The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 147

by Altonya Washington

  Darby swallowed. “I see…lots of kids.”

  “You think that’s unrealistic.”

  She tried to dismiss the discomfort swelling her throat. “It’s um…it’s different these days. So many challenges…so much ugliness in the world.”

  “That’s what family and strong parents are for, right? Giving a good foundation, morals…”

  “Well didn’t your parents provide that very thing? And still-”

  “Still I ventured off into a life of uneasy business.” He thought of Moira Bradenton’s preferred manner of describing his past exploits. “I ventured off, but I returned unable to deny what I’d been raised to honor- to carry on.”

  “I wish you luck then,” Darby’s voice stiffened as she’d had enough of the conversation.

  Kraven took her by the chin and made her face him. “Do you? Do you really?”

  Her green eyes narrowed toward his. “Well…yes, yes sure I do.”

  “Enough to help me make it happen one day?”

  Darby laughed though the gesture held no real steam. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I don’t- I don’t understand.”

  “I think you do.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  She turned and bowed her head. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  Kraven cocked his head. “Very sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “And you don’t know me.”

  “And this makes sense to you?”

  He laughed. “Not at all, it’s altogether irrational which is why I trust it.”

  She whipped her head round to glare up at him. “You really are insane.”

  His wink was devilment personified. “Starting to second guess your decision to stay with me here?”

  He kissed her before she could answer. When he finally let her up for air, she could hardly recall her question.

  “Well?” He probed.

  “Uh…no,” she admired her ability to form the weak response.

  “Hmm…no, I don’t think I’m convinced. What about you, Hade?” He called to the animal whose ears twitched eagerly. “Let’s say we do more to convince her.”

  Darby found her mouth occupied again before she could question his intentions. Very impressively; and without once breaking their kiss, Kraven turned her to face him in the saddle they shared. He took the reins in one hand while gripping her hips to settled her astride him.

  Darby broke the kiss and pressed softly against the broad plane of his shoulders. “Kraven-”

  “Trust me,” he whispered, scraping his perfect teeth down her throat while settling her onto his arousal.

  The moan in her throat sounded like something both elated and lamenting. Would she ever find another man who could turn her into a woman so weakened by the sheer thought of his body inside hers?

  Faintly, she could hear her name on his lips. When she completely covered his shaft, he began to lift and rotate her. He orchestrated her movements as her nails curved limply into his chest. Arousal was mesmerizing her. Gone were the inhibitions that had her unnerved about taking and being taken outside the privacy of his bedroom. All that mattered was the power in his grip as he moved her to his satisfaction.

  Mingled with her gasping cries were the subtle slaps of their bodies moving in sync to a seductive rhythm only they could feel. As if he were her lifeline, Darby hooked an arm tightly around his neck. Her free hand cupped his jaw and she kissed him languidly. Kraven; in turn, squeezed her hips, slowing their movements to keep time with the thrusts of her tongue against his.

  As he’d done earlier, Darby raked her teeth down his throat. Her tongue darted out to test the unyielding chords lining his neck. Kraven buried his face in her hair and inhaled the floral scent of her honey curls while her mouth moved along the base of his throat, collarbone and further across his chest. He was overwrought by the sensation of feeling the slick snugness of her sex without barriers. Her mouth glided upwards once more and she nuzzled the dip beneath his ear before fastening her teeth to the lobe and gnawing it softly. There was the barest hint of possessiveness in the act.

  Kraven reciprocated, dipping his head to her shoulder and sinking his teeth to the silken brown skin that beckoned him to taste and relish its sweetness. Glancing across her shoulder, he tugged Hadrian’s reigns and clicked his teeth in the meaningful manner that instructed the animal to move on.

  Darby’s gnawing on his ear came to an abrupt halt and Kraven’s smile was knowingly arrogant. Her moan that time, resembled a sob when Hadrian’s slow gait shifted his body and in turn theirs, invoking sensations as indescribable as the land they stood in the midst of.

  “What…what are you doing?” She sobbed feeling as though her hips moved of their own accord in Kraven’s weakened embrace.

  “Hadrian’s walking affects us, love.” He murmured, wincing at the delicious clutch and release of her sex around his. He clicked his teeth again and Hadrian’s gait gained just a slight increase in speed.

  “Kraven please…mmm…”

  “You want him to stop?”

  “God no,” she pounded a fist to his chest while increasing the speed of her own movements.

  Kraven assumed control again. Capturing her waist, he manipulated her. The dips and sways beneath their bodies as Hadrian trotted, had Darby climaxing in record time.

  Kraven wasn’t about to let the moment end and he continued to pummel her with more intense thrusts. The quilt draping their hips provided a provocative shield against the uninhibited coupling taking place beneath it.

  Darby threw back her head, unconsciously offering her full bosom to his hungry mouth. Kraven accepted and feasted eagerly. One hand held a mound in place to be suckled mercilessly, the other clutched her thigh in a vice grip. He subjected her to both increased penetration and a unique rotation from his thick shaft as the horse continued its stroll.

  “Darby…” he groaned on a helpless whine when she came heavily, drenching his sex and the covering they bounced on. His need soon mingled there with hers.

  Hadrian’s prancing slowed almost in unison with Kraven’s and Darby’s breathing. When Hadrian’s stroll brought them back to the manor house, they were both spent and knew it’d be a chore sliding from the animal’s back.

  Kraven’s strength was commendable though. He led Hadrian up a hilly path through heavy brush and trees until they came up on one side of the house. Keeping the quilt tucked round them and Darby in his arms, Kraven slid down. He took a short brick stairway up to a wooden door which opened to another stairway that provided a private entrance to his bedchamber. He was shouldering open the door, when he caught the teasing glint in Darby’s emerald stare. His own emerald gaze sparkled and he smirked in spite of himself.

  “Man’s gotta be prepared.” He explained and his deep laughter mingled with her chuckles.


  “Why can’t things run this smooth when we’re there?” Darby demanded playfully of office manager Shelby Moss.

  Shelby let loose a secretive laugh through the phone line. “You and Nile just don’t have my skills.”

  “Clearly,” Darby stretched her legs along the window seat where she sat studying the view from the rear of the manor house. “Seriously, are you really doing okay back there?”

  “I’m really doing okay.”

  “And our new acquisitions? They still having the desired effect?”

  “You bet they are.” Another laugh colored Shelby’s words. “Folks are really taking an interest in them and the five dollar admission fees we’re charging are providing an impressive stash of mad money for the kids.”

  “Oh Lord, Shelby please don’t let ‘em get too crazy.”

  “Please, you and Nile would be so surprised and proud. The older ones are really getting an education on running a business- they’re being absolutely frugal with that money.”

blondish brown line of Darby’s brows raised several notches. “The teenagers?”

  “The teenagers,” Shelby confirmed. “A few people have stopped in to ask about buying some of the pieces, but the kids decided they’d make more money keeping the work in house.”

  “And um, what about my painting?” Darby bit her lip while inquiring of the piece she’d taken a special liking to.

  “It’s safe and sound.”

  Darby relaxed a bit, thinking of the woman who’d donated the work she’d fallen in love with. “You took it to my place?”

  “Just like you asked. I even found a nice wall for it in that little alcove off from your den.”

  Darby brightened at the thought and hugged herself. She imagined enjoying the hauntingly lovely piece and a fragrant mug of tea in her favorite area of her condo.

  “Can’t wait to see it,” she said as if talking to herself. “Shelby thanks so much for taking such good care of things while we’re away.”

  “You bet. You keep having a good time, alright?”

  “You bet.” Darby reciprocated then shared another quick laugh with Shelby before the call ended.

  Kraven waited until Darby put away her cell before he moved deeper into the room. He’d be blind not to see how much she was missing home and knew she’d be wanting to go soon. His frustration surged for a fleeting instant at the thought.

  He didn’t want her to go, had even toyed with the idea of locking her in the tower…He smiled and shook his head. Although the sex was supreme, he knew it wouldn’t keep her there. He wouldn’t want it to. They couldn’t hide and; there in the serenity of his home, was what they’d been doing. He cleared his throat then and uttered an apology when she whirled around as though startled.

  “I know you’ll be thinking of leaving soon and I wanted to show you Edinburgh.”

  “Edinburgh.” Darby whispered and looked back out the window. “I’ve only seen a bit of it during my two plane trips.”

  “I think you’ll like it.” He eased his hands into his pockets and leaned against the wall. “Faster paced than what we’ve got here.” He glanced toward his bare feet and more softly said, “I keep a place there I think you’d like to see.”

  Darby dragged her gaze from the green hills. “More incredible than all this?”

  His stare never left her face. “Nothing’s more incredible than all this.”

  “When would we leave?” She forced herself not to ask exactly what he was referring to. Especially when she already knew.

  “I’ll let you know.” He looked away before she could glimpse his jaw tightening.

  Silence settled and the air seemed weighted by the tension. The mood seemed to encourage Darby to venture toward the conversation she’d been avoiding.

  Kraven suddenly pushed off the wall. “I’ll let you know about the trip.”

  He left as quickly as he’d appeared. Darby brushed a hand across her high ponytail and ordered her nerves to calm. Unfortunately, she knew what she had to tell him would do nothing but make things tenser than they had unexpectedly become.

  She thought back to the things he’d said to her that morning with Hadrian… As beautiful as they were, it could never happen. He had to see that. Of course, it’d be hard to see anything ensconced in fairy land and falling faster everyday.

  Edinburgh. Yes, Edinburgh was the place. Faster paced-more her cup of tea. She’d be more herself, more able to bit the bullet and tell him this had to end.

  A nice, long distance friendship was all it could ever be- all it ever need be.


  Edinburgh, Scotland~

  Two days following Kraven’s decision to show Darby a faster pace in Scotland, he was making good on his promise.

  Edinburgh was as awesome as everything Darby had already seen. With the added, worldly allure of its magnificent buildings and breath-stealing skylines it was as though a bit of Darby’s home turf had mingled within the historic beauty of the city. More than once, she had to remind herself to shut her mouth. It couldn’t be helped of course as her eyes feasted on one incredible sight after another.

  Kraven figured a drive; as opposed to flying, would be more enjoyable for a sight seeing trip. As one can practically drive anywhere in Scotland in a day, the two set out before dawn for the trip.

  A smile permanently camped out upon Kraven’s mouth since Darby had spotted the first of numerous sights early that morning. He was thrilled that his idea had met with such success. He grinned a little more whenever her hushed sounds of wonder gained just a bit more volume.


  Darby was rather subdued though when Kraven turned into a wide stone drive that led the way to a towering construction at the very end of a long path. Elements of the old world and new seemed to collide in a provocative mesh of understated loveliness and vibrant magnificence.

  He left the Rover idling and stepped out to meet the valet who rushed over to greet him. Following a brief conversation, Kraven walked over to collect Darby from the passenger side.

  “Wow,” was all she could manage while smoothing her hands across the black cotton of the long sleeved hoody she sported with matching Yoga pants.

  This was five-star living at its best, she mused as they headed toward the Muir Inn. Kraven escorted her across the beige and crème checkerboard floor, decorated with mahogany suede round sofas. The front desk area appeared to circumference the lobby in a rich construction of glossy oak that emphasized the subtle elegance of the flooring and furniture.


  “Don’t we need to check in?” Darby’s fingers tightened into the sleeve of the white sweatshirt he wore beneath a Dolphins throw-back jersey.

  “No need,” Kraven tilted his head up to those behind the front desk who recognized him. “I keep a place here, remember?”

  “Right,” she whispered just as the echo of their footsteps silenced upon heavy chestnut carpeting covering the elevator bay.

  “Our bags,” she recalled as the oak elevator doors shut.

  The look Kraven slanted sent her nodding again. “Taken care of,” she said knowing he must be thinking she was completely unused to the ‘good life’. While month long castle stays and weekends in five star hotels weren’t the norm for her, she wasn’t completely without couth. What was beginning as a time to treasure wouldn’t pass without them having a very serious and perhaps unpleasant conversation.

  Thoughts of confrontations and upset fled Darby’s mind once Kraven unlocked a set of double doors and waved her past the threshold.

  “Unbelievable,” she said gazing up wide eyed and open mouthed.

  The split level suite was furnished in an elegant burgundy and navy color scheme, with rich hunter green streaking throughout. The lower level was completely old world design with a roll top desk in one corner, stern yet comfy looking armchairs off-setting a claw foot oak table and hand-carved fireplace.

  The fireplace was already ablaze with a welcoming flame in the living room arranged before another set of double doors. A fabulous view of the quaint area waited beyond the glass. Dual stairways led the way to the level which was fashioned in a much more contemporary style. At first glance, Darby saw that it offered more of a view of the city. She could hardly wait to see the area lit against the night skies.

  Waiting however, was just what she’d have to do, for no sooner had she stepped out to the balcony, Kraven was behind her. He encircled her in a snug embrace and pressed a kiss to her head.

  “So you’ve got two choices. I can have you now and you can have your tour later or,” he paused to nuzzle her ear while a hand slipped beneath the hem of her jersey top, “you can have your tour now and I can have you later. I’m partial to the first choice,” he added for good measure.

  “Hmm…” she pretended to consider it. “But you’ve forgotten about choice number three.” She turned, standing on her toes to rest her face in the crook of his neck and inhale his scent. “You can have me now and later and we can just work in the tour
another time.”

  The captivating grin appeared and he cupped her chin. “Why Ms. Ellis, the things you say.” His voice lilted seconds before he took her mouth.


  While the tour could wait, eating could not. Following several enjoyable hours touring the rooms in his suite, Kraven suggested dinner at the Inn’s bistro. The suggestion was made in part because the food was unmatched and because he knew where his thoughts would remain if they didn’t venture out.

  That fact hit home when he saw Darby coming downstairs. The long-sleeved black frock would have been simple enough were it not for the oval cut in the bodice that gave a teasing view of the twin honey swells of her bosom. He rolled his eyes away and pretended to be at war with the cuffs of the gray shirt peeking out from the sleeves of his black suit coat.

  The desk phone rang and Darby decided to head on out while Kraven handled the call. He studied the sway of her hips and the way the flaring hemline and spaghetti strapped heels accentuated her legs. He managed to answer the call before it went to voicemail.

  There were few places where the corridors rivaled the lodgings for loveliness but the Muir Inn’s corridors boasted precisely that. The same rich chestnut carpeting ran throughout and the walls were lined with elaborate oil paintings that kept Darby occupied by their abstract qualities.

  While waiting there for Kraven, she moved on down the hall to stare at the streets. The area had grown quite busier with the onset of the evening activities which drew people in droves. Darby was absorbed with the view from the floor to ceiling window at the end of the hall. It took some time before she noticed the handsome heavy set man who watched her from his spot outside the door of Kraven’s suite.

  The man was simply staring. Regardless, Darby’s temper began a slow simmer. Kraven had finished his call and was just stepping out into the corridor when he noticed her being approached. He assumed a leaning stance against his door and waited.

  “Do you know how lovely you are?”

  Darby blinked at the man’s question. She’d expected a remark but not quite that one.


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