The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 154

by Altonya Washington

  “No Mick,” County pushed her best friend away. “My aunts couldn’t wait to spread the word about their gay brother-guess they wanted to beat everybody else to it. The whole neighborhood knew by the time me and Mama were forced to go live out there.”

  “Honey…” Mick kissed the back of County’s head.

  “My life was hell,” she spoke on a sob. “One day I said ‘fuck it’. I wasn’t gonna give ‘em the satisfaction of seein’ me cry another day.”

  “And did holding everything in help?”

  County laughed shortly in response to Mick’s question. “No- hence last night’s outburst.” She pushed herself up a bit on the bed. “Mama always made me be respectful. In spite of the shit Daddy pulled, she’d never let me tell that jackass what I thought of him. What happened last night would’ve happened whenever I saw the man.” She shrugged and bit on her thumbnail. “Guess it was better last night than at the wedding, huh?”

  Mick nudged County’s thigh with her knee. “So you feelin’ any better now?”

  “I don’t know,” she wiped the hem of her shirt across her nose. “I don’t know how I feel except embarrassed beyond belief that I spilled my family beans in front of everyone.”

  Mick cupped her chin. “That’s family- they understand.”

  County sniffled again. “I never wanted them to know-especially Fernando.”

  “He’s about out of his mind, you know?” Mick leaned back on the headboard and massaged her nose. “Yohan couldn’t even hold him down. Finally the guys had to get him drunk enough to pass out.”

  County looked sympathetic for a moment and then dashed away the emotion. “I can’t see him.”


  “Hell Mick, I don’t want his pity.” She folded her arms across her chest. “I’d rather hear the jokes and name-calling I suffered through as a kid.”

  “No you wouldn’t.” Mick sat on her knees in the middle of the bed. “Expecting cruelty is way easier than enduring it and you know that’s your mask talkin.”

  “You’re right.” County’s uneasy look returned and she knocked a fist against the denim Capris Mick wore. “I don’t know how to face him- so ashamed…”

  “Honey why? You’re not the one in love with men- oops.” She winced playfully. “Got my sexes mixed up there, didn’t I?” She winked upon drawing a smile from County.

  “Anyway you’ve got to do something. The man’s out there with the hangover from hell and pacing like crazy.” Mick wrung her hands. “I don’t need him kicking down the door. I’m tryin’ to sell this place, you know?”

  Contessa’s smile remained but she still looked uneasy.

  “Look on the bright side,” Mick smoothed a few wayward locks behind County’s ear. “Unlike me, at least you know who your father is.”

  Laughter filled the room then. It was loud, long, refreshing and welcomed.

  “Thanks girl,” County pulled Mick into a tight hug.

  “Okay?” Mick asked when they drew apart.

  Contessa closed her eyes while nodding.

  In spite of his pacing and rampaging, Fernando was subdued when the door finally opened and Michaela waved him inside.

  County stood from the bed and held the gaze with her fiancé until the door closed and they were alone.

  “Ramsey I-”

  Fernando simply waved her quiet and bounded over to pull her into his strong embrace. Contentment swelled through County, curving her mouth into a smile as she held onto the man she loved.


  By mid-morning, the upsets of the previous evening were practically forgotten. The wedding breakfast was turned into a wedding brunch that went off without a hitch.

  “Stop being so stupid,” Fernando ordered his fiancée while they enjoyed quiet time on the porch where he massaged her feet.

  “I just didn’t think you’d want to marry me if you ever found out.” She wiggled her toes inside navy tights. “You have no idea how much crap I heard coming up. Somewhere somebody told me it was an inherited thing. Our kids could be-”

  Fernando sat up suddenly and brought his index finger within inches of her nose. “Shut it, do you hear me Contessa?” He waited for her nod. “You are not an ignorant woman and that’s exactly what you’re sounding like.” He rolled his eyes and leaned back on the wood bench they shared. “Whatever our kids are or aren’t won’t change the fact that we’ll love them, will it?”

  “No. Never.”

  “Alright then. So shut up already.”

  County smiled. “Ramsey?”


  “Do you realize we’re talking about kids- our kids?”

  “Yeah, so let me enjoy that instead of all this other nonsense you’re talkin’.”

  County crept closer then to snuggle against his big frame. “I love you Ramsey.”

  “I love you too. Now shut up.”


  “Girl please, it’s not a problem. Unpredictability is a given with a job like yours.” Mick was saying as she spoke with Sybilla Ramsey by phone. “And anyway, you can do no wrong by the bride after giving her the gift of the week at that hedonist’s ranch in Maui.”

  Sybilla laughed. “Yeah, I thought that’d go over well, but don’t any of you dare tell Sabra. The wench would kill me if she knew I was patronizing any resort besides hers.”

  “My lips are sealed.” Mick laughed. “Listen Bill, thanks for calling and letting us know what was up. Did you still want to talk to Moses?” Michaela heard Bill saying yes as she caught Moses’ eye while he made his way past her study.

  “It’s Bill,” she handed him the phone and gave him privacy.

  The easy tone Sybilla had used with Mick faded and was replaced by a far more strained tinge when her cousin’s deep voice filled the line.

  “It’s a new assignment Mo,” she explained when he questioned her absence.

  “Are congrats in order?” he asked.

  “Not even. They gave me a file with Caiphus Tesano’s picture inside Moses.”

  “You don’t say?” He leaned against the desk.

  “I do say and why don’t you sound surprised?”

  “I am.”

  “Bullshit. What do you know?”

  Moses cupped a hand beneath his arm and turned serious. “I swear I don’t know anything yet. But with everything I’m learning this isn’t all that much of a surprise.”

  “Hell Moses, I could be working with him. With him- not against him to put him behind bars. Are you hinting that we may be on the same side?”

  “Pieces are still being put in place B, but that’s exactly what I’m telling you. Just play your cards close to the vest, alright?” He looked round to see if anyone was making their way into the study. “How much do your bosses know?” He asked her then.

  “They know there’s no love lost between me and him.”

  Moses grinned. “You may have to get over that, you know?”

  “When you give me more to go on, I’ll consider it.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Stay in touch Moses.”

  “I promise. Love you. Be safe.”


  Her connection broke then.


  The phone in Michaela’s old study proved to be the busiest machine in the house that day. Sabra called shortly after lunch hoping to speak with Quay or Ty. Instead, Sabra’s mother Georgia Ramsey, overheard Mick greeting her daughter and just had to be the first to speak. Some fifteen minutes later, Sabra was connected to Tykira.

  “Just calm down alright?” Ty snapped her fingers toward Quay and covered the mouthpiece when he was near. “She’s hysterical.”

  Quay took the receiver and put the call on speaker. “What’s goin’ on Sabe? Calm-calm down and talk to us.”

  A heavy breath came through the speaker. “I’ve just been told that the penthouse of my second tower has been reserved by Smoak Tesano.”

  Quaysar cursed and Sabra resumed her hysterics.

/>   “Can he do that?” Ty asked while Sabra ranted. “She stays so busy can he just occupy it that easily?”

  “Smoak’s co-owner of the place,” Quay explained over Sabra’s shuddering.

  “Fuck that!”

  Quay and Ty looked down at the speaker when Sabra’s verbal skills suddenly returned.

  “That bastard was co-owner up until the time I got away from his hateful ass! He’s got no interest in my new architecture.”

  Quay waved off the explanation. “He still owns enough of a chunk to easily take occupation of an entire floor.”

  “What am I gonna do?” Sabra moaned.

  “When’s he coming?” Quay winced when his cousin sucked her teeth over the line.

  “His people didn’t say when- meaning the floor has to remain unoccupied. Shit! This mess is gonna cost me hand over fist.”

  Quay didn’t bother asking his cousin to calm down then since he was just as on edge about the situation.

  “Look just tell me when he gets there, alright?” Quay took the phone off speaker and pressed the receiver into his chest. “Try and get her calm before she hangs up, okay?” He kissed Tykira’s cheek and left the room.


  Sabella Ramsey snapped her fingers, remembering the wrap she was about to leave behind. She was on her way out of the hotel suite she was sharing with her mother while in Chicago for the wedding.

  Belle grabbed the lavender diamond print wrap and was on her way out when distinctive chimes caught her ears. She recognized her mother’s cell phone ring tone and frowned. Carmen Ramsey never ventured too far from the device. Belle set aside the wrap and tried to pinpoint the location of the sound.

  “Bet she’s going crazy without it.” She sighed, following the tone to the overnight bag on an armchair.

  Belle only glanced at the faceplate once she’d fished the phone out from the bottom of the bag. Another frowned marred her brow just as the cell’s backlight clicked off. She took a second look and her mouth fell open.


  County braced herself to turn and walk the minute she saw her parents across the restaurant dining room.

  “Ah, ah, ah…” Fernando’s hand tightened on her arm.

  “I haven’t spoken to the man at length for years.” She raised her chin. “Last time we had a meal together I hadn’t even hit puberty.”

  “Well now’s the time for new things, right?” Fernando reasoned, rubbing his thumb across the satin sleeve of County’s dress. “Maybe this could be one of those new things.”

  She bowed her head then. “Ramsey…”

  “Hey, hey…” he leaned close to nudge his nose along her nape. “I’m right here and I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’m right here.” For emphasis, he pulled her back next to him.

  The contact gave her the strength to move forward, not stopping until Neena and Lincoln noticed her approaching.

  “Hey Ms. Neena,” Fernando greeted the woman with a hug and kiss when she stood. “Have you guys ordered?” He asked while shaking hands with Linc Samuels.

  “Just drinks.” Neena said as they all took their seats. “Is this a new place Fernando? I thought I knew all the restaurants on this end of town.”

  Fernando looked around the establishment. “Yes ma’am, a manager at my club told me about it a few months ago, but this is the first time I had to check it out. Thought it’d be good to try something new,” he slanted a meaningful look toward his fiancée.

  “Well I think it’s a beautiful place.”

  “My baby’s the beauty.” Linc interrupted his ex-wife to compliment his daughter.

  County could barely nod. “Thank you,” she managed, catching her mother’s and Fernando’s stern looks.

  “So how did you two meet?” Linc asked, once the waiter left with their orders.

  “Contessa’s publishing house was doing a book on my family. Official release is in a few months, right babe?” Fernando nodded when County smiled.

  Lincoln’s handsome face glowed as he nodded over Fernando’s explanation. “Contessa House, I talk about it all the time. Actually I should say I brag about it all the time.”

  “Brag?” County blurted.

  “Almost everyday.” Linc tugged at the cuff of his brown tweed suit coat. “My clients are probably sick of it, but they’re too decent to argue with their account manager.”

  “You talk about me to your business associates?”

  “I’m proud of you Conty- all your accomplishments.” He spread his hands. “I take no credit for how lovely you are- how lovely your life is- all the great things you’ve done. I can only be thankful for the relief and joy I feel. Knowing how well you turned out in spite of all you went through because of me…” His head bowed and he appeared to need a moment to compose himself.

  “I’m sorry Conty, so sorry…my selfishness and stupidity kept me from saying this when you were younger. Then later, it was pure disgust over the way I handled things with you and your mother.” Linc squeezed Neena’s hand. “I told your mother you had every right to not want to speak to me. I knew I’d wait until you could- after all I did, it was the very least I could do.”

  “I’m sorry Conty,” his brown eyes were moist with tears, “if there’s any way- no matter how small- that you could fit me into your life, I’d take it. I’d take it and treasure it like I never treasured anything else in my life.”

  Through blurry eyes, County watched her father extend his hand toward her. The tears hit her cheeks when she reached out to let her fingers rest against his palm.



  The wedding day arrived bright, sunny and full of promise. Mostly everyone had the same thoughts of how very long the last several days had seemed. Still, the outcomes and new beginnings on the horizon gave everyone the hope that it would all be worth it.


  “You look like a princess.” Mick said when she walked up behind Contessa seated on the vanity chair.

  County smiled, drawing strength from her friend’s embrace. “I do look pretty good, don’t I?” She winked. The teasing light in her eyes however took on a more serene appeal as she observed herself in the gown. The creation fit like a glove. If there were a more apt description, then Contessa couldn’t think of it. At her calves, the dress flared out like a bell while a train of shimmering satin flowed behind. Lace sleeves covered her arms and half her hands. They were under set by delicate chiffon as was the scooping bodice that accentuated the fullness of her bosom.

  “Sabella’s a genius,” Michaela sighed in pure awe of the gown her husband’s cousin had designed as a gift to the bride and groom.

  “I agree.” County nodded, loving the way her gleaming silver choker offset the creation. “The woman should have her own line. Creating such things for people just to wear on a stage seems like such a waste.”

  “Ah, I don’t know.” Mick smoothed her hands over County’s arms. “I think she’s pretty happy with all those awards she collects each year.” She said in reference to Sabella’s acclaimed work as a theatrical costume designer. “You ready for this?” She asked then and gave her best friend a tight squeeze.

  County’s lashes fluttered. “I never thought this would come. Told myself I didn’t need or want this.”

  “And now?”

  Laughing then, a wealth of tears caused her brown eyes to glisten. “Now I can’t imagine how I survived without this.” She swallowed and blinked hard. “Michaela thank you- for sticking by me through all the craziness.”

  “It was all worth it, don’t you think?”

  Satin rustled as County turned on the seat. “So worth it,” she whispered and hugged Mick tight.

  A quick knock fell upon the bedroom door some moments later.

  “Alright?” Mick prompted, nodding until Contessa did the same.

  Dapper in white tuxedos, Moses and Yohan waited in the hallway. The two of them were giving away the bride. After gazing in awe at County, the guys exchanged looks.
  “Is our crazy brother really deserving of all that beauty?” Yohan asked Moses who only shook his head and studied the breathtaking gown and Contessa in it.

  County laughed and waved her hand. “Thanks guys.”

  The brothers leaned forward in unison and kissed her cheek.

  “No thanks necessary for telling the truth.” Moses said.

  The guys each offered an arm which County accepted.

  “Let’s go get you married.” Yohan said.

  The foursome left the bedroom with Michaela collecting the bride’s bouquet and the flowing train of the gown.


  The day was perfect for an outdoor wedding. A newly constructed gazebo would house the wedding party while the bride and groom exchanged their vows. Guests in attendance finished up last minute drinks and were locating their seats once the announcement was made that the ceremony was about to begin.


  Georgia Ramsey placed her emptied champagne flute to the tray of a passing waiter while another guest did the same. The smile on her face froze when she made eye contact with her ex-husband Felix Cade.

  Blinking owlishly, Georgia could do little more than take in the still incredible dark features of the man she’d once worshipped.

  “Beautiful as ever G,” Felix complimented as he stepped forward to trail the back of his hand across her cheek.

  “What are you doing here?” Her voice was hardly a whisper.

  Felix shrugged beneath the tailored tuxedo jacket. “Couldn’t ignore an invite from my nephew.”

  “Why are you here Felix?” Her voice held a little more strength, but not much.

  Felix gave a one-shoulder shrug and didn’t bother to mask the appreciation in his dark eyes as they surveyed her oval face now sharply beautiful with the onset of age. He shook off the spell he’d surrendered to. “Hoped to see you,” he said.

  “That’s rich,” Georgia’s laughter possessed an unconscious lightness. “No one goes anywhere hoping to see me.”

  Felix stepped closer and kissed her cheek. “That’s ‘cause they don’t know you G.” He said and walked on.


  “How long will you keep this from me, Mama?”


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