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Caged Page 6

by Tricia Wagner


  I hear Preston laugh out, “Hey ma, this is Adeline. Adeline this is my ma Sandra.” “Please, call me Ma. Adeline it is so nice to finally meet you.” She says this as she pulls me into a hug. She looks at the brace on my wrist and clicks her tongue as she shakes her head. Looks to her son and I kid you not says “This is being taken care of, right?” He gives her a bigger smile and says “Yea, ma. We got this.” She nods and pulls us into the house. Gives me a small tour all the while not removing her arm from my waist. I’m so caught up in the moment it is now I realize I haven’t spoken. “Your home is beautiful. I love the décor. Your kitchen, it’s a dream.” She laughs as she says “I fought for that kitchen, honey! Hold out for the best and no matter how long it takes, that’s what you’ll get.” I smile at her thinking of the conversation her and Asher had to get her that kitchen. It probably didn’t take much convincing. The love I feel in this home is overwhelming I almost can’t take it. “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” “Of course, dear. Please, third door on your left.” I nod and run off to the bathroom fighting back tears. I can hear footsteps behind me and I know that Preston is following me. I try to hurry and shut the door, but before I can he is in the bathroom with me and he catches the first tear as it drops from my eye. “Baby.” “I know. It’s just so nice here. I can see you growing up in this home. With love and laughter. It’s just overwhelming. I never had that. Your mom is perfect.” He pulls me into a hug. “I didn’t think about how this would affect you baby. I’m sorry. We should’ve taken this in baby steps. Do you want to leave?” “No! Of course not. I just need to get myself together. Now I know what to expect.” He wipes the few stray tears from my face. “Do I look like a hot mess now?” “Never, you look amazing. I’m sorry baby.” “It’s not your fault my parents are crappy.” He gives me a small smile and I give him one back. He leaves me to pull myself together and I walk back out into the kitchen as we sit down for lunch. Lunch of course is perfect. The guys are all there and they tease and bicker back and forth. They even include me in their banter. Growing up in this family must have been awesome. We make it through the day and we are pulling out of the driveway in no time. “I love your mom.” “She loves you, baby. Pulled me aside and told me I couldn’t have picked better for the only woman I’ve ever brought home.” That gets him a smile because I feel really good about what his mom thought of me. That was sweet. He smiles back as he holds my hand and we drive. “Where are we going?” “I wanna show you my place. Plus, I gotta check in on Champ.” “Champ?” “My pup.” Aw. A puppy. I nod as I smile so excited to meet his doggy. We pull through a sea of paparazzi and I warily look to Preston who is shaking his head. “Sorry about this. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory.” “It’s ok.” This is definitely not ok. We head inside where we are greeted by a man named Jonesy. Apparently, Preston has someone taking care of the home front while he is gone. One second I was standing and the next I was laying on the ground being licked to death by a huge dog. This was not a puppy. “Champ. Sit. I am so sorry.” I laugh hysterically as Preston pulls me to my feet. “He’s never done that before did he hurt you?” “No, unless you count being licked to death.” I say still on a laugh. Preston is running his hands all over me checking to make sure I’m not lying. “Preston, I’m fine. He’s fine.” I crouch down to get on Champs level and pet him all over. “All right you two that’s enough. I’m sure she doesn’t want slobber all over her.” “I always wanted a dog, but knew I didn’t have the time to take care of one.” I put on my best pouty face. “I can’t believe how much he likes you. He doesn’t usually pay too much attention to new people.” “Can we go for a walk? Do you have property out back?” “Yea, let me get his ball.” He gives me a smirk and heads into the house. It is then that I take a moment to look at his house. It. Is. Huge. You could get lost in here. I walk further in and stop dead. His kitchen is huge. It’s heaven. I hear someone chuckle behind me as I feel arms around my middle. I lean to the side and look up. “This is what heaven looks like. I just know it.” “Babe, it’s just a kitchen.” “SHH, it will hear you.” He laughs as he grabs my hand and walks me to his back French doors. He opens them as Champ goes running to the back yard. He has a pool that looks like it came straight out of a movie. The landscaping is seriously gorgeous. “Your home is amazing.” “Thanks baby. I like it.” He throws the ball and Champ goes running. We are holding hands strolling through the backyard that feels like it goes on for miles. He has a privacy fence my guess to keep the paparazzi out. “Hey is that someone sitting on your privacy fence?” Preston looks in the direction of my hand and growls, “Stay here.” He walks off and I see the man has a camera. Oh my gosh did they get a picture of us? I see him go back over the wall and Preston is back at my side. “I’m sorry baby, I think that he may have gotten a picture. I tried to get to him, but he saw me coming.” “What will happen?” “Well, I know they got a shot of us kissing at the fight. They will probably run an article. I’ll see if my PR team can find it before they run it.” I nod. Well, so much for a relaxing night with Preston. Champ comes running back and we play fetch for at least an hour. We head back inside as it starts to cool off. “Oh my, can I cook in your kitchen? And then go swimming?” He chuckles lightly, “Babe, you can come here and cook anytime you want. Also, swimming? You don’t have a suit.” I raise an eyebrow at him letting him know I don’t really need a suit. He shakes his head and I laugh. “I’ll have you here another night this week to cook. How about we order in babe. That way I can keep you to myself tonight.” I smile at that. “Sure. Whatever you want.” He starts kissing the side of my neck and breathes me in. “Anything?” “Anything.” This comes out breathier than I would’ve liked, but he has me so riled up I can’t help it. He turns me in his arms and starts kissing me. Hard. His tongue is on an exploration and the only time he breaks the kiss is to start kissing down my neck. I let a small moan out escape my mouth as his hands start exploring my body. His hands reach right under my booty and he is lifting me in the air. My legs automatically wrap around his waist and he has me resting on the countertop. I can feel him hard right in my lady parts which makes me quiver in my lady parts. Holy heck. “Baby, if we don’t stop I’m not gonna be able to stop.” “Whatever you do, don’t stop.” He lets out a growl and picks me up again. We’re on the move I’m just too caught up in the moment to care. I kiss him harder as he slams up against the wall. Wow, that was incredible. I know we went up some stairs at one point, but the next thing I knew I was being laid down on a bed. A huge bed. I was wondering how this man slept. He is so big; the bed definitely makes sense. Oh my Goodness, I am on Preston Bennett’s bed. Holy Heck. “Baby are you sure about all of this? We haven’t really talked about it.” “Yes, I’m sure. Please.” He grunts out a moan and he’s on me again. This time I’m losing clothes. My top is gone and his mouth is on my nipple before he even gets my bra fully off. He growls through that as he unbuttons my pants and once my underwear are gone they are replaced with his mouth. Oh my God. Is it supposed to feel like this? Why haven’t I been doing this before now? I let out a moan and say his name as he builds this feeling in my stomach. He must know that I’m close because the next thing I know he is growling “Let it go, Baby. Let me see you come apart.” With that, I lose it. My body shatters into a million pieces as I scream out his name. “Preston, please I want you inside me.” “Baby, please be sure. I don’t want to move to fast.” “You’re not. I’m asking. Please.” He searches my eyes and he must be looking to see if I’m sure. Whatever he sees it must convey how I really feel because his pants are gone and I hear him rolling on a condom. He’s over top of me and I look down. He must see my eyes get big because he gives me a little chuckle as he says, “they’re there for your pleasure babe. It won’t hurt I promise.” That is when I see the piercing. I was just nervous about that monstrosity fitting inside me. Now I see the ring and I’m curious as to how that works. I feel him at my entrance as he slowly strokes hims
elf over my wetness. He inches himself in little by little before I feel a burning sensation and it definitely gets worse before it gets better. I give a little wince and he stops. “Baby, does it hurt?” “No, yes. A little, but its ok. Please.” He nods, but I can tell he is torn about what to do. “Baby, just do it. Please.” With that he pushes the rest of the way in (or at least as far as he can go) and when he starts to move little by little the pain turns to pleasure. I felt the pleasure start to build again, but it was a different kind of feeling. “Oh, Preston.” “Baby, you’re so tight. I’m not gonna last long.” I feel my body come apart again as I dig my nails into his back. Just after I feel Preston’s body come apart. That was amazing. More than I could’ve ever hoped for my first time. It was spontaneous, to the point where I didn’t have time to over think it, and it was with a man that I’m completely in love with. “I love you for giving me that gift, baby. I will treasure it, always.” “I love you, Preston.” He gives my body a squeeze as he pulls out. I wince a little at the loss and realize it is still a little painful. “Let me get rid of this condom and then I’ll get you cleaned up, Baby.” “You don’t have to do that.” “Stay. I’ll take care of it.” I nod as he walks away. I wrap the sheet around my body as I look down to see a little bit of blood on his sheets. Oh God. That’s so embarrassing. I wish he would just let me take care of it. I hurry and take the sheet off the bed and look around for a linen closet. Before I have a chance Preston comes back out of the bathroom with a warm wet towel and a new set of sheets. I look up at him trying to fight back the tears in my eyes, but one spills over. I seriously have cried more in front of him than I have in the last seven years. “Baby, what are these tears for.” “Well, for starters that was nothing short of beautiful. Thank you for making that special for me. Second, I got blood on your sheets so that is embarrassing, and third you’re being so nice about it so that is making me cry too.” “That’s a lot of reasons baby. The middle one though isn’t necessary. What you gave me is precious. A little bit of blood was expected. Are you sore? I wasn’t too rough was I?” “I’m probably going to be a little sore, but no you weren’t too rough at all. It definitely wasn’t what I was expecting though.” “What do you mean?” “It was a lot better than I was expecting.” He gives me a cocky smile and I slap at him. I can’t believe I am sitting in Preston Bennett’s bed, while he cleans me up after we just made love. This day has taken a turn for the unexpected. “Oh no! Jonesy isn’t here is he?” “No, he took off after we got here. He’ll be back with dinner for us.” I sag with relief and he chuckles a little. “He would’ve had no trouble hearing you, babe. I gotta say that makes me really happy.” I roll my eyes at him as my cheeks turn pink. “Was it, um? I mean. Was it ok for you?” “You’re seriously asking me that?” “Well, yea?” “Baby, it was perfect. I can’t wait to do it again.” To that I smile. “But, we will wait until you’re not sore anymore. Until then, I need to get you fed and a good night’s sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow.” He’s right. I have meetings upon meetings tomorrow and Ryleigh needs to get settled into her office. We’ve been working out of my house until the office space was ready and it seems that tomorrow is moving day. I give him a big smile and a quick kiss as I stand to get dressed. “Here, babe. They won’t fit, but you’ll be comfortable.” I nod and take the sweats he gives me along with the t-shirt. I put the clothes on and see that he gave me one of his own t-shirts. It says Preston at the top “The Preacher” Through the middle and Bennett on the bottom with a big picture of him in his fight gear. “I’m commandeering this t-shirt. It is now mine.” “Baby, I can get you any Bennett gear you want. I knew I would look good on you.” “What?” “The shirt, babe. You need to wear one all the time so everyone knows you’re mine.” I roll my eyes at him. “I’m not a possession.” “I know that and you know that. But everyone else doesn’t need too. Baby, come here.” I go right to him and he pulls me in for a hug. “You ok?” “Completely.” And I meant it. He has made me feel so wanted, needed, beautiful, wonderful, really any words you can come up with that say I feel amazing, that’s what I’m feeling right now. I sigh into him and he holds me tight. “How’s your wrists feeling?” “Definitely getting better.” “Good, I can’t wait to see you without these damn things. They just remind me of how I was five minutes too late.” “What? Your timing was perfect. You saved me. Are you insane? This is not on you.” “Doesn’t change how I feel baby.” I shake my head at him. That is just crazy. Tears well up in my eyes as I shove my tongue to the roof of my mouth. “I put myself in that position. You saved me. That’s the bottom line. What’s done is done. I am ok, actually I am more than ok. You made that possible. Don’t you get it, my life is the way it is right now because of you. I’ve never felt so safe in my entire life.” “Baby, please don’t cry. I don’t want you to cry anymore. It kills me to see.” “Then admit it. You saved me.” “Baby.” I can see him struggling with himself. I just don’t want to see him so conflicted. I give him a look that begs him to say it. “Say it, but I want you to mean it. And believe it.” “Ok, I saved you. I’m sorry I made you feel this way. Please smile for me baby.” I give him my best smile as he swipes a few little tears off my face. “I’m really not a crier. I haven’t cried this much in seven years.” “This doesn’t make me feel better. In seven years you haven’t cried as much as since you’ve met me. That means I’m not doing my job here babe.” “You’re doing more than your job. Some of those tears have been happy tears.” “Yea, but majority rules and I’m suckin at this boyfriend thing.” I turn my nose up at that word. Boyfriend. “What baby?” “I don’t know. Boyfriend is such a…” “Childish.” “Yes, childish term.” “Well what am I then?” “Well, if I’m your woman then that would make you my man?” “Ok well I’m not doing a very good job at being your man.” “On the contrary Mr. Bennett. I can think of two things you did tonight that mean you are doing a great job at being my man.” Even as my face heats I know I’m getting a smile out of him that is genuine. “Ok, enough heavy talk please. Feed me!” “Yes, Ma’am.” He picks me up and I squeal as he heads downstairs to the kitchen. “Jonesy!” “When did he come back?” “Didn’t you hear the beep to the gate, babe?” “No.” “Oh, well he came back not five minutes ago.” Hmm. “What’s for dinner?” “I ordered pizza I hope that’s ok. Sunday’s are usually my day to splurge.” “Oh, get crazy with your bad self.” He laughs at that loud. “I hope you like pepperoni.” “Yum. I’m all of a sudden starving.” “I figured you would be. I am too.” We eat and enjoy each other’s company and head to bed. Big plans for the week after a long emotional weekend cause me to pass right out.

  Chapter Nine


  Waking up to this beautiful woman for almost every day for the last seven weeks has been amazing. Every day gets better and better. Not to say we haven’t had some issues in the last seven weeks, because we definitely have, it’s just with her by my side they don’t seem to matter. Fighting is better than it ever has been. My focus is on like never before, and the gym is busier than ever. The only issue we have had is staying out of the tabloids. They seem to find us everywhere we go. I hate exposing her to all of this, but she says that we come as a package deal and if that is my one downside she will take it. See amazing. Women like her do not exist. I literally keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Until that day comes I will take all this good that is coming our way. What more could a guy ask for at this point? I just need to make sure she knows I’m in this for the long haul. I want forever with this woman and I need her to know that. It may be too early to ask her to marry me, but it isn’t too early to have a conversation about forever. Yes, we have been together just a short two months at this point, but I know more than anything that she is it for me. Things with James have been calm. Too calm. I’m not sure his play, but I have a feeling he is going to be the other shoe that drops. I brush her hair from her face as I start my morning routine of waking her up. After waiting a couple days after our first
time together, there hasn’t been a day that I haven’t woken her up with being inside of her. She doesn’t complain, so I will take that as often as I can. For having no experience my baby is a wildcat and I love trying new things with her and seeing her eyes light up as she catches on to what I’m doing. “Baby, time to wake up.” “Good Morning, Honey.” God I love that. And I got down to business.


  My morning wake up calls are the best. Two months with this man and I can’t get enough. He treats me every morning and I treat him to the best of my abilities. He isn’t complaining so I must be doing something right. I keep waiting for something to go wrong. Something to come up that is going to make my bubble burst. Nothing from James freaks me right out. Everything with work is going really well and I’ve even picked up four new writers. I am busy to say the least. The gym being right next door is a big plus because I can go see Preston whenever I want. I go through my morning routine and Preston and I head into the gym and the office. We drive separately just in case I have to go meet a writer. Preston usually insists I just use his car and we ride together, but today I put my foot down. I don’t want to crowd him and I don’t want him to think I am moving in on his territory. There have only been a few nights we haven’t spent together and that was just because of stupid circumstances. I pull up to my parking spot next to Preston’s and we both get out. He walks me to my office and I kiss him goodbye as I tell him to have a good day. He has had two more fights in the past seven weeks and he has about a week until the next one. That does not mean that he has any time off of training. To be the best you have to beat the best and that is what he intends to do. It doesn’t take long before I am lost in my work. Ryleigh brings me my cappuccino and we both bust into our work. With the heavy workload I’ve taken on it has given Ryleigh a chance to branch out into her editing skills. She is actually quite good. I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear, “Where is she?” I would know that voice anywhere. I feel my gut twist as I reach for my phone and hear Ryleigh reply, “Where is who, sir?” “Don’t be smart, where the fuck is my daughter.” Oh God. No. This can’t be happening. Seven years. I’ve been ok for seven years. Why is he here? I hear Preston answer and he sounds out of breath. “Preston?” Yes, this is whispered. “Baby, what’s wrong? Where are you?” “I’m in my office. My dad just walked in. Ryleigh has him stopped so far.” I didn’t even get to finish another thought because the line was dead. Hopefully that meant he was coming. I never, ever wanted him to meet my family. This can’t be happening. “Is the little whore back here?” And that’s when I see him. He looks a lot older, but there is no mistaking that this is my father. I have to look like a deer in the headlights as he approaches me and grabs a hold of my one arm as he backhands me across the face. I refuse to be his victim again. My arms are free of any braces or wraps and my self-defense lessons have continued, so without even thinking I knee him in the groin and punch him in the throat. He releases me immediately on a grunt and I make a break for the door. That’s when I run straight into Preston. He grabs a hold of me and looks at my face. Well, there is my answer to the question of whether that was going to leave a mark. Lovely. “Christ. Is this guy for real?” I nod as tears well up in my eyes. This isn’t how my day was supposed to go. “I saw your little whore self in the papers. Did you think you could just run away from me to some big UFC fighter and he could protect you?” This is when he must have realized that Preston was there with me because he started to back up. “Actually, protection isn’t even something she should need. You were supposed to protect her. You hurt her, repeatedly. Does that make you feel like a man?” “Don’t go all self-righteous on me son. You’ve met her. She’s a handful. You have to run your household with a firm fist.” Preston almost laughed as I saw movement behind me. Ryleigh came to hug me while we waited to see what was going to happen. “Preston had me call Grant when he came in. He should be here any minute.” I nod. This is so embarrassing. Just then Grant walked through the door and gave me a pointed look. His face grew angrier when he saw my face. Great, it must look really bad. “Excuse me sir, you’re going to have to come with me.” “I don’t have to do a fuckin thing. That’s my daughter and she needs to come home with me and her mother.” I gasp. Is this guy for real? “You can’t honestly think that I would seriously consider going anywhere with you.” “I don’t think it, I know it.” “What? You’re sick of hitting on mother you need a new target? Get real. I got out and I’m never going back.” Preston was beside me and took me from Ryleigh’s arms as Grant was getting ready to handcuff my father. They must think I am below the dirt on the ground. How can I ever look them in eyes again? I mutter “this is so embarrassing.” “This is not on you. He doesn’t reflect on you, baby. Stop those thoughts right now.” I shake my head as I try once again not to cry. Everything has been perfect. Too perfect I knew this was going to happen. I just had no idea it was going to be my dad. I hear him still muttering under his breath about what a whore I am. “You take a good look and tell me you think you didn’t find a guy that is exactly like me. I was him twenty years ago kid. You’re gonna end up just like your mother and I’m going to laugh.” He was stopped right in front of me. My hand came up and I slapped him before I could even control it. “He is nothing like you. He is a good man. Protects me, loves me, and cares about me. He has shown me what a real man is worth. So you’re wrong, I will never be like my mother. Ever. If you were half the man that Preston is at his age you would’ve been worth ten times what you are, so don’t ever think about putting yourself in the same league as him. Ever.” “Baby, it’s ok. Grant get him outta here.” Grant nodded as he walked away and Preston took me into my office and shut the door. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the kiss I got was not what I was expecting. Damn. I kiss him back with everything I have. “I’m sorry I interrupted your training.” “It’s almost time for lunch I was just heading to the locker room.” I nod into his chest as he pulls me tighter. “Baby, is your face ok? You’re going to have a bruise.” My heart sinks. I had forgotten about my face. I lift my hand to it and see that he actually cut through the skin. Well, definitely had worse, but not something I thought that I would have to worry about again. “I’m ok.” “Babe, when I came in here he was writhing in pain. I’m so proud of you.” “I have you to thank for that. I got him in the groin and the throat. I have never felt so free.” “So, what are the chances we’re done with him?” I sigh heavily. “He won’t stop. I’m just wondering if my mother was with him.” “How about we grab some lunch, baby. We can discuss some options.” I nod in agreement. I like options. He takes my hand and runs me over to the gym to get my face cleaned up. He puts a little butterfly Band-Aid on it even though I told him that wasn’t necessary, then he takes me to Ed’s. “Ok while we’re waiting for our food I need to ask you something serious.” Great, here we go. I sigh and nod once. “Baby, it’s ok. Yeah?” “Yeah.” That probably wasn’t very convincing. He raises an eyebrow at me, gives me a light kiss, and smiles as he runs his hand over my already bruised cheek. “I want you to move in with me.” WHAT? So I asked “WHAT?” He gives me a light chuckle “Hear me out, yeah?” “No.” “No?” “No.” He shakes his head at me because he knows I’m being dumb. “Baby, I want you with me all the time. I want to protect you, hold you every night, wake up with you every morning, and I want to grow with you as our relationship grows. It’s been two months and we haven’t spent but maybe three nights apart. We’re paying to live in two different places and bottom line is I don’t want to spend any more time not living with you. I want you in my house, I want you in my space, I want your things in my space. I love you Adeline. Will you move in with me?” “Your daddy was so right.” My head whips to the side and I see my mother standing there with a smug smirk on her face. This seriously can’t be happening right now. “Ma’am, with all due respect, I’m going to have to ask you to leave, we’re in the middle of a nice lunch after your husband ruined our morning. Do not make me call the cops on
you as well.” “Oh, isn’t he just such a little protector. Just like your daddy used to be. You would’ve thought with how fast you ran out of there and left me to the old man’s hand for the last seven years you would’ve gone the complete opposite of your father.” “Don’t. I’ve heard this from him and I’m not gonna sit here and let you bad mouth Preston as well. It won’t happen. Leave now and don’t look back. I know I haven’t.” She shakes her head like she is going to say something else, but she thinks better of it when Preston stands and pulls out his phone. I hear him dialing as my mom turns on her heels and walks right out of the restaurant. Well, thank God for answered prayers. “Preston, please. If you aren’t around me then you don’t have to deal with the trash that comes with me.” “Wait a damn minute. I told you already they do not reflect on you at all. They have absolutely nothing to do with you. You haven’t seen them in what seven years? That means you’ve made something of yourself and you did all of that in spite of the way you were raised. That makes you far stronger than I ever have had to be.” Is that how he really sees me? “Adeline, I believe I just asked you a question that you have neglected to answer.” “Well, we were interrupted by something that will become your nuisance if I answer yes.” “I want it all. The good, the bad, the cute, the ugly, the beautiful, the cranky, the sad, the noises you make when you-” “OKAY! I get what you’re saying.” He chuckles lightly at me. “Preston, you understand that I’m kind of a hot mess right now. I don’t know when that is going to change. I want nothing more than everything you just said, but do you think it’s a little soon? I mean, we’ve known each other two months. I just don’t want you to have any regrets when it comes to us.” “Exactly, and the only way I would have regrets is if I didn’t jump on the opportunity to take us to the next level.” “You really mean it?” “Absolutely.” “Can I think about it?” “Until the end of lunch.” “Until the end of lunch? Seriously?” “Well, yea. I mean I’ve been thinking about this for at least two weeks. Haven’t you thought about us moving forward?” “Well, yea but not at lightning speed. You really get what you’re getting into?” “Do I look like a man who makes an uncalculated move?” That’s true. He thinks everything through at least three times when it’s important. What do I really bring to the table in this relationship? Is it enough? I mean I cook and clean for him now, we do laundry together, I could help pay some of the bills with the money coming in and I’ll get a nice little nest egg from selling my home. It’s worth a lot more than it was worth when I bought it. Waking up every morning to Preston would feel amazing. That is why the answer is out before the end of lunch. “Yes.” “Yes?” “Yes.” “You will not regret this decision Addy. I swear this is going to be amazing. It won’t always be perfect, but we will always have each other.” I nod quickly as we finish up our lunches. For the second half of my lunch break I work out while Preston starts his second training session. I pick the treadmill that faces his window so I can watch him and so he can “keep an eye on things.” (Insert eye roll here normally) but today I definitely feel the need to have him keep an eye on things. My mother isn’t going anywhere and from my dad’s priors they are keeping him locked up until he sees a judge. Grant was going to prolong that as much as he could. I had a lot on my mind and first was whether or not I was going to rent out my house or sell it. Preston says it’s a good time to sell, but he understands if I want to hold on to it. I question that myself though. If I rent it, is that equivalent to me dooming us to fail? And if I do sell it is that putting too much faith in myself? No, I need to sell. If I’m going to do this, I’m going to do it right. All in. “Babe, you’ve gone at least double what you normally do. Get off that thing and get your mind on something else.” I smile because he already knows me so well. And because of this I know with 100% certainty that I am making the right decision. Because of this I look up at him as I get off the treadmill and say, “I’m selling my house.” “This is good news, babe.” I nod excitedly and he picks me up and swings me around as I laugh. “You can’t keep working out like this though babe. You’ll lose your curves and I like your curves.” This made me laugh harder. He picks me up in a big bear hug and I literally can feel his love pouring off of him. “Get a room, you two.” “We have one it’s just not here. Can I take my girl home Coach?” “You have one more training today. She also has a lesson. Let me see that cheek kiddo.” Willy and I have formed a unique bond. He has taken me under his wing and I’m actually surprised he didn’t come over with Preston this morning when all of that went down. “I’m ok, Willy.” I’m also the only one that is able to call him by his name and not coach. It’s cute really. “Kiddo, get over here and let me look at you.” I go right from Preston’s arms to Willy’s as he takes in my face. He shakes his head as his mouth gets tight. “I really am ok. And today has been kinda monumental for me, so I’ll take the bad with the good that has come out of it.” “What’s she talkin about here Preston?” “Addy just agreed to sell her house and move in with me.” “Take the rest of the afternoon. I expect double out of both of you tomorrow.” “You got it.” “Double from me? I had a lesson today. I kneed my father in the groin and throat punched him. Doesn’t that count for something?” He chuckles a full belly chuckle and says, “No, the reason you need them are because of examples like today. We double up tomorrow and the two of you take the rest of today to celebrate. Do what kid’s do. I’m not ready to be an Uncle yet though so please for God’s sake Preston wrap it up tight.” We both laugh and shake our heads at the grumpy, old, and loving man. He walks off cursing under his breath as Preston picks me up in his arms and walks me out to his car. “I have to drive, honey.” “Leave it, you can just get it tomorrow.” He opens the door and sets me inside. He runs to the other side, hops in, and we head home. Home. My home with Preston. “What has you smiling over there baby.” “You.” “Good.” We enjoy the rest of the ride in silence as we make our way through the few paparazzi that are hanging around. It’s out of our norm so there aren’t as many here which is a relief. We spend the rest of the night celebrating when we are awoken at four in the morning to a call from the alarm company telling us there has been some vandalism at my office. My mother. Classy through and through. Preston makes me get dressed as we head down to my office. I see my car sitting out front the gym with the word “whore” written in spray paint. Lovely. My whole body starts shaking as I take in the broken door of my office and walk in and see the red spray paint everywhere. Some more lovely choice words written and my office specifically is trashed. Papers everywhere, shredded to pieces. This is when I start to lose it. “All my life, he’s in control. He beats me to the point where I almost died at the age of eight over spilt milk, and this is the treatment I get when I leave and don’t want anything to do with them? I don’t press charges or report them when I should have and I could have! I cannot believe that this is how I am repaid. Trashing my car and my office. Both things that I have worked damn hard for. This is, this is, this is total bullshit. I am madder than a hornet in an old coke can right now and I really just need-“ I don’t get to finish because Preston’s lips are on mine and he is swinging me up into his arms. He pulls away and I say, “Well, I was going to say a drink. But, I guess a kiss from you works just as well.” “Babe, it’s a little early in the day for you to start drinkin. I gotta say though, you heated? Hot.” To this is start laughing. “Don’t worry about all this. I’ll get someone in right away to get it all taken care of. If you want a new car we will get you one. If you want it fixed, then we’ll do that.” He has this all figured out already. I hadn’t even gotten passed being pissed at my mother. “I don’t deserve you.” “Babe, are you kidding me? I’m the lucky one here.”


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