The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 38

by Altonya Washington

  “I’m sorry,” his dark eyes filled with genuine regret as he voiced the apology. “I was wrong to come at you with that. Especially tonight. I mean that.”

  She dragged a hand through her hair and yanked a few locks. “I just don’t need you feeling like I need you to explain. I was wrong for bringing it up in the first place. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  Quay brushed his thumb around the curve of her mouth. “That can’t be true when it made you so upset just a little while ago.”

  Ty couldn’t look at him and kept her eyes on her lap.

  He didn’t push. “Get some sleep,” he pushed a lock of hair behind her ear when he kissed her cheek. “Goodnight,” he moved back. “And don’t come downstairs in the morning. I’ll bring breakfast to you.”

  Ty only smiled and waited for him to pull the door closed. Then, she flopped back in bed and pulled the covers above her head.



  “Hi, you sound out of breath. I catch you at a bad time?”

  Mick switched the phone to her other ear. “Not at all, you caught me on my way out of the study. What’s up?”

  “I know it’s late, but-”

  “Are you kidding me? I’ve been on pins and needles waiting to hear something,” Mick cast a quick glance across her shoulder to see if Quest was near. “How’d it go?”

  “I tell you, getting this exhumation approved with the top brass almost sounded the end of things. But everything went through incredibly well.”



  “You found something.”

  “Mick every piece of physical evidence that was somehow separated from the official reports were found with Sera Black’s body.”

  “My God,” Mick felt a nauseous rumble float through her stomach in response to the woman’s news. “What exactly did you find?”

  “Let’s see,” Jill spoke as though she were looking through the evidence then. “Aside from the clothing from the night of the murder, there were samples- lab samples labeled all nice and neat… whoever wanted this information out of the way, wielded some mighty influence.”

  “How could Patillo have managed this? To hide evidence this way?” Mick asked.

  “From what I understand through conversations with members of the staff when he was C.M.E., the man ruled that lab like it was his own private kingdom. He had free rein to do as he wished- no questions asked. Not to mention the caretaker at the cemetery- Mr. Sawyer Reynolds. He and Patillo were old fishing buddies. It was probably no trouble at all for him to convince the man to… assist him in hiding the evidence. The only question now is, what or who could’ve persuaded Patillo to put his career on the line this way.”

  “Yeah…” Mick’s thoughts wandered. “How long will it take the get the evidence tested?”

  “I’ll get to work on it right away and call you ASAP.”

  “Thanks for everything Jill. We’ll talk soon.” Mick set the phone aside and thought over what she’d just discovered. She tried to shake off what she was thinking, but it wouldn’t go away. Again, the nausea roiled in her stomach and that time it sent her sprinting for the bathroom.


  Ty dressed in the private guest bathroom the next morning. She’d selected one of the lovely sundresses Quay had supplied her with. She had no idea the lavender chemise-style frock would favor her curves so adoringly, but it was too late to change then.

  “Tyke! Breakfast!” Quay called from the bedroom.

  Sighing resolutely, she headed down the short corridor which connected the bath and bedroom.

  “Will you join me?” she watched as he placed a food laden tray on the bed. “Looks like you’ve got enough.”

  “I’d planned on it,” he shrugged and gave her a lopsided grin, “but thanks for offering.”

  Silently, they took their places on the bed, Quay’s dark gaze was hooded as he watched Tykira move around in the dress. He cleared his throat and focused on selecting a muffin when she looked over and found him staring.

  “Thanks for making me feel so at home, Quay,” Ty hoped to dispel some of the heavy emotion in the room. “You’re quite the host,” she tucked her uninjured foot beneath her when she sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Truth is, I never entertained a houseguest before,” Quay shared, adding a few slices of cantaloupe to his plate.

  “Bull,” Ty sang, selecting a plate and fork then.

  “I didn’t mean I’ve never had a guest before, but I’ve never had one I’ve asked or even wanted to stay longer.”

  “Thank you,” she had to smile over the way he tried to smooth the admission.

  For a while the twosome ate in a peaceful silence. Then, Quay hissed a curse when he noticed the time.

  “Gotta bounce, Tyke. Another meeting with Holtz Enterprises,” he set his plate aside.

  “Oh,” obvious disappointment reflected in Ty’s stare. “Another meeting, huh?”

  “Yep,” Quay predicted the next question before she spoke another word.

  “Quay do you think I-”




  “Dammit,” Ty pounded her fist to the bed. “Won’t you let me finish?”

  “Not if you’re about to ask to go to this meeting,” Quay moved to leave the bed.

  “Please,” she folded her hand across his wrist to prevent him from rising. “Please Quay,” she scooted closer to him. “I’d just be sitting there. What harm could it do?”

  Quay shook his head, while watching her intently. He knew he was seconds away from giving her whatever she wanted.

  “Please,” she inched as close to him as she could.

  Losing all ability to restrain himself then, Quay was suddenly crushing her mouth beneath his. The surprised gasp she uttered in response, afforded him the opportunity to simultaneously deepen the kiss and position her neatly in his lap. Her casted foot dangled next to his trouser-clad leg while she straddled him. Quay moaned, when he felt her mound cupping and grinding onto the rigid, throbbing part of his anatomy that most wanted her attention. The kiss went on, growing deeper and hotter. Quay’s hands applied a penetrating massage to her hips and the small of her back. He settled her closer, groaning when Ty became a more eager participant in the kiss. Her fingers toyed with the open collar of his shirt, teasing the powerful chords in his neck before her hands curved around his broad shoulders.

  Quay couldn’t resist palming and fondling her breasts; manipulating her nipples to stiff peaks beneath the bodice of the sundress. He played in the heavy darkness of her hair as tirelessly as he splayed wide palms across her thighs. When he would have pulled away, she kept his hands where they were and urged them higher.

  “Tyke…” He broke the kiss to rest his forehead against her clavicle. “The nurse will be here soon. She’s got a key. I-I’ll see you later, okay?” he delivered his words quickly while gently easing her up and off his lap. Returning her to the bed, he dropped a sweet kiss to her forehead and left at a determined pace.

  Ty heard the front door close; she grabbed one of the apple walnut muffins from the platter and slathered it with butter. With a hearty bite, she chomped voraciously in a weak attempt to clear the encounter from her thoughts.


  “How’s it goin’?” Quest asked, when he’d pulled his brother aside following that morning’s meeting.

  “One night and I’m about to lose it. I have to keep reminding myself that Ty’s off limits… that way,” he grunted and shook his head. “I have to remind myself all the damn time. I want her Q. Boy, do I want her,” his gaze narrowed as visions of Ty lying naked in a tub of bubbles filled his mind. “But if her heart isn’t part of the package…”

  Quest didn’t hide his smile. “This is what I like to hear.”

  Quay shook his head, allowing his brother to gloat.

  “You think you can handle it?” Quest asked.

  Quay’s expr
ession then was skeptical. “Last night was the first night any woman ever spent the night in my house and woke up the next morning without having been in my bed.”

  “And it felt like hell?”

  Shaking his head at his brother’s question, Quay grinned. “Not hell. Not heaven either, but definitely not hell.”

  “Damn man, you’re growing up. I’m proud,” Quest pulled his twin into a bear hug and chuckled while Quay groaned.


  “Well, this is a treat,” Catrina Ramsey pulled her daughter-in-law close for a hug and cheek kiss.

  Damon Ramsey was next in line, bestowing his kiss to Mick’s cheek and forehead as he escorted her into the living room. “We were so happy to get your call,” he told her,

  “I know how busy you both are,” Mick squeezed her hands as she took a seat on one of the gold loveseats in the living room.

  “We’re never too busy for you, Sweetie.” Catrina said.

  Mick nodded. “Thanks, because this is something I couldn’t put off any longer.”

  Damon and Catrina exchanged concerned glances.

  “Sweetie is…everything alright between you and Quest?”

  “Oh!” Mick started, realizing how confusing her words may’ve come across to her husband’s parents. “No Catrina, no. No everything’s fantastic between Quest and me. This is something else,” her amber stare clouded again. “It’s something that’s not very pleasant, I’m afraid.”

  Damon and Catrina were silent.

  “Sera Black,” Mick noted the immediate change in the couple’s expressions.

  “Are there any new leads?” Damon cleared his throat.

  Mick told her in-laws everything, holding nothing back. She saved the announcement of the newly discovered evidence for last. When she told them how it’d been uncovered, Damon and Catrina were clearly stunned.

  “Obviously someone wanted that evidence out of the picture. I guess they- whoever they are, never intended on Raymond Patillo having a crisis of conscience on his deathbed,” Mick said.

  “And you want to know if we were responsible for the evidence being misplaced?” Catrina asked, her lovely dark face a picture of calm. “If we paid someone off in hopes of protecting our sons in the event one of them- or both of them- were guilty?”

  “I’m so sorry to come to you both with this,” Mick fiddled with the leather ties on her denim jumper. “And I’m not accusing or standing in judgement of anything,” she rambled, “but I have to know. If it helps, I can understand why this was done. I’m not a mother, but I know I’d do anything to protect my child.”

  “Well then, love I’d say you’ve already learned the first and most important thing about parenting,” Catrina reached out to pat Mick’s knee. “But honey, we didn’t do this,” she said before her expression tightened. “I didn’t do this,” she clarified.

  Mick and Catrina looked to Damon who graced them both with his appealing double-dimpled grin.

  “Love, I’d be the first to admit that I’d do anything-anything to protect my boys,” Damon addressed Michaela. “I’ve already protected them to a great extent,” he shrugged. “Perhaps it was wrong, but a parent’s love can be a powerful and sometimes misguided thing. Unfortunately, it never occurred to me to do this. When they told me they weren’t responsible for that child’s death, I believed them.”

  “Even though Quay was drunk, passed out and couldn’t remember a thing?” Mick probed.

  “Even then.” Damon admitted with a solemn nod. “Guess that makes us a couple of saps, huh?” he glanced at his wife.

  Mick smiled. “No, just a couple of loving and trusting parents.”

  Catrina elbowed her husband’s arm. “Uh baby, isn’t that loving and trusting stuff equal to saps?”

  The threesome burst into laughter, that greatly lightened the mood. Shortly, however, Damon’s expression darkened.

  “Even though we weren’t responsible, I think it’s safe to conclude that this was done by someone in the family,” he stated. “Only a Ramsey would have had the means and the motivation to pull off a cover-up like this.”

  “Who?” Mick’s gaze narrowed in confusion. “Who else would have reason to? After all, this hidden evidence; whatever it proves, would’ve protected Quest and Quay. That was your job.”

  Catrina and Damon exchanged glances over their daughter-in-law’s naiveté.

  “Sweetie in such a large family, it’s natural to protect one’s own,” Catrina said. “What affects one, affects all.”

  “You’re right,” Mick sighed, realizing the woman’s point. “I still wonder who, though?”

  Damon leaned back against the sofa he shared with his wife. “I got a good idea,” he said.


  “How are you?” Quay asked when he knocked upon Tykira’s bedroom door that evening.

  “Bored,” she snapped, without looking his way.

  “Nothin’ on the tube?” he asked.

  Ty shrugged, smoothing her hands across the arms of the thermal knit top of her PJ set. “I really wouldn’t know. This is only my first movie.”

  “Is that right?” Quay took a few steps into the room. “Because I know you watched the soaps earlier today so I’m pretty sure you’ve gone over your TV limit.”

  “Quay!” She whined, balling her fists on the bed. “I’m about bored out of my mind. What else do you expect me to do? I begged you to take me with you to the office this morning, remember?”

  “Yeah…yeah I remember,” his expression tensed as he tried not to envision the sultry scene that followed her request. “You hungry?” he asked, noticing her watching him.

  She softened. “I told the nurse, I’d wait for you.”

  “How’s pizza sound?” Quay pulled both hands from his walnut, trouser pockets when she nodded. “I’ll go place the order. Be right back,” he watched her snuggle down in bed before he headed out of the room.

  Out in the hallway, he prayed for more strength to keep his hands off her. He dutifully placed the order, took a quick shower and changed clothes in hopes that the food would be there by the time he was done. Just chatting with Ty could be dangerous. He was beginning to care less and less about the cast she sported.


  Tykira clapped when Quay returned to the room carrying a large square box, paper plates, napkins and a six pack of sofa. He set it to the night table when she made room for him on the bed.

  “I’ll just eat over here,” Quay motioned toward the easy chair across the room.

  Ty’s lifted a brow. “But you won’t be able to see the movie from over there,” she argued.

  Not wanting to call more attention to his uneasiness, Quay didn’t balk. He prepared two plates filled with three slices of the sinful, cheesy vegetarian pizza.

  “What is this?” he referred to the movie about to begin.

  “I hope you won’t be too bored. It’s a mystery movie marathon. Tonight they’re featuring Agatha Christie.”

  “I hope they start with a Poirot,” Quay was saying as he bit into a gooey slice of the pie.

  Ty watched him with an incredulous gaze. “What do you know about Poirot?”

  Quay leaned against the pillow lined headboard and smirked. “You’re surprised?”

  “Quite,” Ty shrugged. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a mystery lover.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know,” she took a swig of 7UP. “You don’t seem the kind to sit down to read a book much less sit still for a two, two and a half hour movie. Especially one that requires paying attention to more than sex or a series of explosions.”

  “Damn Tyke, is that what you think of me?”

  Ty helped herself to a bite of pizza and let her silence carry for a while. “It’s the way you’ve always been,” she had no regard for the stunned expression he wore. “Fast paced, wild, testosterone driven, that’s Quaysar Ramsey.”

  When Quay chuckled and shook his head, her brows rose inquisitively.

��You’re surprised? I’m sure I’m not the only woman who has that perception of you,” she ate heartily as she spoke. “You’re fun and incredible to be with- but only for a time. You’re not exactly a ‘long haul’ kind of guy.”

  Quay didn’t know why the description bothered him, but it did. Especially when it was Ty who held that perception.


  “Shh, shh…it’s starting,” she patted his arm, “looks like you’ll get your wish to see Poirot,” she said.

  Quay settled back and tried to focus on dinner and the movie. Murder on the Orient Express was first up for the mystery marathon. Unfortunately, he found that spending an innocent evening next to the leggy, dark goddess was murder on every part of his body. He wanted her every way he could take her. But, of course, she’d be expecting that-just that and nothing more meaningful. After all, he wasn’t a ‘long haul’ kind of guy.


  Tyke Designs had completed its work. The guys had agreed with Quaysar that it’d be best not to keep Tykira too much in the loop despite her repeated requests for information whenever she called in to the office. The construction crews, architects and interior designers were at peace with the final plans and she would only find new worries to interfere with her recuperation time. As the mechanical building and engineering of the train had already been underway, the group was looking for total completion within a few more months.

  Holtz felt that the rail’s maiden run, should be something special. They wanted the Ramsey clan on board along with everyone involved with the project. The Holtz Destiny; the name chosen for the train, would reside at the new Banff Tower in Canada. It was Holtz Enterprises’ plan to have all parties involved with the creation of the resort, to be on hand to enjoy the resulting vision. Needless to say, everyone was terribly excited and could hardly wait for the event to commence.


  A tiny furrow formed at Michaela’s brow as she turned onto her back. She moaned softly, feeling the caress of the sweetest touch. She arched upward, feeling her nipples being suckled and then bathed with lingering strokes. Unfortunately, the feeling that truly caused the furrow in her brow was the subtle roiling in her tummy. The discomfort grew more unbearable even as the sweet caress continued.


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