Wicked Redemption (Dark Book 2)

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Wicked Redemption (Dark Book 2) Page 6

by Ashton Blackthorne

  Tightening my jaw, I glared at him. Why was he here? I had told him I would be in contact with him whenever I was ready to talk to him.

  “Ash, please let me speak to you both.” His demeanor was much softer than I recalled and his hands were outstretched.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I hissed through clenched teeth. The other diners were turning to look at us.

  Ayden stepped closer.

  “I don’t want a fight, Ash. I came to apologize.”

  Amber sucked in her breath. I tightened my grip on her.

  “Ayden, you have no business near us. I told you I would text you when I was ready to talk. Now isn’t the time.”

  Other diners had stopped eating to watch.

  “I know, Ash, I just couldn’t wait any longer. Look, Ash, you don’t want a scene here. I don’t either. Please, let me sit down and we can talk.” The pleading in his voice despite my initial misgivings sounded sincere.

  I gestured to the chair as I wanted to avoid further disruption in the restaurant. The press had already been hounding me since the abduction and my subsequent stabbing.

  Amber scooted her chair as far away from Ayden as she could. She cringed next to me holding my hand tightly.

  Ayden slid into the chair across from us. The other diners, sensing that a conflict was not forthcoming, went back to their meals.

  “Just what do you want, Ayden? Haven’t you done enough?” I spoke to him through gritted teeth.

  Ayden gestured to the waiter to bring him a drink.

  “Yes, Ash, I know I’ve done some terrible things. I can’t even begin to convey how sorry I am. When I found out who my father was and that you were my brother…well, I took a turn down a dangerous path.” Ayden’s eyes reflected remorse as much as I hated to see it.

  “Look, Ayden, I don’t give a shit about what you did to me. It’s what you did to Amber. There was absolutely no excuse for the abuse you inflicted upon her and then abducting her! I just can’t…no, I can’t forgive that.” I shook my head enraged that he would even have the audacity to sit here and speak to us.

  Actual tears welled up in Ayden’s eyes. He shifted his gaze to Amber.

  “I know.” He spoke in a low voice.

  Amber held my hand tightly. I could feel her trembling.

  “Ayden, you’re causing Amber much distress. Please leave. Whatever business we have is between us. Leave her out of this or I will call the police. They’ll revoke your parole if I tell them you’re the one who stabbed me.”

  Ayden looked down and nodded his head.

  “Ash, Amber, I’m sorry. I only wanted to tell you that. You have no reason to fear me anymore, Amber. What I did was…oh God, it was completely insane.”

  Amber nodded stiffly.

  Ayden rolled up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal his muscular arm.

  “And I had the tattoo removed, Amber.” Her name which had once been emblazoned on his left arm had indeed been removed.

  Amber sighed with relief. I felt her relax a bit.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  I nodded as he sipped his drink.

  “That’s just the first step, Ash. I want to make amends for what I’ve done. You see, Ash, growing up with our mother wasn’t easy as you can imagine.”

  “That doesn’t excuse what you did, Ayden.”

  “I know that, Ash. I just want us to be able to talk about it. Growing up with her scarred me in ways you can’t imagine. I don’t want to get into it all here, but it was bad, Ash. Worse than you can imagine. I know how much you despise her for leaving you, Ash, but believe me, she did you a favor.”

  I leaned back and absorbed what he said. Perhaps she had. The broken down woman I’d rescued from a heroin overdose didn’t appear to be the most stable or loving of mothers.

  “Maybe so, Ayden.”

  “And you grew up with our father, Ash. Once I knew who he was I tried to get him to meet with me, talk with me, and have a relationship.”

  My heart thumped as he brought up my father. I just couldn’t stomach anything bad being said about him.

  “But he didn’t want me, Ash, at first.” Ayden’s eyes looked sad as he finished the rest of his drink.

  I stared at him. I supposed he wanted me to feel sorry for him and in a way I did. I knew how much my father’s approval and love meant to me. If I hadn’t had it, I don’t know what I would’ve done.

  Feeling a sharp, shooting pain in my shoulder, I knew that all the abuse in the world didn’t excuse him from what he’d done to me and Amber.

  “I don’t know what you want, Ayden. Do you want me to feel sorry for you? Maybe I would have had you not stabbed me or kidnapped Amber. No, Ayden, any chance you and I had at any kind of relationship is gone now.” I motioned for another glass of Macallan.

  Ayden’s angular jaw tensed. I had no idea what he was hoping to achieve by sitting here with us, but I could tell Amber had had enough. She was still trembling.

  “No, Ash, I don’t. I just wanted you to know that I never began this journey intending to hurt you or Amber. When I found out who my father was, who you were, I came to New York wanting to meet you both. I was excited. Finally, I would have a brother and a real father! After years of living with Mom, there was going to be someone I could count on, someone to be a real family to me.” Ayden’s hands cupped his glass thoughtfully.

  “When did you first find out?” Despite my loathing of him, I found myself curious. Amber sat still as a statue looking ahead past Ayden.

  “I had just turned eighteen. Things were not going well for me to say the least. I had some issues with drug addiction, but I won’t bore you right now with all those details.”

  “Ayden, I already told you now is not the time.”

  Ayden stood up.

  “I’m sorry, Ash. It’s been several weeks and I was just anxious to talk with you. I saw you two here and I couldn’t help but come by to express my apologies.”

  “Duly noted, Ayden. I promise I will text you soon. I have information that I think you’d like to hear and I want to hear what you know about my father.”

  “Our father.” Ayden corrected.

  I nodded.

  “Yes, he’s the only reason I’m speaking to you now.”

  “Thank you, Ash. Amber, again, words can’t express how sorry I am.” His head was bowed almost as if he was submitting himself to her.

  She clutched my hand tightly. She couldn’t bring herself to speak to him.

  We both watched as Ayden left the restaurant.

  Naturally, neither one of us was hungry after that. We drove back to my house in silence.

  “Are you really going to meet with him, Ash?”

  I turned to face her. The wind was so strong it rocked the car as we drove making it difficult to steer.

  “Yes, I am. There’s so much I found out about my father I have to talk with him about it. I’m sorry if that upsets you. I will ensure you are not here when he comes.”

  She waved her hand at me.

  “It’s not that, Ash. I’m just worried he’ll try and hurt us again. He’s dangerous.”

  “A few weeks ago I would’ve agreed with you, Amber, but did you see that gold cross around his neck? The submissive stance he had? Something is different about him.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it. I think he’s truly remorseful.”

  Amber was silent a moment.

  “At least I hope so.”



  Two nights later, I decided to go out for a drink. I needed to find a place I’d never been to before. I wanted to keep my nose clean as Father Marcus said.

  As I came upon a cigar bar in Soho, I decided if ever there was a place that didn’t match the old me, this was it. Walking inside, the cigar smoke was so thick it stung my eyes. I’d never been to a cigar bar before, but I figured if I was going to start making changes for the better than avoiding my old ha
unts was a good idea.

  Taking a seat at the bar, I ordered a Macallan 25. As I sipped it, I wondered why Ash loved this scotch so much. It was nice and smooth, but I preferred something with more of a bite to it. Glancing about me, I second-guessed my choice of donning an Italian suit like Ash’s. I felt stiff and uncomfortable in it. I loosened the top buttons and slipped out of the suit jacket.

  Sighing, I sipped the scotch. Suddenly, a gorgeous brunette let out a shriek.

  “Ash!” She cried waving her arms over her head. The petite brunette raced across the bar towards me. She was gorgeous to put it mildly. Her tits were huge and jiggled as she ran. Her nipples were clearly defined through her tight white dress which highlighted her amazing curves. Her heels were high and I marveled at her ability to run in them.

  “Ash, you never called me.” The brunette’s full pink lips turned down in a pout. I had no idea who she was, but I was definitely interested in finding out.

  As she eased in next to me at the bar, she gazed at me closely. Finally, it dawned on her I wasn’t Ash.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry! I thought you were someone else.”

  Her face reddened with embarrassment.

  Chuckling, I caught her hand. She was even more beautiful up close. I could smell her sweet perfume.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I don’t mind. A gorgeous lady like you can call me anything you like as long as you call me.” I winked at her.

  She grinned widely eying my muscular frame in the tight button down shirt. Hell, I don’t know how Ash stood these rigid clothes. I wanted nothing more than to strip everything off at that moment and then strip the lovely woman next to me.

  “So, what is your name?” I swirled the rest of my scotch in my glass. Fuck this, I was going to order Jack and Coke next time.

  “Sasha. I’m so sorry. I thought you were an old friend of mine. You look so much like him. I guess with all the smoke in here and the dim lights. I’m sorry I bothered you.” Sasha gathered her purse and stood up.

  I stared down at her long, sexy legs. I imagined how they would feel wrapped around my waist. Her tits heaved against the tight fabric of her dress. Her waist was so tiny and her breasts so big she had a perfect hourglass figure. Her long brown hair was swept to the side and cascaded across one bare shoulder.

  As if I needed any further evidence that Ash had excellent taste in women.

  “Good to meet you, Sasha. Can I get you a drink?” I knew I was supposed to be good. Her body was definitely an occasion to sin. God, how I wanted this woman. I wanted to strip her nude and bend her right over the bar. I could imagine her big tits jiggling as I fucked her good and hard.

  “Sure. So, what’s your name?” She batted her baby brown eyes at me. Her lashes were decorated heavily with mascara.

  “I’m Ayden.” I finished my Macallan and ordered a Jack and Coke for us both.

  I studied her as we exchanged small talk. As she turned away for a moment, I noticed she had a small tattoo of a ram’s head on her back. On her left wrist were the words ‘Daddy’s Princess’ tattooed in scrawling script. Both wrists had some light reddening as if she’d been bound recently.

  Just who was her daddy? And why was he binding her wrists?

  Had it been Ash?

  She kept crossing and uncrossing her long legs so I could easily see up her dress. Several times I caught glimpses of her sweet pussy so I knew she was wearing any panties.

  Definitely Ash’s type.

  And mine.

  “I just can’t get over it. You look so much like him.” Sasha smiled as she moved closer to me. Damn it, I couldn’t stand these fucking suit pants! My cock was so hard it felt as though it would break off inside them.

  “Well, pretty Sasha, just how do you know this Ash? Is he your ‘Daddy’?” I gestured to her tattoo.

  She blushed and looked down.

  “No, he’s not. I mean, we had a brief fling, but nothing serious.”

  Grinning at her, I sensed she was looking for a new daddy.

  And I desperately needed a new princess.

  I ran my fingertips lightly over the tattoo.

  “Interesting. So, were you out looking for your daddy?”

  She held her breath as I continued to trace my fingers over her wrist. She shivered slightly.

  “Maybe.” She winked at me. God, I loved it when they acted coy. I knew she wanted to get fucked and I wanted to be the one to do it.

  “Maybe I’m looking too.” I smirked at her. My cock was so hard I couldn’t stand it. I didn’t even know if I could make it outside with her without stripping her down.

  “Well, then, Ayden, maybe it’s fate that we met.”

  I felt the huge, black abyss Marcus had warned me about opening up calling my name.

  I smiled at her as I moved my hand to her firm thigh. Slowly, I ran my hand up her leg until I could feel the heat from her pussy. My fingers were mere inches from her wet cunt.

  I was on the edge.

  “So, sweet Sasha, are you a naughty girl?” I whispered as my fingers probed ever higher. She was dripping wet.

  She nodded biting her lip. Her body leaned in even closer to me. My lips brushed her ear.

  “Good. Because I love punishing a naughty little girl. Daddy needs to teach Princess some manners.” I breathed the words into her ear. I felt her tense as I slipped my finger right up her pussy. She was as tight and wet as I’d anticipated.

  A slight moan escaped her lips as I fingered her good and hard right on the barstool.

  “Maybe we should go into the back.” She murmured as I felt her pussy clench around my finger. She was so close to coming.

  But I wouldn’t let that happen yet.

  “You’re right, Princess, we should. But right now I want you to tell me how much you love my finger inside your hungry little pussy.”

  “I love you finger fucking my pussy.” Sasha whispered her eyes half closed.

  “Good. Now when I take my finger out of your pussy I want you to suck it clean, Princess. Taste yourself on me.”

  Quickly, I eased my finger from her drenched with her juices. Eagerly, she opened her mouth as I slid my finger in. As ordered, she sucked my finger long and hard making my cock jealous.

  I felt lust for her burning inside me.

  This was the type of girl Marcus had warned me about.

  The kind of girl who would lead me down a dangerous, deadly path.

  But one I desperately longed to go down.

  “Sasha, say hello to your new daddy.” With that, I pulled her off the barstool into my arms.

  As soon as we got outside, we were all over each other. But I didn’t want to just fuck her randomly in the parking lot. I wanted to take her where I could begin training her immediately. I could tell from the submissive way she’d reacted to me that she needed a new daddy as much as I needed a new princess.

  I opened the door to my Mercedes and she hopped inside.

  She studied my profile as I drove the short distance back to my apartment.

  “Well, Sasha, what do you think? You’ve been studying me since we left.” I gunned the engine as we sat at the stoplight. The night was unusually warm for this time of year and it made me even more anxious to rip this damned button down shirt off.

  Finally, I could take it no longer. I threw the car into park and ripped the shirt right off my body. Sasha gasped in amazement when she saw how well defined I was and my arms covered in different tattoos.

  “Wow,” she whispered reaching out to caress my hard muscles.

  “Sorry, I just couldn’t stand that fucking shirt a minute longer!” I rolled down the window allowing the cool air to caress my exposed flesh.

  “You’re sure not who I thought you were.”

  “You mean Ash?”

  She nodded.

  “You know why you mistook me for him, don’t you?”

  She shook her head still running her fingers over my right bicep.

  “He’s my brother.”
/>   I laughed at her stunned expression.


  I nodded. It was the first time I’d ever said that aloud to anyone other than Ash and Amber.

  “Yep. The great Ashton Blackthorne is my older brother. Can you believe?” I laughed.

  “Ash is your brother? That explains a lot. You two look a lot alike. I’m sure you heard that all the time growing up.” Sasha snuggled in next to me.

  “Not really. I just met him.”

  Sasha looked puzzled.


  I shook my head pulling my car into a parking space.

  “Princess, it’s a boring story, really. Let’s just talk about you and me, okay?” With that, my lips found hers. She moaned and I felt her melting into me.

  This was going to be one hot night indeed.

  The door burst open as we fell against it. I spun Sasha around and pushed her dress up to her waist. Her pussy was completely shaved just the way I loved it. She ran her hands over my bulging muscles making me shiver with delight. Her nails were long and manicured to perfection. She dug her nails into my back as I caressed her. Eagerly, she unzipped my pants and my aching cock burst out. She moaned as she gripped my cock firmly squeezing it so a bit of pre-cum glistened at the tip. This girl was hot and good to go. I couldn’t wait to sink my cock inside her.

  Gripping her tight firm ass, I picked her up propping her back against the wall. I wrenched her dress down exposing her enormous tits. I buried my face between her breasts kissing her, inhaling the sweet scent of her body. Her long hair fell across my face as my tongue lapped at her breasts.

  My cock seized with desire and I could take it no longer. I thumbed her swollen clit for a moment making her drip with need. Finally, I eased her tight pussy down upon my hard, throbbing cock.

  “Oh my God,” she moaned loudly as her fingers knotted into my hair. Bouncing her slight frame upon my hard dick, my hands dug into the flesh of her ass. As I pounded her harder and harder, she threw her arms against the wall her hands sliding down as she melted deeper into me.

  “Such a good princess,” I murmured as I spun her around while still inside her. Pulling her off my cock, I threw her to the wooden floor. Sasha jumped in surprise, but eagerly climbed to her knees grabbing my cock in her hands. Her juices glistened on it as she ran her tongue up and down my shaft.


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