The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 91

by Altonya Washington

Rolling her eyes, Jo turned away. Further explanation was the last thing she wanted at that point.

  “Even still, I believed we’d be okay,” he continued, leaning against the wall. “Wasn’t until I heard Marc talkin’ to one of his…partners that I knew I couldn’t keep you,” he said, looking over at Jo while she sat on the edge of the massive oak canopy bed.

  Jo bowed her head and pressed her lips together to stop their trembling.

  “Son of a bitch was complimenting him on what a fine son he had-‘an eye for the ladies just like his pop’, the jackass said,” Moses winced. “I remember feelin’ so proud that my dad was pleased with me, until Marc began to tell his friend that he should see the lil’ thing I ran around with.” He waited for Jo’s silver stare to rise before he continued. “Marc started describing you-light skin, tall and stacked with sandy red hair and freckles. Then they laughed and talked about how unique you were…I remember my father saying if only he could’ve gotten his hands on you first.” He flexed his fists and shook his head. “I didn’t really know what that meant until Mel told me about Zara’s note and what Marc said to her the night he threatened her.”

  Jo moved closer to the edge of the bed. “Did they ever mention having my sister?”

  Moses sighed. “If they did, I never heard them.” He slipped both hands into his pockets and moved closer to the bed. “At any rate, I knew you had no place in my life since I was probably on my way to being as ruthless as Ma always said I’d be. Knowing my father had drugs and prostitution and who knows what else right at his fingertips, soured something inside me. It made me believe I could be a monster too.” He leaned against one of the canopy posts. “Josephine always said I’d be just like him. I was illusive and silently observing just like him…I didn’t want you anywhere near me and I didn’t want you living a life like my mother had. You were too good for that.”

  Jo clenched her hands against the mosaic print comforter. “You didn’t want me to live a life like Josephine, but still you…hurt me like your father had probably hurt her… why?”

  Moses shook his head and took a seat on the opposite side of the bed. “It was the only thing I could think of to make you hate me enough to stay away-far enough away. If you had stayed close, I would’ve never been able to let you go.”

  Jo shuddered. “So the girl was-“

  “Some dancer from a club Fern and the twins used to go to with some other cats from school. I went along every now and then. One night I got the idea, asked Quest to set it up…” he pounded his fist against the comforter. “You left that message on my machine saying you were coming over…”

  Jo covered her mouth with her hand as her bright eyes pooled with fresh tears. Moses closed his eyes when he heard her sobbing and he tried to stifle the sound.

  “I don’t expect what I told you to erase the hate,” he said. “But I needed you to know and to hear me say that I never stopped loving and wanting you. You were and still are the only woman I’ve ever wanted a life with.”

  The shudders wracking Johari’s slender form were much deeper then. Moses decided to give her time alone. He left the bed and the cottage without another word. When the door closed behind him, Jo let her tears fall freely and heavily. She curled her arms about her belly and remembered the child that had once thrived there.


  When Moses returned to the cottage later that night, he found Jo asleep; her hair covering her face. Gently, he removed the sexy, strappy heels and couldn’t resist trailing his fingers across her legs. God please let her forgive me. She’s all I want and I won’t ask for another thing if you give her back to me, he vowed.

  Johari turned on her side then and muttered something inaudible in her sleep. Moses sat on the open space of the bed and looked down at her for the longest time.

  By morning, they were both asleep on the bed. This time, Jo’s bright hair covered her face as well as Moses’ torso. When he woke to find her cuddled against him, he willed himself not to move-wanting to savor each moment before she stirred and realized how close they were.

  Johari was hoping for the same, thinking Moses’ stillness was a sign that he was asleep. Letting her lashes flutter close, she indulged in the shape of his torso and abs. She was almost desperate to slip her hands beneath the tails of the deep brown shirt that hung outside his trousers and reacquaint herself with the dark muscular expanse of his body. Her eyes narrowed when she spied a male nipple hardening against the fabric of his shirt. She bit her bottom lip, softly raking her nail across the bud and grew fascinated by the sight of the nub imprinting itself upon the material.

  Moses could no longer pretend her touch wasn’t affecting him. Unfortunately, she was doing the one thing he could not stand and in seconds, a soft chuckle rumbled in his throat.

  Johari snatched away her hand. “Sorry,” she hissed. “I’d forgotten you were ticklish…there,” she explained before looking away in shame since she shouldn’t have been touching him there to begin with. She shouldn’t have been touching him anywhere!

  Moses grabbed her hand before she could move away. “It’s alright,” he assured her softly.

  Jo went limp, melting beneath the allure of his intense stare. “Why are you doing this? Telling me this now-why after all this time?” Why not before when it could’ve made a difference? She inquired silently.

  Moses kept his eyes focused on his hand holding hers. “I guess I finally figured I had a right to come to you after the way I treated you. I finally felt worthy.”

  “Moses,” Jo said with a regretful shake of her head. “So much has happened. So much you don’t know.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “You will.”

  Moses felt his heart constrict. He wondered then if there was another man-someone she truly cared for. The muscle in his jaw began its frantic prancing as the ruthless side of his demeanor asserted itself. He didn’t care how much like Marc that made him. She was his-correction-she was going to be his again and never again would he let her go.

  “We should get back,” Jo was saying while attempting to tug her hand free. She was already inching toward the edge of the bed. “Moses,” she whispered, when he made no move to release her.

  His thumb began to brush her wrist. He smiled when her lashes fluttered and she mouthed the word ‘don’t’. He obliged, only to cup his hand about her neck, allowing his thumb to graze her collarbone.

  “Moses don’t,” Jo insisted, her voice carrying more force that time. There was nothing more she cared to do in regards to resisting him and simply whimpered when he pulled her head down to his.

  The kiss began sweet and slow, his tongue plunging deep to caress the roof of her mouth and the even ridge of her teeth. Moses knew even if there were another man, she was still drawn to him and he’d exploit that fact until she was completely his.

  Jo’s moaning began soft and wavering. She splayed her slender frame across his body and added a reckless intensity to her kiss. Rubbing herself against him, her knee trailed the length of his thigh. Her nails caressed his face and the top of his bald head. She adored the low, helpless groans he uttered in response. When he rose and pushed her to her back, Jo felt her heart soar and arched herself deeper into his iron frame.

  Moses teased her through the material of her dress, relishing her reaction to his touch. His hands cupped her bosom as he’d wanted to do for the better part of the previous night. Jo gasped close to his ear when his thumbs worked her nipples into firm buds. He suckled her earlobes and she was completely absorbed in sensation as one hand ventured beneath her dress.

  Johari’s pleasure-induced cries filled the small cottage and she recalled her thoughts of Moses Ramsey’s ability to make her orgasm without removing a stitch of her clothing. That was still true; she realized shrieking when his thumb began to stroke her through the crotch of the sheer hose she wore.

  Moses was kissing her again, his tongue plundering and searching in the same fashion that he used his thumb.

Jo tore her mouth away from his and shut her eyes tight to focus on the exquisite sensations stemming from that single caress. Moses hid his face in the crook of her neck while she surrendered to the effects of the orgasm. He could feel slight dampness through the undergarments she wore and slowed the brush of his fingers against her sex. Several moments passed before her breathing vaguely resembled its normal pace. When her shudders subsided, he kissed her ear.

  “Get yourself together,” he said. “I’ll be waiting outside to take you back.”


  Jo expelled the breath she’d been holding when the door to the suite closed behind her. The trip back had been silent and tense. At least, she was tense. She couldn’t even look at Moses while she said goodbye to him in the lobby, she continuously prayed that he not insist on coming up and finishing what he’d started. Heaven knows she wouldn’t have denied him. She couldn’t have denied him when she’d thought of little more than them making love since she’d seen him.

  Un-strapping and kicking off the gorgeous heels, Jo began to disrobe. She craved only a relaxing shower to wash away the effects of the emotional night…and morning. She noticed the message light flashing on the phone as she made her way through the living area. Switching courses, she went to check on it.

  “Ms Frazier, James Grace. My apologies for not leaving this message at your office, but your partners thought you’d want to take my call. I’d like to hire you for a shoot at my estate in Hawaii. The place has been in my family for centuries and now we’re talking about having it declared a landmark. We’d like to photographically document the property for a proposal package we’re organizing and we hope you’ll oblige our request. We realize this job is a bit out of the ordinary for you, as it’s not an academic excursion but your reputation is first rate. You’re welcomed to bring a few friends and make it a getaway. After all, this is Hawaii. Please give us a call if you’re interested. I’ll have a packet sent out to you-pretty dated, but it’ll give you an idea of the property. Thank you for your time. We look forward to your call.”

  Johari took a few moments to store James Grace’s number in her cell. Then decided to listen to the last message on the phone and prayed it wouldn’t be quite so lengthy.

  “Hey sis, it’s Z. Just wanted you to know I’d really like to continue our talk from yesterday. Let me know if you’ve got time to stop by. Love you.”

  Johari closed her eyes and cursed. Moses had flooded her mind so, she hadn’t even thought about her sister who should’ve been her top priority. Besides, thinking of Moses and what his words meant-if they changed things…well that was too much drama for her to dwell on now anyway. What’s more, they’d be right back to where they started once she told him about the baby and how her intentional carelessness had killed it.

  Perhaps she should tell him and get him to walk away then before things between them grew any more electric. Stripping out of the blazer dress, Jo silently confessed that she wasn’t ready to let him walk away. Heaven help her, she was falling for him all over again.


  San Diego, California

  Quaysar and Tykira were in stitches-laughing so hard that tears streamed their faces. Ty rested her head on her husband’s thigh and laughed until she was breathless.

  Quay dried his eyes. “We’re not gonna survive this,” he forewarned with a slow shake of his head.

  “We’re gonna die from laughter before they turn four,” Ty predicted, as she sat up.

  “I can’t think of a better way to go,” Quay decided.

  Ty agreed. “Neither can I,” she said, watching as Wake Robinson’s twin sons played just a few feet in front of them. They had taken the boys to the park that afternoon. She and Quay had been visiting Lena Robinson and Wake; who visited rarely to make his mother more comfortable during her illness. As the guys were only two, he was comfortable they’d not become too attached before the situation changed.

  Dinari and Dakari, however, were already very attached to the couple they’d been seeing more of. Clearly, they adored Ty, wobbling over for her to kiss and cuddle them every few minutes. Quay on the other hand, was like a huge teddy bear for them to pounce upon and wrestle with. Obviously, the new family was making lifelong bonds that would never be severed.

  “Oh Quay, I hope we do right by them,” Ty confided her concern, propping her chin on his knee.

  “We will,” Quay assured, tugging on a lock of his wife’s hair. “And these guys will be good practice.”

  Ty raised her head and fixed him with a funny smile. “Practice?”

  Sitting up straighter, Quay tugged his wife close until she straddled his lap. “When you let me get you pregnant, we’ll know everything we need to from raising these wild men.”

  Curving her fingers into the neckline of her husband’s black polo shirt, Ty threw back her head and laughed. “Do you really believe you could handle three kids?”

  “I could,” Quay swore.

  Ty was slow to convince. “Need I remind you that you’re already sharing me with two younger men?”

  Rolling his eyes, Quay pretended to be upset. “I’m well aware and twins on top of that-serious competition. But I know I have an edge,” he shared, fixing her with a provocative dark stare.

  Ty smiled. “Oh yes,” she purred, snuggling deeper into his lap. “Oh no!” she refused suddenly, when he began to pull her down with him. “Uh-uh, behave,” she ordered, tugging herself away then to go tussle with the boys.

  Quay grinned, making no move to stop her. His eyes were filled with love for his family and he laughed at the incredible feeling welling inside him. With a sigh, he decided to check on the rest of his family and reached for his cell phone.

  “Yeah?” Quest answered after three rings, chuckling when he heard his brother on the line.

  The twins shared a few moments of idle chatter. The conversation grew tenser when Quest told Quay that Moses had found Zara.

  “I can’t believe it…after all this time?” Quay marveled once Quest told him all the particulars. “Have you seen her?” he asked.

  “Not yet. Giving the family some time, you know?”


  “Will you see her?” Quest asked.

  “What the hell for?”

  “Quay…after the way you beat yourself up thinking you were responsible for her disappearing?” Quest inquired with a soft laugh. “I’d think you’d want to see for yourself that she was actually among the living.”

  “I don’t think I should step into that Q. May be best to let that sleeping dog lie.”

  Quest was silent a moment. “You think Ty would get the wrong idea,” he guessed.

  “Not Ty,” Quay corrected, focusing on a blade of grass clinging to his jeans.

  “Zara?” Quest figured, and then chuckled. “Man please, you really should share some of that arrogance. The girl probably forgot about you long ago. In light of the lifestyle she’d been forced to live, I’m sure your memory faded quite fast.”

  “I really hope that’s true Q. Besides, she’ll have a lot to handle once the dust settles from this thing. I’m the last person she needs to have to deal with.”

  “You’re talkin’ about Marc?” Quest asked, taking Quay’s silence for confirmation. “Mo said Zara wants to testify.”

  “Two trials,” Quay sighed, watching Ty push the twins on the baby swings a few yards away. “Then, this will all be over. Only thing left is the book to put everything together all nice and neat,” he mused. “If Mick wasn’t already a superstar, this’ll make her one.”

  “Well it won’t, because she won’t be writing it.”

  Quay’s right-dimpled smirk appeared. “Now who’s being arrogant?”

  Quest simply replied with a grunt.

  “Q please, you really think she has no intention to finish this?”

  “She knows how I feel. Case closed,” Quest said, his voice soft yet clearly unyielding.

  Quay nodded, hearing the steel lacing his bro
ther’s words. “Alright then, cave man. Would you care to place a bet on that?”

  “It’s a bet you’d lose.” Quest predicted.

  Quay chuckled. “Humor me.”


  “Only a few minutes gentlemen,” the nurse instructed as she led the two detectives and the assistant district attorney into Marc Ramsey’s hospital room.

  The Ramsey elder appeared to be his old self. He relaxed in bed, dressed in a finely crafted silk robe with his jazz filling the air and a copy of The Wall Street Journal in hand. A slew of other business journals were strewn across the bed.

  “Marcus Ramsey?” One of the detectives inquired.

  “If either of you can read the name on the door, then you already know that I am.”

  The ADA raised a hand to keep the detective from rushing the bed.

  “Mr. Ramsey I’m assistant DA Rory Elam. This is detective Frank Days and Van O’Reilly. We’d like to speak with you and it would be unwise for you to play society king when we all know that you’re not.”

  The comment triggered Marc’s attention, for he set aside the paper. Rory Elam went on-giving a quick review of all that had occurred.

  “Tampering with evidence, accomplice to murder, bribery and if what we’ve just been told is true-child endangerment, prostitution and kidnapping.”

  “What do you want?” Marc asked in a knowing tone.

  “Your brother’s trial begins in two months,” Elam said. “We want you to testify for the prosecution.”

  Marc’s laughter resounded above the jazz. “And exactly why would I do that?”

  “To save yourself a few years behind bars,” Detective O’Reilly pointed out.

  “Do this and you may be able to get out of jail before you completely lose the ability to piss on your own,” Detective Days added.

  “Give us what we want,” Elam urged.

  “How about you give me what I want-immunity,” Marc bargained, smiling when his visitors laughed.

  “That’s preposterous!” Elam shrieked, stepping closer to the bed. “Are you aware that the young woman you kidnapped-“


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