The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 108

by Altonya Washington

  The cousins nodded at one another and stood.

  “I’m um…gonna head out to meet Mo at the airport,” Fernando hastily decided and figured it’d be best not to kiss his fiancée goodbye.

  Quest took a different route. Casually slipping a hand into the pocket of his pine trousers, he crossed to his wife. He leaned down and kissed her slow and deliberately before patting her hip and leaving behind his cousin.

  The office was bathed in silence once more.


  Becici, Montenegro~

  Taurus and Dena adjourned to their respective rooms upon arrival at Hotel Brillante the previous evening. The siblings fell into their beds where both swore not to leave for at least ten hours. With adjoining suites, it was easier for Taurus to overhear his sister crying out early the next morning.

  Leaving his own bed and making his way through the pre-dawn light, Taurus pulled open the adjoining door in time to see his sister thrashing amidst the bed covers. Muttering a curse, he raced over to pull Dena into his arms.

  “Hey, hey, shh…Dee? Shh…babe it’s me, it’s me Taurus. Shh… it’s alright, it’s alright…”

  It took some doing, but eventually the woman’s eerie jerking and moaning slowed. Her eyes were blurred by years when she finally opened them and looked at her brother.

  “Better?” Taurus asked, kissing Dena’s forehead when she barely nodded. “I wondered how long it’d be before you had another,” he mused, feeling her stiffen against him.

  Dena raised her head and allowed him to see her confusion.

  “You only have the really bad ones when Carlos McPherson’s on your mind.” He clarified and kept a tight grip on her when she would’ve pulled away.

  “You’re wrong.” She pouted.

  “I disagree,” he argued and loosened his hold after a moment. “I put it together after seeing him at the funeral and then the will reading.”

  Dena rolled her eyes. “He was only there for a minute to talk to Moses about something that couldn’t wait.”

  “Mmm…yet he made sure his quick visit included time for him to speak to you.”

  She replied with a short laugh. “And how would you know when you were holed up in dad’s study for most of the afternoon.”

  Taurus shrugged. “Aunt Georgie told me.”

  The name of their father’s older sister stoked laughter as it often did and the mood lightened immediately.

  “Are you gonna tell me what the dream was about?” Taurus asked, toying with the baby hair smattered at Dena’s temple.

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  Taurus however, could see that it mattered very much. Her eyes held the haunted quality they’d carried since Houston Ramsey was arrested for Sera Black’s death. Still, he decided to let it alone for a while.

  “You up for breakfast?” he asked instead.

  “I’m starved,” Dena admitted and her features began to brighten. “Can’t wait to try one of the hotel’s five-star restaurants.”

  Taurus kissed her cheek. “You got thirty minutes to get ready.”

  “Hold on,” Dena laughed, “some of us need more time to make ourselves beautiful. Forty-five minutes and you got a deal.”


  Dena slapped his cheek playfully and left the bed for the bathroom.

  Taurus rested back in his sister’s bed. His expression was pensive as unsettled thoughts re-cluttered his mind.


  Ketchikan, Alaska~

  Melina Ramsey smiled and snuggled back into her husband’s massive frame. Following the horrific loss of her cousin Zara, Melina found herself blessed by being remarried. Yohan spared no effort or expense to indulge his wife. He hoped the time away would help her to deal with the grief. He believed his job had been accomplished when the weeks spent at their lovely Alaskan cabin helped to melt away his wife’s sadness.

  “Knowing Zara’s gone-really gone is a million times better than wondering what’s become of her.” Melina admitted one dusky evening while she and Yohan enjoyed the extraordinary view from their bed. Smiling, she turned on her side to face her husband. “I’m ready to go home.”

  Yohan’s striking dark face tensed with concern. “You sure?” he queried, watching the serene yet firm smile slowly curving her mouth. “We can stay here forever if you like.”

  Melina leaned close to press a soft kiss to his jaw. She knew he meant every word and loved him even more. “I’m sure Han. I feel better than I have in so long and I know I have you to thank.” She smoothed the back of her hand across his sleek chest. “Besides, it’s time I get back to work.” She said, thinking of all that had probably accumulated on her desk at Charm Galleries during the brief time they’d been at the cabin.

  Yohan was frowning. “Why do you sound so happy about it?”

  “Because I am. I think maybe I’ll organize a few showings when I get back.” Nodding over the idea, Mel turned on her back and focused her sights upon the incredible view. “I’ve got a life to live and I think Zara would’ve wanted me to get busy livin’ it.” She decided smiling when Yohan kissed her forehead. After a while however, a somber expression clouded her face. “I’m still so angry Han. I don’t know if anything will ever take that away.”

  Yohan understood. “Because of Marcus,” he guessed.

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered for causing him to think of the man. “I just feel sick when I think about him escaping and basking on a beach somewhere.”

  Yohan toyed with the stitched edge of the sheet that was covering her breasts. “Would you feel better if I told you I don’t think the man’s basking?”

  Mel turned to face her husband again. “But he escaped Han. Indulging in pleasure to celebrate that is something I’m sure he’d have no problem doing.”

  Yohan sat up then and braced his arms across raised knees. “Something just doesn’t feel right about it all.”

  “What doesn’t feel right?” Mel asked, noting the stiff set of his back then.

  Yohan massaged the back of his neck and shrugged. “The hell if I know. Besides Ma, I’ve got nothing else to go on.”

  Melina pushed herself up to sit as well. “What’s Josephine got to do with it?”

  “She’s too calm. In my opinion she should be hoppin’ mad.” He said, the ocean depth of his voice adopting a dangerous intensity. “She shot the jackass Mel. Wanting him dead and knowing he’s traipsing around livin’ the life has to eat at her. In spite of it all, I know she’s got no problem voicing displeasure-least not to her sons,” he acknowledged with a lazy grin.

  Melina contemplated the observation as well. “You know it could be as simple as her finally accepting things for what they are. Deciding to get on with her life, you know?”

  Yohan wasn’t nearly convinced, but urged himself to shrug it off. He bumped Mel’s shoulder with his own before pulling her close. “You’re probably right.” He said.


  Nile decided to take Darby’s advice and enjoy the elaborate offerings of the Hotel Brillante. In all her travels, the hotel had always stood out in her mind as the most exquisite destination she’d had the delight of enjoying. The grand, spacious establishment sat along the glorious seemingly untouched waters of the Adriatic Sea. Mesmerizing gardens decorated every entrance from the lush dining rooms and lounges to the apartment sized suites and hedonistic spas. Every desire could be imagined or realized. Enchanting beaches, towering mountains, canyons and forests offered the entire country of Montenegro an allure like few others. Nile was determined to pamper herself from head to toe.

  Feeling wonderfully optimistic as she headed into the Oval Dining Room for breakfast, Nile decided to take the call that had her cell phone vibrating. The sight of Yvonne Wilson’s name on the face plate was usually cause enough to let voice mail intervene. But since she was living optimistically, participating in a conversation seemed like a good place to start proving it.

  “Le Bonne Maman de Matin,” she gr
eeted her mother good morning while passing the restaurant’s gated entrance.


  “More tea for the lady, Sir?”

  Taurus smiled while shaking his head. “No need Daunte, she left for the spa already.”

  “Very well. Anything else for you then, Sir?” The young waiter inquired.

  Taurus debated, taking a second or two in order to scan the seductive beauty of the lush garden past the balcony where he and Dena had enjoyed breakfast. Beyond the sea of vivid flowers and brush was an equally vivid sea of blue.

  “What the hell,” he sighed and chose to stay a while longer. “Bring me two more of those stuffed crepes, will you Daunte? And is there any more of that berry coffee?”

  Daunte grinned. “The last cup is yours, Sir. I can have the kitchen put on another pot if you’d like?”

  “Don’t go to the trouble Daunte, thanks.” Taurus nodded when the waiter went to see to the order.

  Taurus indulged in enjoying the view once more. There was a chill in the air, but he savored the breeze. The wind tousled his hair and the material of the black shirt he wore outside sagging khaki trousers. His attention on the landscape, he missed the lingering stares and obvious plays for just a glance or two. One woman was bold enough to stop right next to his table and absently mention her stockings being twisted. Of course, she had to raise her skirt obscenely high to properly observe the sheer hose. Realizing that she’d gone unnoticed by Taurus, a pout curved her lips seconds before she flounced off.

  Daunte returning with his order was the only thing that drew Taurus’ attention from the sea view. After thanking the waiter, he dived right into the second hearty portion of strawberry and cream cheese-filled crepes. He’d been eating heartily for almost eight minutes when he glanced up and almost choked. In the midst of a swallow, Taurus found himself looking upon the woman he thought he’d never see again.


  “Je serai beau. Je n’ai pas besoin de tout cela. Maman….”

  It was her alright, Taurus thought-as if he’d ever come close to seeing anyone who even remotely resembled her. Still, even if a case of mistaken identity was the issue, no one could mimic the voice. The husky lacing of French-erotic and beckoning had haunted his dreams for well over a year.

  “Oui…oui Maman…Au revoir,” Nile ended the call and then hefted the slender phone in her palm. She was torn between shoving the cell back into the trouser pocket hidden beneath her beige cashmere wrap and tossing it into the Adriatic. She opted for the former and decided to see if food might soothe her simmering temper.

  The fact that her mother had called out of concern for her safety would have been laughable had Nile not known the real motivation behind Yvonne’s interest in her well-being. Those damn card keys had to be behind the root of it all. During the past months, Nile had come to realize how very important they were. She’d connected the names and faces to several powerful players in the business and political world.

  If she knew her father-and she did, the man was most likely debating and hoping to use the keys for some sort of financial gain. Those small cards could be a powerful tool for blackmail. Her every instinct told her to take them to the police and let the chips fall.

  The question was her mother. Yvonne’s concern had to be for the cards and Nile’s intention for them. Of course, Nile knew her mother as well as her father. The woman’s plan wasn’t to assist her husband, but to outwit him. Were her plans for blackmail or something more evolved? It was a question Nile believed she’d never find an answer to. One thing was clear though: she held the keys-literally- to her parent’s survival or ruin.

  “Miss Becquois?”

  With a start, Nile saw the waiter watching her curiously. Taking note of the pad he held, she cleared her throat and casually withdrew a menu from the table she stood next to. She closed it the moment she opened it.

  “I think I’ll take breakfast in my room. Could you have the service send up two stuffed crepes-peaches and cream and a pot of that berry coffee?”

  Daunte nodded while briskly noting the order. “The kitchen will need to brew a fresh pot of the berry blend. Your order may be just a moment longer.”

  Nile’s smile was polite, but brief. “That’s fine.” She breathed and whisked past him.

  Taurus sat leaning back in his chair. Eating was forgotten and he appeared as though someone was holding his throat in a vice. Struggling to breathe, he watched her leave the balcony with the hem of her wrap floating gracefully about her.

  “Daunte?” he just managed to call out when the man approached his table. “The um-the woman you were just talking to…”

  Daunte chuckled after a moment, understanding Taurus’ reaction. “Quite a vision, yes?”

  “Yes…she’s staying here?”

  “Yes sir, Mademoiselle Becquois has returned to grace us with another show.”


  “Nile Becquois,” Daunte clarified, taking time to give the phonetic pronunciation ‘Beck-wa’ before he continued. “Her art shows always draw the largest crowds with the deepest pockets if you’ll excuse me for saying, sir.”

  “Thanks Daunte,” Taurus stood then and dropped several bills to the table before pushing more at Daunte. “Thanks,” he repeated and left the balcony without another word.


  Nile decided she’d made enough of an effort at getting out and about for the day. She contemplated visiting the spa later and felt it best to keep her cell off for the duration of the trip. She’d quickly exchanged the stunning wrap, pantsuit and boots for a pair of slippers and a lounging robe. It was back to bed following breakfast.

  She glanced at the living room clock when the bell sounded. Moving fast, she whisked open the door for room service and found herself leaning against the door for support upon realizing who waited in the hall.

  “Mademoiselle Becquois,” Taurus greeted in a sly matter-of-fact tone.

  The sound of his voice sent her stumbling backward on the thick slippers she wore. All the while, she tried to ignore the raging tingles that would soon lead to a wealth of moisture soaking her panties. She had never forgotten his voice-heavy and sweet with a surge of roughness. The sound reminded her of Caske and Crème rippling over chipped ice. Having it touch her ears in reality was a guaranteed path to orgasm.

  Several moments passed before Nile realized she’d been backing away from him as he advanced slowly. Clearly he knew he’d stunned her stupid but was undeterred in his decision to advance nonetheless.

  “Wait,” she barely uttered. Clearing her throat she tried again only nothing came of the effort that time.

  Taurus was in as much shock as Nile. She was even more incredible standing before him than she’d been in his dreams. She was elusive and lovely, alluring yet with a blatant innocence of which she seemed completely oblivious. He swore to himself that he only wanted to touch her-to prove to himself that she was real. Then he’d go-honestly he would.

  “Please,” she managed on a gasp when she saw his long strides grow bolder. Reflexively, she extended her hand to stay him.

  In one fluid move, Taurus caught her wrist. Unfortunately, it was just as the backs of her knees touched the edge of the monstrous sofa filling a corner of the living room. She tumbled back and he followed, knocking the wind from her chest when he landed on top of her.

  Sure enough, the raging tingles stirred a flood of liquid need inside her panties. Her lashes fluttered and she caught her lip between her teeth. The gesture drowned whatever remained of Taurus’ restraint. He dipped his head and thrust a hungry tongue deep inside her mouth. The kiss effectively smothered the surprised and wanton groan that rose in her throat.

  Nile responded with an eager impatience and arched herself to silently urge his attention past her mouth. He took the hint, moving on to feast upon her throat in the same hungry manner that he’d taken her mouth. His hands cupped her breasts, simultaneously stroking the firming nipples beneath the fuzzy pink material o
f her robe. They were instantly ready for his tongue when he tugged the robe from her body.

  What are you doing? Nile heard the words ring in her head and promptly ignored them. There were far more delightful things to focus on just then.

  Taurus’ thoughts ran along the same lines as he sought to dismiss all logic from his mind. He’d pretty much invited himself into her room and proceeded to force himself on her. He’d heard the ‘wait’ on her lips and knew her reaching out to him wasn’t an invitation, but he couldn’t think. Until he had her-had all of her, he couldn’t think.

  Nile covered his hands on her breasts with every intention of tugging them away. Useless. Taurus massaged them with more determination until satisfied by the way her nipples firmed against his palms. He raised his head to pleasure himself with the look of her.

  She kept her eyes closed, fearing that if she looked upon his face, all reasons of why they shouldn’t be involved in…this would scream out at her.

  Working one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, Taurus trapped the other between his lips and teeth. Just barely, he raked the rigid tip. His tongue scarcely outlined the nub and a surge of arrogant confidence swelled inside him when her whimper reached his ears.

  Having been denied his touch for over a year, Nile could take no more of the maddening foreplay. Her hips ground upon his and she hissed that he please her in the fashion they both needed.

  Taurus had grown tired of the sweet interlude as well. His mouth suckled madly upon her breast and alternated ever so steadily between his perfect teeth. His free hand fisted around a wad of the lounging robe causing the loose belt to unravel at Nile’s waist and reveal the rest of her dark figure.

  Nile wanted to lose her fingers in his gorgeous light hair but had no strength for anything except the frantic arching of her hips against his. Taurus wasted no more time. He continued the savage suckling on her breasts while tugging away her underwear and then freeing himself from the confines of his trousers.


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