Her Highlander's Heartl (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 2)

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Her Highlander's Heartl (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 2) Page 22

by Fiona Faris

  “I’m here, Milly! I’m here.” The petite woman pushed through the crowd of men. “I need something tae stop th’ blood.” Milly’s eye’s caught sight of the dirk that had somehow landed close to where Nathan fell. She grabbed it and cut a swath of fabric from her dress, handing it to Violet. Leaving Nathan’s care to her most trusted friend, rage began to fill her. Suddenly the hot metal of the knife felt good in her hand. She looked up, her eyes meeting Elias’. He was smiling. It was exactly as she feared. Elias thought he had found a way to win. He was evil incarnate, and with the pull of one trigger had done his best to steal their future. Milly gently stood and calmly made a show of wiping away at the wrinkles from what remained of her gown.

  “Ye shot him,” was all she said. Elias’ smile grew wide. Milly lost all control and rushed him, the growl in her throat primal as she moved at him with the dirk. All at once, strong arms pulled her from behind and clasped her in a firm grip. It was Lucas. She fought hard against her brother. She would not let Elias live to see another breath.

  “Let me go Luke, please, let me go!” She struggled against her brother, not listening to his words.

  “Milly, lass, dinnae fight me.” He turned her to face him and she saw determination in his eyes. For the first time since they burst through the chapel doors, the realization that her brothers had come for her sank in.

  “Lucas, he’s a monster, he shot him. I dinnae ken what I will dae if Nathan dies,” she pleaded.

  “I ken, lass, and ye’ll get yer revenge, I promise. But we’ll not allow blood on yer hands.” Her eyes widened in horror as she took in her brother’s meaning. She turned in time to see blood begin to pour from Elias’ still smiling mouth, his face turning grotesque. He looked down, and Milly knew he didn’t understand what had happened to him as Gavin pulled his sword from Elias’ back. Elias let out a wheezing cough as he fell to the stone floor of the chapel. Lucas kissed her forehead and immediately let her go as he turned to bark orders at the rest of the men.

  Milly was momentarily unsure of what her next steps should be. Gavin and Lucas had worked together to rid the world of Elias MacKenzie. She was grateful to her brothers, but felt her revenge incomplete. She looked back and saw Violet and Thomas frantically working on Nathan and her heart lurched. She rushed toward Elias. He was still alive, but barely. The wounds Gavin inflicted were mortal, any novice could see that. She took some satisfaction that his death would be slow and painful, he would be ignored as men moved to work around him. It was no less than he deserved. She thought of Nathan, his father and uncle. Elias had tried to wipe out the clan entirely, and now he paid the price. Milly leaned down as Elias looked at her, pleading. “I hope ye rot in hellfire,” she whispered. It was over.

  “Gavin?” Milly said, standing, looking for her brother. He approached and took her into his arms. Milly crumpled. He was safe, her brother was safe, and he had killed her tormentor.

  “He’s not dead yet,” he said. “But it won’t be long.” She nodded as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. “There will be time for talk soon, I promise. For now, I thank ye for not giving up on me, but go tae Nathan. He needs ye, lass.”

  “Is he…?” She couldn’t bear to say the words. Violet was busy at work, and Milly had never felt more useless. She couldn’t do anything to help.

  “He is breathing. The bleeding has slowed, but his heart is weaker than I would like. We have to get him into the keep,” Violet said, not stopping to look up. Milly sank to her knees and grabbed Nathan’s hand, bringing it to her lips.

  “Please, love, be strong.”

  “Simon, take your men and find whoever is left around the keep who worked with or for Elias and put them in the dungeon. Gavin, brother, I’ll need ye and Thomas tae help get Nathan to a bedchamber.” The dark haired MacKenzie lad nodded in agreement with her brother. For a moment she saw something familiar in his eyes. His coloring reminded her of someone, but there was no time to think more on it. Milly was grateful Lucas was taking charge, and she returned her focus to Nathan. She kept a tight hold on his hand. She was all he had left now and she would not leave his side, ever.

  * * *

  “I think the bleeding has slowed, but we need tae get th’ ball out.” Milly heard what Violet was telling her, but she was unable to take her eyes off Nathan. He looked so pale and small laying in the bed. He was still unconscious, and she was grateful because if Violet was suggesting what Milly thought she was suggesting, she would rather Nathan not be awake for it.

  “What dae ye need, love?” Thomas asked. Violet looked at him with an affection that made Milly’s heart hurt. She wanted so desperately for Nathan to survive this, to look at her that way.

  “Hot water, as hot as ye can get it. Comfrey, brandy if there is any, if nae, then whisky, lots of whisky. Ella taught me cleanliness of the wound is the highest order of importance. The alcohol should dae it.”

  “Who is Ella?” Gavin asked, no doubt curious how Violet knew so much about healing.

  “My wife, she’s a healer,” Lucas replied.

  “Och, yer married? Is she braw?”

  “Aye, as are our two bairns, boys both.” Lucas gave his brother a big smile.

  Gavin clapped his brother on the back. “An uncle, holy hell.”

  “Aye, holy hell indeed. I left Magnus in charge of the keep. Ye’ll be surprised tae see how well he’s adjusted since returning from Dunkeld.” Milly watched her brothers reacquaint. If it weren’t for the events of the evening, and Nathan laying so ill, she would have wept tears of joy. She was struck by how much had happened while Gavin was held prisoner. She turned her focus back to Violet and Nathan, still gripping his hand tightly.

  “Violet, will he live?” Her voice came out meek and unsure. Violet looked up at her with dark eyes, brimmed with tears the maid would not allow to fall.

  “I dinnae ken, Milly. From what I can see, it looks like Elias was a bad shot. The ball is close tae th’ surface and looks tae have missed the important bits, but he’s lost a lot of blood. But we’ll dae everything we can.” She looked back and forth from Gavin to Lucas. “If yer prone tae pray, now is the time, lads. Now is the time.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  MacKenzie Castle

  Removing the lead ball wasn’t as difficult to watch as it was for Nathan to bear. He woke up briefly and screamed, causing Lucas and Gavin to hold him down while Milly whispered to him to stay calm, and all would be well. Then he collapsed into unconsciousness again, and relief flooded everyone in the chamber.

  “What happens now?” Milly asked, wiping the sweat from her brow when it was all over, his wound cleaned and bandaged. How would they know when he would wake? Was there permanent damage? Questions swam around Milly’s mind.

  “Now we wait,” Violet said. It was almost dawn and they were all visibly exhausted. “The bullet willnae kill him, but we must watch for infection.” For the rest of her life, Milly would be thankful for Violet and the work she’d done to keep Nathan alive. Right now she looked at her weary friend and decided Violet had been through enough.

  “Violet, ye should get some rest.” Thomas placed a sturdy arm around the woman’s shoulder. His love for his betrothed was deep. Milly tried in vain not be jealous, especially when her friend was so happy to be finally and permanently reunited with her love. Milly turned to Thomas and gave him a knowing smile. She was also bone weary, but she would not leave Nathan. He needed her strength to keep his own. The man understood and motioned to lead Violet to the door.

  “Milly, I cannae leave ye here tae face this alone.”

  “Friend,” Milly said, taking Violet’s hands in her own. “Ye’ve done more than anyone could’ve imagined tae keep him safe. It’s out of our hands now. Ye should go with Thomas, use my bedchamber. Sleep, both of ye.” Gavin and Lucas were also still hovering, unsure of what was needed or how to help their sister. “Both of ye as well, be gone, rest.” She waved them away.

  Lucas was the first to respond with an unc
omfortable cough. “Uh…I have business to address with th’ MacKenzie council. There are tae be some changes in how things are run around here when Nathan recovers. I expect, as the clan’s strongest ally, to have sway in ensuring he is Laird.” Milly nodded in agreement.

  Gavin gave Milly a look as if to say he would not be leaving her unchaperoned in Nathan’s bedchamber. “Gavin MacGille, dinnae give me trouble. I’m perfectly safe around Nathan, and he is hardly in any condition tae compromise me.”

  “Any further,” Gavin muttered. Milly raised an eyebrow. What exactly had the men discussed in the dungeons?

  “It’s after sunrise, go rest. We can speak later.” She waved him away. He went reluctantly.

  The bedchamber was finally quiet. Milly was alone with Nathan and her thoughts. Everything that occurred in the chapel had happened so fast, she hadn’t had time to come to terms with any of it. Elias had successfully terrorized both the MacGilles and the MacKenzies right under their noses, and yet through it all Milly and Nathan both had found moments of peace and pure joy. They had found each other.

  She slipped into the chair Violet had placed by Nathan’s bedside and watched the slow rise and fall of his chest as he slept. She tentatively ran her hand down from his neck and chest around the bandage across his mid-section. He was so weak, yet so strong. Less than a day before he’d held her in his arms and assured her everything would be all right. Elias would be stopped.

  “You lied,” she said, pulling her hand away from his cool skin. “Everything is not all right. What is the worth of beating Elias if I lose you?” She closed her eyes in a desperate attempt to control her emotions but it was of no use. She placed her head on his chest and finally allowed herself to sob. She was unaware of how many minutes ticked by, but she let out every emotion she’d had. She poured herself out onto Nathan.

  Quite some time later, she awoke, her body ached from the awkward position she’d slept in on Nathan’s chest. Still tired, the only indication she’d slept at all was the high afternoon sun coming through the window of the bedchamber.

  A knock came at the door, causing Milly to jump, still wary that somehow Elias had lived and was coming to exact further revenge. She grabbed for the dirk that was no longer in the pocket of her ragged gown.

  “My lady?” She turned and found herself face-to-face with the lad from the chapel, the one who looked familiar. Up close, he wasn’t as young as she first thought. “Claire Tavish, in the kitchens, sent up a tray of broth for Nathan and some food for ye. Said ye needed tae eat, an’ it would do his Lairdship good if ye could try an’ force some broth.” Suddenly, she realized why he looked familiar earlier in the chapel. Although his hair was not as dark as Nathan’s, it was more brown in color and streaked with light from the sun. His eyes were the same midnight blue, rimmed with gray. How could she have missed it before? She was looking into Nathan’s eyes.

  “Yer th’ one my brother called Simon, is that right?”

  “Aye, my apologies for startlin’ ye, Lady MacGille, I only wanted tae check on Nathan…er… the Laird. So when Claire wanted tae send up th’ food, and peppermint tea, I offered my services.”

  “Will ye sit with me for a bit?” She didn’t know what moved her to ask, but suddenly she wanted to know more about Simon and his reasons for checking on Nathan. They seemed to run deeper than pure clan loyalty. She was curious if the lad knew what was now so obvious to her. He was a MacKenzie in more than clan name. Was it possible that he was another cousin? But if so, why had she not heard of him before? Surely Nathan would have spoken of him and he would have been present in the great hall for evening meals, sitting at the head table with Nathan and Elias. Also, if he were indeed another cousin, why didn’t Elias set his traps onto the lad. No, his relationship to Nathan had to be something deeper, and more hidden.

  “Aye, my lady,” he replied, moving another chair close to her and Nathan’s bed.

  “Please, call me Milly,” she said. “After what we’ve seen and done this day, let us not stand on formality.” He looked nervous at her request but nodded.

  “He’ll live, I ken it. He’s always been strong. Stronger than he thought of himself, but I kent it.” The faraway look in his eyes as he spoke made Milly wonder if he was trying to convince her, or himself.

  “You’ve known Nathan a long time then?”

  “Aye, his father, the old Laird, took me in as just a wee bairn when me ma died. I was raised in the shadow of th’ keep. When I was a lad, I’d follow Nathan around whenever he’d let me. Sometimes I even got tae watch when he would hae fights in the woods with Gavin and Lucas.”

  “I think I remember ye well. Ye were a serious lad, ye dinnae smile much, but ye followed Nathan around like a lost pup.” That must be why he felt so familiar to her. He was there with them, often at the loch when they were bairns.

  “Aye, that would’ve been me. When I was eleven, his Lairdship sent me tae learn the ways of battle, so I wasn’t around much after that. He said I needed a way tae raise above my station. Turns out I was good, an’ I’ve been with the clan watch ever since.”

  “I see,” she remained silent, sitting with Simon for quite some time. She felt a kinship with the lad who had been the quiet serious boy. It felt good to sit with him, someone else who’d known Nathan, not as he was now, but as he was then. Now was not the time for speculation. Maybe someday, maybe when Nathan was healed. Now she could only focus on Nathan.

  “Ye’re a fine man.”

  “I dinnae want him tae be alone in the world. He deserves tae be Laird of our clan. I’ve been alone, I ken what it’s like,” Simon said looking up at her with tears in his eyes.

  “Nay, and he won’t be alone. Neither of ye’ll be alone ever again.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  It was the second day since the attack in the chapel and he still hadn’t woken. There was no fever, which was in itself a miracle, but she didn’t want to leave him in case he woke and she wasn’t there. The night before Simon had stayed with her for quite some time until Claire came and retrieved him. She had been warmed to see the affection between Simon and the kitchen maid. It seemed as if everyone around her was happily paired off, while the man she loved may never wake up. She brushed a lock of damp, dark hair from his forehead.

  “Please, love, please wake up. I need ye,” she whispered into his ear. She had been through the gambit of emotions. She had begged, yelled, lied, and now begged again, anything, to get a reaction from him, and nothing but a slight stirring and moaning in the night.

  “Milly, ye need tae bath and rest,” Violet said. Milly wasn’t sure when her friend had entered the chamber but the last thing Milly wanted was to leave Nathan’s side.

  “In the night, when I gave him his broth, he stirred and moaned. He’s close tae waking, Violet, I ken it.”

  “Aye, that may be so, but if he does wake up, dae ye want him smellin’ ye before he sees ye? Yer still in that God awful wedding gown, Milly. It’s torn and stained with all matter of blood and mud. Nae one can tell between th’ two. I dinnae want tae force ye, but ye need tae take care of yerself.”

  Milly looked down at the crumpled gown and supposed Violet was right. She was indeed a mess.

  “I’ve had a bath brought up tae th’ adjoining chamber. I’ll stay here and change Nathan’s bandages. If anything changes, I’ll get ye right away. I promise.”

  “Alright, I suppose yer right. I am quite rank.”

  “Och, that’s a delicate way tae state it.” With that, Violet ushered her into the adjoining room, undoing her gowns fasteners as they went.

  She was out of objections the moment she sank into the steamy hot water and smelled the lavender oil. Violet was right, she needed a bath. She didn’t want to tarry. Nathan could wake up at any moment so she quickly washed herself and put on the day dress Violet had left out for her. She did feel better being clean. Maybe she would have more hot water brought up and do the same for Nathan. She could soak dry cloths and wash hi
m. She may need someone to help her lift him without hurting him. Maybe the warm water would help to revive him. She hadn’t spoken with her brother since the events at the chapel. Mayhap she could send for Gavin. It would give them an opportunity to speak, and maybe the sound of his old friend would help Nathan to wake. Yes, that is precisely what she would do.

  * * *

  “Ye asked for me?” Gavin said as he entered the bedchamber. Milly had the curtains open and the fire was high. She wanted to make the room as air filled and bright as possible. She always hated when sick rooms were kept dark. It seemed to only further the speed with which a patient refused to recover, and she would do everything in her power to help Nathan want to wake up.


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