The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 132

by Altonya Washington

  Exchanging a knowing look with his wife, Quest clapped Pike’s shoulder. “She’s good- handling wardrobe for a new play.”

  A small furrow signaled the beginnings of a curious frown. “Which one?” Pike asked.

  Cab Crew. Playin’ to sell out crowds every night in Harlem right now from what I hear.”

  Though he nodded coolly, it was clear Pike was avidly assessing the new info that he’d as yet been made unaware of. “I’ll have to check it out.”

  “Hey! You two stop towering over that poor girl!” The order came from the man seated at the table.

  Jumping to, Quest and Pike each offered Michaela an arm and escorted her forward.

  “She’s lovely Quest- absolutely. I’ve heard that all you young Ramseys had finally been captured by a team of beauties who have brains as well.” Imani Kamande Tesano stopped her wheelchair to cast another pensive stare at the table where her husband and son sat talking with Michaela. “I can see the rumors were true.”

  Quest leaned down to brush a kiss across the back of Imani’s hand. “Thank you.” He knew the woman was ever-prayerful that her own children might find such happiness. So far, it had eluded them.

  Roman Tesano clearly agreed with his wife’s impression of Mick. Several times during the course of the conversation, he used the edge of his napkin to dab tears of laughter from his dark eyes. The group had enjoyed a delicious lunch where Quest shared what he knew of the goings on in the family. Afterwards, Quest caught up with Imani while Mick continued to converse with Roman and Pike. Once Quest and Imani returned to the table, the main topic of discussion resumed.

  “You have my word on this son; no harm will come to Sabra or Sabella because of anything going on in this family.” Roman cast his son an assuring look as well.

  “I appreciate that sir,” Quest locked his fingers atop the table and leaned forward. “Others in my family may not agree. I’m not so sure I can agree especially following the deaths of my aunt and uncle.”

  Roman’s jaw tightened into a grim line. “I am sorry for what happened to Houston and Daphne. I had every reason to believe my family was to blame for it.”

  Michaela stroked Quest’s wrist when she noticed him clench a fist.

  “You know better than anyone how deeply the unrest goes in our family Quest.” Roman brushed the pad of this thumb across the face of his watch. “I promise you on the life of my children, that Daphne and Houston’s deaths weren’t sanctioned by the family. I threatened to go after them with all my resources when I suspected…they were terrified and rightly so. They gave up the party responsible- suffice it to say a small group of the family however has pretty much… gone rogue.” Roman slanted a meaningful look at Pike who understood the hint.

  “They were intent on obtaining the card keys,” Roman continued. “I understand they’re no longer in your possession.”

  “That’s right.”

  Roman nodded. “Just know that I am sorry. That doesn’t mean much now, I know and I can’t say any more at this time but I guarantee that those responsible, will pay.”

  “I won’t tolerate another attack on my family, sir.” Quest’s promise was delivered softly but just as powerfully.

  “They have no interest in harming those girls.” Roman’s bronzed features took on a more sincere tint. “They want my sons. Always have.”

  Quest nodded. He knew Pike and his brothers had struggled all their lives to remain on the honorable side of the Tesano clan. There was one brother however who hadn’t struggled because the other side of the Tesano clan didn’t want him.

  There in lie the seeds of unrest amidst one of the most powerful families on the East Coast. The group talked a little longer and then reluctantly parted ways as the elder Tesanos had a trip to prepare for, while Quest and Mick had yet to visit their room.

  “It’s wonderful that they visit your mother’s homeland once a year.” Mick was saying in reference to the trip Roman and Imani were taking to Mozambique.

  Pike leaned back in the chair he’d occupied and smiled in the direction his parent’s had exited. “It’s important to my dad. He always felt my mother missed out on so much being so far from her home. “’Course, she visits whenever she wants, but it’s always concerned him, so she humors him.”

  “Well I think it’s wonderful. I can tell they love you a lot.” She caught Quest’s eye and knew he was trying to figure if she was regretting her own family or lack thereof.

  Offering a refreshing smile, she pushed back from the table and both men rose to their feet when she stood.

  “It was great meeting you Pike.” She said, laughing when Quest leaned close to judge the kiss his friend planted on her cheek. “I’ll see you upstairs.” She patted Quest’s stomach and left the table.

  “She’s incredible Q. You’re a lucky man.”

  Quest’s hazy gaze was unwavering. “I am. Are they safe, P?” He asked in the same breath.

  “I promise you yes.”

  Quest’s expression didn’t soften. “Your father promised and because I respect him as much as my own father, I accepted that. So this is for you. One hair- one hair on their heads harmed or even threatened and the Tesanos won’t have to worry about destroying themselves because I’ll take a personal interest in seeing to it myself.”

  “Understood,” Pike nodded coolly enough though his features were drawn into a dangerous mask. “And because you’re one of my best friends, I’ll keep my temper out of it. Hell, do you think I’d ever let anyone touch her Q?” He clutched the hand Quest offered as a sudden grin flashed. “See you and Mick tonight for dinner?”

  Quest reciprocated with an easy grin of his own and hugged Pike before they parted company.


  “Stop that.”

  Mick looked up at Quest and fixed him with a playful frown. “I’m only breathing.”

  “Stop. It’s arousing me.”

  “Well I’m sorry,” Mick burst into laughter that brought tears to her eyes. “But you were the one who wanted to slow dance and if we’re gonna do that to this incredible quartet you are gonna have to feel me breathing.”

  “Then I’m afraid we’re gonna miss dinner with P,” Quest was already fiddling with the skinny shoulder straps of Mick’s butter rum dress.

  She slapped his hands away from the loose straps that draped her shoulders. “Not on your life. I plan to hear more about what kind of playa you were.”

  “Nice try.” He tugged on one of her spiral curls. “You just want to moon over him some more.”

  Her mouth formed a perfect O as she laughed and thumped his forehead. Mick propped her chin on his chest and looked up. “I was only admiring. The only man I see is you.”

  “Really?” He sounded every bit the adorable boy as his darkening eyes searched her exotic amber ones.

  “Really,” Michaela couldn’t help but feel fascinated that the visually stunning man who held her close could be so absorbed by how much he appealed to her.

  It was quite a heady feeling Mick decided as she leaned closer to inhale the scent of the cologne clinging to the charcoal brown jacket he wore over a crew shirt of the same color. She molded her palms to the chiseled outline of his torso and felt her own arousal begin a subtle simmer. The man would’ve had to have been blind not to see all the looks of unmasked…heat directed his way from almost every woman who saw him. Yet there he was Mick thought, concerned by her and by the ‘heat’ he saw in her look.

  “I love you,” she whispered standing on her toes to meet the kiss he leaned down to give.

  The kiss intensified immediately and Mick whimpered as if tortured. All she wanted was to wrap herself around him and rub against the overwhelming hardness of his body. Quest maintained the cooler head and broke the kiss as the quartet announced a five minute break.

  Arm in arm, Quest and Mick strolled back to the table they’d secured in the Greenhouse restaurant. With its elaborate design of lush foliage and man-made ponds, every guest had
the sensation of dining in an indoor garden.


  “He seems sad; I could see it behind all that laughter this afternoon.” Mick said once they’d taken their seats.

  “I doubt he can even tell anyone notices.” Quest thought of his friend while downing a bit of the cognac he’d ordered. “Those of us who know and love him let him think he’s got us fooled with that look of his.”

  “It’s like total elation and the depths of sadness mixed into one and that one is impossible to describe.” Mick took time to sip from her club soda.

  “What?” Quest noticed her eyes narrowing further.

  “Just thinking of looks that are impossible to describe, that’s all…Nile,” She said when Quest continued to stare. As her thoughts were then focused on Taurus’ new wife, she didn’t notice how sharp Quest’s expression had become.

  “At the wedding she…she just looked at me so strangely. I don’t know.” She took another sip of her drink. “Like a mix of surprise, recognition… Fear maybe?” She inquired but didn’t really want an answer. She shook her head. “I’m probably just imagining it.”

  “Did you talk with her?” Quest focused on the impression his cognac glass made on the napkin beneath it.

  Mick grimaced and shook her head again. “It was her wedding day and there was so much going on. Besides, you seemed pretty anxious to leave.”

  Quest smiled in spite of himself. He guessed he hadn’t disguised his anxiety as well as he thought. “Guess I must’ve been preoccupied about taking this trip.”

  Mick’s sunny expression returned. “Well, I’ll thank you just the same for bringing me along. Even though I miss Quinn like crazy, I really needed this time with you.” She bit her lip and reached out to take the hand he extended. Her heart thudded in her throat when his beautiful stare filled with intense emotion.

  Before Quest leaned close to ply her with another kiss, Michaela tilted her head toward one of the entrances. “Your boy’s here.” She waved at Pike who had just entered.


  “Well that does it for me. I’m gonna turn in.” Mick was announcing after the delicious feast of authentic French onion soup, braised salmon and bay scallops with almonds and chocolate profiteroles for dessert.

  “Come on Mick, stay. I haven’t told you half the dirt I’ve got on this fool.” Pike slanted a wicked look at Quest who pretended to shush him.

  “Nooo I think I’ve got enough ammunition.” Mick pressed a kiss to Quest’s temple. “I’m gonna give you guys time to catch up.”

  Quest and Pike moved their conversation to one of the hotel’s bars once Mick left them. They had a great time talking and laughing over old times. Quest was nicely surprised to see the conversation steered clear of his cousin Sabella. It was just as well, for other serious matters did revisit the discussion.

  Pike was floored when Quest went into full detail about Cufi Muhammad and how what happened tied into the Tesano family.

  “Look P, I know how you and your brothers always worked to be what your dad wanted, but I need to know if you’re sure you guys are still on the same page.”

  Pike drained the rest of his bourbon and signaled the waiter for another. “You’re talkin’ about Caiphus and Hill?” He referred to his younger and older brothers respectively.

  Quest shrugged.

  Pike reciprocated the gesture. “As far as I know.”

  “As far as you know…you talk to Hill lately?”

  “I try to talk to Hill as little as possible.” Pike reached for his fresh drink.

  “Maybe you should. Just to be certain.”

  “Last I heard he put down his pirate’s cap, Q.”

  “Maybe he’d be willing to pick it up again for the right cargo.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  Quest shook his head reaching for his drink. “It’s probably nothing. Only with my dismantling Ramsey’s weapons division- a division that’s been catering to certain interested parties in your family- that leaves a lot of equipment a lot of product that’ll have to be sold, shipped and with this research material biological and otherwise…”

  “Delicate stuff,” Pike noted.

  “Mmm…” Quest smirked. “Something you’d want to entrust to family for instance.” He shrugged again. “Like I said P, I’m probably way off here with a bunch of nothin’. Just a feeling.”

  “Just a feelin’ huh?” Pike grinned. “A lot of men I know base their business dealings on feelings from Q Ramsey. I’ll look into it.” He promised and clicked glasses with Quest.


  Quest wasn’t surprised to find Mick already asleep when he returned to their suite. He leaned against the bedroom doorjamb; hands hidden in his trouser pockets, and watched her a long while. They’d return to the States tomorrow and would arrive in Chicago by dinner time.

  He’d tell her then when they were back in Chicago-back inside her home. The home she’d shared with Driggers- a place she’d always felt safe. She would be devastated just the same but she’d be there. He finally accepted the fact that this news would have to come from him and not out of the clear blue. He thought of Pike then and recalled what being stunned out of the clear blue could do to a person. He didn’t want that for Mick. He would tell her tomorrow.

  Pushing off from the doorjamb, Quest took a seat on the edge of the bed and toyed with her hair. Eventually, she stirred and whispered his name in the dark.

  “Shh…go back to sleep,” he kissed her cheek and tucked the covers around her.

  “Mmm…thanks,” she turned on her side. “I got no strength left for sexual favors tonight.”

  Quest chuckled at the slurred statement. “That’s fine, but just for tonight.” He warned playfully and leaned close to nuzzle her hair. He waited until she’d fallen into another deep slumber then, fully clothed, he stretched out next to her and drifted off to sleep.


  Taurus tried to keep the scowl from his face as he watched his wife descending the courthouse steps. She’d asked him to let her go alone to see her mother and he refused her request without hesitation. Unfortunately, he’d gotten tied up with an issue at Ramsey and she’d gone ahead without him.

  Nile caught sight of her husband. She knew he wasn’t happy that she’d left to handle the visit alone. She was so bless to have him, she thought loving the cool appealing image he cast while leaning against the passenger side of a dark Navigator that pretty much dwarfed the champagne Jag she’d driven into town. Taking the last step, she walked right into his arms and hid her face in the crook of his neck.

  “It’s alright,” he soothed feeling her shudder and sob against him. “I guess I don’t have to ask how it went.”

  “When I said Mick’s name, I thought she’d die- she was so stiff.” Nile smoothed her hand across Taurus’ tanned suede jacket in long rhythmic strokes that seemed to calm her.

  “Did she try to deny it?”

  Nile shook her head against his shoulder. “At first she was confused but then she wasn’t expecting Michaela Sellars to be the first words out of my mouth.” She squeezed her eyes tight to ward off the dread filling her. “When everything began to register, she sat down and told me in the simplest calmest way how she shattered the life of her own child. It wasn’t an involved heart wrenching story like I’d expected-hoped. Instead… instead it was like hearing the story of a child- a young girl who’d become a mother way too fast and who one day decided she didn’t want the responsibility anymore.” She braced her forehead against Taurus’ shoulder and took several deep breaths. “Cufi Muhammad could offer her the life she’d left Compton to find. But aside from her, he wasn’t trying to take along any other baggage.” Nile pulled back to fix her husband with a defeated look. “She had to go, you see? She may never have gotten another once in a lifetime offer like that.”

  “Jesus,” Taurus massaged the bridge of his nose as tears for Mick suddenly pressured his eyes. “Did she say anything about just leaving her there like that?”

  Nile almost laughed at the absurd response Yvonne had given. “She said Mick was usually running across the hall to play with a neighbor’s child. She would’ve carried Mick over there but she was still eating dinner and my…father arrived early and was ready to go.” Nile did laugh then though the gesture held no trace of humor. “She said she told Mick to go on over when she was done-figuring everything would fall into place for the neighbors when she didn’t come to collect her and that they’d just look over her out of the kindness of their hearts.”

  “Bitch,” Taurus growled and then dropped his forehead to Nile’s shoulder. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It was the last thing I said to her after she told me how Mick sensed she was going for good and begged-begged her mother not to leave her…I left the room after that.”

  Despite the strength of his wife’s words, Taurus knew she was shredding inside. “So that’s how you left things?”

  Nile sniffed and nodded. “I just want to forget I ever went there.”

  “You do know that once Quest tells Mick about Yvonne, you’ll have to tell Mick’s this story.”

  Nile was shaking her head even as Taurus spoke the words. “Never. I won’t do it. No one should have to hear that. No one should have to learn how little their own mother cared for them.”

  “I agree.” Taurus kissed her cheek and stayed close to nuzzle her ear. “But this has eaten away at Mick her entire life. She deserves to know Yvonne Wilson- Evette Sellars or whoever- isn’t worth the energy it takes to bring her to mind. She deserves to be able to put that in her past in order to live her future.”

  Nile knew her husband was right. Without further discussion, she began to nod her agreement while Taurus pulled her into his secure embrace.


  Michaela was like an eager child as she gazed upon the sight of her Chicago home. Like a wondrous wave, all the memories she’d created there came flooding back and she realized how much she missed the place.

  Quest leaned across the gear console once he’d shut down the Denali’s engine. “Sure you want to sell it?” He asked propping his chin on her shoulder.


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