Wicked Redemption (Dark Book 2)

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Wicked Redemption (Dark Book 2) Page 9

by Ashton Blackthorne

  I reached into the box to pull out another black velvet pouch. Reaching inside, I pulled out a silver collar.

  There was a silver tag hanging from it.


  Inside the collar, there were more words engraved.

  Forever owned and loved by Ashton.

  The collar itself was exquisite. There were tiny diamonds decorating it. As I turned it over in my hand, the jewels caught the light making them shine brightly.

  “It’s gorgeous, Sir. But what does it mean?”

  He smiled coming over to put the collar around my neck.

  “I thought you’d been in this type of relationship before, Amber.”

  I swallowed hard thinking of Ayden. But this wasn’t the same, was it? Ash wasn’t telling me to call him Daddy.

  “You mean with Ayden? That was---“

  “---Twisted I know. Never send a boy to do a man’s job.” He laughed.

  I chuckled getting the implication that Ayden being eight years younger than him was nothing but a boy to him.

  I fingered the tag on the collar.

  “Amber, what this collar represents is my eternal love, protection, and trust. Perhaps you’re disappointed it’s not a promise ring, but this means more to me. I’ve only collared one woman before and that was Veronica. But this is different. That’s why I had this engraved. To me, this collar represents us giving each other total love and trust. I won’t require you to wear this out if it’s not what you want. This collar is about more than just a sexual relationship. It encompasses everything we are.”

  My heart felt so full it would burst. I’d longed for the day he could acknowledge his true feelings for me and that day was here.

  “Ash, I’m touched. I’m honored you would choose this for me to wear and of course, I want to.”

  I knelt down so that he could affix the collar around my neck.

  He stood back to admire me.

  “It looks stunning on you, Amber.”

  Ash grinned wickedly as he took the princess plug from my hand.

  “Now for your pretty little plug. Hands and knees, baby.”

  Realizing what he was going to do, I eagerly fell to the floor. I thrust my ass out for him.

  He rubbed the juices from my pussy up to my tight asshole. He pushed the plug against my resisting flesh. As he pushed slightly, he realized it wasn’t wet enough. Crudely, he spat onto my asshole and then pushed the plug right in. I squirmed with discomfort as the plug spread my ass open.

  “There now, baby. Does it feel good?”

  I moaned nodding. It hurt as it kept me spread open, but the pain was quickly turning to pleasure.

  “Do you want to have both your holes filled at once, baby?” He asked pulling his pants off. I looked at his cock, so hard the head appeared purple.

  “Yes,” I whispered feeling so dirty with the plug crammed inside my ass.

  Ash grabbed me by my hair and pushed his cock in my face.

  “Suck it, baby. Wrap your pretty lips around it.”

  Hungrily, I took his throbbing cock in my hand and licked the drop of precome glistening on the tip. Then I dragged my tongue up and down his shaft. He shivered as I took him all the way down to his balls. He was so big he gagged me, but I let him keep pushing my head down.

  Slowly, I kept moving my head up and down his cock stopping to swirl my tongue over his hot, full balls.

  “That’s it, baby.” He stroked my hair.

  I felt his cock twitch inside my mouth. I thought he was going to come and I readied myself for his full load, but instead he turned me around.

  Without another word, he shoved his hard dick right up my dripping pussy. Having both holes filled at once felt so good I nearly came immediately.

  “Don’t come yet, baby.”

  I couldn’t hold off. I came as he thrust himself even deeper inside me. His thumb kept the plug in tight as he continued to fuck me.

  “Sir!” I cried loudly.

  He slapped my ass hard the sound echoing throughout the dungeon.

  “Oh, baby, we’re just getting started.”



  I didn’t know how I was going to tell Ash. I didn’t know how I could make him understand. Every day I waited for the text from him telling me to come out to his house. My heart jumped every time the phone vibrated.

  How was I going to tell my brother I was a former junkie and a child abuse victim? He was going to think I was attempting to justify all the evil things I’d done.

  In a way, I was though. I wanted him to understand just what I’d been through. Part of me was still jealous of the privileged way he’d grown up. He’d gotten to have a relationship with our father and I had been left alone with a mother who abused drugs and neglected me.

  Shit, now I sounded like another sniveling asshole whining about their ‘traumatic’ childhood.

  Walking out to my car, I stopped to stare at the swirling clouds above. It gave me an odd sense of comfort to think that my brother may be at this very moment staring up at the exact same clouds.

  Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I looked down.

  1200 Oceanview Terrace 11:00 AM Monday. It’s a private home. The four digit code at the gate is 7544.

  It was Ash! Immediately, I texted back that I would be there. I felt elated, but also massive apprehension. How would he react to my story? Even worse, what if he didn’t believe me?

  Holding the tiny gold cross in between my thumb and forefinger, I said a silent prayer as I got into my car.

  He just had to believe me.

  He just had to.



  Melissa’s smiling face greeted me as I walked into her office. I sat down on the same comfortable chair as before. The room didn’t seem as inviting as it had the first time I was there.

  Maybe because it was becoming all too real for me.

  “So, Amber, how are things going?” Melissa sat down watching me as I got settled in the chair.

  “Things are good.” I shrugged.

  “How about with Ash? Are you two getting along better?”

  I looked at her curiously. When had I ever indicated that we weren’t?

  “I don’t know what you mean. We’ve always gotten along.”

  Melissa smiled.

  “I wasn’t implying you didn’t. Last time you were here you said Ash had been pressuring you into giving him details about our sessions.”

  I did? That was news to me. Maybe I really was going crazy.

  “No, I don’t think I did.”

  Melissa looked at me and flipped through her notes.

  “Yes, Amber, you did.”

  My eyes widened. Suddenly, the room felt stifling hot and so incredibly small! My heart began to pound.

  “Look, Amber, it’s okay if you don’t remember. That happens sometimes. The important thing is you’re here. We can deal with whatever happens.” Melissa smiled and extended her hand out to me.

  I stared down at her well-manicured hand. I didn’t feel like anyone touching me right now.

  “I just don’t know what to say, Melissa. I promised Ash I would try to find out what was bothering me, but I just---“

  “---it’s too much right now?” Melissa ventured.

  I nodded holding my breath. There was something there I just couldn’t face it. Not yet.

  “Amber, I’d like to try something with you. It will sound a bit scary at first, but I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?” Melissa reached into the drawer of the end table and withdrew a small box.

  “Yes, what is it?” I stared at the black box wondering what was inside.

  Opening the box, she pulled out a small silver figurine of a dolphin.

  I was puzzled. What the hell was she doing?

  “Okay, Amber, can you have a seat on the couch over there?” Melissa gestured to the small blue sofa.


  “I want to try hypnosis with you.”

  I laug
hed staring at her.

  “Are you serious? Therapists still do that? I thought that was only in the movies.”

  “Yes, I’m serious, Amber. True, I don’t use hypnosis often, but I think it may be helpful in your case.”

  I edged off the chair casting a wary glance over at the sofa.

  “Why do you think that will help? Are you sure it will even work?”

  Melissa held the dolphin in her hand.

  “Yes, I do. Look, Amber, it’s worth a try. Just lie back on the sofa and focus on the dolphin.”

  I walked over to the sofa and laid down. I still wasn’t sure. I had a very uneasy feeling in my stomach.

  “It’s okay, Amber. Although I don’t do this often, I’ve hypnotized many people over the years. You’ll do just fine.” She smiled reassuringly.

  Trembling, I tried to relax. I stared up at the ceiling noticing the beautiful hand painted mural.

  “Did you have someone paint that?” I asked referring to the mural.

  She glanced up and laughed.

  “Actually, I did it myself a few years ago. I’ve always enjoyed painting and thought it would give clients something nice to look at.”

  I took a deep breath and waited. I had no idea what to do next. Was she going to start waving a pocket watch on a chain at me?

  “Now, Amber, I want you to look at this dolphin.” She held the silver figurine of the dolphin up.

  “The dolphin? Where’s the watch on a chain?” I chuckled.

  She shook her head.

  “No watch. I find this dolphin works better. Just focus on the dolphin. Don’t think about anything else. Focus all your energies on it and just relax.”

  Reluctantly, I did as she requested. This little dolphin seemed harmless enough.

  I kept staring at it as she spoke softly to me.

  “That’s good, Amber. Now just relax. Feel yourself falling back into the couch. Your body is relaxing. You’re so very relaxed now.”

  I felt laughter bubbling up inside me. There was no way this was going to work!

  She kept dropping her voice lower and lower. I kept my eyes locked on the dolphin. I just didn’t see how this was going to work. I felt as though I should fake being hypnotized just so I wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

  But how does one fake hypnosis?

  As I contemplated how to feign a hypnotized state, I found myself feeling very relaxed almost sleepy.

  “Amber? Amber, are you there?”

  Of course, I was here! But wait….who was that in the corner? I swore I could see a dark shadowy figure.

  “Amber, when I count to three I want you to open your eyes and tell me what you see.”

  No, I didn’t want to open my eyes! There was someone there….someone I didn’t want to see!


  NO! I felt like screaming squeezing my eyes tightly together.


  My eyes flew open. I looked around me. I wasn’t in Melissa’s office anymore. I was sitting on my pink canopy bed at my parents’ house back in Chicago.

  “Amber, where are you? Tell me what you see.” Melissa’s voice emanated to me through my mental haze.

  “I’m in my room.”

  “What room?”

  “My room at mommy and daddy’s house.”

  Melissa’s voice was close. I couldn’t see her, but I could hear her. It was as if she was a whisper in my ear.

  “What does your room look like? Is there anyone there with you?”

  I looked around me. I was wearing my pink silk nightgown with the white lace around the collar I had gotten for Christmas. My hair hung around my shoulders in golden ringlets. The sheets were pink with white hearts on them.

  “It’s so pretty. Mommy let me pick out new sheets and a new bed this year.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  “It was for my birthday.”

  Hearing the childish lilt to my voice, Melissa inquired about my age.

  “I’m a big girl now, Daddy says. I’m seven.” I heard my voice proclaim proudly.

  “Wow, that is a big girl! Is there anyone else in the room with you? Is it day or night?”

  Gazing around my room, I saw all the stuffed animals I stacked in the bed around me. They were my friends, my protectors.

  “My stuffies. They’re my friends. They protect me while I sleep.”

  “Why do you need protection, Amber?”

  Suddenly, the room became dark. Night descended instantly it seemed. I shivered and pulled the covers up over my body.

  “From him,” I whispered.

  “Who is he, Amber?”

  As I huddled down in my bed with my favorite brown teddy bear at my side, I heard the door squeak as it opened.”


  NO! I felt myself scream.

  “Who is it, Amber? Who’s with you?”

  I saw his green eyes illuminated by the flashlight he carried. His hands weren’t much bigger than my own, but they were so much stronger.

  Strong enough to hold me down as he pulled my panties from my body.

  “NO! Please, stop! I don’t want to do that. It hurts me!” I cried. I began to sob loudly clutching my arms to my chest.

  “Amber, it’s okay. It’s Melissa. I’m going to bring you out now. When you hear me count to three, you’ll be here with me and safe, okay?”

  “NO!” I screamed over and over again holding my hands tightly around my body. I could feel his fingers sticky from the Cheetos he ate earlier that evening wrapping around my tiny budding breasts.

  “One…two….” I heard Melissa’s voice getting closer and closer to me. I felt his fingers slipping from my body.

  “Shhh….Amber…it’s okay. No one needs to know about this. It’s our special secret.” His lips brushed my ear. His breath smelled of old cheese and Mountain Dew.


  Melissa’s voice reverberated throughout the room. My eyes fluttered open as I sat up.

  “What the hell happened, Melissa?” I touched my face and found it wet with tears.

  “Amber, who was in the room with you?” Melissa handed me a tissue.

  “Who was in the room with me?” I looked around. Was she crazy? She was the only person here.


  Oh my God.

  Screaming, I covered my face with my hands rocking back and forth. As soon as I opened my eyes, I could see him grinning at me with his fingers covered in Cheeto dust. They were always so sticky and cold.

  When he slipped his hands into my panties….

  “Oh God! No, no, no.” I wept as Melissa rushed to my side.

  “Who was it, Amber?” She asked softly.

  I sighed deeply.

  “My….my brother, Mark.”



  Her beautiful face was pale as she walked into the room. She looked at me with huge scared eyes. She looked like she’d seen a ghost.

  “What’s wrong, Amber?” I rushed to her side.

  “Oh, Ash, oh my God,” she sobbed as she fell into my arms.

  “What is it, baby?” I stroked her silky hair.

  “It’s…oh, God, Ash! It’s Mark.” Tears streamed down her face as I wrapped my arms around her.

  “Mark what? I don’t understand, Amber.”

  She wouldn’t answer me. Her sobbing grew louder and louder. I’d never seen her like this. She was completely inconsolable.

  “What happened at therapy, Amber?” My voice turned stern and harsh. I couldn’t stand to see her cry and I wished she’d stop immediately.

  Turning to me with her eyes red and swollen, she gasped for breath. I handed her a glass of water from the table.

  After she gulped it down, she tried swallowing several times.

  “Ash, it’s worse than I ever imagined. I can’t believe I repressed something that horrible.” She began trembling as she tried to blot her eyes with a tissue.

  “What?” Panic was building inside of
me now. Oh God, I hoped it wasn’t what I thought it was. Poor Amber. She’d been through so much.

  She ran her hands through her long blonde hair. With her mascara smeared down her cheeks in muddy streams, my heart ached for her.


  Just his name aroused disgust in me. That fucking asshole.

  “Mark, what, baby?” I rubbed her back.

  “Melissa showed me, Ash.” She rose from the couch and walked over to the window. The cool late September winds were beginning to blow from the north.

  As she stood in front of the window with her hand on the glass, she watched entranced as the red and orange leaves began to fall.

  “Showed you what, Amber?”

  She giggled still staring out the window.

  “I got to see my old room again, Ash! It was so pretty just like I remembered it. My soft pink sheets with white hearts on them. Did I ever tell you I had a canopy bed too?”

  Her giggling gave me chills. She had just gone from being overwhelmed with grief to carefree laughter. This didn’t bode well.

  “No, Amber, you didn’t. I’m sure it was beautiful.” I leaned back on the couch watching her carefully.

  Her voice reached an even higher pitch sounding more and more girlish.

  “Ash, my mommy took me to pick her out! She was so soft and furry. I used to cuddle her close to me at night.” She hugged herself spinning around.

  Alarm thundered within me. Something was terribly wrong.

  “Amber, what did you pick out? What are you talking about?”

  “My kitty, Cinnamon! I saw her today, Ash. She was all gray and soft. I loved her so much.” Her happy smile faded and her arms fell to her sides.

  “I’m sure you did, baby. What happened to her?”

  “She ran away.” Tears began to well in her eyes once again.

  “I’m sorry, Amber. You said you saw her today. How did you see her? You were at Melissa’s office.” I thought maybe reminding her where she was would snap her out of this frightening state.

  Sinking to the floor, she nodded.

  “I know, Ash. But I saw her. I held her in my arms again.” Her voice wavered between sounding normal and that scary little girl voice.


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