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Caged Page 8

by Tricia Wagner


  I can’t believe that James did something like this. I can honestly say I’m in shock. Preston holds me until he needs to go back in and check in with Grant. I stay in Ryleigh’s office just so I don’t have to worry about finding more stuff that I can’t do anything about right now. I hear a light knock at the door and I see Gavin standing in the doorway. “Hey Gavin. You OK?” “Am I ok? Sis, seriously?” “Well, yea?” “You have had a day from hell and you’re asking if I’m ok?” “Well, you looked sad.” “You’re curled up in a ball hiding out in here, so yea I have a look on my face. It isn’t sad though. It’s pissed way the fuck off. We’re gonna fix this sis.” “You don’t have to pretend that all of this doesn’t reflect on me Gavin. I’m sure you think I am the lowest of the low. I don’t deserve to be a part of this wonderful family.” “Now, I know I didn’t just hear those words come out of your mouth.” Grant. Great. Family ambush. “I can only take one Bennett at a time please.” “Too fuckin bad sis.” That’s what I was afraid of. At least the whole Bennett Brigade isn’t here. Gavin continues, “First, we’re going to discuss how this isn’t the first time I’ve heard you say something like that. I have a question for you, if my dad wasn’t my dad, but he was a guy like the guy I met this morning. Would you think less of me and the man you’ve gotten to know?” Shoot. “Of course not, but that’s not the same.” “How is it not exactly the same thing?” “It’s early, I don’t have the ability to have this conversation with you right now. My brain is full of well…” I gesture around the office “everything.” “Of course, when I make a point you don’t have the brain capacity to comprehend it. If you hear anything out of this conversation you hear this Adeline, if you run away from him because you’re freaked or you think that these current events in any way reflect upon you as a person, we will find you. And I find people for a living, so keep that in mind while you sit here and overanalyze all of this. You also keep in mind that we are not the type of people who judge people by anything more than what they bring to the table. I know for a fact we have never given you a reason to think that we look at you differently in any way since finding out all of this information about you.” He was so right. And I knew that Gavin being a bounty hunter I wouldn’t stand a chance at running away. I didn’t get a chance to respond when I heard Preston enter the room. “What the fuck is going on and why are you attacking Adeline. Don’t you think she’s had enough today?” I go to stand up before Preston kills his brother, “Wait, Pres, they weren’t attacking me. I said something stupid out loud instead of in my head. They were just trying to set me straight.” “I’m still not ok with you thinking it in your head either Adeline.” This was Grant. Great. “Can we please just let this go? Can I go home, please?” “Yea, I’ll take you home.” “I mean to my home.” Woops. Preston looks like I just slapped him in the face. “I seem to recall my home being your home as of this afternoon.” “Yea, we need to talk. With everything going on this just isn’t going to work.” “Adeline what did I just say to you not even a minute ago?” This was obviously Gavin. “Fuck. What the fuck happened in the last fifteen minutes I left you in here?” “Nothing.” But I wasn’t quick enough. “I’ll tell you exactly what happened. She has this all twisted around in her mind. She thinks that you associate all of this with the person that she is.” I glare at Grant. I try to see if there is an escape route here. Can I get out of here without being caught? My car may be vandalized but it will still run. “I know that look Adeline. We’re blocking the door you aren’t getting out of here.” I sigh. Heavily. Maybe if I just don’t say anything they will drop it all. I sit back down and wait until the total silence gets to me. “Fine, ok just take me to your house then. I just can’t sit here anymore in this place. It’s all just a reminder of everything.” “Not until you ask properly Adeline.” I give him a confused look. “Please, take me to your house?” He shakes his head and his look goes fierce. “Fine, please take me home.” He nods and gestures for me to take his hand. I take it and almost make it out of the office before I hear Gavin say, “This conversation isn’t over Adeline. I promise I meant every word I said.” Then Grant, “We both did.” I nod because I know they did. We reach outside and hop into Preston’s car. Silently, we make the ride back to his house. Of course, Preston has to be up and back to the gym in an hour so I know he won’t have time to discuss everything. I pretend to be so tired I can barely make it up the stairs. I fall into bed and fake sleep. “I see your play here. If I hadn’t just had a really long night myself, I wouldn’t let you play it. Adeline, you need to know that I love you with everything I have. I will not let you go.” I sigh, but don’t respond. Really, what is there to say to that? He climbs into bed and it literally feels like we just crawled in here when I hear his alarm going off. “I gotta go to the gym babe. Keys to the Camaro are on the key hook. Drive that in whenever you feel like getting around.” Seriously, the Camaro? He never lets me drive that. “Preston, please. Don’t be nice to me. This will be a lot easier if you’re rude.” “That’s not gonna happen, babe. I can promise you that.” I shake my head into the pillow. “I’m leavin the keys. Drive into the gym when you have gotten enough sleep. I have to go or I’ll be late. I have a fight at the end of the week or else I wouldn’t be worried about it.” “Go.” “Adeline. I love you.” “I love you, too Preston.” Yes, I said it. I had to. It would be a lie not to say anything there. He sighs and I know he is not happy with the way our conversation is ending. I do love him though there is no denying that. But, that doesn’t mean that we can stay together. He kisses my temple and then he was gone. I know I need to get around and get to the office to sort through my papers. I have to meet with the insurance people and make sure that nothing is destroyed that isn’t backed up. I should have all of my files backed up, but if it’s a new book that I just received Ryleigh may not have uploaded it yet. Sigh. I get up and hop in the shower. What am I going to do? How can I keep going through life like this is all going to work out for us? I know how things like this end up for people like me. No matter what Gavin said I know he’s wrong. They will eventually see me for what I really am deep down. What I was made from. I let the hot water wash away the night and I go to the mirror to get ready. I do my thing and head down to the Camaro. I get in and look at my phone quickly to make sure I haven’t missed anything. That’s when a notification pops up on my phone. Twenty days late. That can’t be. Holy Heck. What am I going to do? I call the first person I can think of (my doctor) and they tell me to come right in so they can check everything out. Seriously, this is insane. How could I have been so irresponsible? Preston is going to freak out. I go straight to the doctor’s office and they see me right away. Currently, I am sitting in a room all by myself waiting for the doctor to come back in the room. “Well, Ms. Granger, you are definitely pregnant.” There it is four words that will change the rest of my life. I give a short nod and as if she reads my mind, “I take it this was not a planned pregnancy.” “No, not exactly.” “Ok, well am I to assume we are keeping this baby.” Oh God. I hadn’t even thought of doing anything else with it. “Yes, of course.” Whether Preston wants this or not I am not a murderer. “Ok, well let’s get you some vitamins and we will make sure we get you setup on a good routine for yourself. If you need anything or have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thank you.” I leave there with prescription in hand. What the hell am I going to do? Being in the Camaro I don’t want to drive around and risk something happening to it, so I end up at the gym. I walk in and head straight to my treadmill. I take it easy while running because well it’s not just me running and I don’t know how all of this works, but I assume bouncing probably isn’t great, right? I get so into the walk that I am doing I don’t realize that Preston isn’t training anymore. I look next to me and see that he is on the next treadmill. I stop mine and step off unsure of when or how I am going to have this conversation with him. “Why didn’t you sleep more?” “I couldn’t.” He gives me a n
od. “Are you done with your first training?” “Yea, I am. You’ve been walking quite a bit. Are you too tired to run or what’s wrong?” “I just felt like walking it out today.” Because really it’s not like I could just blurt it out right now. “Can I take you to lunch? I think my sparring partner may appreciate it.” I give him a pointed look. “What did you do?” “I was a bit rough this morning.” Lovely. It’s my fault. “I’m sure that he loves me.” “Not on you Addy. Let me go rinse off and I’ll take you to lunch.” I give a short nod and head to the showers myself. I rinse off and get dressed in normal clothes and head out to Preston. We, of course, walk over to Ed’s and sit down at our normal table. “I need to talk to you about something.” Yes, I blurted this out first thing. Good job Adeline. No going back now. “Ok, am I going to like where this conversation is going?” “I’m not sure.” Our food comes and I’m not sure what happens, but the smell in the seasoning of my steak triggers something and I think I’m going to hurl. I jump up from the table and run to the bathroom. Emptying the non-existent contents of my stomach and getting my breathing back to normal I head back out to the table. “Geeze, Addy. Are you ok?” “Yea, sorry.” “I thought you were bolting on me.” “No, I don’t know what just happened.” He gives me a look that says he is concerned. Lovely. “Ok, I may know what just happened.” He gives me a quizzical look. “I’m just going to throw this out there. I want you to know I love you, and I don’t blame you for the reaction that you may have when I say what I need to say next.” “Addy, you’re freaking me out. Just spit it out.” “I’m pregnant.” Total silence. Not even a movement on his face. All I can do is sit there and look at Preston. Gosh this is so hard. I feel the tears stinging my eyes as they spill out over. I can’t read him at all. He hasn’t moved and I know it’s only been maybe forty-five seconds, but I really need him to react. “Preston, please say something.” “You’re sure?” “I was at the doctor right before I came to the gym.” “Babe, I know this isn’t ideal, but we can do this.” Now, it was my turn to silently look at him. Could he possibly mean that? “You weren’t thinking about…” I interrupt before he can even say the word. “No, the thought never crossed my mind. I was going to tell you even if you didn’t want me and the baby I was still going to have it.” I see him sigh with relief. That makes me smile. “Preston, I just want you to know that I’m not expecting anything from you. I definitely didn’t plan this.” “You should expect something from me Adeline. It’s not just you in this. I was there when this happened too.” “Yea, we need to discuss that. How is it possible that with birth control and you using a condom every time we’ve been together that something like this has happened?” He gets a really serious look on his face and I swear to you he says flat out, “I knew I should have warned you before that first time. I’m Preston Bennett. My swimmers are fighters too.” Oh my God. He would say that. To this I throw my head back and laugh. Hard. “It’s so good to see you laugh after everything that has happened here. Jesus, you’re carrying my child. I’m gonna be a Dad.” “You’re going to be a great Dad. I just wish I knew what it meant to be a great mom.” We both sigh as he indicated for me to come to his side of the booth. “Please don’t kiss me. I just threw up.” It’s like I didn’t speak at all when he grabs the back of my head and plants a huge kiss on my lips. Good Lord he can kiss. I can’t believe this is all happening. “This is all happening so fast.” “From what I can see this is probably your normal speed in a gold digging relationship.” Yep. You heard me. We both swing our head to the side and see that my mother is sitting across from us. Seriously? Two of what should have been my happiest moments and she has been there for both of them. “Mrs. Granger, all due respect please leave.” This of course was Preston. She shakes her head and says “Not this time. I have something I need to say. First, I can’t believe this daughter of mine has you fooled this badly. She’s nothing but white trash. She doesn’t live the way you do. I can’t wait for this to all come crumbling down around her.” To this nothing is said. Preston pulls out his phone and calls, “Grant. I need you to come to Ed’s. Mrs. Granger is here and has been asked to leave. She is harassing me and Addy.” There was a pause and then “Thanks, man.” “Now, ma’am that was my brother. He is on the case of your husband’s harassment charges. He will be here in less than two minutes. I suggest you are not.” Apparently, my mother is no smarter than she used to be. She sits there not moving. Maybe she just wants to embarrass me further. “Baby, why don’t you run to the restroom? When you come back this will be all taken care of.” I shake my head. “I’m fine.” “I don’t want you in any stressful situations.” “This isn’t stressful. This is my idiot mother getting exactly what’s coming to her.” He gives me a swift nod as we both look up and see Grant walking into Ed’s. He seriously must be sick of dealing with all things me. “Grant, I’m really sorry that you had to come here to deal with this. I know you have more important things to be dealing with.” He blows my mind with, “A mother, who stood by for eighteen years and let her daughter get beat, is actually right at the top of my priority list today.” I bite back a laugh, I hear Preston chuckle lightly, and I hear my mother gasp as Grant reads her rights. He stands her up and puts the cuffs on her and escorts her out of the building. Lovely. “Don’t tell anyone about what we talked about here. I guess you’re supposed to wait until you’re about twelve weeks along.” “How far along are you? When is this baby gonna finally come?” I let out a little chuckle. “I am almost five weeks along. The baby is due March 21st.” I see the smile come full on Preston’s face. “You’re seriously happy?” “I know this timing isn’t what we planned, but I couldn’t be happier.” I can’t help the content sigh that escapes my mouth. “Do you think you can eat a little?” “I can try. I don’t know it was something with the smell that got me. I have to go get this vitamin prescription filled today too.” “We’ll do that right after lunch.” “You have training honey.” “I know, how about right after my training?” “Preston, I can go get the prescription filled on my own. I promise I’ll be ok.” “I know, but I missed the first doctor’s appointment.” “That is why I didn’t get a sonogram. I knew if you were going to be a part of this you would want to see that with me.” “What would ever make you think I wouldn’t want this?” “I don’t know. We’re very new.” “Yea, but you’re also moving in with me. What part of that would make you think I would ever leave you alone in this?” “I don’t know this whole week so far has been a hot mess Preston. It’s not like my head is in the right place.” “I’ll give you that. Seriously, I still think I haven’t wrapped my head around all of this yet.” “You’re telling me.” “I guess I should’ve asked how you are feeling about all of this.” “Well, now that I’ve told you and this has been your reaction I’m feeling much better. I wasn’t sure how all of this was going to go, and I almost waited to tell you.” “I’m glad you didn’t. I think we should go celebrate tonight, baby.” “Celebration is good. I’m in with that.” “I think though that you and I also have a lot to discuss. Gavin called me this morning and told me everything that went down in Ryleigh’s office.” Oh, great. I close my eyes and try to not think about everything that he must be thinking about me right now. “Can we not ruin this moment we’re having.” “Yea, we can do that. Later though, you and I are gonna talk, yeah?” “Do I have a choice?” “No.” Didn’t think so. “Then yeah.” He kisses my temple and I go back to my side of the booth. I do actually get to eat a little bit and we head back over to the gym. Thinking about everything I am quite content knowing that at least two out of my three threats are in jail now. Grant will try to keep them in there as long as possible. Maybe after that they will just leave me be and go home. That may be asking too much though. James on the other hand, is MIA. No one has been able to find him since yesterday. He was in the office apparently making a scene and then he left halfway through the day. This does not make me feel good. Gavin interrupts my thoughts in Willy’s office when he opens the door and stands t
here. “Hey Gavin.” “Hey sis. Can we talk?” “Sure.” I gesture for him to sit and he laughs because obviously this isn’t my office. “Force of habit.” He sits down and looks me dead in the eye “I will find him. This is not something you need to be worried about right now. Your parents are gonna be locked up until we figure out what we need to do with them. James is not something you need to be sitting in here stewing over.” “I’m not.” Liar. “Don’t lie to me. Mainly, because you’re terrible at it.” I shake my head at him, but don’t say anything at all. “About yesterday.” “Yea, thanks for tattle tailing on me to Preston. What is this kindergarten?” He laughs. I swear these men are insane. “He needs to know what goofy ideas you have floating around in that pretty head of yours.” “They aren’t goofy. One day you’ll all realize that I was right this whole time. When that day comes…” My breath hitches. Seriously? Don’t cry in front of Gavin. I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth and try to fight it all back. “Jesus, you really do believe this shit don’t you.” “Well, it’s the truth. So, yeah.” I stutter through it, but manage not to cry. “Please don’t cry. Preston will chew my ass if you do.” “I’m not going to cry.” “Well, I have something else I need to talk to you about.” “Great.” He shakes his head at me and I realize I must’ve said that out loud. Woops. “Well?” “I just wanted you to know that I meant it when I told you that those people are in no way a reflection upon you. You have to realize that what you have made of yourself makes you quadruple the person that they could ever hope to be.” Ok now. Now I was going to cry. They came with no warning either. Just spilled out over my eyes and there was nothing I could do to stop them. “Do you really believe that?” Is that really how they all saw me? They didn’t see me in my mom? I was so weak for eighteen years, and then I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get out. That’s when the first sob breaks out. “Preston is going to kill me. Come here babe. Of course we all believe that. You’re so damn strong, anyone can see that.” I go to his arms knowing that Preston probably wouldn’t care for this very much, but I couldn’t help it. He wraps them around me and I sob. Loud, obnoxious sobs. “Babe, you gotta calm down.” That’s when I hear “What the fuck is going on in here?” I don’t move though and neither does Gavin. The only time we move is when he moves me from his arms to Preston’s. I don’t stop crying and I don’t come up for air either. I hear him ask “Dude, what the fuck did you do to my girl?” “Sorry, I think that she just had an epiphany though.” “About?” “How everyone else sees her.” “Thank Christ for that.” “I am right here ya know?” They both chuckle lightly as Preston strokes my hair down my back. That feels nice and I think I finally get my breathing to even out. “Babe, I gotta talk to you about my next fight.” “Ok.” “It’s been moved to Vegas.” “Ok.” Is that going to be the answer to everything that I say right now?” “Probably.” “All right well, Gavin can you excuse us for a minute.” “Sure.” With that he leaves and Preston holds me at arms-length wiping the tears from my cheeks. “Agreeable woman of mine. When we get to Vegas, will you marry me?” My mouth gapes open. He can’t be serious. “Babe, say something here.” “I don’t know what to say. You can’t be serious.” “Oh, I’m dead serious.” I shake my head. “Is this something you’re looking to be answered right now?” “It would be nice.” I shake my head and step out of his arms. Thinking everything through. “Is this because of the baby?” This I whispered in case Gavin only took two steps away. ”No my fight in Vegas was supposed to be next month. I was going to ask you then. This just happened and I think no time like the present. Plus, I would like to make an honest woman outta you.” I shake my head at him. “I seriously can’t believe I’m going to say this, but yes. I will marry you.” “You’re serious?” “Yea. Why not.” To this he laughs. Hard. “Babe, I’m sorry this is so outta the blue. I swear to you I have a ring for you already. It’s just not here.” “I don’t need a ring, Preston. I just need you.”


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