Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden

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Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden Page 7

by Eve Vaughn

  “It was nothing.” Raven touched his arm, tela eyes looking earnestly up at him. “I may not have known Eden very long, but there’s something special about her. She’s a good person, and I care about her. For what it’s worth, I believe she’s still alive. Don’t ask me how, I just know.”

  Rohman nodded. “I appreciate that. Now, if you all will excuse me, there’s something I need to handle.”

  He walked out of the room, leaving them behind, his strides growing longer as he drew closer to his mother’s chamber. Poking his head inside, he saw two servant women attending her.

  “How is she?” he asked, opening the door wide enough to slide through.

  The women were immediately on their feet, heads bowed reverently. The older one called Myera stepped forward to answer his question. “Your majesty, Queen Daliah has been swimming in and out of consciousness, but she’s much better. Whatever the princesses did helped greatly. She’s breathing easier, and her fever is not quite as high.”

  He nodded. “Please leave us for a moment. I will summon you when I’m finished.”

  “Of course, your majesty,” the two women answered in unison before scurrying out the door, a gentle click indicating its closing.

  Fear held him to the spot. What now? Did he dare ask the questions that had been on his mind, and in his heart, for so long?

  Taking a deep breath, he walked over to her bed and knelt down beside it. Not sure what to do next, he watched her. She was so pale, yet her beauty held true. When he was a boy, he didn’t think he’d ever find a woman as beautiful as his mother. He’d sit on her lap for hours and play in her glorious golden hair while she regaled him with stories of warriors of old. His mother had told the most magnificent stories. He could also remember thinking he’d never care for another woman as much as he did for her.

  Then it all went wrong. Terribly wrong.

  Daliah’s breathing remained even, but she looked so sickly. Rohman couldn’t help but wonder how long she could remain like this if Eden wasn’t found.

  Eden. That was another worry plaguing his mind.

  Without realizing he did so, he took his mother’s clammy hand. “I broke my promise, Mamu. I found a woman as beautiful as you. She’s got the loveliest skin I’ve ever seen, rich and creamy. I can’t stop touching her. Her name is Eden. She’s a wee thing, but her spirit is enormous. She makes me feel things I didn’t think I was capable of. Only a few days ago, I didn’t think I could ever care for someone like I did her, but in that short time I was with her, I knew my life would never be the same. Of course, me being my stubborn self, I didn’t realize my feelings for what they were. I wish you could see her.” He snorted. “I wish this hadn’t happened to you.”

  He paused. “Mamu, I… I don’t know where to begin. Seeing you like this has made me realize just how much I care for you and love you, and I’m… I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done and said to make you sad. I think when I said harsh things to you, it was because I hurt so much. That’s no excuse, of course, but I want you to understand what I felt in here.” Rohman placed her hand over his heart.

  “You loved me unconditionally, never expecting me to be anything other than myself, while Father only cared for Treyu. I never said so, but it made me sad. I loved them both so much, but I was just an insignificant younger son. I know I was your favorite, and I should have been content with the love and attention you lavished on me. Deep down, I couldn’t accept that Father wasn’t a good man.”

  He leaned his head against the bed, emotions threatening to overwhelm him. It took several moments before he could speak again. “When Treyu was murdered… well, I can’t really say that, can I, because Peaha did what she could to survive and you saw that. You cared about Treyu but you knew his true nature, didn’t you? That’s why you begged for her life, isn’t it?” Rohman knew his mother couldn’t answer, but he pretended that she could.

  “I think it was then things changed between us. Father was devastated by Treyu’s death, but he felt betrayed that you’d beg mercy for the woman who killed him. Deep down I understood why, but I so desperately wanted to please Father that I took his side. As the next in line, he turned his attention toward me. He filled my head with his hate-filled rants about women and how good for nothing they were, and forgive me, I started believing it myself.”

  Nearly choking on his words, he paused. Unburdening himself was harder than he thought it would be, and his mother wasn’t even responsive! He squeezed her hand in his, wishing she were awake so she could hear this as she deserved.

  Needing to go on, he continued. “I knew Father was a harsh man. Nothing I did ever seemed to please him, but I took it in the hopes that one day he’d come to care for me just a little. I believed if I acted like him, he’d at least think of me as worthy to follow in Treyu’s footsteps. In his eyes, I would never measure up to his true heir. Despite how I began to treat you, you were always there for me.”

  Rohman reached up to push a stray strand of hair resting on his mother’s face. Had her head moved? No. He obviously imagined it. “When Father began to intimate that you were unfaithful to him, I stood up to him for the first time. I told him you’d never do something so dishonorable to shame him and our family name. He called me a fool, yet without proof I didn’t believe it.

  “Then… then he took me to the bazaar that day, knowing where you’d gone. When I saw you in the arms of that other man, my faith was shattered. I didn’t know how to react so I lashed out at you. And later that night, when I walked by your room and heard your screams… forgive me for even thinking this, but I believed you were getting what you deserved. I couldn’t ignore it though. Despite what I felt was your treachery, I couldn’t let him hurt you.”

  A tear slid down the side of his face which he hastily wiped away. Reliving these memories was something he’d fought hard not to do. “I think he would have killed you had I not intervened. Whether it was right or wrong, I had to step in, only I didn’t think one blow would be the end of him. I didn’t mean to kill him and I’ve lived with that guilt and shame for so long, but instead of taking responsibility for what I did, I blamed you.

  “Father accused you of being weak, but you were the strong one. He was weak, just like Treyu… and me. I’ve failed you, and now I may lose you before you know I never stopped loving you. I was to blame, not you. I should have defended you, stood up to Father more. I’ve been hard on my brothers and sometimes I just hate myself. I love you so much, Mamu. Please don’t leave me now. My mate is missing, and I don’t think I could take it if I were to lose you too.”

  Unable to contain the immense pain he’d held in for so long, Rohman bawled as though his heart were breaking. He couldn’t remember crying like this since he was a small child, but even then not quite like this. Body racked with sobs, he rested his head against his mother’s body.

  He cried for the misguided boy he used to be, for the lost closeness between him, his brothers and mother, and he cried for Eden. Their time had been very short together, but the connection between them was strong. If -- no, when she was found, he’d tell her exactly how he felt and would treat her like the queen she was.

  He jumped when a hand stroked his hair. Jerking his head up, he saw his mother’s eyes were open, a slight smile on her white lips.

  “Rohman, my little kitite, my little boy. I love you too, and I’ve never stopped loving you.” Her voice was weak and he had to strain to hear her.

  “You heard?” he asked with a sniff.

  “Every word.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I thought it was just a beautiful dream. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say those words.”

  “That I’m sorry? Well, I am. You can’t know how much.”

  “No. Not those words.”

  He frowned. “What words?”

  “That you love me. It does my heart good to hear them. I love your brothers more than life, but I always knew there was something
special about you. Treyu, well… he was my first born, but your father kept him from me and taught him to hate me. But you… well, you were my first little boy that I could hold and shower my love on. I could do the same with Aarik, but there was a time when you were the sensitive twin.” A cough tore from her throat.

  “Are you all right?”

  She coughed again. “Yes, I’ll be fine. I don’t know what my three new daughters did for me, but the pain has numbed. I do hope I get to know them better. They’re all so lovely. I especially can’t wait to see your mate.”

  “Ani --”

  “Let me guess. She had something to do with Eden’s disappearance? I’ve always suspected that one to be up to no good. I know you don’t like hearing me speak against her, but I think you should get rid of her before she causes more harm.”

  “I intend to. She’s put our people at risk. Eden may be our last hope to save those who have fallen ill.”

  Daliah’s smile widened. “You must love this woman. She’s your heartmate.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. I need to spend more time with her, but she makes me feel unlike anyone I’ve been with.”

  “I imagine. If you’re lucky enough to find your heartmate, don’t ever let her go. I had angry words with mine. There was a big misunderstanding and… well, I ended up choosing your father instead.”

  “He knew he wasn’t your first choice, and that’s why he was so cruel to you. That was the reason, wasn’t it?”

  “One of them, but it’s a little more complicated than that. The reasons why aren’t important now. There is one thing I wanted you to know. I wasn’t unfaithful to your father. In my heart maybe, but not physically. I never crossed that line. Gereth --”

  “He was the one you were with in the bazaar?”

  Daliah nodded. “How did you know?”

  “There was a look in your eyes I didn’t understand until now.”

  “Yes, it was him but it’s too late now. I’ve missed my chance at true love, but you have this opportunity. Don’t let it slip away, son.”

  Rohman brought her hand to his lips, kissing it reverently. “That’s a promise I won’t break.”

  Chapter Seven

  “She’s in a deep sleep, and I think there’s no lasting effects from it,” Eden assured a hovering Enech.

  “Your majesty, please don’t hold it against her. It’s just that Seri sometimes has a hankering for pretty things that I can’t give her.”

  “It’s understandable, but you can’t go around kidnapping and drugging people. I know your heart was in the right place, but your wife is seriously nuts. How in the world do you put up with her?”

  Enech wrung his large hands together, an anxious expression on his face. “She has her faults, but I love her. Believe it or not, she’s not always like this. She cares about her family, and she doesn’t always show it but she cares about me too.”

  Eden suspected the only person Seri truly cared about was herself but decided not to disillusion the contrite Enech. She sensed his sincerity, even if his wife was a bitch.

  It was good to finally be able to think straight, without the cloudiness.

  When she fought Seri and a charge shot out of her hand, it had temporarily paralyzed the other woman. Eden was learning a little at a time about her powers and realized this was some kind of hidden defense mechanism. Feeling Seri’s forehead, she knew the woman would be all right.

  For Enech’s sake, she’d do what she could to make sure he came to no trouble. She was sure Rohman wouldn’t take kindly to what these two tried to pull, but she couldn’t very well let him punish the man who saved her from death. She shuddered as she thought about what Ani had tried to do to her. Eden only hoped the other woman would be exposed for the maniac she was.

  “I know you’re worried about her, Enech, but she’ll be all right.”

  “How can you be so sure? I mean you no disrespect, your majesty, but she’s been unconscious for a very long time.”

  “She’ll probably be out for a while but no longer than a day, I suspect. I’m just learning my powers, you see, so the jolt I sent through her was stronger than it would have been had I been able to control it. I can’t apologize for what I did though.”

  “I understand. Should we be heading back to the castle?”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say yes, but something stopped her. What was it? Eden knew her sister well and realized Genesis would be out of her mind with worry, and then there was Rohman. What would he be thinking? There was a connection between them. She would go as far as saying it was love at first sight -- at least with her, but what did he think?

  When he touched her, stroked her, whispered words of worship, she was almost positive her feelings were returned but couldn’t be sure. Something compelled her to answer in the negative. “No, I can’t go back to the palace yet. There’s somewhere I have to go. Now. Could you take me there?”

  “Well, do you think we should leave Seri here alone like this? I mean, my sons are around but they don’t know anything about taking care of people.”

  “She’ll be fine. By the time she wakes up, you’ll be back.” She placed her hand on his thick forearm and looked up at him imploringly. “Please, Enech. It would mean a lot to me if you could do this.”

  The Ceyan man looked torn, eyes darting between her and his wife. “I…”


  “You know you make it difficult for a man to say no. Yes, I’ll take you.”

  She threw her arms around him. “Oh, thank you! You’re the best.”

  Just then the front door crash open, and storming into the room flanked by two guards was Rohman.

  * * *

  His heart felt like it was being ripped into several thousand pieces. He’d been so worried about Eden he hadn’t slept a wink when she was gone, and to find her here in the arms of another man made him angrier than he could ever remember being. So upset in fact, he could barely speak.

  She jumped away from the man, a look of guilt on her face. “Rohman!”

  “At least you remember my name. Come here, Eden,” he commanded tightly.

  She shook her head. “Not if you’re going to be angry with me. I know how this may look, but before you jump to conclusions, can I please explain?”

  “What is there to explain? We’ve sent out search parties for you. Everyone has been concerned since your disappearance, not to mention your sister has made herself sick with worry for you. Yet, I find you here all cozy as if you have no cares in the world with this man, in his home. What would you have me think?”

  “I would have you believe that this is completely innocent because it’s the truth. How… how did you find me?”

  “Why? Did you not want to be found?”

  “Of course I did. I was trying to get back to the palace.”

  He laughed derisively. “Funny, that’s not what it looked like to me.”

  She sighed, rolling her eyes. “Can we not have this conversation here?”

  Rohman had to agree with her on that. He didn’t want people to witness his shame. Striding over to where she stood, he reached out for her but she flinched away. When he grabbed for her again, she didn’t get away in time. This wasn’t the happy reunion he’d envisioned. He’d thought she’d be happy to see him, but her reaction said otherwise. That was what hurt more than seeing her in the arms of another man.

  “Enech, I have to go but thank you for your hospitality. Please don’t hesitate to find me at the palace if Seri doesn’t come to in a reasonable amount of time.”

  Rohman’s nostrils flared. She dared to invite her lover into their home. And who the farken was Seri?

  The man called Enech, trembling visibly, bowed his head. “Thank you, your majesty.”

  “Who is Seri?” Rohman wanted to know.

  “Seri’s his wife. She… she was injured and I was tending to her. Enech was the one who saved me at the cliffs, and I was out of commission for a little while. But when you came i
n, I was thanking him because he was going to take me back to the palace.”

  He had the distinct impression she wasn’t telling him everything but decided to hold his questions until later. Already his body was starting to react to her nearness and he could barely stand it. His cock throbbed. He’d found her in a compromising situation, his mother was gravely ill, yet he still couldn’t stop wanting her.

  Turning to Enech to give the other man his iciest stare, he said, “I suggest you tend to your own wife. Don’t go far. We may be back.” Then, dragging Eden along with him, he strode out of the house, not bothering to take into account her much shorter legs.

  “Wait! Slow down!” his mate huffed, wrenching her arm from his grip. “What’s wrong with you? How dare you treat me like that?”

  “Have you taken leave of your senses, woman? I dare because you belong to me.”

  “But you’re angry when you have no reason to be.”

  “You don’t think I have a reason to be angry? I fooled myself into believing you were my heartmate only to find you in someone else’s arms, and you don’t think I have a reason to be angry with you?” He noticed his guards looking on and silently cursed. “Let’s at least speak of this in private as you suggested earlier.”

  Leading her to his closed carriage, he helped her inside before climbing in. “Now you can answer my question.”

  She lifted one perfectly arched brow. “I’m not your dog to command at will, Rohman. I’m your wife.”

  “Then act like it.”

  Eden gasped. “That’s not fair. I explained what happened.”

  “Yet you’re not telling me the entire story?” For the first time, he noticed small bruises around her neck. Because of her dark skin one could easily overlook them, but there wasn’t anything he didn’t notice about her. Reaching out, he pulled her into his lap. “Who did this to you?” he roared.

  “If I told you, would you believe me?”

  The look of uncertainty on her lovely face shamed him. He’d gone about this all wrong. Why hadn’t he listened to her when he stormed into that house instead of showering her with accusations? Just because their reunion hadn’t turned out as he’d planned, it didn’t mean she was guilty of any wrongdoing as he’d implied. It would take him a while to dispel all of his misguided beliefs about women, but he was willing to put forth the effort.


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