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Price, 25 Cents. No. 76
By Subscription, per Year, Nine Dollars. January 15, 1894. Entered at the New York Post Office as second-class matter.
Copyright 1891, by J. S. OGILVIE.
Balsamo, The Magician.
Alex. Dumas.
=70 House Plans for $1.00.=
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_Author of "The Mesmerist's Victim," "The Queen's Necklace," "Taking The Bastile," "The Hero of The People," "The Royal Life Guard," "The Countess of Charny," "The Knight of Redcastle," Etc., Etc._
An Entirely New Copyright Translation from the Latest Paris Edition, by Henry Llewellyn Williams.
_Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1892, by A. E. Smith& Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington._
On the left bank of the Rhine, near the spot where the Selz rivuletsprings forth, the foothill ranges rise of many mountains, of whichthe bristling humps seem to rush northerly like herds of frightenedbuffaloes, disappearing in the haze. These mountains tower over adeserted region, forming a guard around one more lofty than the rest,whose granite brow, crowned with a ruined monastery, defies the skies.It is Thunder Mount.
On the sixth of May, 1770, as the great river wavelets were dyed inthe rainbow hues of the setting sun, a man who had ridden from Maintz,after a journey through Poland, followed the path out of DanenfelsVillage until it ended, and, then, alighting and leading his steed,tied it up in the pine woods.
"Be quiet, my good _Djerid_ (javelin)," said the horseman to the animalwith this Arabian name which bespoke its blood, and its speed; "andgood-bye, if we never meet again."
He cast a glance round him as if he suspected he were overheard.
The barb neighed and pawed with one foot.
"Right, Djerid, the danger is around us."
But as if he had made up his mind not to struggle with it, theventuresome stranger drew the charges from a pair of splendid pistolsand cast the powder and bullets on the sward before replacing them inthe holsters. He wore a steel-hilted sword which he took off with thebelt, and fastened it to the stirrup leather so as to hang from thesaddle-horn point down.
These odd formalities being done, he ungloved, and searching hispockets produced nail-scissors and pocket-knife, which he flung overhis shoulder without looking to see whither they went.
Drawing the longest possible breath, he plunged at random into thethicket, for there was no trace of a path.
He was a man about thirty, taller than the average, but so wonderfullywell built that the utmost strength and skill seemed to circulate inhis supple and nervy limbs. He wore a black velvet overcoat with giltbuttons; the flaps of an embroidered waistcoat showed below its lowestbuttons, and the buckskin riding breeches defined legs worthy to be asculptor's models; the elegant feet were cased in patent leather boots.
His countenance was a notable mixture of power and intelligence,with all the play of Southern races; his glance, able to display anyemotion, seemed to pierce any one on whom it fell with beams thatsounded the very soul. His cheeks had been browned by a sun hotter thanthat of France. His mouth was large but finely shaped, and parted toreveal magnificent teeth, all the whiter from his dark complexion. Hishand was small but muscular; his foot long but fine.
Scarcely had he taken a dozen steps within the glade before he heardfaint footsteps. He rose on tiptoe and perceived that unseen hands hadunhitched Djerid and were leading him away. He frowned slightly, and afaint smile curled his full cheeks and choicely chiseled lips.
He continued into the heart of the forest.
For a space the twilight guided him, but soon that died out, and hestood in gloom so dense that he had to stop lest he blundered blindly.
"I reached Danenfels from Maintz," he said, aloud, "as there was aroad. I reached this forest as there was a path: I am here as there wassome light: but I must stop now as I have no sight."
Scarcely had he spoken, in a dialect part French, part Sicilian, than alight flashed out only fifty paces off.
"Thanks! I will follow the light as long as it leads."
The light at once moved onward, regularly and steadily, like a stagelamp managed by the lime-light operator.
At a hundred paces, a breath in the adventurer's ear made him wince.
"Turn and you die!" came this whisper.
"All right," answered the stranger.
"Speak, and you die!" whispered a voice on the left-hand.
He bowed without speaking.
"But," said a voice seeming to issue from the bowels of the earth, "ifyou are afraid, go back to the plain, by which it will be clear thatyou are daunted, and renounce your errand."
The traveler waved his hand to imply that he was going ahead, and aheadhe went.
But it was so late and the shade so deep that he stumbled during thehour the magic light preceded him, but he did not murmur or show anytremor in fear, while he heard not a breath.
All of a sudden, the light went out!
He had passed through the woodland, for on lifting his eyes, he couldsee a few stars glitter on the darksome sky.
He kept on in the same direction till he saw loom up the somber mass ofthe ruins of a castle--its spectre. At the same time his foot met itsfallen stones.
A clammy thing wound itself round his forehead and sealed his eyes.He could no longer see even the shadows. It was a wet linen cloth.It must have been an expected thing, for he made no resistance tobeing blindfolded. But he put forth his hand silently as a blindedman naturally does to grope. The gesture was understood, for on theinstant a cold, dry, bony hand clutched his fingers. He knew it was askeleton's, but had it possessed feeling, it must have owned that hisown hand no more trembled.
For a hundred yard
s the seeker was dragged forward rapidly.
All at once the bandage was plucked aloof, and he stopped; he hadreached the top of the Thunder Mount.
Before him rose the moldy, mossy steps of the portico of the old Castleof Donnerberg. On the first slab stood the phantom with the osseoushand which had guided him thither. From head to foot a long shroudenwrapped it; through a slit the dead eyes peered without luster.The fleshless hand pointed into the ruins where the goal seemed tobe a hall too high up to be viewed, but with the collapsed ceilingflickering with a fickle light.
The traveler nodded in consent. Slowly the ghost mounted the steps oneby one, till amid the ruins. The man followed with the same solemn andtranquil pace regulating his walk, and he also entered.
Behind him slammed the principal door as noisily as a ringing bronzegate.
The phantom guide had paused on the threshold of a round hall hung withblack and illumined with greenish hues of three lamps.
"Open your eyes," said the ghastly guide.
"I see," replied the other, stopping ten paces from him.
Drawing a double-edged sword from his shroud with a swift and haughtygesture, the phantom smote with it a brazen column which boomed a notelike a gong.
Immediately, all around, the slabs of the hall floor rose up, andcountless ghosts like the guide, stole in with drawn swords and tookposts on steps where they stood like statues on their pedestals, coldand motionless. They stood out against the sable drapery.
Higher than the steps was a dais for seven chairs; on these six ghoststook place, leaving one seat vacant; they were chiefs.
"What is our number, brothers?" challenged one of the six rising in themiddle.
"Three hundred is the right tally," answered the spectres, with onevoice thundering through the hall and dying amid the black hangings.
"Three hundred," said the presiding chief, "representing each tenthousand associates; three hundred swords worth three millions ofdaggers. What do you want, stranger?" he demanded, turning to theintruder.
"To see the Light," was the rejoinder.
"The paths leading to the Mountain of Fire are hard and toilsome--fearyou not to tread them?"
"I fear nothing."
"You can not turn back once you start. Bear this in mind."
"I mean to stop only at the goal."
"Are you ready to take the oath?"
"Say it and I will repeat."
The president lifted his hand and slowly and solemnly uttered thesewords:
"In the name of the Master Carpenter, swear to break all carnal bondstying you to whomsoever, and above all to those to whom you may havepledged faith, obedience or service."
The new-comer in a firm voice repeated what was pronounced.
"From this out," continued the president, "you are absolved fromplights made to native land and rulers. Swear to reveal to your newleader what you have seen and done, heard or learned, read or guessed,and further to spy and discover all passing under your eyes."
On his ceasing the novice repeated.
"Honor and respect the Water of Death," went on the president without achange of voice, "as a prompt means in skilled hands, sure and needful,to purge the globe by the death or insanity of those who strive tostifle the Truth or snatch it from our hands."
An echo could not more faithfully repeat the vow.
"Avoid Spain, Naples, and all accursed lands; and moreover thetemptation to let out what you learn and hear--for the lightning isless swift to strike than we with our unseen but inevitable blade,wheresoever you may flee. Now, live in the name of the Supernal Three!"
In spite of the final threat, no emotion could be descried on thenovice's face, as he reiterated the words with as calm a tone as heused at the outset.
"Now, deck the applicant with the sacred ribbon," said the president.
Two shrouded figures placed on the bent brow of the stranger a sky-blueribbon with silver letters and female figures; the ends of the badgewere tied behind on the nape. They stepped aside, leaving him aloneagain.
"What do you want?" asked the chief officer.
"Three things: the iron hand to strangle tyranny; the fiery swordto drive the impure from earth; and the diamond scales to weigh thedestinies of mankind."
"Are you prepared for the tests?"
"Who seeks to be accepted, should be ready for everything."
"The tests!" shouted the ghosts.
"Turn round," said the president.
The stranger faced a man, pale as death, bound and gagged.
"Behold a traitor who revealed the secrets of the Order after takingsuch an oath as you did. Thus guilty, what think you he deserves?"
"Death!" cried the three hundred sword-bearers.
Instantly the unhappy culprit, despite superhuman resistance, wasdragged to the back of the hall. The initiated one saw him wrestlingand writhing in the torturers' hands and heard his voice hissing pastthe gag. A poniard flashed in the lamplight like lightning, and afterit fell, with a slapping sound of the hilt, the dead body landedheavily on the stone floor.
"Justice has been executed," observed the stranger, turning round tothe terrifying circle, whose greedy eyes had gazed on him out of theirgrave clothes.
"So you approve of the execution?"
"Yes, if the slain were truly guilty."
"And would you drink the downfall of any one who sold the secrets ofthis Ancient Association?"
"In any beverage."
"Bring hither the cup," said the arch-officer.
One of the two executioners drew near with a skull brimming with a warmand ruddy liquid. The stranger took the goblet by its brass stem andsaid, as he held it up: "I drink to the death of all false brothers."Lowering the cup to his lips, he drained it to the last drop, andcalmly returned it to the giver.
A murmur of astonishment ran around the assemblage, as the phantomsglanced at one another.
"So far well. The pistol," said the chief.
A ghost stole up to the speaker holding a pistol in one hand, andpowder and ball in the other, without the novice seeming to deign aglance in that direction.
"Do you promise passive obedience to the brotherhood, even though itwere to recoil on yourself?"
"Whoso enters the household of the Faithful is no longer his ownproperty."
"Hence you will obey any order given you?"
"Take this firearm and load it."
"What am I to do with it?"
"Cock it."
The stranger set the hammer, and the click of it going on full cock wasplainly heard in the deep stillness.
"Clap the muzzle to your temple," ordered the president, and thesuppliant obeyed without hesitating.
The silence deepened over all; the lamps seemed to fade, and thebystanders had no more breath than ghosts.
"Fire!" exclaimed the president.
The hammer fell and the flint emitted sparks in the pan; but it wasonly the powder there which took fire and no report followed itsephemeral flame.
An outcry of admiration burst from nearly every breast, and thepresident instinctively held out his hand toward the novice.
But two tests were not enough for some doubters who called out: "Thedagger!"
"Since you require it, bring the dagger," said the presiding officer.
"It is useless," interrupted the stranger, shaking his headdisdainfully.
"What do you mean?" asked several voices.
"Useless," repeated the new-comer, in a voice rising above all theothers, "for you are wasting precious time. I know all your secrets,and these childish proofs are unworthy the head of sensible beings.That man was not murdered; the stuff I drank was wine hid in a pouch onhis chest; the bullet and powder I loaded the trick-pistol with fellinto a hollow in the stock when the weapon was cocked. Take back thesham arm, only good to frighten cowards. Rise, you lying corpse; youcannot frighten the strong-minded."
A terrible roar shook the hall.
> "To know our mysteries, you must be an initiate or a spy," said thepresident.
"Who are you?" demanded three hundred voices together, as a score ofswords shone in the grip of the nearest and were lowered by the regularmovement of trained soldiers toward the intruder's bosom.
Calm and smiling, he lifted his head, wound round with the sacredfillet, and replied:
"I am the Man for the Time."
Before his lordly gaze the blades lowered unevenly as they on whom itfell obeyed promptly or tried to resist the influence.
"You have made a rash speech," said the president, "but it may havebeen spoken without your knowing its gravity."
"I have replied as I was bound," said the other, shaking his head andsmiling.
"Whence come you, then?" questioned the chief.
"From the quarter whence cometh the Light," was the response.
"That is the East, and we are informed that you come from Sweden."
"I may have passed through there from the Orient," said the stranger.
"Still we know you not. A second time, who are you?"
"I will tell you in a while, since you pretend not to know me; but,meantime, I will tell you who you are."
The spectres shuddered and their swords clanked as they shifted themfrom the left to the right hands again to point them at his breast.
"To begin with you," said the stranger, pointing to the chief, "onewho fancies himself a god and is but a forerunner--the representativeof the Swedish Circles--I will name you, though I need not name theothers. Swedenborg, have not the angels, who speak familiarly with you,revealed that the Man you expect was on the way?"
"True, they told me so," answered the principal, parting his shroud thebetter to look out.
This act, against the rule and habit during the rites, displayed thevenerable countenance and snowy beard of an old man of eighty.
"And on your left," continued the stranger, "sits the representative ofGreat Britain, the chief of the Scottish Rites. I salute your lordship.If the blood of your forefathers runs in your veins, England may hopenot to have the Light die out."
The swords dropped, for anger was yielding to surprise.
"So this is you, captain?" went on the stranger to the last leaderon the president's left; "in what port have you left your handsomecruiser, which you love like a lass. The _Providence_ is a gallantfrigate, and the name brings good luck to America."
"Now for your turn, Prophet of Zurich," he said to the man on the rightof the chief. "Look me in the face, since you have carried the scienceof Physiognomy to divination, and tell me if you do not read my missionin the lines of my face?"
The person addressed recoiled a step.
"As for you, descendant of Pelagius, for a second time the Moors mustbe driven out of Spain. It would be an easy matter if the Castilianshave not lost the sword of the Cid."
Mute and motionless dwelt the fifth chief: the voice seemed to haveturned him to stone.
"Have you nothing to say to me?" inquired the sixth delegate,anticipating the denouncer who seemed to forget him.
"Yea, to you I have to say what the Son of the Great Architect said toJudas, and I will speak it in a while."
So replied the traveler, fastening on him one of those glances whichpierced to the heart.
The hearer became whiter than his shroud, while a murmur ran round thegathering, wishful to call the accused one to account.
"You forget the delegate of France," observed the chief.
"He is not among you--as you well know, for there is his vacant place,"haughtily made answer the stranger. "Bear in mind that such tricks makethem smile who can see in the dark; who act in spite of the elements,and live though Death menaces them."
"You are a young man to speak thus with the authority of a divinity,"resumed the principal. "Reflect, yourself--impudence only stuns theignorant or the irresolute."
"You are all irresolute," retorted the stranger, with a smile ofsupreme scorn, "or you would have acted against me. You are ignorant,since you do not know me, while I know ye all. With boldness aloneI succeed against you, but boldness would be vain against one withirresistible power."
"Inform us with a proof of this power," said the Swedenborg.
"What brings ye together?"
"The Supreme Council."
"Not without intention," went on the visitant, "have you come from allquarters, to gather in the sanctuary of the Terrible Faith."
"Surely not," replied the Swede; "we come to hail the person who hasfounded a mystic empire in the Orient, uniting the two hemispheres in acommonalty of beliefs, and joining the hands of human brotherhood."
"Would you know him by any token?"
"Heaven has been good enough to unveil it by the intermediation of itsangels," answered the visionary.
"If you hold this secret alone and have not revealed it to a soul, tellit aloud, for the time has come."
"On his breast," said the chief of the Illuminati, "he wears a diamondstar, in the core of which shines the three initials of a phrase knownto him alone."
"State those initials."
"L. P. D."
With a rapid stroke the stranger opened his overcoat, coat andwaistcoat and showed on the fine linen front, gleaming like flame, ajeweled plate on which flared the three letters in rubies.
"HE!" ejaculated the Swede: "can this be he?"
"Whom all await?" added the other leaders, anxiously.
"The Hierophant of Memphis--the Grand Copt?" muttered the three hundredvoices.
"Will you deny me now?" demanded the Man from the East, triumphantly.
"No," cried the phantoms, bowing to the ground.
"Speak, Master," said the president and the five chiefs, bowing, "andwe obey."
The visitor seemed to reflect during the silence, some instants long.
"Brothers," he finally said, "you may lay aside your swords uselesslyfatiguing your arms, and lend me an attentive ear, for you will learnmuch in the few words I address you. The source of great rivers isgenerally unknown, like most divine things: I know whither I go, butnot my origin. When I first opened my eyes to consciousness, I wasin the sacred city of Medina, playing about the gardens of the MuftiSuleyman. I loved this venerable old man like a father, but he wasnone of mine, and he addressed me with respect though he held me inaffection. Three times a day he stood aside to let another old mancome to me whose name I ever utter with gratitude mixed with awe. Thisaugust receptacle of all human wisdom, instructed in all things by theSeven Superior Spirits, bore the name of Althotas. He was my tutor andmaster, and venerable friend, for he is twice the age of the oldesthere."
Long shivers of anxiety hailed this speech, spoken in solemnity, withmajestic gesticulation and in a voice severe while smooth.
"One day in my fifteenth year, in the midst of my studies, my oldmaster came to me with a phial in hand. 'Acharat,' he said--it was myname--'I have always told you that nothing is born to die forever inthis world. Man only lacks clearness of mind to be immortal. I havefound the beverage to scatter the clouds, and next will discover thatto dispel death. Yesterday I drank of this distillation: I want you todrink the rest to-day.'
"I had extreme trust in my teacher but my hand trembled in taking thisphial, like Eve's in taking the apple of Life.
"'Drink,' he said, smiling. And I drank.
"'Sleep,' he said, laying his hands on my head. And I slept.
"Then all that was material about me faded away, and the soul thatsolitarily remained lived again, like Pythagoras, for centuries throughwhich it had passed. In the panorama unfolded before it, I beheldmyself in previous existence, and, awaking, comprehended that I wasmore than man."
He spoke with so strong a conviction, and his eyes were fixedheavenward with so sublime an expression that a murmur of admirationhailed him: astonishment had yielded to wonder, as wrath had toastonishment.
"Thereupon," continued the Enlightened One, "I determined to devote myexistence at present, as well as the fruit of al
l my previous ones,to the welfare of mankind. Next day, as though he divined my plan,Althotas came to me and said:
"'My son, your mother died twenty years ago as she gave birth to you;for twenty years your sire has kept hidden by some invincible obstacle;we will resume our travels and if we meet him, you may embrace him--butnot knowing him.' You see that all was to be mysterious about me, aswith all the Elect of heaven.
"At the end of our journeys, I was a Theosophist. The many cities hadnot roused my wonderment. Nothing was new to me under the sun. I hadbeen in every place formerly in one or more of my several existences.The only thing striking me was the changes in the peoples. Followingthe March of Progress, I saw that all were proceeding toward Freedom.All the prophets had been sent to prop the tottering steps of mankind,which, though blind at birth, staggers step by step toward Light.Each century is an age for the people. Now you understand that I comenot from the Orient to practice simply the Masonic rites, but to say:Brothers, we must give light to the world. France is chosen to be thetorch-bearer. It may consume, but it will be a wholesome conflagration,for it will enlighten the world. That is why France has no delegatehere; he may have shrunk from his duty. We want one who will recoilfrom nothing--and so I shall go into France. It is the most importantpost, the most perilous, and I undertake it."
"Yet you know what goes on there?" questioned the president.
Smiling, the man called Acharat replied: "I ought to know, for I havebeen preparing matters. The king is old, timid, corrupt, but lessantiquated and hopeless of cure than the monarchy he represents. Onlya few years further will he sit on the throne. We must have the futurelaid out from when he dies. France is the keystone of the arch. Letthat stone be wrenched forth by the six millions of hands which willbe raised at a sign from the Inner Circle, and down will fall themonarchical system. On the day when there shall be no longer a king inFrance, the most insolently enthroned ruler in Europe will turn giddy,and spring of his own accord into the gulf left by the disappearance ofthe throne of Saint Louis."
"Forgive the doubt, most venerated Master," interrupted the chiefon the right, with the Swiss accent, "but have you taken all intocalculation?"
"Everything," replied the Grand Copt, laconically.
"In my studies, master, I was convinced of one truth--that thecharacteristics of a man were written on their faces. Now, I fear thatthe French people will love the new rulers of the country you speakof--the sweet, clement king, and the lovely amiable queen. The bride ofthe Prince Royal, Marie Antoinette, is even now crossing the border.The altar and the nuptial bed are being made ready at Versailles. Isthis the moment to begin your reformation?"
"Most illustrious brother," said the supreme chief to the Prophet ofZurich, "if you read the faces of man, I read the features of thefuture. Marie Antoinette is proud and will obstinately continue theconflict, in which she will fall beneath our attacks. The Dauphin,Louis Auguste, is good and mild; he will weaken in the strife andperish like his wife, and with her. But each will fall and perish bythe opposite virtue and fault. They esteem each other now--we will notgive them time to love one another, and in a year they will entertainmutual contempt. Besides, brothers, why should we debate on the pointwhence cometh the light, since it is shown to me? I come from out ofthe East, like the shepherds guided by the star, announcing a new birthof man. To-morrow, I set to work, and with your help I ask but twentyyears to kill not a mere king but a principle. You may think twentyyears long to efface the idea of royalty from the hearts of those whowould sacrifice their children's lives for the little King Louis XV.You believe it an easy matter to make odious the lilyflowers, emblem ofthe Bourbon line, but it would take you ages to do it.
"You are scattered and tremble in your ignorance of one another'saspirations. I am the master-ring which links you all in one grandfraternal tie. I tell you that the principles which now you mutterat the fireside; scribble in the shadows of your old towers; confideto one another under the rose and the dagger for the traitor or theimprudent friend who utters them louder than you dare--these principlesmay be shouted on the housetops in broad day, printed throughoutEurope and disseminated by peaceful messengers, or on the points ofthe bayonets of five hundred soldiers of Liberty, whose colors willhave them inscribed on their folds. You tremble at the name of NewgatePrison; at that of the Inquisition's dungeon; or of the Bastile, whichI go to flout at--hark ye! We shall all laugh pity for ourselves onthat day when we shall trample on the ruins of the jails, while ourwives and children dance for joy. This can come to pass only after thedeath of monarchy as well as of the king, after religious powers arescorned, after social inferiority is completely forgotten, and afterthe extinction of aristocratic castes and the division of noblemen'sproperty. I ask for a generation to destroy an old world and rear anew one, twenty seconds in Eternity, and you think it is too much!"
A long greeting in admiration and assent hailed the somber prophet'sspeech. It was clear that he had won all the sympathy of the mysteriousmandatories of European intellect. Enjoying his victory just a space,the Grand Copt resumed:
"Let us see now, brothers, since I am going to beard the lion in hisden, what you will do for the cause for which you pledged life, libertyand fortune? I come to learn this."
Silence, dreadful from its solemnity, followed these words. Theimmobile phantoms were absorbed in the thoughts which were to overthrowa score of thrones. The six chiefs conferred with the groups andreturned to the president to consult with him before he was the firstto speak.
"I stand for Sweden," he said. "I offer in her name the miners whoraised the Vasas to the throne--now to upset it, together with ahundred thousand silver crown pieces."
Drawing out tablets, the Hierophant wrote this offer. On thepresident's left spoke another:
"I am sent by the lodges of England and Scotland. I can promise nothingfor the former country, which is burning to fight us Scots. But in thename of poor Erin and poor Scotia, I promise three thousand men, andthree thousand crowns yearly."
"I," said the third speaker, whose vigor and rough activity wasbetrayed beneath the winding sheet fettering such a form. "I representAmerica, where every stick and stone, tree and running brook, and dropof blood belong to rebellion. As long as we have gold in our hills,we will send it ye; as long as blood to shed, we will risk it; but wecannot act till we ourselves are out of the yoke. We are so divided asto be broken strands of a cable. Let a mighty hand unite but two of thestrands, and the rest will twist up with them into a hawser to pulldown the crowned evils from their pride of place. Begin with us, mostvenerable master. If you want the French to be delivered from royalty,make us free of British domination."
"Well spoken," said the Hierophant of Memphis. "You Americans shall befree, and France will lend a helping hand. In all languages, the GrandArchitect hath said: 'Help each other!' Wait a while. You will not havelong to bide, my brother."
Turning to the Switzer, he drew these words from him:
"I can promise only my private contribution. The sons of our republichave long supplied troops to the French monarchy. They are faithfulbargainers, and will carry out their contracts. For the first time,most venerated Master, I am ashamed of their loyalty."
"Be it so, we must win without them and in their teeth. Speak, Spain!"
"I am poor," said the grandee, "and have but three thousand brothers tosupply. But each will furnish a thousand _reals_ a year. Spain is anindolent land, where man would doze though a bed of thorns."
"Be it so," said the Grand Master. "Speak, you, brother."
"I speak for Russia and the Polish clubs. Our brothers are discontentedrich men, or serfs doomed to restless labor and untimely death. Inthe name of the latter, owning nothing, not even life, I can promisenothing; but three thousand rich men will pay twenty louis a head everyyear."
The other deputies came forward by turns, and had their offers set downin the Copt's memorandum book as they bound themselves to fulfill theirplight.
"The word of command," said t
he leader, "already spread in one part ofthe world, is to be dispensed through the others. It is symbolized bythe three letters which you have seen. Let each one wear them in theheart as well as on it, for we, the Sovereign Master of the shrinesof the Orient and the West, we order the ruin of the Lilies. L. P. D.signifies _Lilia Pedibus Destrue_--Trample Lilies Under! I order you ofSpain, Sweden, Scotland, Switzerland and America, to Trample down theLilies of the Bourbon race."
The cheering was like the roar of the sea, under the vault, escaping bygusts down the mountain gorges.
"In the name of the Architect, begone," said the Master. "By stream andstrand and valley, begone by the rising of the sun. You will see meonce more, and that will be on the day of triumph. Go!"
He terminated his address with a masonic sign which was understoodsolely by the six chiefs, who remained after the inferiors haddeparted. Then the Grand Copt took the Swede aside.
"Swedenborg, you are really an inspired man, and heaven thanks you bymy voice. Send the cash into France to the address I shall give you."
The president bowed humbly, and went away amazed by the second sightwhich had unveiled his name.
"Brave Fairfax," said the Master to another, "I hail you as the worthyson of your sire. Remind me to General Washington when next you writeto him."
Fairfax retired on the heels of Swedenborg.
"Paul Jones," went on the Copt to the American deputy, "you have spokento the mark, as I expected of you. You will be one of the heroes of theAmerican Republic. Be both of you ready when the signal is flying."
Quivering as though inspired by a holy breath, the future capturer ofthe _Serapis_ likewise retired.
"Lavater," said the Master to the Swiss, "drop your theories for it ishigh time to take up practice; no longer study what man is, but whathe may become. Go, and woe to your fellow countrymen who take up armsagainst us, for the wrath of the people is swift and devouring even asthat of the God on high!"
Trembling, the physiognomist bowed and went his way.
"List to me, Ximenes," said the Copt to the Spaniard; "you are zealous,but you distrust yourself. You say, Spain dozes. That is because no onerouses her. Go and awake her; Castile is still the land of the Cid."
The last chief was skulking forward when the head of the Masons checkedhim with a wave of the hand.
"Schieffort, of Russia, you are a traitor who will betray our causebefore the month is over; but before the month is out, you will bedead."
The Muscovite envoy fell on his knees; but the other made him rise witha threatening gesture, and the doomed one reeled out of the hall.
Left by himself in the deserted and silent hall, the strange manbuttoned up his overcoat, settled his hat on his head, pushed thespring of the bronze door to make it open, and went forth. He strodedown the mountain defiles as if they had long been known to him, andwithout light or guide in the woods, went to the further edge. Helistened, and hearing a distant neigh, he proceeded thither. Whistlingpeculiarly, he brought his faithful Djerid to his hand. He leapedlightly into the saddle, and the two, darting away headlong, wereenwrapped in the fogs rising between Danenfels and the top of theThunder Mountain.
Balsamo, the Magician; or, The Memoirs of a Physician Page 1