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Caged Page 1

by Tricia Wagner

  Chapter One


  Thwap. Thwap. Thwap. “Harder” Thwap. Thwap. Thwap. “Faster” Thwap. Thwap. Thwap. “Preston are you in there? You’re hitting like a damn woman.” Thwap. Thwap. Thwap. “Come on give me all you got. We only have five more minutes.” Thwap. Thwap. Thwap. “Give me all you got.” Thw. Thw. Thwap. “There ya go. Get it.” Th. Th. Th. Th. Thwap. “Time. Now low to high planks. Go.” And I pay this man to torture me like this? Am I insane? “Now Preston” Well there’s my answer. Yes. Definitely insane. I crawl to the ground and start my low to high plank drills. At least this should be the end of my first session for the day. Almost- “Presty, you promised me lunch. Aren’t you done yet?” Good Lord, this whining woman won’t go away. Coach we have a stage five clinger. Help a brother out. Hopefully my look says it all. Why do I always go for the same type of woman? Oh yea. They’re easy. And I don’t have time to put work into anything with a woman. All of my work goes into my fighting. “Woman, can’t you see Presty is busy? He doesn’t have time for lunch today, tomorrow, or next week. Now if you know what’s good for you, you’ll take your “I hate my daddy” complex somewhere else.” Well, that was a little harsh, but definitely needed. I hear a scoff as I bite back a laugh “Preston, are you going to let this old man talk to me that way?” “Babe that old man can talk to you any way he likes. You know the score. What we had was fun, but it’s over. Coach is right. I’m busy.” Is that shock on her face? Was she not there when we had the conversation about how I don’t do relationships? I told her that before we ever hooked up. What is with these women who think they can lead men around by their dicks? I blame TV, Movies, and most of all books. These damn authors writing about men like me. “The Alpha Male” these women think they can come in and change us. That all it takes is one special woman. Well, I got news for them, the only thing special about a woman is her pussy. And that is only something I need every once in a while. It doesn’t have to be the same pussy, so no repeats. I need to get back to that. It was my fault I let this one come back around today. Thank God she reminded me quickly as to why I never do repeats. “Low.” I drop down to my elbows and hold my plank. Damn, this man is killing me. “Does it hurt Presty?” “No. And sweet lord don’t call me that.” “Yea, about that, what is with these women you have a parade of? Christ, substance at some point might be a good thing. Just remember pain is temporary.” I shake my head at him. Yea, temporary. This pain will go on until I start over tomorrow if he keeps working me like this. But, this, this is exactly what I need. Get lost in the pain. Power through it. Nothin will stop me from meeting my goal. “High.” Huffing it out I go back up on my hands. “You got this?” I grunt out “I got this.” “TIME.” I lower to the ground. First training session down two more to go. I stand up and head to the showers. Food, that’s all I can think about right now. A nice big juicy steak.


  Being on time? What is that? Goodness, of course I’m running late. This darn cold is all I need to stop me from getting my stuff done today. I look at the medicine, plug my nose, and down it quickly. Followed by a shot of water just trying to get that nasty taste out of my mouth. I did the best with my hair and makeup. Not that I had much to work with before I came down with this cold, but it would do. Like my mom used to say, “Even without beauty at least you have some brains in there somewhere.” Nice right? Well, at least she was realistic. I head out the door, briefcase in hand. I had a meeting with three authors today. Two of them were not going to like what I had to say, one was going to be extremely happy. I just had to get through these meetings and then I could come home and crawl into bed with hopefully a good book. A book editor. This was my dream. I am hoping to one day start my own publishing company, but for right now I would settle for the freelance jobs that are coming my way. The pay was all right, enough to make my house and car payment. That was really all I needed for right now. When it came time to branch out on my own I needed to have a name for myself already. That’s what I was doing here. Biding my time and building my credibility. I get in the car and speed off hoping for a good morning. So much for that, I whip through the first two horrible meetings. Some people just don’t understand that writing might not be for them. It’s not even really about the writing. They’re not writing about stuff that people want to read. Or if they’re writing it, it’s like they honestly believe stories like these happen. What macho man gives up living his dream to sweep a woman off her feet? I like a good romance novel as much as the next girl. But, please make it realistic. Besides, the men they describe in these stories don’t exist. No one is that good looking. No one is that bossy that they could convince me to move in with them within two weeks of knowing them. On top of that no one would be interested in the shy girl who keeps to herself, and brushes off the perfectly, perfect women that are throwing themselves at the guy. It’s plain and simple, they just don’t exist. The guys that look like that end up with the polished and beautiful model type women who as far as I’m concerned don’t exist either. At least, not in my world. So, realistically all of these authors need to get out there and write about something that is real. I want to hear a real love story. Something believable. So I’m guessing you’re thinking right now that I am a cynic. I’m sure from what you heard me say about my mom you think I have it in my head that I am not really good enough for anyone, or that no one would really want me, and on top of that I’m doomed to be alone forever? Well think again. When the time is right I will settle down with a guy who is average. He will make me as happy as he can and maybe we will eventually settle down and have a baby. Yes, that is my idea of romance. Every day, average people making a family. A home. And my kids will never feel the way my mother and father made me feel. My father used to beat me and my mother both. One time he beat me within an inch of my life. All over a spilt glass of milk. My mother didn’t defend me either. Left him to it just because if he was focusing on me he wasn’t focusing on her. My father was a fighter. Not professional, but he wished. He trained all day everyday while my mom worked three jobs. He came home drank and would turn to her or to me to let out his frustrations on his failures in life. But, the day I turned eighteen I left and when I did I didn’t look back. Not once. Well, that doesn’t make me sound bitter does it? Ok so my home life wasn’t the greatest, but I’m in the process of making something of myself. I haven’t seen or heard from my mother or my father in a good seven years. I will settle down someday and when I do I don’t have it in my head that it will be perfect. I have it in my head that it will be normal, everyday, average kind of love. It’s almost lunchtime so I head to my favorite lunch place Ed’s. It’s a family owned restaurant and their salads kick butt. I head in and the hostess knows me by name. I sit and order my food while drinking some water. After a nice healthy salad, I am going to go home and fall asleep. I’m talking dead to the world sleep until I have to be up tomorrow morning. I run to the restroom to blow my nose and when I come back I see a man sitting in my booth. I look around to see if anyone notices this as I head toward him. “Um, excuse me? I’m sitting here already. That’s my water.” The man looks up and I see fierce almost black eyes. He smirks at me. “All the tables were taken, I’m kinda on a time crunch. I saw you sittin by yourself and I thought we could have lunch together.” I don’t respond, but I do turn around and head to the hostess station. “Alyssa, could you make my salad to go, please? I am just going to let that man have my table.” “Sure, Adeline. It’s just about done. I’ll have them wrap it up for you. Are you sure you don’t want to eat lunch with that fine male specimen?” “Yes I am quite sure thank you.” I head back to the table to grab my purse. I am just about to walk away when a hand wraps around my wrist. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your lunch. Please sit back down and I’ll just go some
where else.” “You didn’t intrude. You are more than welcome to my table. My salad was about done and I’ll just take it home. I’m sick so I wouldn’t be much company. Certainly not the female company you are used to anyways.” “Certainly not. You’re sick?” Yea, this man is used to the perfect kind of looking woman. Just as I suspected. “Just a cold. Hopefully it’s almost gone.” He nods, but keeps his eyes trained on me. I pull my hand away and he let’s go immediately. Why is he still looking at me? “I really didn’t mean to ruin your lunch.” “You didn’t. Enjoy.” With that I walk away, but not without feeling eyes burning into my back. I wait at the bar for a good five minutes and my salad arrives. I grab the bag and head out the door. It’s a sunny day and if I wasn’t feeling so gross I would put the top down on my car. But, since I do feel gross I hop in the car, back out, and head towards home. Once inside I throw on my comfy clothes, eat my lunch, and crawl into bed. It doesn’t take long for sleep to take over.


  Even sick that woman took my breath away. Long, wavy brown hair pulled off to the side in a low pony tail. Cute work clothes on, and light makeup. The complete opposite of the women I am used to. On top of that I don’t think I have ever had anyone not agree to eat a meal with me. Usually I don’t even offer dinner. They just want to hop right into the fun stuff, which usually works better for me anyways. “Alyssa?” “Yes, Preston?” “Who was that woman?” “Who? Adeline?” Adeline. “Yea, who is she.” “She’s a local book editor I think? She comes in here for lunch often.” “Always alone?” “Yes, sir.” I nod. Interesting. I finish my huge steak and head back to the gym. Why was it bothering me so much that she didn’t even seem to notice me? I will put money on me eating here until I see her again and get that out of my system. I finish two more workout sessions ending the day with sparring. “Coach, I’m heading out. I’ll see you in the morning.” “Sure thing kiddo.” Kiddo. This man is goofy. I swear he still sees me as the twelve-year-old kid he started training. I shake my head and run out the door. Ok, it wasn’t so much as a run as it was a slow walk. I am beat. I head home and drive through the sea of reporters and paparazzi that flood my gateway. All of them trying to get a shot of me and a possible companion. Jesus. It’s like swimming through sharks. I wait for the gate to close and head inside. I just resigned a huge contract with the UFC, so for some reason that now makes me big news. I have to do endorsements and I think that’s enough to publicize the sport. I don’t need these vultures hanging around watching my every move. “Hey there, Champ. How’s my boy? Did you have a busy day?” My German shepherd comes to greet me. Man’s best friend. No other like him. “Let’s head out back, bud.” “Good evening sir. Good day?” “Jonesy, yes. Rough but good. I’m gonna take Champ out back for a bit. Do you mind takin my car for a spin? Take the Land Rover so the windows are tinted. Maybe that will get rid of some of these vultures.” “Sure Mr. Bennett.” I roll my eyes at his professionalism. No matter how many times I tell him to call me Preston he doesn’t listen. I head out back passed the pool to my big open back yard. I throw the ball a few times as Champ plays. This really is all a man needs. So why do I find myself thinking about the one woman who appears to want nothing to do with me? Maybe that’s it. Her distaste for me makes it a challenge. Yea, a challenge that’s all she is. Adeline.

  Chapter Two


  I wake up feeling well rested. Nyquil really does the trick sometimes. I sigh with the relief of being able to breathe through my nose. I run to the shower because of course I woke up late. I hurry through my morning routine and throw myself together as I run out the door. I really need to start getting up earlier. I head into the office for an early staff meeting. “I’m here, I’m here.” “Adeline so nice of you to make it in this morning.” “Sorry, I got stuck in traffic.” He nods at me as I take my seat. My boss has a love hate relationship with me. He hates to admit it, but he loves me. He knows I’m good at my job. I do the work I am supposed to and unlike me, my work is always turned in on time. The staff meeting goes off without a hitch and I head into my office. It doesn’t take long before there is a knock at the door. “Addy, how are you feeling?” “I’m ok. Why?” “Well, I talked to two of your authors and they said that you must be high on cough medicine with the reviews you gave them. They are requesting a new editor.” “James, if you read the books you would agree.” “I usually do. This time I may take some convincing.” “Ok, well since you didn’t hear from my third author, maybe I should enlighten you. Her book is solid. It will sell. A lot. I’m talking fifty shades big.” To that his eyebrow pops up. “Addy, you know I love your work. Tread lightly here for a couple of weeks. Call those two writers. Tell them you’ll reread after some editing. We need their business. Then after you do that, meet me for dinner at seven.” I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Every week, or every week he doesn’t have someone lined up, I get asked out. Now under normal circumstances he is above average. He is not someone that I would settle down with. He is someone I would consider having fun with; however, he is my boss. Which is a big fat negative. “James. You know how this goes. I don’t date coworkers let alone my boss.” “Ok, easy. You’re fired. See you at seven.” “Ok, if that’s the case then I wouldn’t date you because you fired me. James, how many times have we had this conversation?” “One too many, Adeline.” Uh oh. The full name. “Listen, I’m sorry. I’m just not interested.” “Ya know, I should have let you go a long time ago. You’re not even that good.” Wow. This is new. “Seriously, are you trying to get me to go out with you by being a jerk? How about I give you one word. Lawsuit. Go ahead and fire me. I’ll have your job by weeks’ end.” He shakes his head. “You know I love it when you get feisty. Chill out Addy, you’re not fired. I meant what I said about those two writers though. Do what you can with the editing. They’re paying us.” Once again I bite my tongue and nod my head as he leaves my office. The rest of my morning flies and it’s time for lunch. Since I couldn’t really taste my food yesterday I head back to Ed’s praying that I can eat in peace today.


  Coach kicked my ass this morning. I need nothing more than some sustenance. “Coach, I’m goin to lunch. How do you feel about me taking the afternoon off?” “What on God’s earth for?” “I think I need some time to get my head together. I swear I’ll be back tomorrow morning and ready to bust ass.” “Your first fight is in one week. I don’t think you need time to get your head together, but I’m not in there. So, if you really think you need it then take it. You’ve never asked for a day off so I just need to know one thing.” “Yea?” “This isn’t a drug thing right? No pregnancy scares? Anything I need to call PR in on?” I smirk at him, “No, sir. Nothing like that. Just an afternoon. Clear my head and tomorrow I’ll be right as rain.” He nods at me and I appreciate not getting the third degree. I head out the door to Ed’s praying to God I have someone to eat lunch with. What the fuck am I thinking? I run across the street thankful that there are no paparazzi around. That’s the last thing I need right this second. I head in and see the top of a brown haired woman sitting alone. Thank Christ. I don’t really know what I’m going to do, but for some reason I need to get to know this woman. I head for the booth and sit down across from her. I swear she just muttered “Not again” under her breath. She can’t be serious. I let out a light nervous chuckle and say “I’m Preston. Please let me buy you lunch to make up for yesterday. How are you feeling?”


  He really remembers that I wasn’t feeling well yesterday. Geeze, what is with this guy? “I’m feeling better thank you. But, lunch isn’t necessary. Are you going to make me leave again?” “I didn’t make you leave yesterday. I asked you to stay and you chose to leave.” “Yes, but asking me to stay was more out of convenience to you. Since all you really needed was a table. Which today I can see there are plenty of other places for you to be sitting, so I’m not really sure what you’re doing over here.” “Yes, there are other places I could be sittin
g, but none that I really want to.” I sigh. What did I have to do to get this guy to leave me alone? “Listen, don’t worry about it. You don’t have to buy me lunch I needed to get home yesterday anyways. Today however, I want to eat my salad in peace like I do many days out of my week here.” “Yes, I noticed that. And always alone? Is the boyfriend or husband too hard at work to take his significant other out?” Oh Lord. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t have a boyfriend or a husband and I actually enjoy eating by myself. Usually.” He chuckles and I notice that for the second time when he semi-smiles his whole face lights up. Great. Now I sound like one of my writers. “Ok, well how about a little company today. I hate to eat by myself. Yesterday, you made me take a hit to my ego and I had to sit here alone.” “Aw, big tough guy can’t stand not having a companion. I’m sure if you stepped outside you could find someone willing to eat with you.” “Yes, but the only person I seem to want to eat with doesn’t want to eat with me.” What did he mean by that? He couldn’t possibly mean me. I look around for a minute thinking he must mean someone else in the restaurant. “Are you serious? I mean you Adeline.” How does he know my name? “How do you know my name?” “I asked around.” Alyssa. She always was a sucker for big muscles and puppy dog brown eyes. “If you must, you can stay. But, I have some work to do so I hope that doesn’t bother you.” “No, please. Carry on. I would love to see what a book editor does.” “Goodness, did you have my background check run as well? I need to find somewhere new to eat lunch.” “Do I really turn you off that badly?” “No, I mean yes.” “Well, which is it? Yes? No?” “You don’t turn on or turn off anything in me. I’m just a loner.” “Ah, so you’re shy?” “No, I have friends. I just don’t date.” “Oh, that’s ok because neither do I.” “Ok, so what’s the point in all of this?” “I just want to buy you lunch. Get to know you a little bit. Is that a lot to ask?” “No, I suppose not.” I wave down the waitress. “Tammy, apparently today I won’t be dining alone.” “Sure, what can I get you Preston?” Ah, so he’s a regular too. “The usual.” “Sure thing cutie. Comin right up.” Yep, definitely a regular. And cutie? Not really the word I would use to describe this man. I mean yea he’s good looking but cute? Tammy really? I watch her walk off to put in his order praying to God they don’t bring mine out before his. “So, you enjoy reading?” I laugh lightly. “Yea, you could say that. Although, this morning if you asked my boss he would tell you I’m a cynic and shouldn’t be a book editor.” “Oh yea? Trouble with your boss?” “Only every other week.” “Hm.” “Yea, anyways. I enjoy reading a good book. And I like a book that catches your attention more than anyone. But, I have a writer right now or two writers really, that think certain story lines sell. They do sell to a certain extent, but it will never be a top seller unless it has sustenance.” He nods his head as if he’s at all interested in what I am talking about. “Sorry, I’m being rude. Here you know all this stuff about me and I know nothing about you. Other than, Preston was it?” “Yea, Preston Bennett.” He said it like it was supposed to mean something to me. “And what do you do Preston Bennett?” He raised an eyebrow in a “you can’t be serious” kind of look. Am I supposed to know who this guy is? “Sorry, should I know what you do already? You’re looking at me like I’m crazy.” “Sorry, no it’s not that. It’s just been a while since I have talked with someone who doesn’t already know who I am. I’m the UFC’s new heavyweight champion. I also own the gym across the street.” Oh no. A fighter. A famous fighter no less. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen his picture on the billboard across the way. I am such an idiot. Of course he’s a fighter. Look how big he is. I’m sure when he’s standing he is more intimidating. Right now, sitting he still demands attention. Now I need to get out of here. And fast. “Did I say something wrong? You look like you’re about to bolt.” “No!” Well that was a little loud. “No, I’m just feeling a little under the weather. After effects of the cold I guess. I think I’m just going to head home.” “Adeline. What happened? I thought we were having a good conversation here.” “I’m sorry, it’s not you. I just forgot I needed to be somewhere.” “Ok, so which is it? You’re still sick or you need to be somewhere?” “Both.” Just then my salad comes. Great timing Tammy. “Please, just eat and then you can run away.” Sigh. What am I supposed to do? I don’t need someone like him in my life. Dating or not dating. Good looking or not I needed to hurry and eat and get out of here. What? I’m not going to be rude! “Ok, but as soon as I’m done I need to leave.” He smiles a full on smile and watches me take my first bite into my salad. “Wow, Adeline slow down. I’m not gonna bite you here. Come on my company can’t be that bad.” “I told you it’s not you.” “The old it’s not you it’s me thing right? Except we aren’t dating so I was hoping maybe we could be friends.” “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” “What? I could be a great friend.” “I don’t doubt that. I just don’t associate with violent people.” “Ah, and fighting for a living is violent?” “Well, yea.” “Have you ever been to a fight before?” “A sanctioned fight? No.” “So you’ve been to another kind of fight?” “You could say I’ve been to quite a few.” He raises an eyebrow in question, but I will not go down that road. When I don’t respond he comes back with “ok, how about I get you tickets and you come to my fight in a week?” I start shaking my head before I answer. “Please, you’d really be doing me a favor.” “How so?” “Well, I’ve never had a woman tell me no. I’ve known you all of about twenty-four hours and you’ve in a round-about way told me no 3 times. If my ego takes another hit, I won’t stand a chance in the ring.” “Oh, so for your ego’s sake I’m supposed to endure something that probably will make me sick?” “Are you worried about me getting hurt? I promise to come out on top if you come.” “I don’t know.” “Pretty please.” Did this guy just say pretty please? I raise my eyebrow and smirk at him. He laughs. “Well, I wouldn’t want to bruise your ego any further.” “Yes. So that’s a yes?” “Yea, but no promises on my eyes being open.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “You really won’t watch.” “I’ll do my best. Is it nearby?” “Yes, will you need more than one ticket? Or are you comin by yourself.” “Uh, I didn’t really think about that…” My voice trails off as I try to think of someone I can ask. Oh God. I must look like such a loser. I have one best friend and she is out of town. Our other friends aren’t really anyone I hang out with when I’m not with Adrionna. “It’s ok. I’ll get you backstage so you can meet my crew. That’s who you will sit with.” I sag with relief. “My best friend is out of town, or else I know she would be down. I have other friends it’s just not really their scene.” “Sure, no big deal. That just means I get to hang out with you more. Give me your number so I can get a hold of you. Also, an address to send the tickets?” Great. “Um. Here is my work number and my work address.” I hand him my card as he says, “Good girl.” That was a weird response. “Can never be too careful, so I’m glad your natural reaction is to give me your work info.” Oh. Well, that’s just how I am. I shrug as his food is placed in front of him. “Geeze, are you eating for an entire football team?” He throws his head back to laugh and I am so caught up in the moment I don’t realize I am staring. “I’m in training. I need to make weight and it’s harder for me to be in the heavyweight category. So, this is how I stay there.” “Wow, Ed must love when you come in here. You probably keep them in business alone. Everything else is just extra.” He laughs again and I realize that people are looking at us. I dip my head wondering if they all know who he is. “My team comes in here with me sometimes. But, I have the rest of the afternoon off so they went their own way.” “You get afternoons off this close to a fight?” “No, but if you weren’t eating here I was gonna need to find another way to find you.” My mouth gapes open at him. “Why?” “Well, to make up for ruining your lunch yesterday.” “Uh, is that what all of this is? Because it really isn’t necessary. Please, don’t do me any favors, really.” And with that I’m up
and out. I don’t want anyone’s pity. I certainly don’t want any handouts. I’m out the door before I think he even realizes I’m gone. “Hey, Adeline. Adeline wait.” I turn around to look at him even though I really don’t owe this man anything. “What?” “I didn’t mean to scare you off. I just meant that since yesterday I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I’m not good at this stuff. I keep saying and doing the wrong things.” “It’s fine. Really, I need to get back to work.” “Please tell me I didn’t ruin this already.” “Ruin what? It’s not like there was something here?” “Well, I mean. I…uh…” “Spit it out Preston? I really need to go.” “You weren’t in a hurry ten minutes ago. We were sitting having a good meal together.” My eyes probably bugged out of my head. How do I get away from this guy? “Well, I don’t need any charity from you. I need to go back to work. Don’t worry about yesterday. Don’t give it another thought. I won’t.” He reaches out to grab my arm and at that I start to twist and trying to get away. I won’t ever let another man hurt me. “Hey, I’m not trying to hurt you I just don’t want to leave this like this. Please stop twisting. Who hurt you baby? Why don’t you really like fighting?” Oh God. I am not having this conversation. “No one hurt me. I’m fine. Please, just let me go.” He must realize that I am almost on the verge of tears because he lets go and I make a break for my car. I am out of the parking lot before he can even get another word out. I make one phone call before I head for home “James, I’m meeting with a few writers this afternoon and I won’t be back in.” “Is this about earlier? Listen I’m sorry, please just come back into the office. We can talk about it.” “Fine, I’ll have them meet me tomorrow instead.” I know I’m glutton for punishment, but I head back into the office. When I get there James is already waiting in my office. “Addy, I’m so sorry.” He comes toward me, but I flinch. “Please can we talk? Here sit down.” He gestures for my chair and I sit down unsure of what is happening. He seems off. I gesture for him to start talking as he bends in half so he is hovering over me. I notice now that my door is closed and the blinds are shut. Something that they were not when I left here I might add. What. The. Heck. “James, what is going on?” “I don’t know if you noticed Addy, but I am the kind of guy who gets what he wants. I have wanted you since the day you were hired. Did you know I was the final vote? I was the one who made it possible for you to be employed here. It’s time you start paying your dues. You have been walking around this place in your tight skirts and low cut shirts flaunting and taunting me for two damn years. I’m done waiting.” He grabs onto my arms. This seriously can’t be happening. “Please, stop. Don’t do this.” He leans in as I am twisting to get away and the door to my office swings open. One second he was on me and the next second he wasn’t. That’s when I heard a growled “What. The. Fuck.” I look up and see Preston standing in front of me holding a struggling James. “I’ll ask one more time what the fuck?” James started stuttering and I was still so shocked all I could sit there and do was hold my wrists where he was just firmly grasping them. Then James was being thrown out of the office and I was face to face with my hero. “Oh my God, I’m going to pretend not to be freaked out that you’re here and just say we are so even for you interrupting my lunch yesterday. I think he’s drunk. That has never happened before, and you just saved me.” “Is that your boss?” “Yes.” “Fuckin great. Call the police.” “What?” “Call the police right now.” I get on the phone and dial 9-1-1. I tell them what happened and they were sending someone over. “Did my assistant tell you to come in?” “No, I was just about to knock when I heard you begging him to stop. I figured it was necessary for me to skip the formality of knocking.” “Where is he?” “He was knocked out outside your door.” “You knocked him out? Can’t you get in trouble for that?” “Maybe, but I wasn’t going to stand by and let him hurt you. The cops should understand the discretion that is needed with the situation.” I heard commotion in the hallway followed by “The man in that office assaulted me.” I gasped loudly. And whispered “Oh no.” I heard a knock on my door and managed to get out “Come in.” An officer enters the room and looks to Preston. “Sir, thank you for coming. That man in the hallway assaulted me. This is my office he was here when I got back from lunch. It seems like he may have been drinking. He pinned me to my chair and was forcing himself on me when Mr. Bennett came in and saved me.” I hear Preston give a slight chuckle then I heard “Mr. Bennett, is this true? You saved this damsel in distress?” Well, that sounded sarcastic. “That’s me, your modern day Prince Charming.” I look between the two of them confused as all heck. Do these two know each other? “Mr. Bennett is a friend. We had just finished having lunch and he was coming up to check on me.” Now, it was the officers turn to gape at us. “I’m sorry, do you two know each other?” And to that they both started laughing. “Dude, she isn’t your normal type. Finally losin the blonde bimbo’s.” To that Preston’s face got tight and started turning red as he looked to me. I give him a little shrug. “How long have you two known each other?” “Well, we’ve been brothers for about twenty-four years.” These two are brothers? I guess I can kinda see the family resemblance. How does one brother become a cop and the other become a professional fighter. “Adeline, this is my little brother Grant. Grant this is Adeline.” I reach my hand out to shake his hand and wince when he takes it. That is definitely going to bruise. “Addy, are you ok?” “Uh, yea. This is not a big deal.” “Let me look at it.” They both said this in unison. “No, really. I’m fine.” They both look at me as Preston pushes the issue. “Adeline, give me your arm.” I hand over my arm on another wince. Geeze, I didn’t realize how hard he was grasping my arms. I think I just heard Preston growl. “Pres, let me handle this ok? You can’t do any more damage than you’ve already done.” “He was practically on top of her and she was begging him to stop.” “I know. Now, I’m in the authority to help. Let me help.” “I don’t like it, but I’ll let you do your job. You, I think we need to have x-rays on your arm. Does the other one hurt as bad as this one? There may be a minor fracture.” “It doesn’t feel fractured. I’ve broken this arm before though so that’s probably why it hurts so badly. I can have my doctor look at it next week. Really, please don’t worry about me.” “Adeline, I’m sorry, but I’m with my brother on this one. You need to go to the hospital and get that checked. That way we can file it with this police report.” I nod. I know the drill. The cops were called on my parents by the neighbor many times. “Sure, do you need my statement now or after the hospital visit?” Grant looks at me with a concerned look on his face and Preston butts in. “We will stop by the station after I take you to the hospital.” I snap my eyes to Preston. “That’s not necessary. I will take myself to the hospital and stop by the station after if that’s what you need Officer Bennett.” Grant starts to laugh, “Oh man do you have your work cut out for you.” “We’re just friends. So no work necessary.” “Ok, well as your friend I can’t let you go by yourself.” I sigh heavily and they both chuckle. “I will see you both at the station then. Good luck at the hospital. Until then I’m going to take him in. We need to make sure the opportunity doesn’t come up for this to happen again.” “I agree 100%.” “So you’re quitting your job?” “WHAT?” “I see we need to discuss this later. You can’t come back here.” “Whatever I do, I will decide it on my own. I’m still not really sure what you have to do with it. Aside from me being grateful that you were here there really isn’t any other need for you to be involved.” I look to Grant who is bent over laughing once his head looks up I glare at him. “Man, this is definitely not the reaction you are used to getting from women. I love this.” I think I just heard Preston growl again. “Addy, come on I’ll drive you.” I roll my eyes because I know he won’t take no for an answer. “Officer Bennett I will be in later this afternoon to give my formal statement. It was nice meeting you.” “You too Adeline and please call me Grant.” I nod and walk off following behind Preston. We walk around a pissed off and screaming
James telling me that I won’t ever work in this city again if I press charges and Preston turns to glare at him. I shove him forward and he keeps moving thank God. I know that if I have it reported properly he will never be able to say where I work. Maybe it was time for me to branch out on my own anyways. I know that most of my writers will go with me when I leave so I won’t be hurting in that aspect. Sigh. Everything is upside down. “Babe, come on. I’m parked over here.” I look over to a white Land Rover. Really? “Of course.” He shakes his head and opens the passenger door for me. I scoot in and he shuts the door before heading over to the driver’s side. We almost made it to the hospital in silence when Preston broke it. “You ok?” “Yea, I’m good.” “No, I mean really ok? With all of this?” “No.” Where did that come from? “I mean yes. I’m fine.” “Addy, it’s ok to not be ok.” “I know. But I’m good.” He nods as we pull into the emergency room. This is so embarrassing. “I’m so sorry you have to deal with all of this. I’m sure this isn’t how you had planned your afternoon off.” “No, but I also hadn’t planned on running you out on lunch again.” I give him a little smile that I’m sure doesn’t reach my eyes as I go to exit the car. “I’ll get the door. One sec.” I nod. What a gentleman. He comes over and opens the door for me and we make our way into the ER. He goes to the desk and tells them what happened and what I need and they tell us to take a seat. It doesn’t look to busy thank God so we sit there for maybe five minutes before the dr. takes me back. After x-raying both my arms he came back that one had a minor fracture and the other is just sprained. He gives me a brace for the one and wraps the other and tells me to take it easy. He gives me a prescription for pain killers that I won’t fill, but I take it anyways and head out to the waiting room. I find Preston standing waiting for me as he takes in both of my arms. I can tell he is biting back anger as I tell him the diagnosis. “Ma’am the questions I asked you, this wasn’t the man you were telling me about was it?” “No sir, this is my friend Preston. He is the guy who saved me.” “Ah, very good. Have a good day.” “You too.” “I guess it makes sense that he would think I did this.” “No it doesn’t and that was extremely rude of him to ask.” “Yea, well look at me. But, I need you to know I would never put my hands on a woman in anger. It’s against everything in my physical being.” I nod and for some reason, I actually believe him. That to me is more dangerous than anything. Why do I trust this man? That fact right there scares me more than anything. We get into the car and I ask, “I know you’ve already done so much for me today, but can I ask you something?” “Anything.” Well, that was nice. “You said you own the gym across from Ed’s right?” “Yes.” “Do you have self-defense classes there?” “Yea. We do.” “Well, do you think I could maybe get set up for one once this thing heals?” “How about I give you a private self-defense class? You can come before you’re even fully healed that way you at least have the basics right now.” “No, I don’t want to put you out. I was just thinking I never want to feel the way I felt today again. I went through and watched this feeling one too many times in my life without being able to defend myself.” “Baby, who hurt you before today?” I sigh softly really not wanting to cry. Too many tears have been spilled over this. I knew he wasn’t going to drop it though so I whispered, “my dad.” I heard a weird noise out of his throat as I continued “and my first boyfriend. But, my dad had me for eighteen years, the first boyfriend only had me for a month. The first time he hit me was the last. I got out and far, far away. I refuse to be as weak as my mother.” “I’ll start your classes tomorrow. Now, we need to talk about your work.” “What am I supposed to do?” This also came out as a whisper. “Baby, look at me. We’ll figure it out, yea?” I nod refusing to cry. “You know it’s ok to show weakness right. You don’t have to hold it in.” “I know, but he isn’t worth my tears.” “Strong woman.” But this was muttered. “What did you say?” “I said you’re a strong woman. Strongest woman I’ve ever met.” “I’m not strong. I’m weak. You saved me or else today would have ended a lot differently.” “Yea, thank God I’m a pain in the ass and I wanted to make sure you were really going to still come to my fight.” I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh. What is with this guy? I don’t get to ask any more questions because we pull into the police station. He’s out of the car and at my door before I even had a chance to touch the handle. He takes my hand and walks me across the road. I find myself seated feet up to chest, hands wrapped around my legs, at Grant’s desk while he and Preston “chat” whatever that means. An attractive older gentlemen in normal dress approaches me and says “Hey there, you must be the Adeline that I have heard so much about.” Um. What? “I’m sorry, who are you?” “Sorry, I’m so rude. I’m Asher. Grant came back from the call and was talking about you and Preston nonstop. I just wanted to stop and introduce myself to the woman who seemed to have my son so taken.” Son? “You’re Preston and Grant’s dad?” “Yes I am. Detective Asher Bennett. It’s great to meet ya.” “It’s nice to meet you too. But, I’m sorry to say I think you have the wrong impression. Preston and I are just friends.” “Sure, kiddo. But, according to Grant, Preston definitely sees it as more than that.” “Then we will just have to straighten Grant out when they come back from their “chat.”” Asher chuckles and I bite back a smile because I see where Preston gets it from now. “I’m sorry for what happened to you though. I’m just glad Preston was there to step in.” “You have no idea. He wasn’t even supposed to be there. I don’t know where I would be right now if he hadn’t shown up.” “Aw, stop talkin so sweet about me. I might think you actually like me.” Preston steps in behind me and I lean my head back to look up at him. He gives me a small smile and I can tell he was just thinking about something he didn’t want to be thinking about. Look at what my world has brought this man already. A man who comes from a good sturdy family, and I’m sure he smiles often. Not the way he has to smile at me because he pities me. “Is it my turn to talk yet? I just want to get this over with.” “Sure, Babe. Grant said I can come with if you want me to.” “It doesn’t matter.” “Will of steel.” “No, just had it a lot worse than this before so I’m grateful for this alternative ending.” He gives my shoulders a squeeze as I stand. “Detective Bennett it was great to meet you. Grant can we get this done?” “One second there kiddo, call me Asher please. And don’t be afraid to call if you need anything. Preston will give you my number.” “Thank you Asher.” His family is so nice. Not for the likes of me. I hurry and give my statement to Grant and rush out the door with Preston just needing to get to my house. I need to figure out where I am going from here. “Hey. Where’s the fire?” “I need to get home.” “Ok, I’ll take you and then come get you tomorrow morning. You shouldn’t be driving today. Do you need to fill that prescription?” “No, I’ll take regular pain pills if I need to.” “Babe, what’s goin on? What has you spooked?” “What has me spooked? Look at my whole day.” “Yea, but you seem fine with all of that. What else is there?” “Well, let’s see. The possibility of James pressing charges against you. The possibility that I have absolutely no income. The possibility that I will have to see James again. Then of course there is everything you. I don’t know what to do with all of that, so I won’t even get into that.” “What about me?” “Well, apparently you have decided we’re going to be friends, and I don’t have the brain capacity to handle everything and fight you off at the same time.” “Well, if that isn’t an up to all of this then I don’t know what is.” I shake my head “Please just take me back to my car.” “I just told you, you shouldn’t drive when you’re this distracted. I’ll take you home and then take you to your car either later tonight or tomorrow morning. First, we need to talk about your job.” “We don’t need to talk about anything. I need to figure out what I’m going to do. I have money saved. I wanted to start my own publishing company. Ideally that would’ve been after a couple more years of saving and experience. I need to talk with some of my writers. Tell them what’s going on so they can d
ecide what they want to do.” “How do you think that will go over?” “Well, I will for sure lose 2. They don’t like my editing skills to begin with and James babies them. Mostly, everyone else should be on board with me. They really can’t stand James so it will be a win for them. I need to talk to my assistant and see what she thinks. Depending on what happens with the writers though I don’t know if I can afford to pay her at the rate she gets paid now.” I sigh heavily. Why am I even telling this guy my plans? He gives my leg a squeeze and I look up to him. “Which way am I headed here baby?” Don’t think I haven’t noticed the “babes” and “baby’s” going on the last few times he has addressed me. I am choosing to ignore this. Since he is the one who doesn’t date I won’t worry about him trying to cross that friendship line. “I’m really not comfortable with you knowing where I live. Are you sure you can’t just take me to my car?” He shakes his head, “I get your play baby, but I need to know you’re safe. Please.” “Fine. Head south on Broadway and turn off onto fifth. I am the last house at the end of the road.” He nods and heads straight there. He pulls in my driveway and I am out the door, thanking him for the ride, and heading to my door. I hear another door slam shut at the car, but I refuse to turn to look. Why did he get out of his car? I get to the door and pull out my keys. “Hey what’s the hurry? Can I come in for a little?” I look up at him. “Why?” “Humor me here, I wanna make sure you’re ok.” I nod shortly and open the door. I head inside and he follows. Thank God I’m a neat freak. Have I ever had a guy in here? No. Definitely not. Since I moved here after graduating college I haven’t even dated. Not once. Since the last one ended so badly I just stayed away from guys. Even as friends. I look around unsure of what to do. “Do you want a drink or something?” “You seem really nervous babe. Are you ok?” “Yea, I’m just not used to house guests.” He nods. “I’ll take a water if you have one.” “Sure.” I head to the kitchen and grab a water for both of us. I figure if I get him to the back deck I will probably not feel as if he is invading my space so much. “We can sit out here since it’s such a nice day.” “Sure, Babe.” “What’s with that?” “What’s with what?” He says as he sits down in my patio couch. I sit in the chair across from him. “Calling me babe? Or baby?” “You don’t like it?” “I just don’t have any guy friends that call me that.” “I’m not a normal guy.” “No, that’s for sure.” “Can I be honest here without freaking you out?” “From the sounds of it? Probably not.” He laughs. “Well, I’m gonna lay somethin out there and then we can go from there on how you feel.” “Ok.” That doesn’t sound too bad. “I told you before I don’t date. That was true. There is something about you that makes me want to take you under my wing and protect you from anything out there that could hurt you. I don’t know how to explain it, but I do know I’m not ready to let you go.”


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