The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 183

by Altonya Washington

  “I wish you wouldn’t.”


  “Please Jas? Please stay?”

  Uncertainty shadowed Jasper’s attractive milk chocolate face and he bit his lower lip. Regardless of all the time they’d spent together at the Ramsey house, he’d yet to spend an entire night. He’d never assumed and Carmen had never pressed, until that night.

  “My stuff is still at the motel.”

  She cupped his face. “So go get it. I want you to stay all night-every night until it’s time for us to go.”

  They sealed the decision with a kiss.


  Felix couldn’t believe Georgia didn’t want a lavish wedding and reception. If anyone would relish the moment as center of attention surrounded by hundreds of adoring guests and dressed in a gown to kill for it was Georgia Willette Ramsey.

  “Hush.” Georgia waved off her fiancé’s summation and finished filing a folder of notes in the cabinet behind her desk. “Anyway, I’d feel too trashy walkin’ down the aisle already knocked up.”

  “G…” Felix’s features tightened. “Don’t say it that way.”

  “Sorry, pregnant.” She whirled away from the cabinet and graced him with a bow. “But there’s no glossing over the fact that it’d still be trashy.”

  Felix came round to perch on the edge of the desk. “I always thought people who went for all the frills felt stronger about holdin’ it together.”

  “Hmph. That’s because they know they’d have a pissed off family who went to all that expense so they could throw it away like yesterday’s-”


  Georgia laughed and came to sit next to Felix. “It’s just not for me- all that sappy stuff.”

  “That because you’re a hard-nosed businesswoman now?” He nudged her shoulder.

  She fiddled with the lacy cuff of her blouse. “I just became a businesswoman. I’ve always been hard and that’s just it.” She gave a quick toss of her elegant bob. “I don’t regret being that way- I won’t apologize for it. Trouble is, I don’t know how being hard fits in with being a wife.”

  Felix turned slightly toward her. “What are you tryin’ to tell me, G?”

  She looked toward the windows outlining her office, but Felix took her chin and made her look his way.

  “It’s just…if we don’t work out-”


  “Just let me say this, okay?” She pulled his hand from her chin and squeezed it. “If we don’t work out, I want you to know I’m sorry.”

  His expression softened and he grasped the neckline of her blouse. “Shut up, G.” He whispered before kissing her.


  Carmen heard the faint sound of gravel crunching beneath car tires and she shivered in anticipation of Jasper’s return. She wrapped herself in the bed sheet and went to meet him at the door in what she considered a far more enticing outfit than she’d worn when he’d visited earlier that afternoon.

  She was halfway down the staircase when she realized a key was scratching the lock. A second later, Marcus stepped into the foyer.

  Every part of her said to run, but she stood her ground refusing to be frightened by him… that time. He stopped near the archway leading toward the staircase.

  “Why’d Tammy Burnett come to see you?”

  “You know damn well why.”

  “Watch it little sister,” Marcus smiled, but the gesture was danger personified.

  Carmen though, was too angry then- angry over her brother’s obvious evil and how he’d used it to belittle others. “Or what?” She spat, emboldened by her despise. “You can’t threaten me with losing my job or with my family being tossed out on the streets.” She sauntered down to the next stair and crossed her arms over her chest. “That is what you threatened Tammy with, isn’t it? I wonder how many others?” She sneered, never really taking note of the way Marc advanced up the staircase.

  “Between you and Houston, I wonder just how many maids there’ve been.”

  Marcus stopped his advance.

  Carmen smiled. “Yeah, I know what he did to the girl in the youth division. I’m willing to bet he dallied with quite a few of them.” She shrugged. “Guess this one just got out of hand, huh?”

  “You shouldn’t be talkin’ about things you don’t understand,” he practically growled the words.

  “Fuck you Marcus. You, Houston and that bitch Daphne with her nosy ass. The three of you will rot in hell one day.”

  Marc smiled then. “Not today.”

  Carmen found herself in her brother’s vice grip before it even registered to her what had happened. She screamed, trying to wrench her arms from his grasp and succeeding. She scrambled back up the staircase, but the sheet twisted about her legs and hindered escape.

  Marcus caught hold of her just as she reached the second floor landing. Carmen still fought wildly, biting, scratching…She succeeded in drawing more than a few painful grunts from him. Soon though, he had her out of the sheet. Carmen slapped him hard once he’d rolled her to her back.

  “Damn you!” Her face went ashen when she read the intention in his eyes. Fight rose up in her like a wave and she pit her fists against his chest and neck.

  Marcus pulled her across his shoulder and carried her screaming into her bedroom.


  Jasper had finished packing his things, but hadn’t left the motel. He sat on the edge of the room’s bed and studied the simple yet elegant silver band with its diamond setting. He intended to propose before taking Carmen back to school but he wouldn’t press for an answer until they saw each other during their first breaks.

  How many times since their first time together had he wanted to propose? Countless times. Finally, he felt worthy enough to do the deed. It’d be a lengthy engagement. He wouldn’t marry her until they were both done with their educations and ready to move forward.

  Satisfied that the plan was solid, Jasper grabbed his bags and pushed the ring into his jean pocket. He was ready to see the look on Carmen’s incredible face when he got down on his knees and asked her to be his wife.


  Carmen lay trembling and naked in the middle of the bed but it was Marc’s face that held the look of true terror. He’d been so blind with rage he could hardly recall the events of the past few minutes. He recalled enough though-enough to know that he was a dead man. West and Damon would tear him apart…He was a dead man…if his sister talked.

  “Don’t make me do this again, Carm.” He forced himself to complete the sentence. “Don’t say a word about tonight or what you think you know about that Burnett bitch.” He buckled the belt around his slacks. “Don’t make me do this again.” He said one last time before leaving the room.


  Jasper felt so elated by what was about to take place, that he almost drove head on into the car that raced toward him along the winding road leading to the Ramsey place. He straightened abruptly behind the wheel and tooted his horn at the wayward driver. Even that near miss, wasn’t enough to sour his mood and he whistled along to the smooth crooning of the Delfonics hit from back in ’68, “La La Means I Love You”.

  The whistling continued well past him parking the Impala and shutting down the engine. He pranced up the wide porch steps and knocked only to discover the door already cracked open.

  Jasper’s guard heightened. “Carmen?” He whispered, his brown gaze alert as he observed. He made his way up the staircase as if drawn there. His heart lurched to his throat when he saw the sheet on the landing. He bolted for Carmen’s room, stopping cold when he saw her curled upon the bed.

  “Carm? Carmen?” His voice sounded more frantic the closer he came to her. He sat on the bed and placed his hand to her shoulder. She whimpered like a wounded animal and curled into an even tighter ball.

  “Carmen…baby what is it?” His breathing was forced as he took in the sight of her- a mute, trembling mass. He bowed his head to stave off the fear claiming him.

  Then, after a f
ew more terrifying seconds, Jasper’s gaze narrowed. He recalled the seemingly insignificant car that had passed him on the road moments earlier.

  “Marcus was here.” He stated rather than questioned. He had his answer though when she whimpered again and trembled with renewed vigor.

  Jasper didn’t dare touch her then. His rage was so peaked that he didn’t trust himself to do so. Rising then, he pulled the bed spread across her body and secured the house before he left.


  The sound of shattering glass had Josephine rushing down the staircase with a fireplace poker in hand. The elegant train of her coral house robe flew like a flame behind her and she held the look of a ravishing angel. Whoever threatened to awaken her sleeping baby was about to get the beating of his life.

  “It’s Mr. Marcus ma’am.” Fritz, the houseman whispered the news while casting uneasy glances toward the study.

  Josephine kept hold of the poker, but let it dangle at her side while she went to investigate.

  In the study, Marc was attempting to pour whiskey into a glass. His hand shook so badly that he poured most of it on the floor where the previous whiskey bottle had shattered.

  Josephine watched the scene in awe. Before she could question it however, a booming knock sounded at the front. Fritz barely had time to pull open the door, when Jasper Stone bulldozed inside.

  Josephine ran out to see to the new commotion. When she saw the rabid look on Jasper’s face, she simply pointed toward the study.

  “Josie!” Marcus called when he spotted his old friend. “Josephine call the cops! Now, dammit!” His voice carried on a pitiful chord.

  Fascinated by what she hoped was about to take place, Josephine leaned against the study doorway. Fritz was joined by many other house servants; who came to see to the uproar. They all sent Josephine the strangest looks when she told them everything was fine.

  Meanwhile, Jasper was on the rampage, massacring everything in his path. Marcus could barely get to his feet when Jasper threw him across the desk. He made no attempt to fight back.

  Josephine felt her body jerk with every punch. She imagined herself in Jasper Stone’s place as the attacker giving her jackass of a husband a mere slice of what he deserved.

  Jasper wore himself out punching. Inhaling deep gulps of air, he gripped Marc’s jaw and smiled when the man squealed in pain.

  “I don’t know what you did to her, but I know it was vile.” He snarled, squeezing Marc’s jaw tighter. “The day she confesses it, is the day I come after you. God help you then because no one else will and you sure as hell won’t survive what I’ll have on tap for your pathetic ass.” He let Marc drop like a bag of rocks and kicked him away when he landed at his boots.

  “Josephine…” Jasper groaned when he snapped out of his rage and observed the affects of his wrath. “I’m so sorry.”

  Josephine’s smile was broad and gleeful. “There’s absolutely no need for you to apologize for this.”

  For an instant, Jasper’s eyes softened with understanding.


  Marcus and Houston walked such a fine line everyone questioned the sudden change in their demeanors. Josephine didn’t breathe a word of what happened with Jasper Stone. Her silence was mostly due to the fact that she didn’t completely understand what it was about. She knew her dearly beloved certainly wasn’t going to confide.

  Not that it mattered overmuch. It was enough fun watching Marcus; not only looking across his shoulder for Jasper, but wondering when or if Josephine would spill the beans about what she’d overheard. Of course, Jasper hadn’t revealed much- what he did say was cryptic at best.

  At any rate, Josephine kept waiting for Marc to threaten her with it. He hadn’t made a peep, though. Josephine wouldn’t let herself grow too confident however. The old Marc would resurface soon enough. She’d just enjoy the peace until then.


  Daphne finally tuned into the fact that something she’d said about Tammy Burnett had set her husband and his brother on edge. It was clear that Houston was even more out of sorts than usual. She sensed his paranoia and couldn’t resist letting the feeling penetrate her as well.


  Briselle and Georgia had settled into the reality that they were about to become mothers. Briselle felt a sense of hope for the first time. Her doctor’s appointments went splendidly, her health was at its peak and all looked fine with the baby. The sisters-in-law were so elated by all the changes in their lives, they formed their own mommy’s club. Ignoring their husbands’ amusement, the young women met every other Saturday for shopping, movies or simply tea and treats at home. On a particular tea and treats afternoon, the club gained an unexpected member.

  “Cowardly son of a bitch.”

  “He didn’t walk away Georgie.”

  “Right. He probably didn’t even take time to tie his shoes after you told him you were pregnant.” Georgia drawled.

  “It wasn’t like that Georgie.” Carmen braced her elbows on her knees and puffed out her cheeks. “I was the one who broke things off with him.”

  “What?” Georgia moved closer to the armchair Briselle occupied. “What made you do a dumb thing like that?”

  “Georgia…” Briselle scolded. Her gaze narrowed when she turned back to observe Carmen, taking note of her strange mood.

  “I still say he’s a son of a bitch,” Georgia pushed her hands into the front pockets of her apron, “bet he didn’t waste time heading out when you told him to hit the road. Men…”

  Briselle closed her eyes, knowing where the conversation would lead. Felix would be lucky if he got past the front door that evening. “Uh, Georgia let’s get Carmen some more tea,” she passed her sister-in-law the half empty ceramic pot. “And fix her a sandwich. I know that plane food leaves a lot to be desired.”

  Georgia did as Briselle asked. She left the room grumbling about the shortcomings of men while she switched out of the living room.

  “Now why don’t you tell me what happened?” Briselle left her chair to sit next to Carmen on the sofa. “What really happened?”

  Carmen was undoubtedly emotional, but she didn’t break into tears. In a manner that was nothing short of eerie, she told Briselle about her special last evening with Jasper and what happened after he left.

  Briselle sat in shock for a full minute, and then scrambled to the end table for the phone.

  “What are you doing?” Carmen gasped.

  “Calling West.”

  “You can’t!”

  “Carmen!” Briselle tried to break free of the woman’s grip on her wrist.

  “No Bri, no!”

  “Honey what-”

  “You can’t say a thing- nothing Bri, do you hear me? Not a word to my family- especially West and Damon.”

  Briselle took a moment to catch her breath. “Does Jasper know?”

  “He…suspects. I wouldn’t confirm it. He half killed Marcus just on the suspicion of it.”

  “He deserved it and more. Oh God Carmen how can you let him get away with this? Why can’t you-” Her eyes lowered to Carmen’s stomach. “Oh no…”

  “Now you see why?”

  “Honey…” Briselle squeezed her hands. “What will you do?”

  Carmen hugged herself. “Have it. Love it.”

  “Honey,” Briselle uttered a silent curse. “This won’t be an easy pregnancy. Every day, you’ll be reminded of it. You don’t have to have-”

  “No Bri. I won’t do that.” Carmen smiled and brushed her hand along Briselle’s cheek. “I can pretend it’s the baby Jasper and I should’ve had.”

  “It could be, you know? It could be Jasper’s.”

  Carmen smiled over the romantic notion. “It’d never work out that beautifully and there’s no way to tell…living the lie is the next best thing.”


  “Promise me, Bri.” Carmen held the flaring sleeve of Briselle’s blouse. “You keep this. You take this to your grave.”

t was the last thing Briselle wanted, but she’d do nothing to upset Carmen not when the woman already felt so alone. “To my grave.”

  “I wanna hug.” Georgia whined playfully when she returned to the room and found Carmen and Bri embracing.

  “It’s gonna be fine, girl.” Georgia whispered and kissed her sister’s temple. “We’re gonna be the best Mamas three kids ever had. Hell y’all, this shit has got to be some sort of sign.”

  Carmen and Briselle exchanged skeptical looks.

  Georgia rolled her eyes. “Come on, the three of us in this situation- at the same time?”

  Briselle took their hands. “It’s a good sign then. We’re gonna raise these three with all the love we can muster.” She squeezed Carmen’s hand tighter. “We’re gonna teach ‘em to respect themselves and others.”

  “We’re gonna teach ‘em to be strong.” Georgia added with a pert nod. “They’re gonna have the kind of strength this family’s gonna need to face whatever’s waiting down the road.”

  Carmen nodded and a genuine smile broke through on her face. “Strength,” she repeated.

  Laughter erupted between the three and another hug was in order.



  Winter 1971~

  “Come spring you’ll be a mother of two Mrs. Ramsey. Two can make a wealth of noise, I know.”

  “I’m ready.” Josephine’s smile was hopeful. “My Moses is barely two, but I can already tell he’s a little too curious. He needs a little brother or sister to lavish some of that curiosity on. Maybe having someone else to occupy his time will keep him from being such a busy body.”

  Dr. Benson Yontz bellowed a laugh. “You’re in for quite a surprise then, Mrs. Ramsey. Have you settled on a name yet?”

  Josephine’s easy expression sharpened a tad. “If it’s a girl, Fernelle- after my sister who… she passed away unexpectedly many years ago,” She sighed. “If it’s a boy, Fernando- that’s close enough too.”

  Dr. Yontz was a bit somber then. “I can tell you loved your sister a lot.”


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