The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 116

by Altonya Washington

  “If I tell her how I feel I can’t be sure how she’ll take it.”

  “But you won’t know that ‘til you do, right?”

  Taurus grimaced. “Maybe I’m not ready for reality to set in.” He tilted back the mug almost emptying it. “Having her here is like a dream. I know all the drama in my family will be an issue for us.” He shook his head. “I’m in no rush to get back to it.”

  “I’ll tell you what you already know T, the sooner you deal with the reality, the sooner you can start livin’ the dream.”

  With that, the two raised their mugs in silent toast.


  “Shall I carry you?” Taurus offered playfully when he opened the passenger door of the Land Rover.

  Nile stepped out gingerly and raised a hand when she wobbled and Taurus stepped close to assist. She did however settle for letting him hold her hand when she wobbled a second time.

  “It should be illegal to serve that much beer in a glass.” She muttered.

  Taurus shrugged and gathered her close. “It’s Scotland people take their brew very seriously.”

  “Clearly your tolerance is near sky level.”

  Taurus smiled. “We Ramseys learn to drink at a young age.”

  Nile laughed while curving her fingers deeper into the butter soft fabric of his coat. “So you’re saying it’s a tradition passed from father to son, huh?”

  The easiness in Taurus’ light eyes faded then. “No room for that in my family.”

  Nile wasn’t so tipsy that she didn’t realize she’d said something wrong. She held her apology until they’d walked inside and were ascending the staircase.

  “You don’t have to apologize,” he said once they’d stopped on the landing between her room and his own. “I’m the one who should be doing that.”

  “You?” Nile whispered leaning against the wall.

  Taurus studied his thumb as he worked it in circles against his palm. “Remember that day I talked to you about not being more careful when we had sex?”

  Nile closed her eyes. “Taurus…don’t.”

  “I need to say this,” he leaned against the wall as well. “I’m sorry if I gave you the idea that I’d be unhappy or upset if all this resulted in you having my child.”

  “Please,” she managed as her voice had all but deserted her.

  “Let me finish,” he pleaded, his sleek brows drawn close in determination. “My father…my father was a real bastard-phony and pompous. His goal in life was to make my sister and me to be as perfect as he was foul. It was a shitty life and if it hadn’t been for my mother who knows what sort of monster I would’ve become.” He cleared his throat against a sudden rush of feeling. “I think what I want most is to prove I can be a better man-husband, father…than my own had been.” Leaning full against the wall he rested his head back. “It’s like a living thing in my gut-a chance to know my father hadn’t passed his sickness, his twisted mentalities on to me…”

  Nile’s heart thundered in her ears when Taurus suddenly pulled her close. She looked everywhere but his face until he tilted his head and forced her to meet his gaze.

  “I love you,” he confessed in the rough perfection that was his voice. “I want to share your future-whatever terrors I see in your eyes that you feel you can’t tell me. I want every part of you-good or bad and I pray you’ll accept the same from me.”

  God he doesn’t know what he’s saying, Nile spoke silently even as her chest filled with emotion. It pained and overjoyed her to see the lost little boy expression on his face. His breathing was staggered as though confessing his feelings took everything from him. He wanted her confession, he deserved it. But what good would it do? What could she give him? Certainly not the chance to prove he could be a better father than Houston Ramsey. All she had to offer was a devastating story and the chance for him to feel more hatred than he’d ever known.

  She wanted to wilt from the sorrow of it all. Somehow Taurus sensed it and moved closer brushing away her tears with the touch of his lips. His kisses trailed across her cheeks and then to her mouth. Nile tired of the teasing and instigated a deep kiss that surprised him enough to allow her to press him back to the wall.

  She kissed him as if starved. “Mon Dieu…Je vous aime.”

  Hearing words of love on her lips, Taurus gripped her tightly and carried her effortlessly to his bedroom. Once the door had been kicked open, only the shuddery sounds of their breathing filled the dark.

  Taurus kept her there against the door. He used his teeth and hands to strip away her dress. His mouth traveled the length of her body while he settled to his knees before her. Fluidly, he draped one of her legs across his shoulder.

  Nile uttered something unintelligible when he began to feast upon the heart of her. She trembled fiercely and he pressed one hand to her stomach. The other gripped her thigh and kept her motionless as he pleasured her into orgasmic oblivion. Nile thrust helplessly against the length of his tongue using soft words of desire to beg him not to stop. Her words transformed into lilting cries that colored the black of the room.

  When he finished, he pulled her high against him and let her kiss her taste from his tongue. Nile felt herself being lowered to the bed but as the room was terribly dark, her heart raced with need and uncertainty intertwined. She could feel him at her breasts-his hair like silk against her skin. He left no part of her untouched and spent ample time adoring her bosom. She moaned when he moved away, wanting him to continue suckling and nibbling.

  He was gone but a few moments but then Nile felt him return. His lean chiseled form was warm and bare next to her and she raked her nails across his chest and back. Again, Taurus caught her thighs in his iron grip parting them for his body.

  Nile shuddered when he took her. Granite hard, he throbbed inside the moist warmth of her love.

  “You’re not being careful again Mr. Ramsey,” she teased though her words came out in a ramble of moans amidst the delicious thrusts that drove his length deeper.

  “You’re mine,” Was his excuse. His softly rugged voice filled the room. “And I’m yours. Always,” he vowed.

  More words were unnecessary and undesired. He took her to the edge with the merciless drives of his sex. Then, with expert skill the heated drives tapered off the slow lunges that were no less stimulating. Nile could scarcely catch her breath. Taurus had captured both her wrists and imprisoned them above her head. He dipped his head to favor a nipple which he suckled as slowly as he rotated his stiffness inside her.

  Nile was out of her mind with need. She rambled senseless words of delight in her native tongue which threatened to peak Taurus’ pleasure sooner than he wanted. To silence her, he outlined her full lips with the tip of his index finger before slipping it inside her mouth. She suckled with an intensity that sent him erupting inside her and dropping his head to her shoulder. He cursed the loss of control while savoring the stunning satisfaction that gripped him.


  The manager’s office door at Double Q was shut firmly behind Contessa’s back. Her eyes shimmered with tears when she looked up at Fernando who scowled down at her.

  “You get yourself together or we’re leavin’. Do you understand me County?”

  “I- I’m fine,” she lied through a sniffle and wiped at her tears. “I’m fine,” she tried once more.

  “Liar,” Fernando almost growled and brushed her hand away from her face. He did a far better job of removing the wetness from her cheeks and nose. “You’re quiet as a mouse out there,” he accused referring to the dining table where they enjoyed a couple’s night out along with Quay, Ty, Quest, Mick, Yohan, Mel, Moses and Johari at the jazz club owned by the twins. “You being that quiet is a dead give away that somethin’s wrong.”

  “Dammit why’d you tell me this?” she hissed pushing hard against his massive chest.

  Fernando wasn’t amused. “Because you wouldn’t let me out of the damn house until I did.”

  “You could’ve lied.�

  “I’ve been doing that since I got back from that trip.”

  County sniffed. “What are you and Moses going to do?”

  “Damned if I know,” Fernando groaned, massaging his eyes in a weary manner. “We won’t do a thing ‘til Taurus gets back. Then we’ll sit down with…we’ll figure out something.”

  There was silence for a while and then County felt her tears back building and rubbed the flaring sleeve of her wrap blouse against her cheek.

  “Hey shh…” Fernando urged, rocking County slow when her emotions got the best of her again. “Let me take you home?” he suggested, knowing she wouldn’t be able to keep it together for the rest of the evening. He closed his eyes in relief when he felt her nod against his neck.


  Nile woke well before dawn that morning. Streams of light fought past the navy linen drapes and she realized they were the reason she couldn’t see her hand before her face the night prior. No matter, because they’d added even more allure to the things Taurus Ramsey had done to her.

  Still, it was the things he’d said that almost caused her heart to burst. She did love him and was certain the emotion was written all over her face. He was so good and he deserved so much more than the hurt and shame she would surely bring to the table.

  Besides, she couldn’t give him what he wanted most in the world. A child would never be in her future. While he professed to want every part of her-good and bad-she’d not suffer him to settle for a woman who couldn’t give him the chance to prove he was a better man and shower love on a child of his own. Sorrow filled, Nile dragged herself from his bed and decided to bury her head under the covers of her own.


  Taurus left his room shortly after Nile disappeared into hers. Something told him to give her space, so he bypassed her closed doors and headed downstairs. He took his coffee and enjoyed it while surveying the land. Then, he ventured out to the stone deck off from the kitchen. Smoothing a hand across his bare chest, he breathed in the morning air while staring off into the distance.

  Gradually, the calm easy look he wore grew dark-sinister in its intensity. He turned going to the dark pine set situated in the corner of the deck. Selecting one of the massive chairs, he smashed it against the stone fence surrounding the space. Having spent a portion of his rage, he dropped to one knee and squeezed his eyes shut to will his temper to cool.


  Nile paused at the entryway to the deck when she arrived there later that morning and noticed the crushed chair in the corner. Since it would’ve taken nothing less than a wrecking ball to destroy the heavy pine creation, she figured its demise was quite deliberate. The sound of her name in the distance interrupted her thoughts before she could dwell on them any longer.


  It was Kraven she realized. Looking across the stone expanse of the deck, she saw that he was seated at the round wrought iron table…along with Taurus.

  Kraven was meeting her before she’d made it halfway to the table. “I was afraid I wouldn’t have a chance to see you this morning.” He pulled her into a tight hug. “Needed to find out if you’re as incredible before noon as you are after hours.” His striking green eyes gave her the once over. “Please to see that I’ve confirmed it.”

  Nile couldn’t help but laugh, needing the release to flood away her tension. “Have you already eaten?” She asked once they’d approached the table and she saw the plates and silverware littering the surface.

  “I’m sorry, love,” he leaned close to kiss her cheek, “there were some things I needed to talk over with my mate here and now, with the ball preparations tugging at me every which way, I need to get moving.”

  “Could you use any help?” Nile asked, tugging at the wide sleeves of her gold lounging gown. She watched Kraven shake hands with Taurus-who had yet to acknowledge her and; whom she secretly suspected, was at fault for the broken chair. She hoped neither man could hear the desperation in her voice as she offered (begged) to help out with the festivities.

  “No thank you, sweet,” Kraven stole another kiss from Nile’s cheek. “I’d adore it, but I’ve got a feeling my friend would kill me if I took you out of his sight.”

  Nile wouldn’t dispute Kraven aloud though she doubted he’d have any problem taking her with him. One would have to be blind to miss the cold in Taurus’s light stare.

  Still, Kraven led her to the chair he’d just vacated. “I’ll see you both later,” he squeezed her shoulder, “you two have a nice chat.” He said, scooting Nile’s chair closer to the table while he sent his friend a meaningful look before he set off.

  Alone, Nile struggled for some conversation spark. She was thankful Taurus wasn’t watching her then which would’ve made thinking more difficult than it was already proving to be. Her eyes lilted on the broken chair.

  “What happened to it?” She asked, nodding slightly in the direction.

  Taurus, it seemed, was looking for his own ‘out’ and glanced toward the smashed chair as if he’d forgotten it. Suddenly, he pushed away from the table and stood. “Nothing I can’t take care of,” he said and then set off the deck without looking back.


  Los Angeles, California~

  “Are you sure?” Darby believed she finally understood what the phrase ‘seventh heaven’ meant as she marveled over the five canvases leaning against the far wall of her office. “These pieces…these pieces are exquisite.” She said to the woman who’d come that evening bearing the breathtaking works. “I’m afraid I can’t offer you much for them.” She slanted the woman an uneasy look and pressed her lips together when she saw the statuesque lady raise a hand.

  “I’d never take money for these.” The woman’s tilted brown gaze remained on the canvases as if she were entranced. “But you’re right,” she sighed, “they are exquisite and now they bring me nothing but pain when I look at them.” She stepped close and leaned in to brush what may’ve been a bit of lint from the edge of the painting. “I can’t see having them destroyed and my nephew has talked about your gallery so often since I’ve come to visit, that I can’t think of a better place for them.” Finally, she turned to Darby.

  “And payment isn’t necessary in light of all you and Ms. Becquois have done to give him and all the kids here a purpose- a future- a good future.”

  “Why…thank you,” Darby whispered, truly moved by the beauty and touch of sadness in the woman’s voice. She watched her gather the purse and wrap she’d arrived with before leaving as quietly as she’d arrived. The phone rang just as Darby realized the woman never told her who her nephew was.

  Turning quickly, she rushed to answer the call before it went to voice mail.

  “Darby hello.”

  Her questions about the mysterious benefactor ceased yet more filled her mind when she heard the rough, soothing voice in her ear.

  “Taurus…” she eased into her desk chair, and then frowned. “Is Nile alright?”

  “She’s fine, she’s fine.” Sorrow for upsetting Darby caused Taurus’ voice to soften. “Only I don’t know how much longer I can interest her in staying.”

  “Oh um, I don’t see how she could possibly be in any hurry to leave.” Darby was conjuring an image of the man inside her mind.

  Hearing the unspoken compliment, Taurus chuckled. “I appreciate you saying that, but I um, I’m afraid I haven’t been the best host and I honestly don’t want her to leave before I can get a grip on myself.”

  “How can I help?” Darby asked and felt her voice desert her when Taurus asked if he could fly her out to Scotland.

  “Well I-oh Taurus I really don’t think that’s necessary. I could just as easily talk to Nile from here.”

  “I think it’d make her very happy to see you Darby. Everyone here is very sweet to her, but to see a familiar face...”

  Darby could hear the desperation in the quiet rough of his voice and she sympathized. “You’re really in love with her, aren’t you?”

“I really love her. More than I ever thought I was capable of,” he responded without hesitating. “Unfortunately, I don’t think she really believes me and I need her to.” His sigh mingled with a groan. “I’m pretty certain she’ll want to leave when she sees you…but I didn’t know what else to do except call you.”

  Darby drew a line through the remaining appointments on her calendar. “If you can give me a few days, I’ll be there.”


  “It looks grizzly, but it won’t bit ya Miss.”

  Darby found her smile and even managed a nod before accepting Colin Bradenton’s hand and leaving the car. She wasn’t as afraid of being bitten as she was of being seriously underdressed when she arrived at the incredible manor house the following week. The appearance of the place made her feel as though she should be wearing a gown trailing past her feet instead of clunky hiking boots and sagging jeans.

  “Is it as big on the inside?” she asked.

  “Aye, that it is,” Colin confirmed with a tip of his brown cap. “But my missus would swear it’s three times bigger than that!”

  Darby let out a whistle while staring up at the magnificent structure and then around the encompassing grounds.

  “Just give it a good rap!” Colin instructed Darby as he unloaded her bags from the trunk.

  Taking a deep breath, she gazed upon the wide door she stood before and grabbed onto the brass knocker. She smiled upon hearing her friend’s distinctive voice.

  “I have it Miss Moira!” Nile called while whipping open the door. She gasped looking as if she’d seen a ghost.

  Darby winked. “Hope I won’t cramp your style,” she said.

  Nile screamed and pulled her best friend close. “What are you doing here?” She squealed and kissed Darby’s cheek.

  “Taurus called,” Darby offered a knowing smile. “He said he thought you might want me here.”

  Nile could only nod and pull her friend into another hug.

  The scream and subsequent squealing brought the other three people in the house rushing into the entryway.


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