Hunger Awakened

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Hunger Awakened Page 18

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Wait, stop! Do you plan on going down on me, or having sex with me?” She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like his answer.

  “I will lick you—”

  “Hold up. I thought you were attracted to me, that you wanted to … I don’t know … to fool around.” Her cheeks felt hot. “Why did you …?”

  “You said you needed release. I helped you with that.”

  “You went down on me because you wanted to help me?”

  Talon nodded.

  “Oh my god.” She squeezed her eyes shut, trying hard to keep a handle on her emotions. Anger, disappointment and something else … hurt. “You shouldn’t have done me any favors. I thought you were …” Interested in me. Attracted to me. “Never mind.”

  The comments about him seeing her as his little sister popped back into her head. Talon had done this in an attempt to help her. He was trying to be nice because she was so damned desperate. “Please go.” She pointed to the door.

  “Did I do the wrong thing?”

  “Please just leave.”

  “Why are you so angry? I thought that was what you wanted. I thought—”

  “Like I said before, don’t do me any favors,” she spat at him. “You don’t go down on someone because you think that’s what they want or because you’re trying to help. You don’t do it for those reasons. You touch someone intimately like that because you want to. No, more than just want … because you have to, because you’re burning up inside with the need. Because you have no other option but to give in to your needs, your partner’s needs …” His eyes stayed hard and unreadable. She doubted she was getting through to him, so she stopped talking. “Forget it.”

  “I …” Talon clenched his jaw. He shook his head once. “I should not have done that. I hope we will be able to forget it ever happened.” He looked her in the eyes. “I never meant to hurt you and I hope that you will forgive me. I thought I was doing the right thing. I never meant to hurt you,” he repeated as he stood up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  A tear tracked down her cheek and she rubbed it away. She’d never been more humiliated. She’d never felt more alone, and yet the anger from before was gone. As per normal, that was Talon trying to be nice. Trying to make her happy and do what he thought was right. Unfortunately, it had been for all the wrong reasons.

  For just a moment, she had been sure she’d seen need, hunger and desire written in his eyes, in his touch. All for her. She’d been mistaken. That’s what humiliated her the most. She’d only seen what she wanted to see. That was it. It hadn’t been real. The biggest rub of all was that she’d wanted it to be real. She’d craved it.

  Chapter 18

  Three days later …

  The sunlight made her eyes look even bluer. He hated that there were lines of tension around her mouth. That her whole body radiated tension.

  Vicky was still angry with him and he couldn’t blame her. Touching her had been selfish. The most selfish thing he had ever done in his life. Sure, he loved that he had been able to give her pleasure. He loved that look of rapture on her face. The way her mouth had fallen open, how her eyes had widened up a whole lot before she’d squeezed them shut. He loved the feel of her little hands pulling on his hair. The noises she made, especially when she had creamed. He had done it to give her relief, but mostly he had done it because he needed to touch her. By feather, but he had drowned in the taste of her. His prick had never been so hard. Not in all of his years.

  Now she was angry.

  She was trying to act normally around him, but he could see the strain of it. Like now. It was written all over her. Vicky was uncomfortable. She was angry. Moreover, she was hurt. It had never been his intention to hurt her.

  “Look at the tree over there.” She took a couple more pictures. “Okay, now look at me.” She snapped a few more. Click, click, click. “You look angry. No-one wants to date someone who looks pissed off.”

  He smiled.

  “No, that’s worse.” She almost smiled. Almost. What he wouldn’t give to see a smile on her lips again. “Now you look like a homicidal murderer. No-one wants to go on a date with someone who might kill them.” She looked up at the sky. “Try to think of something nice. Something fun.”



  Talon didn’t feel happy right now. Bottom line. He felt miserable. “Like what?”

  She groaned in frustration. “I don’t know, anything. You said you wanted a profile up on the dating site and I’m trying to help you with that, but unless we can get a half-decent photograph of you, it isn’t going to work. You’re a good-looking guy. A really good-looking guy. This shouldn’t be so hard, yet we’ve been at the park for the last hour and we still have nothing.”

  The only thing he heard there was that Vicky thought he was good-looking. This sexy, funny, kind female thought he was good-looking. It warmed him somewhat, but not for long. What did it matter if she thought him good-looking if she was so angry with him. “What can I do to fix things?”

  Vicky was lifting the camera to her face. She paused mid-lift and shook her head. “You can think happy thoughts.” She brought the camera to her face. “You’re frowning. Stop frowning.”

  “I can’t, and I can’t think happy thoughts if you’re mad at me.”

  She huffed out a breath and dropped the camera into her lap, still holding it. “I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “I’m trying, okay? It’s just, I’m struggling to get over what happened.”


  “You still don’t get it.” She sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. “I wish I could explain it to you, but I can’t. Let’s just say that I’m embarrassed about it.”

  “Why though?”

  “You went down on me because you thought you would do me a favor. You didn’t do it because you wanted to. You did it for me.”

  What was wrong with doing something for another person? Having said that, he’d done it all for himself. He was a selfish bastard, but he couldn’t tell her that. He’d keep it simple, that’s how he’d tell her. “I did want to, or I would not have done it.”

  “Yeah, but you did it for the wrong reasons.” She squeezed the bridge of her nose. “Let’s not talk about it. Let’s just move on.”

  “No, not talking about it is not working. You are still upset. I don’t like it when you’re upset. I want to make things right.”

  “Look, you can’t just sweep something like this under the rug.” She shook her head, her eyes clouding. “Maybe you should find someone else to help you. My ex, Jeff, is—”

  “No!” A harsh growl.

  “Why not?”

  “I paid you. You promised you would help me and you are doing a good job.”

  “Yeah but, things change. I’ll give the money back, all of it. I don’t feel right taking—”

  “No. I don’t want anyone else, I want you.” He realized what he had said. “To teach me more about humans. I apologized. I meant it. I mean it when I say I will do anything to fix this. You are my friend, Vicky, I value you. I don’t like seeing you upset.”

  She swallowed hard. “Thank you. That’s sweet. You’re sweet. Just promise me you won’t do me any favors, and that we are straight with one another from now on.”

  “Will you forgive me if I make that promise?”

  She smiled, the first smile he’d seen since he’d been such a selfish prick. Since he’d hurt her. “There’s nothing to forgive. You thought you were doing the right thing. Like you said, let’s try to forget it ever happened.”

  The feeling of relief was immense. Talon closed the distance between them and wrapped her up in his arms. She felt so small and soft. So perfect. She hugged him back, which filled him with such joy. All too soon, she was pulling away. “Right, let’s get a decent picture of you. I hope you’ll be able to think some happy thoughts now.”

  He was feeling so much better. Talon smiled back at her.

  Her eyes widened. “Yes, that’
s it.” She snapped a picture or two. “Keep smiling. No … no … you lost it. What makes you happy?”


  It entered his mind unbidden.

  “No, you look all serious now. Like someone just stole your lunch or something. Whatever you were just thinking about, stop. Right now. Think of something else that makes you happy.”

  Flying. His wings spread, the air rushing past. Freefalling. Swooping low, gliding on thermals. Going as fast as he could.

  “Oh, my word.” Vicky’s sigh brought him back. She sat down next to him. “You have to tell me what you were thinking. Wait. I think I know …”

  “It is quite possible.”

  “Flying … you were thinking about flying, weren’t you?”

  Talon nodded. “Yes, you would be right.”

  “I knew it.”

  “Victoria,” a male said, his voice laced with shock. “Is that you?”

  “Oh!” Vicky’s spine went ramrod straight. “Jeff.”

  “I thought it was, it’s just that you’ve changed since … Well … you’ve changed.” He looked her over, a smirk on his face.

  Jeff. It was her asshole ex. Talon wanted to punch him in the face.

  A female jogged up, her belly slightly rounded. Her cheeks were pink and she was breathing heavily. “Thanks for leaving me in your dust.”

  “Sorry, Hun.” Another smirk, this time directed at the female. “You’ve turned soft since you started growing that.”

  Her eyes clouded and she rubbed a hand over her belly. This male was one hell of a prick. Then she looked up at them. “I’m Kerry, I—”

  “I take it this is one of your clients,” the prick interrupted, “I’m going to assume?” He raised his brows. “Although,” he snorted, “maybe not. I heard you don’t have many of those. Loved the billboard by the way.”

  “Yes, he’s one of my clients.” Vicky’s voice faltered and her cheeks heated.

  “Of course.” The male smiled, it didn’t reach his eyes. “Come, Honey, we have lunch with the Venters at the yacht club at two.”

  His female nodded.

  “Take care of yourself.” Jeff smirked again as he jogged off, leaving his pregnant female.

  “Nice to meet you,” she called out as she headed off, forced to trail behind.

  “Sorry I didn’t introduce you,” Vicky said when they were far enough away, still using a muted tone. “He’s such a jerk. I’m not sure what I ever saw in him.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t introduce me.” Talon cracked his knuckles. “Since it is customary for males to shake hands.”

  Vicky looked confused. “Why does that matter?”

  “I would have broken his hand.”

  Vicky burst out laughing. The sound music to his ears. Talon had to smile.

  “Are you serious?” she asked, between bouts of laughter.

  “Yes, completely serious.” He was still smiling. “That male is one of the biggest pricks I have ever met. He cares nothing for his female and I can tell you now, he cared nothing for you.”

  Her face clouded.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to …”

  “No, it’s fine. You’re right. I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I feel really sorry for her.”

  Talon nodded. “I don’t think he cares for his own child.”

  “To think I could have been pregnant. I’m so thankful it never happened. We’d been trying for a couple of months.”

  “You can do so much better, Vicky. You should not settle for less again. You deserve a good male. One who will take care of you and put your needs first at all times. One who would be willing to risk death. Trust me on that. If he is not willing to put his life before yours, he is not for you.”

  “Death?” She wrinkled her nose. “You’re completely serious about that one, aren’t you?” She smiled but there was an underlying sadness he didn’t understand.

  “Of course I am serious. That question makes me concerned for every human female out there. What kind of males are human males?” If Vicky was his, he would do anything for her. Put his life down? Yes, a hundred times, yes. “A male needs to take care of what is his.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Like a possession? Women are not possessions, Talon. I’m not sure how things work in your culture, but,” she shook her head, “I … we females, are more than capable of taking care of ourselves. We don’t need men.”

  “That’s where you have it all wrong. We … I don’t see a female as I would a possession. That’s not how it works. When a male and a female mate, they become one. It is as if they are the same being. I would take care of my female in much the same way as I would myself. It is a terrible analogy and yet, it is how it is. To nourish my female, to give her pleasure …” he felt his groin tighten, only because he was thinking of Vicky, “is to give myself pleasure. To see her eyes darken, her skin pull tight … every part of her pull tight with all-consuming—”

  “Okay, I get it.” She rubbed at her throat. “I misinterpreted what you said earlier. I mean, look at you …” Her eyes got a look he couldn’t quite understand. “You’re still in love with your mate after all these years. Still pining for her. That has to mean something.”

  “Yes.” He nodded. It was true! All true. At least it should be. He should not want another female like he did Vicky. Crave her. Hunger for her. Thoughts of his mate distant.

  “I think it’s sweet.”

  She thought him sweet. How he was coming to hate that word.

  “I do think you’re sweet. Everything you just said is …” she shrugged, “it’s what I’m looking for in a guy. Not sure that I’ll ever find it though.”

  Talon grit his teeth. It took everything in him to say the next two words. “You will.”

  “Think so?”

  “Yes, I do.” He looked away, he didn’t want her to see the anger in his eyes at the thought.

  “Okay then. Let’s get back to the office. I’ll put a profile together and then we can post it on the dating site. I’m sure you’re going to get a ton of attention. You’re sure you’re ready to go out all on your own?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “I’ll hang out close by, just in case you need me to rescue you. I won’t make it as obvious as you did the other night though.” She gave him a fake dirty look.

  “I thought you had forgiven me for all that.”

  Vicky smiled. She looked sad though, which he hated. “I have. I’m away this weekend, so we’ll start on this next week, okay?”

  “Where are you going?” he blurted. It came out with far more venom than what he had intended.

  “To Maggie’s wedding. She and Will are getting married.”

  “Does a mating ceremony last the whole weekend?”

  She laughed, hitting the side of his arm. “No, it lasts a couple of hours. The wedding is taking place at her parent’s boat house at Lake Hector. It’s a couple of hours’ drive from here,” she added when he frowned. “I’m sleeping over there two nights. Maggie’s folks were nice enough to let me have a room at their place.” Then it was her turn to frown. “Will you be alright if I’m away that long?”

  He nodded. “Of course, yes.”

  “What do you mean ‘of course’?” Her brows were raised. “The last time I left you for any period you walked around naked and perched on a balcony railing.”

  “I have learned a lot since then. I will be absolutely fine.”

  “Do you promise you’ll stay in?”

  “No.” Talon shook his head. “I can’t promise such a thing. I am a grown male in my prime.”

  She scowled and got this look. Like she was nervous and yet angry. “What does being in your prime have to do with anything?”

  “It is a saying like any other.”

  “I am also in my prime.” She looked him head-on like she was challenging him.

  “Yes, you are,” he said. “Are you taking another male to this mating ceremony?”

  “Why do you ask?
Will you gate-crash the wedding if I am?”

  “No.” Talon shook his head. “Am I right in saying that you will be surrounded by people you know?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then no, I will not need to attend because you will be looked after.”

  “Okay,” she huffed out a breath. “You do know I can take care of myself?”

  “Hmmmm …” No, she could not. Not yet anyway.

  “I can take care of myself.” She put her hands on her hips even though they were sitting down. It was comical.

  “You will be able to take care of yourself once I am done with you.” They had continued to go to the boxing gym. Her anger at him had come in handy even though she hadn’t managed to land a blow since that first day.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” She cocked her head, looking so sexy it made him want to do things he had no place doing. Like to kiss her. Humans liked to touch lips. He had seen it in plenty of movies and television programs. Although he’d done it before, he had never placed particular value on the action. Until now. Looking at her soft lips. Especially the bottom one, which looked pillowy and plump, made him want to suck on it. Vicky liked to talk a lot. He knew she would be good with her tongue. He wanted to taste her mouth. Wanted to taste her snatch again but that had made her angry before, so he couldn’t do it.

  It was a great pity. Licking her there was wrong, he knew, but it wasn’t all out wrong. Call it bending the rules rather than breaking them.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” she repeated. “That I will be able to take care of myself once you are done with me.”

  "The sparring lessons," Talon said, still thinking of her glistening pink snatch and how tight she had been. Shouldn't allow himself to think like this. "You will be able to take care of yourself, defend yourself when I leave for my home."

  “Oh that.” She looked disappointed. “I’m enjoying the whole fighting thing.” She squeezed her right bicep. “I’ve never been this sore from any other exercise. Not that I’ve ever exercised much. I’m pretty sure I’m losing weight, my ass has never been this tight.” She lifted up off the seat and squeezed her buttocks, making him hard in his pants.


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