The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 86

by Altonya Washington


  London, England

  “This is Johari Frazier.”

  “Hey Twig.”

  Jo knew the thin cell phone she held was just moments away from sliding out of her grasp. She tightened her grip and decided to focus on standing since her legs felt just as weak.

  “Moses?” she whispered, her voice barely audible in the vastness of her parent’s sitting room. The silence on the other end of the line, gave her time to assess the fact that she was speaking to a man she hadn’t talked to in over a decade-a man she thought she’d never speak to again.

  “What do you want?” she asked, forcing her voice to reveal itself and grateful for the firm quality in her tone.

  “We need to talk,” Moses responded, his strong, sure baritone voice sounding firm as well.

  Jo’s exceptionally long lashes fluttered and she settled a hand to her swirling tummy. “I’m in London,” she told him.

  “I know. I’m standing right outside your door.”

  Whirling around, Jo stared in the direction of the foyer. She half expected to find him walking right across the threshold. Finally, on determined steps, she moved towards the front door. Only a second or two passed before she was pulling it open. This time, the cell phone she carried did slip from her hand. It shattered upon contact with the polished checkered floor.

  Moses pushed himself from the doorjamb. He absorbed the missed sight of her and clenched his fist in order to prevent himself from reaching for her.

  Johari was just as affected. Still, she recovered far more quickly than he when she stepped close and greeted him with a vicious slap.


  The gallery show was a virtual success. Mel refused to accept any accolades or compliments regarding the event. She instructed the guests to lavish their comments upon her staff; who had really done the bulk of the work while her personal life had demanded the lion share of her time.

  Representing the Ramseys were Quay and Ty, Fernando and County along with Yohan who’d escorted Melina. Within moments of their arrival, the gallery was alive with happy conversation concerning the safe delivery of the first Ramsey grandchild. It was a welcomed, refreshing change from the incessant ramblings regarding Houston Ramsey’s scandalous tell-all interview.

  “Han?” Mel called, nodding when he looked in her direction.

  Yohan turned to find Josephine approaching from the entryway.

  “This is a wonderful event Melina,” Josephine complimented her daughter-in-law before looking at Yohan. “Hello Honey,” she whispered, uncertainty filling her voice and eyes.

  Yohan offered no words and simply pulled his mother close. Josephine’s laughter mixed with her tears and she savored the crushing embrace.

  Arm in arm, Yohan and Josephine let Mel lead the way into her office where they could talk privately.

  “Oh, Yohan thank you. Thank you so much for not hating me. I-I never set out to hurt you or betray Marc in our marriage. You must understand that.”

  Yohan cupped his mother’s lovely face, urging her to silence. “You’re sadly mistaken if you think I give one damn about Marc-let alone his feelings after everything he’s done.”

  Josephine smoothed her hand across his where it lay against her cheek. “I should’ve gone to the police so long ago when I first suspected him of something illegal,” she shook her head, closing her eyes as she lamented. “I was so afraid-afraid of what he’d do. I was so afraid I’d lose you and Fernando,” she said, looking up at him with red eyes.

  “And Moses too?” Yohan corrected in a pointed manner.

  Josephine blinked. “Of-of course,” she stammered, an uneasy laugh rising. “I-I wanted to hurt Marc as he’d hurt me,” she confessed, sobering a bit as her expression tightened. “But I never wanted you to know. I never wanted you to think you’d been born out of hate and revenge.”

  Yohan stepped closer, pulling her hands into his. “Did you love Crane Cannon? Did he love you?”

  “He was the calm in the midst of a storm for me; and yes-when our relationship became intimate, yes I loved him,” she massaged the side of her neck and smiled. “I can’t speak to his feelings, but I believe he felt the same.”

  “And you never told Pop? Marc?”

  Josephine’s hazel stare darkened with fury. “That was for revenge,” she confessed. “It overjoyed me-seeing him make a fool of himself over you. It was so easy to fool him. Marc loved you so,” she mused, her eyes filled with love then as her eyes caressed Yohan’s flawless skin and fiercely magnificent features. “You were so strong and dark. Of course, you took that after my father’s side of the family. Then later…when it became clear how smart you were-overly smart-oh boy…it made you shine in his eyes.” The pride in her own eyes dimmed slightly. “He made such a fool of me all those years…I wanted to do the same to him. Oh Love, can you ever forgive me?”

  Yohan pressed a hard kiss to her cheek. “I love you-nothing can change that.”

  Josephine began to cry again. Tears of relief and love soaked the lapel of Yohan’s tux as they hugged. After a while, the tears began to subside and she stepped back a bit. “There’s someone you should meet,” she said, drying her cheeks.

  Yohan watched his mother go to the office door and pull it open. Crane Cannon stood in the hall. Obvious uncertainly clouded his face as he stepped part the doorway. Yohan appeared just as uncertain as he too moved forward. For a time, they stood close as though observing one another. Then, they shook hands.


  Josephine remained behind once Yohan and Crane left the office together. They were talking-just a general conversation, but the words flowed easy between them. For that, she was more than grateful and couldn’t help but wonder how it may’ve been to raise Yohan with Crane. It might’ve made all the difference in so many things…

  A thud rose behind her, but Josephine took no heed as she turned in the direction of the sound.

  “What do you want?” she asked her voice hushed and monotone.

  Marc’s gaze was focused and probing as he studied his wife. “You don’t seem surprised to see me here.”

  “Should I be?” Josephine challenged, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re always lurking, but, then again, such is to be expected from a devious son of a bitch like yourself.”

  “Devious?!” Marc spat, his features further darkened in the wake of his fury. “You dare call me devious when you’ve tricked me all these years.”

  “Tricked is a damn sight better than deceived, humiliated, dirtied. That’s how I’ve felt since the day I married your sick ass!” Josephine lashed out, her eyes blazing with living hate. “I have despised and wanted to vomit you out of my system-out of my life for years-decades. But I bided my time,” she shared, her voice softening then. “Oh yes, Marcus I bided my time and let all the bastard children, the affairs, all the nasty little things I had to witness and endure through the course of our nightmare of marriage just pass me by. I had to act like they didn’t faze me. I had to wait until my time came and now it’s finally here.” A wave of triumph surged through her at the surprise she saw in Marc’s eyes. Never had she spoken of her true feelings with such passion-such power. “I have no remorse about anything I’ve done to you,” she added with a cunning smirk.

  Overwrought with a completely foreign feeling of helplessness, Marcus expelled a furious roar and charged for his wife. Josephine had no time to scream as his hands closed around her neck. His hold tightened and he simultaneously shook her.

  “No remorse-eh? I’ll give you things to be remorseful about Josephine. I’ll give you things you’ve never dreamed about,” he threatened softly, his dark eyes sparkling with vicious intent.

  Josephine clutched and scratched at his hands, hoping to loosen their grip. Her actions had no effect, until she found a way to put them to better use. Marc let out a hiss, closing his eyes when her nails clawed both sides of his face. He released her and backed away as Josephine raced to grab her purse off the desk.
Reaching inside, she withdrew the gun and fired.


  “Lunch, dinner, I’m pretty flexible and it helps to be the boss,” Crane said, laughing a bit.

  Yohan nodded, a smile softening his features as well. “I hear ya. Let’s try dinner, a week from tonight sound good?”

  Crane shrugged and extended his hands. “Sounds good.”

  A second later, the gunshot reached their ears. Crane and Yohan stood rooted to their spot outside the office for only a moment before they dashed inside. They found Josephine standing over Marc. She was rigid-not even breathing. She held the gun on Marcus, her finger caressing the trigger-preparing to pull it again.

  Yohan reacted instantly when he saw his mother aim the gun at Marc’s head. He caught her wrist and the shot went into the air. The sound seemed to bring Josephine out of her trance. At once, she began to tremble.

  “Shh…” Yohan soothed, handing the gun to Crane while he hugged his mother. “Shh…it’s alright, it’s alright,” he promised while she cried.

  Melina was next to burst into the office. “Someone thought they heard-!” she stopped when the full scene was in focus. Her hands covered her mouth in horror, but her eyes were filled with wonder. Trancelike, she moved toward the credenza and reached for the phone. Her intention was to dial 911-though no one suggested she do so. In fact, her fingers paused over the keypad as she even debated on making the call. With a quick shake of her head, she pressed the digits.


  The bullet round to Marcus’s side would heal. The shot went right through and there had been no organ damage. The man would make a full recovery. The news was bittersweet for the Ramseys; who couldn’t decide if the diagnosis was to be celebrated or mourned. They took some solace in the fact that Houston’s confession had been taken seriously. Upon his release from the hospital, armed guards would be present to carry Marcus Ramsey away in handcuffs.


  Yohan found Melina in a deserted waiting area just down from the small snack room in the hall where Marc’s room was located. He sat next to her, smiling when she grabbed his hand and held it close to her chest.

  “I wanted him to die, Han. I almost didn’t dial 911,” she confessed.

  “Well, no one told you to,” Yohan teased, trying to sober when she sent him a withering look. “Congratulations Melina Wei Dan. You’re human.”

  “Mel’s lashes brushed her cheeks when her eyes closed. Clearly she wasn’t consoled by the summation. “I’ve always disliked the man-hated him even. But I never wanted him dead,” her expression hardened and she drew both hands through her coarse shoulder length hair. “I feel completely different now. I feel like we’d all be so much better off if he were…”

  “Hey?” Yohan called, nudging her knee with his. “I feel the same way. Hell, so does everyone else in the family. But baby after this hospital, his next stop is jail.”

  Mel shook her head. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Believe it.”

  “How?” she challenged, turning to face her husband. “How? When he’s got all the advantages-including someone willing to kill for him,” She bristled as the thought settled. “They still haven’t found Stefan,” she noted, spotting the muscle clench in his jaw.

  “Look at me,” he said when he’d taken her chin and waited several seconds for her eyes to meet his. “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe and you don’t need to be worrying about that fool.”

  Mel pulled his hand from her chin, but kept hold of it. “I don’t want our lives to be about you protecting me,” she said.

  “Believe me Mel, protecting you isn’t the utmost thing on my mind,” he countered, the glint in his dark eyes leaving no doubt about what he was referring to.

  Mel couldn’t help but smile.

  “Protecting is part of loving,” he went on to say. “I love you and I swear that I never stopped.”

  Leaning closer, Mel stroked the side of his cheek. The caress of her eyes across his face was as soft as her touch. Eventually, her kiss replaced the brush of her hand. Yohan tilted his head, capturing her mouth in a throaty kiss.

  Mel gasped his name, kissing him back with the same feverish intensity. At that moment, she wished they were anywhere but a hospital waiting room. A tiny whimper slipped past her lips when she felt something cold against her finger. Looking down, she saw that Yohan had slipped on her wedding ring.

  “I saw it on the nightstand when I called Ma from the guestroom,” he explained, once he leaned back to judge her expression. “I didn’t think you still had it,” he admitted, glancing at the ring again.

  “I never stopped thinking of myself as your wife,” she swore, nuzzling her nose along the strong column of his neck. “I love you, Yohan,” she vowed, smiling when he pressed his mouth to her palm and held it there as if he were praying.

  “Say you’ll marry me again,” he commanded in a gentle voice.

  Melina’s laughter tumbled forth. “I’ll marry you Yohan Ramsey. I’ll marry you.”

  “And the next time you have something even remotely important to tell me?”

  “I’ll tell you right away. Even if I have to tie you down to get you to listen.”

  Yohan nodded, his black eyes narrowing as though he liked the sound of her words. “You know, you can tie me down even if you don’t have anything remotely important to tell me,” he suggested slyly, one hand venturing beneath the daring suit coat she wore.

  Melina’s laughter was full and honest. It floated down the silent corridor, until it was quieted by Yohan’s kiss-a kiss she surrendered to body and soul. They held onto each other, savoring the love they had recaptured amidst a sea of unrest.

  This Ends A Lover’s Regret

  And Now:

  A Lover’s Worth




  Los Angeles, California

  Johari Frazier closed her eyes against the early morning sunlight that streamed through the windshield. Wearily, she leaned back on the driver’s seat of her old burgundy Ford Escort. She pondered as she’d done the night before and all the previous day. Her heart raced a mile a minute, as did her thoughts. Would he be happy? Lord knows he’d be stunned. She herself had been in a state of shock since the onset of the weekend. Now, waiting to share the news was as exciting as it was terrifying. She and Moses had such lofty plans after graduation. He’d be off to grad school to begin his pursuit for a law degree and she’d be interning for The Times as a news photographer.

  Still, she was happy! What would a baby do to those plans, though? Johari considered this yet again while massaging her tummy as the possibilities continued to swell her brain. Then, bracing herself, she opened her eyes and decided to head on in and tell her boyfriend of six years that he was about to become a father.

  Johari grinned, revealing the small deep dimple that graced her left cheek. She could only imagine his reaction, but that was about to change. She gave herself a mental pat on the back for thinking to call the night before and leave a message that she’d be stopping by in hopes of keeping him from heading out before she got there. Other than that rather impersonal communication, she hadn’t seen Moses all weekend. Mid-term exams were upon them and he’d had papers as well as studying to get out of the way. I’m having your baby, is the very last thing he’d expect to hear when she came knocking on his door.

  “Well, at least I won’t have to knock,” Johari sighed, locating his key on her chain and letting herself inside once she’d taken the short flight of steps up to his door.

  Stepping into the silent three bed room brought a frown to her face. Located a short distance from UCLA where they were both graduating seniors, Moses’ place was never so quiet. Usually, he was up by six a.m. working out to the sounds of Dr. Dre or Redman. Still, she’d seen his black Pathfinder out front, so he couldn’t have gone far. Of course, she’d have no problem with waiting. This wasn’t news she wanted to hold on
to any longer.

  Venturing further into the apartment, Jo made her way around the usual basketballs, footballs, cleats and baseball equipment that lined the hallway and corners. She decided to take a quick look inside his room just in case a long night of studying had caused him to oversleep. She never expected to find him there, however. Moses Ramsey could be up until four a.m. and still awake by six a.m. to handle a day full of classes and volunteer at the local boys club besides.

  But in his room, was exactly where she found him. Johari could make out his tall, athletic frame outlined beneath the black sheets covering his bed. Her smile remained in place as she came closer intending to wake him. Then, once she stood over the bed, her smile seemed to freeze as did the rest of her.

  Moses wasn’t alone beneath the tangle of crisp black covers. There lay a woman who held his head cradled against her bosom.

  Johari felt her heart lurch. Then, she expelled a sudden breath as though it had been kicked out of her. Her uncommon silver stare didn’t widen or hint at shedding a tear in response to the sight she witnessed. Instead, her gaze was observant while she took in the two lovers embraced-Moses snuggled against this girl she’d never seen before. A second later, she noticed this strange person lazily trail her fingers through the short crop of onyx hair that curled over Moses’ head. Johari believed that if she’d walked in on them in the actual…act of it, she may’ve been okay-well better than she was at that point.

  Seeing the man she loved resting so content-so trusting in the arms of another woman made her nauseas and it had nothing to do with morning sickness. The thought made her remember the baby-their baby. The news she’d come to share, the joy she’d hoped to bring. Still, there were no tears pooling her eyes. Like a zombie, she backed away from the bed until she was outside the room. She turned and headed back for the door-making no sound as she exited the apartment as quietly as she’d arrived.


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