The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 78

by Altonya Washington

  Yohan’s desire mixed with anger to produce an explosive match. A second later, his mouth came crashing down on hers. A rough sound rumbled deep in his throat amidst the feverish thrusts of his tongue. The kiss was intoxicating and seeking in its possessive intensity.

  “Mmm,” Mel’s whimper held a helpless, needy quality. Her fingers tested the powerful length of his muscular arms, trembling a bit when they settled to the powerful, flexing biceps. A heavy, delicious tingle insinuated itself between her thighs. She could feel just the slightest trickle of moisture start to ooze in response to the arousal he could ignite with little effort.

  Yohan’s sleek brows were drawn close as he focused on kissing her. His hands curled around the hem of his T-shirt and he pulled it above her head. Mel gave a quick toss of her hair causing her coarse locks to bounce adoringly about her face. She felt on fire for him and gasped sharply when he pulled her high against his chest. Flesh to flesh the resulting sensation was a sizzling aphrodisiac.

  Yohan turned, holding Melina against the wall and simultaneously plunging himself inside her. Mel bit her bottom lip and uttered a trembling moan. The pleasure on pain was overwhelmingly erotic as his rigid arousal lunged tirelessly inside her.

  Mel curved her nails into his shoulders and allowed her airy, purely feminine cries of delight to fill the room. She wanted him to stop as much as continue, but didn’t have long to debate the issue.

  Yohan practically devoured her breasts in a savage display of suckling and nibbling. His hips moved in a slow deep rhythm; each time driving more deeply inside her. Then, a long shudder passed through him when his passion crested and he climaxed quickly.

  They held onto one another for the longest time afterward, before Yohan carried her with him upstairs for more.

  “Please Han,” Mel whispered, when he tossed her to the bed and followed her down. “I can’t… not now,” she moaned.

  Yohan grimaced and kissed her temple. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so rough with you,” he said, brushing his thumb across the swollen flesh guarding her womanhood. “Shh,” he urged when she groaned.

  “Han!” Mel gasped, reacting with a shiver to the delicious treat he began to ply her with. A soothing intimate massage dulled the raw ache she suffered and replaced it with a sweet sensation.

  Mel had no control over her body as she ground lightly against his mouth. Yohan held her hips in a loose embrace, moaning each time her movements allowed his tongue deeper access.

  Mel’s fingers disappeared into the tangle of covers. Her movements grew quicker, frantic almost in her need for the ultimate satisfaction. Yohan smiled, feeling her contract around his tongue when she was in the throes of a potent orgasm. Sleep followed quickly, but not before Melina felt herself drawn into Yohan’s secure embrace.


  Laughter and excitement ran high at Shepard’s Steak and Spirits when eight of Seattle’s most beautiful people walked through its doors one evening.

  Quest, Michaela, Quaysar, Tykira, Fernando, Contessa, Yohan and Melina roused scores of stares and conversation when they arrived gorgeous, talkative and ready for a wonderful evening on the town. The group had reserved a large round table towards the rear of the dining room. Of course, that did nothing to lessen the attention focused their way.

  The waiter received a twenty dollar tip just for saying good evening. He was promised there’d be more to come as long as he kept the drinks flowing. The dreadlocked college student uttered a prayer of gratitude when he set out to get the first round of beverages.

  The tingle of a fork against a crystal glass sounded shortly after the drinks arrived. Everyone quieted and smiled as Quest stood.

  “We’re here tonight to celebrate and toast and congratulate my crazy brother and his beautiful wife,” Quest began, his gray black stare narrowed as he joined in the laughter over his words. “They’re about to do something so incredible and so right. We’re proud of you and we love you both,” he said, winking at the smiling couple. “To Quay and Ty!”

  “Quay and Ty!” the group parroted, raising their glasses as well.


  “Have you talked to her yet?” Contessa asked Mick, once appetizers arrived. The mingling of conversations at the table camouflaged her question.

  “No, but I’ll try again after dinner,” Mick said, dabbing a napkin to her lips as she spoke.

  Contessa tried to bite her lip on her next question, but failed. “Wouldn’t it be better if you just waited until after the barbeque…after the baby comes?”

  “No it wouldn’t,” Mick retorted, watching County as if she’d lost her mind. “This can’t wait any longer. There’re more answers out there and I’m damned well gonna find them.”

  “And what about Quest?” County challenged, nervously smoothing her hands across the white V-neck racer back dress she wore.

  Mick glanced toward her husband who was laughing with Yohan and Fernando. “I gave my word that I’d see this through until the end,” she said, forcing a resigned smile to her face. “I realize I’ve done a half assed job of that.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Michaela focused on her best friend with a narrowed, determined glare. “I’m saying that if this is what I think it is, I want back on that book.”

  County clutched the sleeve of the black flaring blouse of Mick’s pantsuit. “Are you crazy? Quest would-”

  “You let me worry about him, alright?”

  “What if she won’t tell you anything?”

  “She will.”


  Dinner began and it was the only time silence thrived at the big table. The group dined on New York Strips, T-Bones and Rib-eyes with sides of zesty rice pilaf dishes, fresh steamed and deliciously seasoned vegetables, with moist breads and creamed butter.

  “The cooks here just keep getting better and better,” Yohan commended, tossing his knife to the empty plate that had carried a massive Rib-eye.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite,” Ty said with a sigh of delight.

  “I think that goes for all of us,” Quay said as a sly gleam sparkled in his dark eyes. “Except for Mick. She could probably eat a whole other T-Bone and Strip and Rib-eye.”

  Michaela simply raised her hand in a weary manner as her dinner companions roared with laughter. “I’ve run out of criticisms for all these bad jokes,” she said.

  “Bad jokes, but true statements,” Quay continued to taunt his sister-in-law. “Come on admit it, you want the cooks to throw another side of beef on the fire.”

  “Not at all,” was Mick’s prim reply, “but I am wondering where that damn dessert cart is,” she admitted, joining in when the laughter resounded again.

  “Well, well, it’s good to see everyone in such high spirits!”

  The laughter and good vibes floating around the table stalled at the arrival of the unexpected and unwelcome guest.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Stefan Lyons apologized.

  “Then walk away,” Fernando suggested.

  Instead, Stefan tugged on the diamond cuff links adoring his sleeves. “I only wanted to make sure everyone is coming to the party.”

  “Man why don’t you just tell us what the hell is up so we won’t have to waste our time on that crap?” Quay requested.

  Stefan’s easy expression froze on his fair complexioned face, but he masked it quickly with a smile. “Sorry my man, but it’s a surprise.” His gaze traveled around the table. “Whether you all take it well or poorly is up to you. I hope you all received the location change for the event?”

  “Speaking of which, why’s it at Ramsey?” Quest asked, idly fiddling with the cuffs of his own shirt as he spoke. “Who gave the go ahead to do this?”

  “Ah, forgive me Q, but telling you that would reveal too much of the surprise.” Stef feigned regret, pressing a hand to his chest as his eyes moved to focus on Contessa. “I only ask that you all look your best and come ready to have a helluva time.” His leering gaze moved from her f
ace to closely appraise her bosom.

  Fernando was now leaning back and viewing his partner-he’d been making plans to completely divest himself of Dark Squires. Fernando’s translucent brown stare sharpened upon notice of Stefan’s intense observation and County’s unease because of it.

  “Well the television and newspapers will be on hand to cover the event,” Stef added, seeming to regain his composure as he looked away from County. “You’ll definitely regret missing it, so I hope to see you all there,” he said, and then strolled away as coolly as he’d approached.

  “Son of a bitch,” Yohan muttered, his fist clenched as he held it pressed to his cheek. “What are the odds of that fool comin’ up in here on the same night that we’re here?”

  Quay raised his glass of gin in a mock toast. “You know us Ramseys, brotha we draw bad luck like flies to trash.”

  “Alright y’all come on,” Melina urged, tapping her dessert fork to the edge of her glass. “This is supposed to be a celebration dinner!” she cheerfully reminded the now sullen group.

  “Damn right,” Quest agreed, a gorgeous smile brightening his dark face, “and I’m about to take my big, beautiful wife out on the dance floor!”

  Michaela closed her yes and quietly accepted the dig while the rest laughed. She caught the edge of her husband’s shirt and forced him to look directly into her eyes. “Never say that again,” she warned in the sweetest tone.

  Soon, all the couples had ventured to the dance floor.

  Shepard’s Steak and Spirits boasted its very own house band. The popular group specialized in everything from soft rock to neo-soul and reggae grooves. That evening’s classical jazz pieces added a touch of elegance to the raw beauty of the establishment.

  Melina smiled, content, happy and tingling all over in the shelter of her husband’s embrace. Though the evening’s celebration had been a welcome treat, Stefan Lyon’s unexpected visit to the dinner table, had put a damper on everyone’s moods.

  Especially Yohan’s, Mel observed. She could feel the tension pulse like a living thing in his arms as her hands kneaded the chords of muscle beneath his moss colored shirt. She knew the change in his demeanor had less to do with Stefan and more to do with the questions still remaining between them.

  Mel closed her eyes and silently commanded the real world to remain at bay. She and Yohan barely swayed to the rhythms coloring the air. They twirled out to the rose and tulip lined patio when the warmth of the evening beckoned the restaurant’s patrons to enjoy a bit of outdoor dancing. Suddenly, they stopped moving completely. Mel didn’t think to question Yohan when he took her with him to a remote area in the depths of the foliage rich patio.

  He sat on the patio’s low railing and kept Melina standing before him. Her heart raced as their stance reminded her of a few nights earlier and the scene which followed her venturing downstairs to find him,

  Cupping his cheek with one hand, Mel used the other to brush the light furrows from his brow. “What is it?” she forced herself to ask.

  He took a deep breath, his ebony stare intense. “Don’t ever leave me again,” he said. His deep maple smooth voice glided so softly.

  It caused her heart to lurch. “Han,” she could barely whisper. The bottomless pools of his eyes engulfed her in a swirl of sensation and she leaned closer. “Sweetie, I’m right here.”

  “But for how long?” he challenged. “How long before you run again Mel?”

  “Honey, why are you bringing this up now? Tonight. Especially when everything’s been-“

  “Going so well. Yeah, I know.” He snapped. “And why is that? Because I haven’t been asking any questions, that’s why.”

  “Oh no? You could’ve fooled me. All you’ve done is asked questions.” Melina retorted, losing her temper as well. “Could we please just not do this here?”

  Yohan’s smirk was far from light hearted. “Don’t worry, we won’t. Not here,” he said and stood from the railing. “Get your stuff. We’re leaving.”


  Melina felt it best not to question Yohan’s motives for taking her back to her room at The Montgomery instead of their home in Woodway. The trip to her suite was silent-no surprise there. Mel felt suffocated standing next to him as the elevator ascended the flights to her floor. He seemed to have swollen to twice his size in light of his boiling temper. The moment she pulled the card key from her purse, Yohan took it and opened the door to the suite.

  Strolling ahead of him, she struggled to keep her cool, but fidgeted with the wooden O-ring clasp that secured the asymmetrical chocolate halter gown she’d worn that evening. Instead of pretending with small talk or politeness, she waited for him to begin. Her mind raced, conjuring quick answers to whatever questions he threw her way. Nothing, however, prepared her to hear him recite her Memphis address. Her breath stopped in the midst of inhaling.

  “Yeah, I know your address. I’ve known for years,” he said, watching her confusion clear.

  Anger took its place as Melina’s exotic dark stare grew suspicious. “You’ve got no right to snoop in on my private life,” she blurted, regretting the statement the moment it was voiced.

  Yohan turned his back, tossing the room key to the message desk as he spoke. “I had every right when you left in the middle of the night without so much as a word.”

  “I left word!” she cried, the situation now making it impossible for her to contain her emotions. “Don’t blame me because your scheming father interfered-again!”

  “This is about you, Mel,” Yohan corrected, his voice still easy when he looked at her. “It’s about you just up and leaving.”

  Mel shook her head, sending her heavy locks flying about her face. “How unsurprising that you’re blaming me instead of Marc. How many times, Han? How many times did I come to you only to have you refuse to listen to me! Why do you keep going back to this? You know why I had to go.”

  “And in eight years you couldn’t tell me? It took you eight years to tell me this? Even then I had to drag it out of you.”

  “So are we gonna spend another eight years arguing over why it took me eight years to come to you, Han?” Mel challenged, propping one hand to her hip as she strolled the living area. “Because I’ll tell you that’s something I sure as hell don’t plan to stick around for.”

  “Doesn’t surprise me,” Yohan muttered, massaging his neck as he paced the other side of the room. “It was probably your intention all along.”

  Her hand slid from her hip then and she took a moment to study him silently. Something wasn’t right about this, she told herself. This argument about the past though not without merit, felt out of place. There was something else he wanted to know and it had nothing to do with Marc. “Exactly what is this all about Yohan? Whatever it is, it’s been on your mind since we were in Alaska. I think it’s time you tell me what it is.”

  “Crane Cannon,” he replied simply, quiet as always. After a moment, he looked away but continued to explain. “His visits…visits to your home that lasted into the wee hours of the morning.”

  Mel closed her eyes. “So exactly what do you want to know?”

  “Who is he to you Mel?”

  “Don’t you already have an answer for that too?”

  “Don’t play with me,” Yohan advised.

  Mel swallowed a bit of her courage, seeing the uncharacteristic coldness flash in his gaze. “He’s my boss and a dear friend,” she confessed, folding her arms over her chest as she faced him. “He helped me when I first came to Memphis.”

  “I see…” Yohan breathed, way past caring how his remarks came across. “So all those late nights, you were just repaying him for his kindness?”

  Melina strolled past a brass dish filled with peppermints, but turned and snatched it from the table when she heard him. He ducked it easily when she threw it at his head.

  “You’ve got some damn nerve Yohan Ramsey-who makes every woman melt when he walks by. I should be asking how many women you’ve paraded throu
gh my home in the last eight years!” she accused, almost grateful for a chance to scream and vent her frustration. “I wonder what I would’ve seen had I paid a visit on some late night or early morning.”

  “I can damn well guarantee it wouldn’t have been someone leaving at four a.m.!” he bellowed, finally taking the SOFT mode from his voice.

  Mel sent him a disbelieving glare. “So you say. But how am I to know that now?!”

  “Dammit woman, have you taken a real good look at my gym?” he hissed, closing a bit of the distance between them. “Do you know how much time I actually spend down there and why?”

  Her glare wavering, Mel acknowledged his words with a half nod. “It doesn’t look like the… healthiest of places,” she admitted, thinking of the forest of massacred punching bags and the scores of barbells and weights strewn everywhere. It was the dark, eerie nest of someone obsessed and angry. Forcing herself to calm, Mel buried her face in her hands and groaned.

  “Yohan, I don’t want to fight. Not now-not ever. We’ve been through so much,” she said finally, not bothering to hide her tears when she turned to him. “Why can’t we just let this go?” she begged.

  Yohan’s darkly gorgeous face still harbored coldness. “Because I don’t believe Cannon’s just your boss and when you’re ready to stop lyin’ to me, you know where I am.”

  “You’re gonna storm out over this?!” Mel cried disbelief and exasperation coloring her voice. “Han, please don’t go,” she asked, as he strolled to the door and let it slam behind him in response.


  Contessa woke with a lazy smile and stretch the next morning when she found Fernando looming above her. “So you decided to wait on me this morning, huh?” she teased, her nails grazing the crisp whiskers of his light beard. Usually, she was awakened by the delicious treat of him plying her body with his intimate touch.


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