, 50–51, 96, 122–124, 133–134, 136–138, 140–147, 152–156, 318, 344, 355
Sutton, Alexander Gordon 58
Temple, William 206, 217
Till We Have Faces 124, 158, 219, 320, 328, 341
Tillyard, E. M. W. 189–190
Tolkien, J. R. R. 127–130, 143, 146–151, 155, 175–182, 194–200, 217, 229, 232, 240, 242–243, 246, 249, 264, 266, 270, 279–281, 309, 311–312, 320, 329–330, 337, 339, 350–352, 359, 369–370, 375, 376
Tynan, Kenneth 166
Voyage of the “Dawn Treader,” The 282, 291, 299
Wade Center, Wheaton College, Illinois 323, 368
Wagner, Richard 29, 73, 197, 271, 297
Wain, John 165, 181, 314
Walsh, Chad 218, 324, 363–365, 376
Ward, Michael 296–300
Warren, Sir Herbert 93, 111, 114–115
Waugh, Evelyn 17, 131–134
Welch, James 205–206
Wells, H. G. 17, 134, 233–234, 275
Wheaton College, Illinois 323, 368, 375
Whipsnade Zoo 152–156
William Collins & Sons (publisher) 367–368
Williams, Charles 176–177, 183, 194–
197, 230, 242, 249, 269, 287, 338–339, 375
Willink, Sir Henry 311–313
Wilson, A. N. 244, 254, 256
Wilson, Frank 109–110, 243, 311
Wind in the Willows, The (Kenneth Grahame) 289
Wynyard School, Watford 17, 26–28
C. S. Lewis – A Life Page 47