The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 40

by Altonya Washington

  The moment was as explosive as ever, but Ty could sense urgency in Quay that she’d never felt before. Tiny sounds of desire passed his lips and she was awed by the helplessness she heard in them. His head angled from right to left as if he couldn’t decide which way he enjoyed more. Ty felt as though he were trying to convince her that he was what she needed. Of course, she already knew that and the acknowledgement made her melt against him.

  Being in such close proximity to a bed did nothing to quell Quaysar’s more insistent hormones. They unnecessarily informed him that she was offering no resistance and that this was the time to take what he’d been obsessed with having. He whispered her name then, burying one hand deep in her thick hair while his other cupped a full breast straining beneath the fabric of the suede blazer that hugged her torso adoringly. When she pushed more of herself against his palm, he almost lost the strength to stand.

  Somehow, he managed to resist the irresistible. His hand weakened on her bosom and he broke the kiss to hide his face in the crook of her neck.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he told her in a voice that was as soft as it was deep.

  Ty trailed her lips across his cheek, hoping for just a bit more of his attention. He’d moved his hands, though and stood waiting for her to uncurl her fingers from the collar of his shirt. Reluctantly, she complied.

  Quay’s dark stare was knowingly intense. He smiled and watched as she focused her gaze to the carpeting beneath their feet.

  Ty didn’t move until she heard the door close behind him.


  Mick had been trying to decide between the two outfits she’d laid on the bed when the soft chimes of her cell filled the cabin. Stunned that the thing was even picking up a signal, she retrieved it from her leather tote. “Michaela Ramsey,” she greeted.

  “Mick? It’s Jill.”

  Michaela laughed, ecstatic to be hearing from her friend.

  “Is this a bad time?” Jill asked.

  “No, no it’s a wonderful time!”

  Now, Jill was joining in on the laughter. “I suppose any time is wonderful when you’re expecting a baby.”

  Mick rolled her eyes then. “I can see you haven’t heard of morning sickness,” she indulged in only a few more seconds of laughter before she sobered. “So tell me, can we get to the dirt now?”

  “We can.”

  “I assume you’ve had luck?”

  “You won’t believe how many times I’ve been stonewalled, Mick,” Jill’s grimace seemed to come through clearly in her voice. “No one wanted me to test that evidence and I tell you it was quite a chore in light of how dated it was.”

  Mick perched on the edge of the bed. “But you found something?” nervously, she eased her feet in and out of fuzzy bedroom slippers.

  “I did,” Jill’s voice clouded with disappointment. “Mick I um, honey I don’t think you’re gonna like it.”

  Mick felt a roiling in her stomach that had nothing to do with morning sickness. She couldn’t even open her mouth to ask Jill to go on.

  “There was semen taken from her thigh, skin from her nails and saliva from her chest,” Jill continued. “I was able to make a DNA match for two of the specimens- the saliva and the skin. Blood found on one of the pillows was a positive DNA match for the saliva. Thankfully, all the guys who attended the party were tested and that was documented in the file- preventing me from having to chase anyone down.”

  “Lucky break,” Mick murmured, “being that thorough. DNA testing wasn’t very common back then.”

  “Hmph, right you are. That’s why Patillo was so revered in his field- he tracked a lot of uncharted territory during his time as M.E. The man was a force and he took great pride in his work.”

  “Until the Ramsey money came calling,” Mick noted sourly.

  “Well in addition to the blood on the pillows, there were also trace amounts on the carpeting,” Jill said. “I couldn’t find a match among the boys at the party and when the murder occurred the two prime suspects were Quest and Quay-being the only ones on the scene when the police arrived. Like everyone else, they were fingerprinted and blood was drawn in light of the fact that a possible rape could have taken place. I even found the actual blood samples in the evidence box.”

  “I still can’t believe they were left behind and not buried with Sera,” Mick mentioned.

  “Well, there may’ve been a reason for that.”

  Mick closed her eyes. “Go on,” she said.

  “The blood linked to the saliva is a possible match to Quay.”

  Mick blinked. “Quay,” her heart sank.

  Jill sighed. “My theory is that the blood samples were left behind-not buried with Sera- as some kind of insurance. Some of the evidence buried with her body would directly link back to Quay. Keeping his blood sample in open evidence along with all the other boys at the party was smart. To bury Quay’s with Sera would’ve screamed set-up. This way protected the family from scandal but left the door cracked just in case someone had to be sacrificed...or vindicated,” she added as though the final possibility had just occurred to her. “It’s just a theory,” she added.

  “But why Quay and not Quest? Identical twins, identical DNA, right?”

  “Quay because he was at the scene of the crime at the time of Sera’s death. No one could or would put Quest there after about a half hour into the party. Everyone had gone by the time he says he arrived to find his brother passed out and the room trashed-and his story checked out in that regard.” Jill explained. “Additionally, there were witnesses that put him at the hotel sportsbar at the time of the murder given the recorded time of death. Unfortunately, due to the Ramseys penchant for…handling things, that alibi wasn’t given much credibility at the time. Due to the lack of hard evidence…”

  “No one was ever taken to trial, so confirming the alibi as truth or manufactured would’ve just been a formality-one nobody had time for.” Mick concluded, understanding then how Quay could’ve feared Quest may’ve played a role in what happened to Sera. “And now, thanks to me we’ve got evidence linking this to someone I really love a lot,” she expelled a shaky breath, “Jill are you sure about this?”

  “I’m afraid so, honey. I even ran the tests more than once to be sure. That’s another reason it took me so long to call with the results.”

  Mick pressed her hand to her mouth and forced herself to calm. “You said you linked two pieces of the evidence. The skin? Who did that belong to?”

  “The skin was a match to Wake Robinson.”

  “Wake?” Mick breathed, her mind reeling from the revelation. “I was beginning to think he’d been a scapegoat.”

  “Well I’m not so quick to point the finger at Quay either,” Jill cautioned. “Remember there’s still one key piece of evidence with no owner.”

  Mick nodded. “So what happens now?”

  “Now, the ball’s in your corner. I need you to talk to Quay. See if he can remember anything. The answers may be there and he only needs to unlock them. Whatever happened in that room, happened before Quest got there and Quay’s the only one who can tell us what that is.”


  Contessa Warren was already working her magic on the room. The myriad of stuffy business conversations mingling around the celebration cocktail party, seemed surprisingly less stuffy with County’s personal flare for gab.

  “Tell me, Ms. Warren, is your publishing company targeting any other wealthy families?” Marcus Ramsey asked when he wangled a private moment with her.

  “My company doesn’t target wealthy families, Mr. Ramsey,” County’s easy aura never faded. “In fact the majority of those families come knocking on my door looking to tell their stories. The book was my idea,” she admitted, her almond shaped eyes sparkling as beautifully as the row of sequins lining the scoop neckline of her curve-adoring crimson gown.

  Marcus nodded. “Your idea?”

  County smiled. “Mmm. I find your family fascinating, but I too can understand your des
ire for privacy.”

  Marcus kept a moderate reign on his tongue. Somehow, he knew his usual overbearing manner wouldn’t play well with the no-nonsense young woman he spoke with. “Ms. Warren, no family wants all their dirty laundry aired before the public.”

  “I can certainly understand that,” she agreed, leaning a bit closer, “especially with regard to your family’s situation and all.”

  “Situation?” Marcus inquired, something dangerous flickering in his dark eyes.

  “Sera Black,” County specified, her lips curving into a faint smile as she watched the man’s dark face turn ashen.

  Marcus leaned closer so that he was practically towering over Contessa. “I would suggest you watch how you throw that name around.”

  “That name may be thrown around a lot more before long, Mr. Ramsey. I’ve got a feeling a killer is about to be brought to justice.” She stepped back and fixed him with a gleaming albeit phony smile. “Good night Marcus,” she strolled on to find more interesting conversation.

  “Now there’s a young lady who doesn’t bite her words.”

  Marcus bristled when he heard Damon’s voice. “She’s just like her friend,” he told his brother.

  “Ah yes, my Mick’s somethin’ else, isn’t she?” Damon championed his daughter-in-law. “She’s got drive, spunk, courage,” he tirelessly boasted. “I got a feeling you’ll have the chance to see lots of that one day,” he clapped a hand to his brother’s shoulder.

  Marcus rolled his eyes and turned. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Damon pretended not to notice the man’s agitation. “I think your sons will gravitate toward those sort of women. Mine have.”

  Marcus smirked. “That’s because you never stressed that they marry well. A lady who befits having the Ramsey name.”

  “The Ramsey name?!” Damon bellowed and threw his head back to laugh. “A family who helps its members get away with murder.”

  “Damn it, if your sons were to blame you would’ve-”

  “What?” Damon inquired, his brother’s words having stopped him cold. “What’s really goin’ on here, Marc?” he breathed.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Marc scanned the semi-crowded lounge.

  “Nah,” Damon’s onyx stare narrowed as he shook his head, “none of that this time, Marc. I know you were the one who covered that evidence.”

  Slowly then, Marc turned back to his brother.

  “You didn’t know it still existed, did you?” Damon saw the confusion in his brother’s eyes. “Raymond Patillo,” he smiled when he saw Marc swallow. “You convinced him to misplace that evidence, didn’t you?” Damon asked, when Marc opened his mouth to speak and produced no words. “He didn’t destroy it, Marc, he just hid it with Sera’s body. Too bad for you, he wanted to clear his conscience before he died.”

  “Bastard,” Marcus sneered, “how the hell can you accuse me of somethin’ like that?”

  “Save it. I’m not buying, Marc.” Damon sneered right back. “Which one of your boys did it?”

  Marcus seemed to calm then and surveyed his brother with a critical eye. “You always looked the other way, Damon as far away from the family as you could. Especially when one of us was in trouble.”

  “Now, you can just stifle that shit, Marc,” Damon lifted an index finger in warning. “You seem to forget all the times I tried to cut corners to ‘help’ y’all hide your messes.”

  “Yeah D, I remember. But in family that’s a never ending task but you decided you didn’t want it anymore. I never made that choice.”

  “This is murder we’re talkin about, Marc.”

  “And you wouldn’t sacrifice one of your own any more than I would.”

  Damon searched Marc’s dark eyes with his. “Which one? Which one did it?”

  “So blind,” Marc shook his head. “You haven’t been able to see anyone or anything since you had those boys.”

  “They’re my children,” Damon reminded his brother in a tone of disbelief. “I want you to stop beating around the bush and talking in riddles. What the hell is going on?”



  Quest smiled, turning to the man who’d taken his arm not long after he and Mick parted ways inside the cocktail party. “What’s up, man?” he reached out to shake hands and pull the man into a quick hug.

  Fernando Ramsey’s translucent stare was fixed across the lively room. “Who’s that with Mick?” he asked, inclining his head just slightly.

  Quest turned, following the line of his cousin’s gaze. He sought out his wife, smiling as a hint of possessiveness crept into his eyes as they raked Michaela’s curvy form. Reluctantly, he looked on and nodded. “You mean, County?”

  “County?” Fernando parroted.

  “Contessa Warren, she’s Mick’s publisher and best friend.”

  “Who’d she come here with?” Fernando hadn’t taken his eyes away from the woman since she’d sauntered her way into the party wearing a dress that practically had his fingers aching to peel the slinky scrap of material off her body. Having a name to put to the piece of voluptuous eye candy; helped to ease the ache…a little.

  Quest frowned a bit, shaking his head. “I’m pretty sure she’s here on her own.”

  “Jesus,” Fernando only briefly managed to look away from the woman. She’d stirred his arousal by sight alone and every part of him wanted to uncover the rest of her talents.

  Quest smiled, taking keen interest in his cousin’s obvious anguish. “Want to meet her?”

  Fernando helped himself to another lengthy, heated scan of Contessa, “Don’t worry. I plan to.”


  A round of applause filled the room. Tykira had just arrived and the elegant bar lounge was alive with cries commending a job well done. From across the lounge area, Quay maintained his position at the bar and watched her bask in the success. He thought about all he’d put her through and how he’d darkened a relationship that should have been nothing but joy. Now, it was up to him to change things. Ty would be his, she’d believe in him again, he vowed to himself.

  “Playing shy tonight, I see.”

  Mick’s voice in his ear, brought a smile to his face. He squeezed her hand when he felt her rub his shoulder.

  Quay kept his eyes on Tykira. “Just trying to give her some breathing room.”

  Mick elbowed his arm. “Why now?” she teased. “Not in the best mood, huh?” she asked when he smiled tightly and offered no comeback to her question.

  “Not in the best mood at all,” he confessed.

  “Then I won’t feel so bad about sharing my news,” she smoothed both hands across her arms left bare by the wispy straps of her empire-waist gown.

  Quay turned, his inquisitive stare turned dark when Mick announced that she’d spoken with Jillian Red. Quay was stunned, but continued to listen as Mick told him everything she’d learned. For so long, he’d tried to believe it was Wake who’d really been solely responsible. Now, there was evidence. His own DNA was at the scene, not to mention the confirmation of a third party.

  “Do they suspect Quest?” He had to ask.

  “He was tested back then along with you, remember? No one from the party could put him at the scene before they left and then there was the alibi from the hotel restaurant..”

  “That was real?”

  Michaela shrugged. “My contact is about as thorough as they come. She was able to follow up with some of the witnesses-she thinks they’re solid.”

  “Hmph,” Quay closed his eyes as memory resurfaced. “A lot of people thought that was bullshit- even me. I was sure my folks cooked it up to shield him…from something he may’ve done to protect me,” he hid his face in his hands and breathed a relieved sigh.

  “Sweetie, do you remember anything, anything that happened before you passed out?” Mick’s amber eyes intently searched his onyx ones.

  “I can’t,” Quay grimaced then at how helpless he felt.

ick bowed her head, sending a slew of curls into her face. “Then, I’m afraid we’re all in the dark until Wake comes forward.”

  Only to himself could Quay admit that he was more than a little terrified to hear the man tell him what part he played in Sera’s death.

  “Will you tell Ty?” Mick smiled as she looked over at the woman laughing with Holtz executives.

  Quay shook his head. “Not tonight.”

  “Will you pull away from her?” Mick asked.

  Quay shook his head. “Not ever again.”


  Ty was waving off someone she’d been speaking with, when a pair of steely arms slipped about her waist.

  “Congratulations,” Quay spoke against her ear, loving the way she felt in the sleeveless black jersey dress. The V-neck bodice emphasized her stunning bosom while the uneven flare hem and open-toed sling back pumps accentuated the lovely length of her legs.

  Ty snuggled back against him, deciding to enjoy all the closeness she could.

  “I have to say it again Tyke, this train is unbelievable.”

  She fiddled with his tuxedo sleeve. “I’m glad you’re impressed.”

  “I was impressed before you drew one sketch,” he trailed his nose along her nape left bare by the elaborate updo she wore.

  Ty turned in his arms then. Instantly, she could see that all wasn’t well. “What is it?” she whispered.

  Quay shrugged, cursing her perception. “Probably just motion sickness.”

  “That was your worst lie yet,” she tilted her head as she watched him. “Come on, what is it?”

  Debating, Quay decided to keep quiet for the time being. “I will tell you everything,” he gathered her even closer. “I’m never leaving your side again. You’re never getting rid of me,” he vowed.

  Tentatively, as though she feared he would bolt, Tykira eased her hands across the crisp material of his jacket. “I never wanted to get rid of you,” she linked her fingers behind his neck. “You always seemed intent on leaving, though.”


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