The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 181

by Altonya Washington

  Damon laughed over the innocent query. “What he did is only the tip of a very nasty iceberg.”

  Catrina nodded as though settling the matter in her mind. “Guess you’re about to get your wish then. No way are you going to work until you tell me everything.” She pushed him away and slid off the counter. “Start talkin’ D, while I start breakfast.”


  In a surprise move, Westin flew Marcus and Houston out to Seattle for a two week stay. The guys were of course thrilled and filled with plans on how best to spend their vacations. They weren’t off the plane an hour before West informed them that it was no vacation. The trip was work and observation- their observation of Ramsey and his observation of them. Afterwards, Marc and Houston would know if they still had places at Ramsey.

  One of the highlights of the grueling work trip however, had to be the evening out for drinks and cigars at a local gentleman’s club. It was quite a culture shock for Marc and Houston to see blacks, whites and even those of the Latin persuasion all mingling together with such ease. The Tyler Cove took their motto very seriously. On a plaque above the entrance, it read: The Only Color We See Is Green.

  All were welcomed and the atmosphere was rich with male laughter, boisterous voices, cigar smoke and the clink of glasses. Still, what most impressed Houston and Marcus were the Tesanos who were thrilled to meet more of the Ramseys.

  It was a very telling few hours. Roman, Pitch and Aaron gravitated toward Westin and had non-verbally claimed him as their own. The four had even ventured off to their own table away from the others. Humphrey, Stone, Grekka and Vale had sensed an immediate kinship with the younger Ramseys.

  This was especially true of Vale who craved the ideals and conversation of those closer to his age. Of course Marc did more of the talking. Houston sat practically mute, though he did nod and laugh at all the right times.

  “Tell us about some of your interests Marc, personally speaking.” Grekka asked once Marcus was done talking on the challenge of being one of many men in a powerful family. “Where do you see Ramsey in say, fifteen, twenty years?”

  “I’d like to see us have a formidable presence on the international market.” He responded with no hesitation, eager for the chance to make an impression. “Aside from that, I hope to make a name for myself beyond the Ramsey name and accomplishments.”

  “You have any plan in mind for making that happen?” Vale asked while his older brothers nodded their approval of Marc’s words.

  “A few ideas…I’ve got a friend who’s looking to invest in a ship.” Marc shared after brief hesitation that time. “Once he learns more about the industry, of course. It sounds like something I’d like to get in on.”

  Stone was lighting a fresh cigar. “Keep us posted on your progress there.”

  Marc’s grin spread. “Will do. Will do.”


  Daphne would never admit to making a mistake in marrying Houston. After all, he was a Ramsey. Besides, admitting she made a mistake was acknowledging a colossal waste of time and that was something she’d never concede to.

  No doubt he’d had his eye and probably his hands on that little maid of theirs. Daphne had always known he had a predilection for youth and as she was outgrowing her pigtails phase…She wouldn’t think of that. Houston was her ticket to the life, the lifestyle she wanted and damn well intended to have.

  He could start by getting her Ramsey. She’d dreamed of living there since the first day she’d set foot inside it during the cotillion so many years ago. Now, there it was- empty, lifeless yet still pulsing with the elegance and mystique it held when its mistress Marcella Ramsey ruled it with her charm and grace.

  Daphne knew she’d have to start impressing upon her husband a bit more strongly as to how badly she wanted that house. Her hints about the size of their home in comparison to Marc and Josephine’s castle weren’t getting through.

  Perhaps a weekend stay would do the trick. The place was empty now. Her husband shared her desire for flawless appearances and respect. Putting down roots at Ramsey would achieve that in no time flat. She smiled while observing the house from her perch atop the hood of her car.

  Daphne had taken to viewing the house in much the same manner one might go window shopping. The Ramsey family home was the only treat she wanted from the window. Yes, a weekend stay would be just the thing. She’d speak to Houston when he got back from-

  Her thoughts curbed then and her mind blanked altogether when movement along the far side of the house caught her attention. Daphne remained still on the Cadillac’s hood for hours it seemed. She’d convinced herself that it was an animal- or her eyes playing tricks on her-when out ran Carmen Ramsey and Jasper Stone. The couple was naked and frolicked across the rolling green of the lawn.

  Daphne closed her eyes to the sound of Carmen’s laughter and clenched her fists against the sides of her Levi’s. The lovers collapsed on the ground and tumbled down the hill in an erotic embrace. Once they’d disappeared from view, Daphne summoned the ability to move. She looked down into her palms, finding them bloody from her nails.



  Georgia had taken to having dinner in a local pub not far from her apartment since she’d started the PR work for Ramsey. The vitality of the eatery- of Seattle itself- rejuvenated her each day. She often took time to pat her back for making at least one good decision in her life so far. She wondered then if she was on the way to making one more and thought of the baby.

  Felix’s baby. God, Bri was right. She had to tell him. But then what? Would he expect her to come away with him? Sure he would. Would she? She had a life in Seattle- a life she was really enjoying. She felt like she was making it on her own, supporting herself. While it was never something she’d fancied, paying her own way felt surprisingly good.

  “Would you like a stronger drink, Miss?”

  The waiter’s deep voice jerked her from her thoughts when he approached the table from behind.

  “No um,” Georgia cleared her throat and reached for her glass. “I’m fine,” she gave a little shake of the iced ginger ale.

  “What if I insisted?”

  Georgia looked up with a frown, her mouth dropping open at the sight of Felix. She watched him angle his athletic frame into the chair across from her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Have a drink with me.” He countered.

  “I…no,” she declined, taking note of his attire. “Nice suit,” she nodded while trying to dismiss how incredible he looked in it.

  Felix merely shrugged off the compliment. His gorgeous dark features were drawn into a harsh mask. “I didn’t bother to go back to the hotel after my meeting.”

  “You’ve…been staying in town?”

  “Been here a week.”

  Georgia smirked. “And you didn’t bother to tell me.”

  “I’m telling you now.”

  She wasn’t impressed. “What? On your way out?” She gave a toss of her glossy bobbed hair. “Thought you’d stop off for a little romp with old Georgie, huh?”

  Felix’s jaw muscle twitched but he never lost his cool. “I can get that anywhere, G. Very easily and without all the lip service and attitude…well maybe just a little lip service.” He graced her with a sly wink.

  “Why don’t you go on then?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Have a drink with me.”

  “Jesus what is it with you and drinks?” She kicked the toe of her wedge-heeled Socialites against the leg of the table. “I’m perfectly fine with my ginger ale.”

  “I see…is that because you’re trying to be good to our baby?”

  Georgia gasped. Her eyes were wide as moons then. “How?”

  “Stopped by your apartment first and you weren’t there- thought you might be with West and Bri.” He tugged on the cuff of his dark jacket. “When I got to their place, West just assumed you’d already told me.”

  “Idiot!” Georgia almost knocked over her
drink. “It’s a wonder he hasn’t pissed away Daddy’s company as stupid as he is.”

  “Were you gonna tell me, G? Don’t bother to answer, I think I can guess.”

  Rather than defend herself, Georgia gathered her things and rushed from the dining room leaving Felix to handle her bill.

  It was a rainy Seattle night and she moaned that the conditions would seriously ruin her hair. She’d rather face a torrential downpour than Felix’s wrath just then. Besides, it was only a few blocks to her building. She broke into a fast walk and barely made it half a block before she was grabbed.

  Her scream sounded curdled amidst the rain. Felix backed her against a wall leading into an alleyway.

  “I don’t need to hear it,” he said when she opened her mouth to talk. “Fool,” he growled seconds before his tongue plundered her mouth.

  The kiss rendered Georgia pliant against his frame. She was drained of any desire to argue.


  “Shut up, G.” He gave her a little jerk and kissed her more savagely while squeezing her breast beneath the gold vest of her skirt suit. Once satisfied, he pulled back to glare at her. “I’ve been in town closing a deal on property for my third garage.”

  Third? Where has the time gone? She wondered.

  “Headquarters is in San Diego but I suppose I’ll be working from Seattle for the foreseeable future.”

  Georgia blinked rain and tears from her eyes. “What are you saying?”

  His dark eyes glinted fiercely. “I’m saying Seattle is where I’ll be for the foreseeable future and that I’ll hound you to hell if you don’t marry me and quick.” He gave her a harder jerk then to drive his point home.

  Georgia nodded, blinking more rapidly then. “Alright, alright Felix. Whenever you want. Whenever you want.” She said and instigated the kiss that time.


  “The Triumvirate?” Catrina turned the word over in her head.

  Damon cut another slice from the monstrous T-bone he’d ordered. “Fancy way of sayin’ the three of us- Marc, Houston and me will share equal power at Ramsey South.

  Catrina toyed with a lock of her flipped hair. “How did that decision go over?”

  “Marc was fit to be tied.” Damon grinned, recalling the man’s reaction, “West said he could leave anytime. Houston was the surprise though. He almost looked happy, but it was like he didn’t want Marc to know.” He shrugged. “Guess it makes sense for the fool to be happy- he’s lucky to have a job and not be sittin’ up in some prison like he deserves. That, and the fact that he won’t have to make any real decisions about anything.”

  Catrina twisted creamy fettuccine noodles around her fork. “And how do you feel about all this?” She kept her gaze on her plate.

  Damon chewed the steak while contemplating his answer. “It’s important to keep the family together. Mama always wanted this but she never had a full idea of how difficult and different we all are. Pop knew,” he grimaced and set down his fork, “he wanted Marc and Houston out before they ruined it all, but he knew how Ma felt about that. I made a promise to him to see that Ramsey’s name never suffered regardless of what I had to do.”

  “And does that still mean hiding the dirt they pull no matter how gruesome it is?”

  “Sometimes,” Damon winced, but his response was honest. “It may very well mean that sometimes, Trina. But I know I can make this triumvirate work. Marcus knows he’ll have to have my say if he expects to get anything done. Maybe it’ll cause those two to think before they do somethin’ stupid.”

  Catrina folded her arms across the long black wool duster she wore and frowned. “What if they decided to go behind your back and do somethin’ stupid?”

  Damon muttered a curse. “Then heaven help us.” He grabbed his glass and drained it.


  Briselle told herself that she’d talk to Westin later when she peeked into his study and found him working. She’d changed her mind about talking to him three times that week. When they spent time together, she told herself not to ruin a fun time with heavy talk. She was running out of excuses.

  “Come over here,” West didn’t look up from his papers when he called out to his wife.

  Bracing herself, Bri made quick work of closing the distance between she and her husband. Less than a second after she rounded the desk, he had her on his lap.

  “Aren’t you busy?” She asked when West’s fingers disappeared between the folds of her robe.

  “Never too busy for this…” he murmured against her jaw as softly as his fingers explored the sensitive inner flesh of her thigh.

  Briselle shivered. “That’s obvious…” she bit her lip when he pulled back to study her.

  “You tryin’ to attempt a joke?”

  “No I-” She cleared her throat. “I’m trying to tell you you’re gonna be a father.” She felt him grow still beneath her and lowered her eyes. “Guess I should’ve said you-may be a father.”

  “How long have you known?” He asked, his dark gaze turning stormy when she said ‘three months’.

  Briselle quickly straightened on his lap. “The doctor said the first three months are the most important. If things progressed well…our chances could be better this time. The others… the others barely lasted beyond a month and a half.” She shook her head then as her breathing grew labored. “I’m so scared West. I was gonna wait ‘til after I felt it move or kick before I said anything and then Georgia…” She bit her lip and focused on wringing her hands. “I was so happy for her and then she said she wasn’t gonna tell Felix. I didn’t want to play that game with you. West, what if-”

  He wouldn’t let her finish. “It’ll be different this time.” He caught her chin and waited for her light eyes to meet his dark ones. “You’ll have everything you need. I won’t let you raise a finger even if I have to fly Miss Sybil out here to make you mind.”

  Briselle laughed through the tears that sprang to life. “Are you happy West?”

  He squeezed her chin. “You always make me happy.”


  Carmen would be leaving for school in a couple of weeks. She decided to soak up as much time at home as she could. Jasper wouldn’t be down for another visit until the following week and he’d already promised to see her back to school even though she told him that was completely unnecessary.

  Besides, he had his own affairs to see to. Jasper’s mentor Owen Dowd had passed away from heart disease and Carmen knew Jasper had been stunned by the loss.

  In the meantime, Carmen contented herself with the serene beauty of her home and contemplated her future.

  The air wasn’t quite so brisk that afternoon and kept her on the front porch swing longer than she’d intended. The still of the late evening was beginning to lull her eyes close when gravel crunching alerted her to the car coming up the driveway.

  Carmen squinted, not quite recognizing the battered Lincoln that jerked to a halt on squeaking brakes. She stood and moved to the edge of the porch. From the railing, she watched a faintly familiar young woman climb out from the driver’s side. As the woman drew near, Carmen’s confusion cleared.


  Tammy Burnett offered a wavering smile and fought a battle with her gaze to keep it from faltering. She won the battle.

  Carmen was elated to see one of the housemaids from her parents’ employ. When she’d let the house staff go, she feared those who’d become like family would never be seen again. She ran down the porch steps to greet Tammy with hugs and kisses.

  “It’s so good to see you! How’ve you been? What are you doing with yourself? You talked about going to school- did you follow through with that? Well how are Mr. Vance and Miss Suzetta?”

  Tammy laughed at the barrage of questions as Carmen pulled her into another hug. “They’re fine.” She said remarking on her parents. “Everything’s going very well. Very well.”

  Carmen tiled her head slightly when she edged back from the embrace. Something told her ‘very
well’ wasn’t the complete truth.

  “Why don’t you come in?” She gave Tammy a tiny shake.

  “Why don’t we sit on the porch, Miss Carmen?”

  “Okay,” Carmen noticed the uneasy look Tammy cast toward the house. “Well I’m at least gonna bring us out some hot tea and sandwiches- it’ll make our visit nicer.”

  “The house is so quiet now. I’ve been having regrets about letting the staff go but… I felt it was time, you know?”

  Tammy nodded and set her tea cup to its saucer. “Everyone understood. With Mr. Quent and now Ms. Marcella gone and your sister and brothers… you were right.” She tugged her sweater about slender shoulders and her round cocoa toned face took on a haunting quality as her eyes surveyed the front lawn. She smiled bashfully upon noticing Carmen watching her. “A lot of the older folks were nearing retiring age and then us younger ones were ready to go make our places in the world.”

  “Well you look fantastic,” Carmen reached over to smooth a hand across the woman’s denim clad knee. “I’m so glad all’s well with you.”

  Tammy broke into sudden tears.

  “Tammy?” Carmen’s voice sounded hushed as she left her rocking chair to kneel before Tammy’s. “Honey why’d you come here today?”

  Several moments passed before Tammy raised her tear-streaked face. “I heard a rumor that Houston attacked a girl who worked for Ramsey. It was a while ago, shortly after me and my folks left...” she fidgeted with the tissue Carmen had pushed into her hands. “I don’t know if it was true or not-rumor and all… Lotta people said the family was money hungry so…”

  Confused by the story, Carmen shook her head.

  “Regardless of the family’s motives, I knew it was true. I knew it because Houston was the type of man to do something like that and because he learned everything he knew from his brother.”

  Carmen gasped. “This is about Marc.”

  “I had his baby, Carmen. A girl.” Tammy’s lip trembled. “He didn’t want it- told me to get rid of it when I told him. He said he didn’t care how.”


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