The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 81

by Altonya Washington

  Silence reigned a bit longer and Melina couldn’t argue the location. She certainly needed God on her side. Yohan spoke no words and simply took a seat on one of the pews close to the altar. He watched Mel pace for what seemed to be an eternity. Still, he remained patient. His heart beat thunderously in his ears as he studied the expression on her dark China doll-like face. Whatever she had to tell him wouldn’t be pretty and he couldn’t be sure if he possessed enough nerve to hear it.

  “It’s not my place to tell you this, Han,” she began, suddenly regretting the capped sleeves of the top she wore. Her entire body shook with cold. “Since Josephine’s gone who knows where…it’s now my responsibility.”

  Yohan leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “What’s my mother got to do with this?”

  “There was more to what we were talking about the day you walked in on us.”

  Yohan’s jaw tightened noticeably, his deep set stare narrowed and focused on the chapel floor. “What is it?”

  The darkness of his voice chilled Mel more than the temperature ever did. The shiver hit her deep and she turned toward the altar, her eyes closing for a brief prayer.


  “Marcus isn’t your father!” she blurted, while whirling around to face him. The chill vanished and she blinked as if she couldn’t believe she’d finally said it. She waited, trying to judge Yohan’s reaction but there didn’t appear to be one. In fact, he didn’t seem surprised at all.

  “Han?” she whispered, stepping closer slowly. “Sweetie?”


  Mel shook her head once, confusion clouding her gaze. “Who? What? Honey?”

  “Who is he? You must know his name.”

  “I-I yes. Yes, Han.”

  He simply stared, waiting for the rest.

  “Crane Cannon. The man I work for,” she confessed, watching Yohan close his eyes and cover his face with his hands.

  “Baby,” she whispered, kneeling before him and pressing her forehead to his hands. More words escaped her she knew nothing could surpass the shock he’d just had. When Yohan moved his hands away from his face, she kissed his cheek.

  “So Mr. Carnes had the right information after all.”

  “What do you mean?” Mel asked, having pulled back to watch him.

  Yohan massaged the back of his neck. “When I saw you with Crane Cannon, I had him checked out. At the time, Mr. Carnes was my father’s attorney so I figured I could trust him to keep quiet about whatever he found out. Mr. Carnes was a good man and I always wondered how Marc could have someone with ethics privy to all his dirt.”

  Yohan shrugged. “Anyway, Mr. Carnes checked him out as best he could-no family, ex-wife in Georgia but he couldn’t find a thing on her. Said he’d keep digging if I wanted him to, but I didn’t.”

  Mel pushed a coarse lock behind her ear. “So how did you find out?”

  Yohan massaged his forearm where he’d rolled the sleeve of his maple shirt. “About a month later, Mr. Carnes came back to me-said he had more info, assured me he hadn’t been digging he just sort of…happened upon it.”

  “Happened upon it?” Mel parroted with a quick laugh.

  Yohan managed a smile. “Said he heard from one of Marc’s business associates that Marc Ramsey’s wife had two of his sons and he thought there were three. Crane Cannon’s name was mentioned along with my mother’s…I never had the nerve to ask more.” Yohan seemed to shiver then. “I think a part of me always knew I was the one.”

  Mel was sitting on her knees, looking up at Yohan as if she were a child listening to a fascinating story. “Did Mr. Carnes tell you for sure?”

  “No, he told me just enough. No more. I always figured he had the whole story, but felt it best I know as little as possible.”

  “And he didn’t tell you who the business associate was?”

  Yohan shook his head.

  “But how? How could someone else know?”

  “After that day, Mr. Carnes never said another word about it. I cast it off as a rumor-made it easier not to think on it. I did a good job too, until I started to think of killing Marcus.” His mouth curved into a menacing smile. “I thought of killing him every time I thought of you with Cannon.”

  Mel looked down at her lap. “Crane is running for Senator. He told me someone is out to ruin his chances and threatens to leak the information.”

  “Do you think it’s me?”

  “Is it?”

  “Would you believe me if I said no?”

  “Yes,” she answered without hesitation, standing on her knees before him. “But Han that still leaves someone out there with a score to settle.” She sighed, her expression troubled. “I never even asked Crane if his wife knew. Hmph, I never knew he had a wife until I talked to Josephine.”

  Yohan smoothed one hand across the olive green trousers he wore. “So my mother did know?” he inquired tentatively.

  Mel nodded, though his question caused her heart to lurch again. Still, she’d hidden too much from Yohan to keep silent any longer. He deserved to know it all. “She would never threaten Crane with it. She didn’t want anyone to know.”

  “Did she say why…” Yohan cleared his throat of the unexpected emotion that caused his voice to waver. “Why she slept with this man?”

  “Because Marc was cheating-had been for years. There were other children,” she added quietly, swallowing her distaste at the mere mention of Marc’s name. She turned away then.

  Yohan stood, following Mel across the chapel. When she made no move to face him, he caught her arm and took the decision off her hands.

  “Crane’s wife was one of the women Marc slept with,” she said, upon looking up into his face. Instantly, she recalled what Josephine said about telling her child that he was the product of revenge. Melina realized that having to tell the man she loved why he was on this earth, hurt just as much.

  Yohan’s hands fell away from Mel’s arms and he put space between them; covering his face in his palms. Mel waited a while, and then noticed him shuddering. She went to him, offering no words of comfort or encouragement; simply holding on to him as he absorbed the truth.


  “How many times do you have to hear the word ‘no’ before you accept it?”

  Michaela slammed her hands to the bed and fixed Quest with her darkest scowl. “I can’t believe you’re overreacting this way when it’s me who’s pregnant.”

  “You can’t believe it? How do you think I feel standin’ here listening to you?” Quest snapped, his striking gray eyes darkened by aggravation. “Do you recall that we almost lost our baby last week?”

  “Oh please,” Mick groaned, rolling her eyes. “It was nothing as sinister as that. It was a stitch in my side. The baby wasn’t in danger.”

  “It could’ve gone either way, you know that.” Quest warned, massaging the dull ache surrounding the fraternity brand on his arm.

  Mick leaned back against the pillows lining the towering oak headboard. “I know you were scared. So was I,” she admitted, smiling when Quest looked over at her. She shrugged. “It’s just that we’ve all been through so much and I guess I just figured this Fourth of July thing might be what everyone needs to relax and let go of all that mess. With Marc gone and Houston in jail, we won’t have to worry over anyone popping in to cause trouble,” she spoke in a refreshing tone as her amber stare sparkled with promise. “Don’t you think we could use this after everything?” she asked, extending her hand while she spoke.

  Quest seemed to hear her, for the drawn look on his dark, handsome face softened noticeably. He made a mental recall of everything Michaela had told him about Johnelle and Marc…and Sera. Moving away from the dresser he leaned against, he came to the bed and sat next to his wife.

  Mick giggled when he tugged on one of the heavy curls framing her face. A slow kiss followed and was rounded out by a hug.

  Quest pressed his forehead to Mick’s his thumbs brushing her plump cheeks. “You know, if our
little girl can wrap me around her finger as easily as you can, I’m gonna be in big trouble.”


  Melina sat staring blankly out of her office window from the gallery. She fidgeted with the tassels dangling from the fringe hemline of the coral colored asymmetrical top she sported. Her thoughts were focused on Yohan as they had been since she’d left him at the house a few days earlier.

  She’d never seen such a lost look on anyone’s face. Seeing it on Yohan’s struck something within her. So many explosive blows he’d had to deal with and they’d all come from her lips. Where she’d found strength to reveal it all, she doubted she’d ever know. Now, she was left wondering when he’d snap-when the true depth of what she’d told him would make him snap.

  She hadn’t wanted to leave him alone, but Yohan wouldn’t let her stay. She put little validity in his claim that he was fine and that he wasn’t going to do anything stupid. She was on edge whenever the phone rang, fearing it was someone with news that he’d found Marc and killed him.

  When one day passed and then another; however, she thought of something she’d never entertained. Perhaps Yohan wasn’t going to fly off the deep end. Maybe he just needed her to go. Maybe he just didn’t want to be around her. She’d brought him so much pain. From the day they married it had been a challenge. First, it was her barely concealed hatred of Marc-for good reason, but still she knew it agitated Yohan to see two people he loved so distrustful of one another.

  Then, she’d left him and it almost killed him. She knew that, because leaving had done almost the same thing to her. In all that time, she’d never given up on them, knowing it could never be, yet hoping just the same. It was a pathetic existence-a shell of a life but she’d endured it with good reason.

  Yohan, however, had no reasons, no explanations. He’d suffered without knowing why and then Melina returned and tried to carry on the lie-the hurt.

  Now, though, it was all out in the open. He had his reasons, his explanations, but he was hurt just the same and it was all her doing.

  Closing her eyes, Mel accepted the obvious. She would always remind him of this. The dramatic turn of events-the ugliness…How could they move beyond the past when her mere presence would always be there to remind him of it?

  The knocking on the office door began softly, and then increased in volume when the sound went unanswered.

  “Come in,” Mel called, having finally tuned in to the world beyond her thoughts. Seeing Johari Frazier stick her head inside the room and perform their sorority call drew much needed laughter into the air. Mel forgot her depression and whirled her chair around to the door. Her cousin stood there happy and smiling, which did more to raise Melina’s spirits than anything she could have conjured. She left the desk and went to pull her cousin into a stifling bear hug.

  “What’s this?” Johari laughed, when Mel seemed reluctant to let go.

  Mel dismissed the desire to confide in her cousin, wanting nothing to overshadow the homecoming. “Just so glad to have you back,” she whispered, turning her face into Johari’s glossy sandy red hair. “So tell me about South America, is it as grizzly and beautiful as it seems on TV?”

  “Is it?!” Jo cried shaking her head as visions of her recent trip came to mind. For the next twenty minutes or so, they spoke of her adventure. Johari provided a detailed account of all she’d seen while photographing the South American rainforests and following a team of environmental journalists on their treks through the lush jungles.

  “Well it did you a world of good,” Melina noted, a sly grin causing her slanting stare to twinkle devilishly. “Finally got some color on that white skin,” she teased, thumping her fingers along her cousin’s arm.

  “Ha-Ha,” Jo replied in a dry tone, tugging on a portion of the high ponytail Mel had drawn her thick hair into. “Just because you’re melanin-rich don’t mean you have to rub it in. Anyway…” she sighed, rubbing her hands together as she took a seat before the desk. “How’s it feel to be back after eight years?”


  Johari’s doe-like silver stare widened in a telling manner. “That bad, huh? Or… maybe that good?”

  “Please take your head out of the gutter.” Mel advised sweetly.

  “Come off it Mel, you don’t expect me to believe you ain’t at least seen the man since you’ve been in town?”

  Mel leaned back in her chair. “Oh I’ve-I’ve seen him.”

  Jo’s lips curved into a sultry smile. “Details please.”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking. “Mel warned, twirling a lock around her finger. “It’s a long, long story.”

  “And I’ve just had a long, long exhausting flight,” Jo countered, tugging off her black hiking boots, “my only plans are to relax on that sofa in the corner and listen as you tell your tale of woe.”

  Mel appreciated her cousin’s light hearted mood, but knew Jo’s heart would be anything but light once she’d finished her story. Since she had no desire to keep any more secrets, Mel got comfortable and began to share.


  Sure enough, there was a definite air of dread in the office, once Mel concluded her story. Johari had abandoned her relaxing place on the plush sofa and now stood before the tall windows. She stared blankly at the bustle of people on the streets below.

  News that her sister; presumed dead close to twenty years, may very well be alive removed the light probing smile that usually added more of a glow to her flawless café au lait complexion.

  “Are the police involved?” she asked, her husky voice sounding more hushed.

  Mel shook her head. “No,” she said.

  “No? Why?” Jo snapped, turning to face her cousin. “Have the Ramseys covered it up?”

  “No Jo.”

  “Then why isn’t somebody out there trying to find her?” Jo raged, her chest heaving as the sobs demanded release.


  “Why don’t they make that son of a bitch tell them where he has her?”

  “Jo, Jo…” Mel urged, pulling the woman into a tight hug as her cries gained volume.

  “Stop,” Jo ordered, pulling back from Mel and brushing tears from her cheeks. “It’s because of Yohan, isn’t it? You’re dragging your feet getting the police involved because-“

  “You know that’s not true,” Mel snapped.

  “Why not? Marc’s the only father he’s ever known. Maybe-“

  “Jo, you shut your mouth!” Mel hissed, her index finger rose in warning.

  Like a pendulum, Johari’s emotions tipped to the other end of the spectrum. Her tears resurfaced and fell from her cheeks to sprinkle the front of the chic black halter tee she wore.

  “I’m sorry, sorry Mel I-you know I didn’t mean it.”

  Melina shook her head, pressing a kiss to Jo’s forehead. “I know sweetie. It’s alright. Listen to me,” she ordered, looking directly into Johari’s crystalline gaze. “Marc’s gone. No one’s seen him in months.”

  Jo seemed to go limp and would’ve slipped right to the floor had Mel not held her tight.

  “Listen to me, they’ll find him, you hear? They will find him.”

  Jo’s smile screamed clear disbelief.

  “The Ramseys have all turned against Marc. This time, he’s gonna pay.”

  Jo smoothed the back of her hand across Mel’s cheek. “To pay, he has to be found. To be found, he has to slip up. My sister’s been gone close to twenty years cousin. I’d say he’s pretty good at covering his tracks, wouldn’t you?”

  Melina had no reply.


  In spite of the upsets and drama over the last weeks, the July fourth gathering at Quest and Michaela’s home was a happy success. Mick congratulated herself on having a firm grasp on the family’s needs. Everyone seemed refreshed by the energetic, light atmosphere. No one wanted to be reminded of anything negative and they didn’t seem to be.

  There was food galore, the pool and Jacuzzi were ready to be enjoyed and the tenni
s and basketball courts were waiting. Quest even had tons of new DVDs that would be shown in the home’s private theater later that evening. Everyone appeared to be coupled off which added a romantic charm to the event. There was plenty of room to house the guests comfortably for an overnight stay.


  Mick rolled her eyes and aimed a spatula toward Contessa who’d been fussing ever since Mick’s release from the hospital. County, like Quest, didn’t think Mick should be doing anything even remotely energetic. Mick, of course, refused to listen.

  “Why don’t you go relax in the study? It’s close enough that you can come runnin’ if I go into labor,” Mick teased.

  “You’ve been trying to get me out of here all afternoon,” Contessa noted, folding her arms across the peach halter dress she wore.

  Mick clasped her hands together. “Should I take that to mean you’re finally getting the hint?”

  County didn’t have a chance to issue a comeback. Fernando had returned to the kitchen and pulled her close.

  “Can I steal you away?” he asked.

  “Yes!” Mick offered.

  Fernando’s rumbling laughter filled the kitchen. County rolled her eyes, but noticed the tense look on Fernando’s face.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  Fernando shook his head, absently fingering the straps that criss-crossed her back. “It won’t take long,” he promised.

  Shooting Mick a tired glare, County pushed her hand into the back pocket of Fernando’s sagging jeans and they left the kitchen.

  “I was headed to the study for some quiet time,” she told him.

  Noticing the drawn tone to her voice, Fernando smoothed his hand across her arm. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Mmm hmm, I’ll just be happy when the baby’s born,” County admitted, pursing her lips then. “Mick’s too wild to carry a baby properly,” she criticized.

  Fernando stroked his beard. “Well…she seems to be doin’ a good job so far,” he championed, laughing again when County responded with a disapproving snort.


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