The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 43

by Altonya Washington


  Tykira was waking, smiling as she burrowed deeper within the covers of the gorgeous king-sized bed with its royal purple dressing and champagne linens which was the basic color scheme of the elaborate suite. Snow trickled past the windows, reminding her of the morning she and Quay spent making love aboard the Holtz Destiny. Delicious smells wafted beneath her nostrils then and she saw Quay arriving with a silver food tray in hand.

  “What’s this?” she pushed hair out of her eyes as she leaned back against the bed’s cushioned headboard.

  “Breakfast. I hope you’re hungry,” he placed the tray upon the covers and took his place on the edge of the bed.

  “Well it sure does smell good. What is it?”

  “Something I hope you’ll love forever.”

  The strange comment brought a curious smile to Ty’s face. She observed the tray. A single red rose lay across two covered platters. A smaller platter sat atop the larger and Ty decided to check it first.

  “Quay,” she breathed, finding the breathtaking marquis cut diamond ring sitting on a cushion in the middle of the porcelain saucer. “What have you done?” she gasped as he took her hand and eased the silver band onto her finger. “Why didn’t you give this to me yesterday?”

  “Yesterday was so crazy,” he brushed his thumbs across her fingers he stared at his ring adorning her hand. “I wanted us to start today off better. Is this better?” he looked up, smiling when Ty giggled her agreement.

  When Quay pulled away, Ty noticed the drawn look clouding his dark face. Tilting her head, she cupped his cheek. “What is it?”

  Swallowing, Quay took her hand and kissed the center of her palm. “I need to tell you about Zara.”

  “No. No you don’t,” Ty had no desire to discuss the girlfriend he’d flaunted in her face during high school. “Why would you even mention her now?” she gave an uneasy laugh.

  Quay took both her hands firmly in his. “You need to hear this.”

  “Quay, no-”

  “Shh…” he urged, pressing a kiss to her mouth. “I need to say this, alright?” he gave her hands a quick shake and smiled when she nodded.

  “You remember us together?” he waited for the nod she reluctantly gave. “She went missing the summer after our junior year- do you remember that?”

  “Yes, Quay but why-”

  “I blamed myself for that.”

  Ty blinked, confusion marred her features. “But…why?”

  “The week I kept you with me, I was so desperate to have you,” he stared down at her hands as though the action were giving him strength to continue, “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you’d refused to stay. I knew that I was taking a chance even going there with you, but it was a chance I had to take.”

  Ty scooted up in bed and focused on him more closely. “Why’d it have to be a- a chance?”

  Quay squeezed his eyes shut, and then his jaw clenched and he looked up at her. “Because…two other girls I knew had already gone missing during our Christmas break Sophomore year.

  “What? B-but how?”

  “I don’t know,” Quay’s onyx stare narrowed as though he were concentrating. “At first, I only told Q about what I suspected. Then, we got Ma and Dad in on it. Q was sure the girls- both of whom had fathers working for Ramsey- just moved away or relocated because of something with the company. We checked with Dad and that wasn’t it,” he swallowed clutching Tykira’s hands a bit tighter. “Then there was you. Always there- always caring about me, even when I started treating you cold to make you want to have nothing to do with me. That week with you was about me taking what I wanted- what I’d wanted for a long time and knowing I could never have again.”

  Ty smoothed the back of her hand across his cheek. “Quay…”

  “Anyway…Zara,” he massaged the bridge of his nose. “Zara was always there too. She always made it known that she was available to us. I don’t know how many of us gave in to her, but I knew she’d be the perfect one to show you I was serious about it being over with you and me.”

  Ty leaned back against the pillows lining the headboard. “The way she used to hang all over you…I figured you guys had something really close.”

  “Close,” Quay grimaced. “Yeah, sexually and that’s all it was. Zara wanted it to be more. All of a sudden she wanted to be in love and I was the lucky guy. She was always telling me how she felt and wanting me to say it back, but I couldn’t and then…” he shook his head. “One day I was finally honest with her. I blurted out that I loved you- that all this was to make you stay away because it was safer for you. She asked if I cared about her safety, but she didn’t wait around for me to give an answer. I never saw her again.”

  “Quay…” Ty soothed, moving to her knees and leaning close to kiss his temple.

  “Then, there was Sera, a girl I’d barely known, was barely close to and she wound up dead,” he kept Ty close as he spoke the words. “The reason I’m telling you this is because I want you to be sure. I won’t lie to you. Having you in my life-letting it be known you’re mine- it still scares the living hell out of me.” His hold tightened around her slender frame. “I want you to be sure.”

  Ty inched back to look at him. “I’d rather live a full life with you, no matter how brief it may be,” she cupped his face when he winced at her words. “I’ll take that any day over some half existence without you. I love you, Quay- only you- only you forever.”

  The unease Quay wore vanished to be replaced by his dimpled grin. “Forever. You mean that.”

  Tykira settled herself across her fiancé’s lap and linked her arms around his neck. “You betcha,” she snuggled down within the covers.

  Quay followed and they spent the rest of the morning making love.


  Later, Quay had lunch sent up for them to enjoy in bed.

  “Quay?” Ty called, once lunch was done and she was arching into the erotic kisses he rained across her thighs.

  “Hmm?” His kisses grew wetter as they showered her mound.

  “Mmm…do you have any ideas about the wedding?” she managed to ask, talkative despite her present…enjoyment.

  Quay was exploring the sensitive folds of her sex with the tip of his nose. “You can have whatever you want. All I want is you for my wife,” he treated her to a lengthy stroke from his tongue and let it linger before subjecting her to a devastating rotation inside her moist heat.

  Ty’s lashes fluttered as she submitted to the sensual power of the act. Quay’s expertise made her orgasmic within minutes and it was quite some time before she spoke another word.


  “Could we have the wedding at your grandparents place in Savannah?” Ty asked once they took a breather to lounge and cuddle.

  “Are you sure, Tyke?” Quay’s handsome face was then a picture of stunned uncertainty.

  She shrugged. “Why not?” she raked a nail across his nipple.

  “That’s where things started to go wrong for us.”

  “I don’t see that,” she pushed herself up a little to look at him. “I see it as the place where my love for you reached a new level and now it’s happening again and I can think of no other place I’d want to become your wife.”

  “I love you,” he swore, pulling her close to kiss her again. “You’re about to be mine forever,” his hands skimmed her dark figure and he reveled in the way their bodies were a perfect fit. “I better start preparing this thing,” he said as though he’d suddenly been struck by an idea.

  “You’re going now?” Ty cried, already anticipating more of his touch.

  Quay needed no further persuasion to wait. He pulled Ty out of bed and took her to one of the armchairs set before the frosty windows. Taking his place there and having her straddle his lap, another sensuous scene ensued.


  Quest’s gray stare sharpened when he returned to the suite. He’d assumed Mick had been up and about hours ago and therefore hadn’t returned to the room. Finding
her sprawled out and asleep sent his concern mounting. He went to kneel next to the bed where he toyed in the dark curls covering her head.

  “Michaela?” he waited for her to open her eyes and focused in on them. “Are you okay?”

  “Mmm…fine. Just taking a nap. I’m fine,” she gave him a lazy smile.

  Quest leaned close and kissed the mole at the corner of her mouth. “Dinner’s in a couple of hours,” he told her.

  “Quest…” Mick turned her face into the pillows. The last thing she wanted to do was leave the reading that had proven to be so interesting. “Can’t I just eat up here?”

  “Why?” her simple request had triggered his suspicion.

  Slowly, Mick pushed herself up in bed. “I’ve been catching up on work I-I just didn’t want to break into it,” she watched him thumb through the material littering the bed. She snatched away the diary just as he reached for it.

  “What’s wrong with you?” his unsettling stare narrowed anew.

  “Dammit Quest!” She left the bed in a huff then. “I’m pregnant! Does that answer your question!” She raged, faking the hysterical fit and praying he’d buy it. “Jeez, I think I’m entitled to behaving strangely and completely not alright,” she hissed and folded her arms across the front of the burgundy empire-waist nightie. “Would you please leave me alone now? I promise to be ready for dinner.”

  Knowing it was completely useless to argue, Quest ordered his own temper to cool. Throwing up his hands, he left the suite muttering below his breath. Closing her eyes in relief, Mick flopped down on the bed and clutched the diary to her chest.


  Quaysar had sent out special invites to the members of the Ramsey family in attendance. One of the glorious top floor dining rooms of the inn had been specially prepared for the event.

  As promised, Mick was ready for dinner and sat looking lovely yet troubled a fact that didn’t go unnoticed by her husband. Quest sat directly across from her. Mick spent the better part of her time fidgeting with the asymmetrical collar of her tanned silk frock and staring blandly around the room. In spite of the fact that she’d barely spoken two words to the woman, Mick was grateful to have County seated next to her and chatting away. County’s rambling was perhaps the only thing keeping Quest from grilling her, Mick thought.

  County, unfortunately, was far from pleased. Her best friend was barely reacting to a thing she said. If there was one thing Contessa Warren hated was not receiving adequate reactions to her sly outrageous comments.

  “I’ll bet I’d get your attention if I ripped off this gown and pranced naked up and down this table,” she scoffed, folding her arms across the scoop neckline which emphasized more of her ample bosom. A moment later, County felt a soft touch brush the nape of her neck. Turning, quickly, she glanced up and froze.

  He has to be a Ramsey, she thought. She swallowed, knowing her words had deserted her when she studied the man whose magnificent caramel-toned face held her in awe.

  Fernando Ramsey leaned down a bit, his soothing fingers still brushing Contessa’s skin. “You may not have Mick’s attention, but you definitely have mine.” He said and then walked away as coolly as he’d approached.

  Thoroughly embarrassed, County was silent following the brief encounter. Thankfully, the guests of honor arrived. Quaysar and Tykira were the epitome of beautiful chic. Quay wore a gorgeous black tux with a three quarter length jacket that further defined his powerful torso. Ty was undeniably alluring in a figure flattering black gown with flaring long sleeves and thigh high splits on both sides. Open-toed black heels had straps that hugged and accentuated her ankles and toned calves.

  Quay helped his fiancée into her chair at one end of the long table and then took the chair opposite her.

  “What’s this about Quay?” Marcus had to know.

  “Patience Marc,” Quay urged, getting comfortable at the table.

  “Patience,” Marc retorted as though the words pained him to pronounce. “Is that what you told our clients when they asked how long we were going to wait before dining with them?” he leaned forward in his chair to rap his knuckles against the table. “It’s ill-mannered and bad for business to exclude our hosts.”

  “I’ve already spoken to them. I told them why we wanted time alone with the family.”

  Feeling foolish for voicing his criticisms, Marc let the subject drop without another word. “Michaela was watching the man so intently; she almost missed her husband’s gaze focused with equal intent on her.

  “Come on Quay, enough suspense. What’s up?” Yohan Ramsey asked his cousin.

  Quay’s right-dimpled grin flashed and then he was looking at Ty. “I finally wised up and asked the goddess at the end of the table to marry me. She said yes.”

  At once, the room grew lively as the sounds of best wishes and cheer filled the air. Quest even forgot his mood and bestowed congrats to his brother and future sister-in-law. Conversation and laughter filled the room. A short while later, the servers began to arrive with a hearty meal.

  Through it all, Mick was still quite unresponsive. County decided that enough was enough.

  “Does this have anything to do with the baby?”

  The question effectively pulled Mick from her doldrums. “The baby?”

  “Mmm hmm. You are pregnant, right?”


  “I mean, you’re sitting over there not talking to me, not laughing at my jokes. What? Don’t you like Tykira?”

  Mick rolled her eyes at the absurd question. “I love Ty. She’s exactly what Quay needs and the only woman he’s ever really loved,.”

  “Then dammit what the hell is wrong with you?” County practically hissed.

  “I know who killed Sera Black.”

  The hushed statement caused County’s hazel eyes to widen. “You know-but-but how? How did you find out? Have you called the cops? Do they have Wake?”

  “County Wake Robinson hasn’t done a thing except help keep a murderer free.”

  “Who did it?” County carefully pronounced the words as if Mick were dense.

  “I can’t say just yet.”


  “All I have is circumstantial evidence.”

  “Which is?”

  “The diary,” Mick watched County lean back against the chair. “Johnelle Black was right- there were two. But of course Sera couldn’t write down her murderer’s name in the diary so there’s nothing binding that links the murderer to her in that way.”

  County shook her head to relay confusion.

  “She was having an affair with a married man.”

  “Ah!” County bellowed, glancing across her shoulder. She was happy to find that all the other conversations in the room provided an effective cover for her and Mick’s words. “So much for innocent lil Sera. What?!” she cried when Mick slapped her thigh.

  “She didn’t deserve to die, County.”

  “Obviously his wifey didn’t think so.”

  Again, Mick looked toward the other end of the table. “It wasn’t his wife. In her diary, Sera wrote that she’d threatened to reveal the relationship if he didn’t leave her. If we can tie him to that semen evidence taken from her body, maybe…”

  County’s eyes narrowed almost to the point of closing. “It’s someone in the family, isn’t it?”

  “Everyone could I have your attention please?!”

  County’s question went unanswered as silence filled the room and everyone looked toward Quay who had spoken.

  “During our train trip here, I got a visit from Wake Robinson,” Quay allowed voices in the group to rise as a few expressed interest. “We kept it quiet, but we did have Moses and his boys on it,” he nodded toward his cousin.

  All ears and eyes were riveted on Quay as he divulged every aspect of the conversation he’d had with Wake aboard the Holtz Destiny. The family listened in awe as he spoke on the newly discovered evidence and how he’d remained hidden.

  “Dammit boy!” Marcus expl
oded just as Quay revealed to the group that Sera had been involved with a married man. “Look at the mess you’ve brought down on this family!”


  “Don’t West,” Marc ordered his older brother Westin Ramsey who sat further down the table along with his wife Briselle. “We’re gonna be shoveling negative press for the next ten years because of this!”

  “Shut up, Marc,” Briselle ordered, “if only there were a scrap book big enough to hold all the scandalous news you’ve been the center of over the years!”

  From then on dinner was a nasty, finger-pointing affair. The meal went unfinished as appetites were lost and everyone just wanted out of the dining room. Amidst it all, Quest’s entrancing gray eyes were trained on his wife. Michaela had barely noticed when they were virtually alone in the room. When; at last, she pushed back her chair and stood, he was right by her side.

  “Bedtime,” he announced.

  “Quest please don’t pull the overbearing husband routine right now, I-”

  “Then you’re ready to tell me why you’re walkin’ around here lookin’ like you just lost your best friend. You hardly ate a thing.”

  “Neither did anyone else,” Mick pointed out in a meek tone. She swallowed when a muscle ticked wickedly along Quest’s jaw.

  “I have no more patience left, do you hear me Mick? You say you’re not sick because of the baby, but I wonder about that. You won’t tell me what’s going on and I’m not about to take a chance with your health or our baby’s,” he sighed, letting her see his unease instead of agitation, “this is all new to me too, you know?”

  Bowing her head, Mick sighed acknowledging his right to concern. She said nothing more and let Quest lead her back to their suite. There, he undressed her and selected night clothes which he put her into himself. Then he tucked her in for the evening and seemed content with letting her be.

  Mick couldn’t stand seeing him so on edge and caught the hem of his tuxedo jacket before he moved away from the bed. “I have the other half of Sera’s diary,” she confided.


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