Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden

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Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden Page 2

by Eve Vaughn

  The tangy scent of her pussy drifted to his nostrils, and Rohman felt he’d explode any moment, without even sticking his cock inside of her. He couldn’t put his finger on why a simple kiss would make him feel this way, but he knew to further analyze it would be asking for trouble he didn’t want.

  Rohman lifted his head to look at her. “You taste good, woman. I wonder how one so small can make my cock so demmed hard,” he said more to himself than to her.

  He pushed her back on the bed, straddling Eden to feast his eyes on her perfectly formed body. It still amazed him that such a wee woman could have such a beautiful form, from her full breasts that nearly filled his large palms, the impossibly tiny waist that flared out to curvaceous hips and her shapely legs. Her dark skin fascinated him as well. There were women of many skin hues on H’trae but not with this particular shade, and it only fueled the fire within to see his lightly tanned body against her dark one.

  She squirmed beneath him, and he stilled her wiggles with his mind.

  “Let me go,” she groaned, fighting against his telepathic hold.

  He could tell she was self-conscious and wanted to cover her breasts, but he wouldn’t allow it. It was his right to gaze upon her as he pleased. She was his! “You will not hide from me what is mine. I wish to see all of you.”

  Rohman palmed her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over responsive nipples. His breath caught in his throat as he drank in the sight of her. “Lovely,” he murmured. “They are large and fill my hand beautifully. They will suckle my heirs, but now they will suckle me.”

  He bent down to take one pointed tip into his mouth. He laved it with his tongue, taking his time, wanting her as hot for him as he was for her. Nipping the tight peak between his teeth before sucking it roughly in his mouth, Rohman was pleased to hear the soft moans coming from her throat.

  He knew she’d been prepared by the necromancers to take the full length of his cock, but her size gave him reservations because he didn’t want to hurt her. He needed to make her as slick and ready for him as possible.

  Rohman transferred his attention to her other breast, giving it the same treatment as the first, licking and nibbling it until her head thrashed back and forth. Her verbal response to him was driving him insane with passion. Intangible heat coursed through his veins, pulsing along every single nerve ending.

  “Let me touch you,” she moaned with an impassioned plea, the sultry sound of her voice sending shivers up and down his spine.

  More than anything, he wanted to feel her hands on his body. He released his mental hold of her and groaned around her nipple when Eden’s finger glided along the contours of his chest, leaving a trail of fire behind where she touched. Rohman shook when she explored his shoulders and grazed the edges of his wings. The deliciousness of her touch was nearly more than he could take, but he willed himself not to tear his covering off and plunge into her damp heat.

  Rohman lifted his head, unable to fully give her the attention he wanted to when she touched him so gently. There was wonder within the depths of her dark eyes, and he couldn’t help but think once again how lovely she was. “You’re so exquisite. So small but so perfect.”

  He cupped her cheek and was pleased when she leaned into his touch. With her he wanted to do things he’d never wanted to do with another woman. He actually cared how she felt when he touched her. His cock pounded more than it ever had, but her pleasure came first. What kind of power did this tiny woman have over him?

  Rohman kissed the valley of her breasts, her neck, shoulders, face, and anything he could get his lips on. He couldn’t get enough of her. The insatiable hunger within wouldn’t allow him to stop touching her entire body with every part of his body. Needing inside of her moist cunt, he knew if he held out much longer it would be over before he even began. With a loud grunt, he hunched his shoulders, allowing his wings to retract inside his body.

  Her eyes widened in apparent surprise. “Why did you do that?”

  “So that I can do this.” He rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him so she straddled his hips. “You’re so little, I didn’t wish to crush you.”

  Her eyes were downcast as she looked away, and Rohman felt an unfamiliar twinge in his heart. What was this feeling? Maybe he was coming down with the mysterious ailment. No, he felt fine, so what was it? He refused to believe it was anything other than a temporary aberration.

  She gave him a shy smile. “I won’t break so easily, you know.”

  “Perhaps not, but surely you can see how much larger I am than you.”

  An annoyed expression temporarily marred her lovely features. Briefly touching her mind, he discovered that her size had always been a problem for her. Yes, she was smaller than most women he’d ever had dealings with, but he couldn’t think of a single one who could stir him like this.

  Before he could tell her so, she stared down at him with challenging eyes. “I’m not fragile.”

  “Hmm, you look fragile.”

  “I’m much stronger than I look.”

  “Is that so? You’re not much bigger than my cock. Do you think you’ll be able to handle me?”

  “I’ll give it a good shot.”

  She smiled at him, and for the first time since their acquaintance and to his own surprise, he smiled back. Whatever hold she had over him, he’d think about it later. “Undo the ties of my jaytu.”

  Tentative fingers unlaced him, freeing his cock. Eden’s eyes widened as she let out a surprised gasp. “Oh, dear Lord. I imagined you’d be large, but this is… I mean… you’re a monster.”

  When she made a move to wiggle off of him, Rohman gripped her hips, holding her firm. He lifted a brow, feeling amused. “You were prepared to take every single inch of me. Where’s the bold wench of a few moments ago? Don’t tell me you’ve lost your nerve.”

  A slight smile touched her lush mouth. “No… I just…” His fingers delved inside the slick folds of her pussy, thumb gliding against her swollen clit. She gasped. “I can’t think properly when you do that.”

  “Perhaps that was my goal.” He circled her clitoris, rubbing it until she moaned. Eden threw her head back and scooted her hips closer to his. Rohman needed her now. With fingers digging into curvaceous hips, he positioned her over his cock, letting it rest at her entrance. “I want inside of you now.”

  She reached down and parted her labia, preparing herself for him. “I’m ready,” she whispered, her eyes shut tightly.

  He wanted to slam her down on his rod, but knew he’d have to go slowly, although it would take all of his willpower. Rohman eased her down on his cock, lifting his hips at the same time to slide into her. By the stars, she was tight.

  Eden cried out. “I don’t think I can take anymore, you’re so big.”

  “Easy, little one. Just let it happen. Relax and take me inside of you. Your pussy is dripping with your need for me. You’re ready for this,” he whispered, trying to calm her down.

  His words seemed to work because she took a deep breath as he continued to pull her further down on his length. When she straddled his thighs completely, his cock buried deep within her, Rohman thought he’d shoot his seed right then and there. The exquisite sensation of her tight cunt wrapped around his pulsing erection was nearly more than he could stand.

  Impatiently he waited for her to adjust to him, studying her almost as if for the first time. His breath caught in his throat. Once again he couldn’t help but think how lovely she was with her teeth nibbling her lower lip, her eyes squeezed shut, and her full round breasts thrust forward. She was a sight to behold. Unable to help himself, he reached up and squeezed the large mounds.

  Eden arched her back into his caress and moaned. “Oh, Rohman, that feels so good.”

  When she gyrated her hips over him, any thoughts of waiting disappeared. Dropping his hands to grasp her hips again, he lifted her up and down. “Move with me, Eden.”

  She placed small palms against the broad expanse of his chest and bounced on
his cock, her pussy muscles clenching around it. Gritting his teeth, he willed himself to hold on, but the deliciousness of the movement threatened to end their mating before it had barely begun. Their gazes locked. She bounced as he thrust, meeting each other halfway, both falling under the spell of the moment.

  Electric currents of lust soared through his frame, making him shake. Nothing had ever felt quite like this before. This woman titillated all of his senses. He couldn’t get enough of her -- the sight, sound, feel, taste, and scent of her. She was everything a woman should be, but he dared not trust these feelings. No, he had to remember to separate what his body felt from what he knew to be true about treacherous females. For now, he’d live for this moment, with his shaft planted deeply within her channel.

  Their bodies grinded, melded, and slid against each other, the friction only making them hotter. Sweat popped out of his pores as his grip tightened and he slammed harder into her. All reservations about taking things easy were gone. His completion was near, and by the sound of her throaty groans, so was hers.

  “Rohman, I’m going to come,” she screamed.

  Eden shook and shuddered, her cunt tightening around his cock, making it impossible for him to hold back any longer. The most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced tightened his balls, shot through his body, and created a large explosion from within. His hips shot up, pushing his cock deeper, his seed shooting into her hot channel. He grunted with ecstasy. “Yes!”

  “Rohman, Rohman, Rohman,” she panted before collapsing on top of him, his arms immediately wrapping around her. After such an explosive joining he didn’t want to move. All he wanted was to remain as one with this woman, but he couldn’t help but wonder what it was about her that was so different.

  Chapter Two

  Eden rested her head against Rohman’s chest, still unable to believe all she’d just experienced with this magnificent specimen of a man -- her mate. He was hers and it would take some getting used to. On the flipside, she now belonged to him as well, and conflicting feelings ran through her. She could already tell he had a possessive streak, but that wasn’t what bothered her the most. He seemed to have an inherent mistrust of women. It was something she’d have to ask him about later.

  The warm sensation of Rohman stroking her back sent shivers up her spine, making her toes curl. Being held against him was almost as intimate as the act of making love. His ripe male scent filled her nostrils, but it wasn’t unpleasant. There wasn’t much about him that she didn’t find attractive.

  Men in this world were taller than most Earth men, but Rohman and his brothers were virtual giants, especially to a woman who didn’t quite reach five feet. He had to be one of the most stunning men she’d ever laid eyes on with his beautifully sculpted features that looked like they’d been carved from granite.

  His deep piercing silver eyes, an unusual shade where she came from, seemed to look through her soul, and his taut, muscular body would have put the most disciplined bodybuilder to shame. With just a glance at this perfect man, her body shivered with awareness.

  The sex had been hot and in bed would be one place they were definitely compatible, but there was so much more to a relationship than that. Someone had hurt him terribly and she couldn’t figure out who, but whenever she touched him, she felt this great sadness festering within him. She could tell that the hardened warrior image he liked to project wasn’t him. In her dreams, Eden had pictured her mate to look exactly like Rohman.

  When she’d laid eyes on the arrogant king, she began to have doubts. The man she’d dreamt of was gentle and kind. It had thrown her to see he had an identical twin, and it made her wonder if Aarik was supposed to be her mate instead. It was only when she joined with Rohman that her doubts were eliminated.

  He shut a part of himself away from people, but if she had anything to do with it she’d find the key to his heart. It was true she’d only known him for a very short period, but it never took the heart long to know where it wanted to be, and she wanted to be here with him -- with his faults and all.

  She sensed there was so much more to him than the person he portrayed to his people. It was obvious he cared about his brothers from the brief glimpse she’d had of their interaction, and just by touching him, it was also apparent the fate of his people rested heavily on his mind.

  This was now her home and she’d have to make the best of it. Thoughts of H’trae brought to mind her original purpose. She’d been brought to this planet was to save the Ceyan people from the mysterious illness that slowly diminished their numbers.

  “That was like nothing I’ve ever experienced.”

  That confession surprised her. Lifting her head she looked into her husband’s eyes and saw the sincerity there. “That didn’t come easy to you, did it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It sounded as if you had a hard time getting the words out.”

  He pursed his lips together briefly, as he absently stroked the back of her head. “These feelings within me are strange, but it just felt right to say it. Don’t mistake them for softness though. You are now my queen and you will act accordingly, and you will not go against my say-so. I expect you to learn your place.”

  She lifted a brow. There he went again with his chauvinistic ideas. “And what exactly do you think my place is? Where I used to live, women were treated equally, and they were valued just as much as men.”

  “Hmm, I suppose it was a good thing that it was Kal and Thane who ventured to Earth because it sounds as though I wouldn’t have had much patience for the place.”

  “You wouldn’t know until you tried it.”

  “Why would I want to go to a place where the women are above themselves?”

  “Above themselves? Do you hear yourself speaking? Women are not cattle. We have minds of our own and feelings.” When she made an attempt to roll away from him, he held her firm.

  “Eden, I don’t know why, but I feel that you and I can rub together tolerably well. I won’t ask for much of you as my queen except to love my people and obey my every wish.”

  She gasped. Not ask for much? Was he kidding? “You say you won’t ask for much, but that sounds like a lot to me.”

  “My word is law around here.”

  “And will you do everything I ask of you?”

  He gave her an incredulous look as if she were the crazy one. “You speak foolishness. You are a woman, therefore your rights are few.”

  “Even as queen?”

  “Even more so as queen. I will not have you embarrass me or my family’s name. Once I place my cheka around your ankle, everyone will know you are my woman.”

  Eden felt like she’d been transported back to the early 1900s where women were supposed to remain barefoot and pregnant and live in the kitchen. She would have given him a piece of her mind right then and there, but something stopped her. It was weird, but she instinctively knew there was a lot more to him than this Cro-Magnon attitude. Right now, it was probably just best to humor him.

  Placing her head back on his chest she tried to figure out the enigma that was Rohman.

  “You’re silent,” came his quiet observation.

  “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “Yes. No. Confound it, woman, I don’t know how I feel. You confuse me.”

  “How so?”

  “These odd feelings make me feel uncomfortable and you’re the cause.”

  Eden buried her face in his broad chest to hide a smile. He didn’t realize it yet, but they’d made a connection. Now more so than ever she was sure her union with this powerful Ceyan was meant to be.

  Just as she was about to say something to her husband, there was a loud knock on the door. Rohman frowned. “Who is it?” he roared, making Eden flinch. He really needed to work on his people skills.

  “It is Lusio, your majesty,” the voice on the other side of the door called.

  Rohman turned his head toward her, his eyes raking over her body. Eden could read the lust in them
. She felt a blush spread from head to toe, warming her. “Cover yourself, woman. I don’t wish for others to see what is mine.”

  She could have argued that the outfit she’d been given was so see-through it didn’t matter. Not only that, everyone had already seen her nakedness at the ceremony. Eden knew she had valid points but decided against bringing them up. She didn’t want to start an argument on the first night with her new mate.

  When she slid under the satiny sheets of the bed, dragging the covers over her breasts, Rohman bade Lusio to enter, but not before giving her one last sweeping glance. She shivered in reaction to his gaze. She’d never reacted like this with anyone before and it both excited and frightened her at the same time.

  A tall Ceyan guard entered the chamber, his dark head bowed. “Your majesties,” he greeted humbly.

  Covering her mouth to stifle a giggle, Eden looked away from the guard, unable to make eye contact after that greeting. Majesties? She was a queen now, and that would take some getting used to.

  The king stared at the guard imperiously, a look of impatience flickering in his eyes. “I hope you have a good excuse for interrupting us, Lusio.”

  “It is urgent, your majesty. Queen Daliah --”

  Rohman stopped the guard’s flow of speech with an angry glare. “You have interrupted us with news of my mother? Get out of here!” he roared, his face turning a bright angry shade of red.

  Eden didn’t particularly care for the tone of his voice. She knew he was the king, but that didn’t give him the right to speak to people any way he wanted to. It was obvious why everyone was so scared of him, and she found it frustrating. Attempting to calm him down, she placed her hand on one broad shoulder. “Rohman, you shouldn’t --”

  His head snapped around so fast, he could have been a stunt double for Linda Blair in The Exorcist. “Be silent, woman,” he hissed before turning back to the trembling guard.

  “But, your majesty, your mother has fallen ill and is rapidly deteriorating.”


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