Wulf, Tales of the Chosen

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Wulf, Tales of the Chosen Page 18

by Kayelle Allen

  "Do you?" Luc stroked his right hand across Wulf's bottom and cupped one cheek. His left hand kept Wulf pinned in place. "I bought these plugs for you before we left for Kelthia. I was hoping they'd please you."

  He lifted his head a bit. "You got them for me?"

  McDoth coughed politely nearby.

  Wulf tried to sit up, but Luc held him fast. A small whimper left Wulf's mouth. He squirmed beneath Luc's hands.

  "Hold still." When he didn't, Luc gave him a swat. He stayed quiet after that. "Is it ready?"

  "Yes, sir. Everything is in order. Will there be anything else?"

  "Not a thing. Good work, McDoth. I appreciate your speed."

  "My pleasure, sir. Call if you need me." The door opened and closed.

  Luc released Wulf and let him up. "I hope you're ready for this."

  Wulf swallowed audibly. "What are you going to do now?"

  He stood and reached out a hand. Wulf hesitated, but finally put his hand into it.

  "Wulf, I'm going to take you to heaven."

  "I'M READY, MASTER." Wulf slid his arms around Luc's neck. He trailed his fingers into the short, dark hair. "Kiss me?"

  The glowing eyes fluttered shut as Luc bent his head.

  Wulf lifted his mouth. The warmth of this man's arms around him almost made him swoon--he leaned into him and held on tight. The feel of the butt plug made him aware of his body in a way he hadn't expected, as if Luc were already inside him.

  Luc spread his big hands down Wulf's back and fanned them out across his ass, tugging him closer. The motion made the plug move.

  Wulf ducked his head to kiss Luc's chest hair. It clustered mostly in the center, narrowing to a trail that led to down to where his cock lay half-erect. "May I ask a question?"

  Luc trailed a hand along his arm. "Of course."

  "I--Do you--Am I--"

  "Relax." Luc tapped Wulf's chin. "It's all right to ask me anything."

  "Do you want me to call you master because you think of me as a slave?"

  Luc unerringly traced his fingers across Wulf's mouth. "I think of you as my lover."

  Wulf clasped Luc's hand and brought it to his chest. "That's so romantic. I don't know what to say."

  "Say you'll let me lead you on a sensual journey."

  "Lead me, Master. I'll follow you anywhere."

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Kelthian orbit, C-1, Luc's private vessel

  Sumertsag 29, Noon

  Wulf breathed in the champagne-scented air. The fruity scent prickled his nose.

  Luc knelt beside the tub and dipped his fingertips into the champagne. The glow from his eyes made the fine bubbles on the bottom and sides of the tub stand out. "Perfect temperature, my love. It smells wonderful."

  "Sure beats whiskey in the toilet."

  Luc's laughter warmed Wulf's heart.

  I don't think I'd ever grow tired of that sound. He trailed fingers across Luc's short hair. "I've never been around so much open champagne before, even at Draap shows."

  "How much do you know about choosing champagne?"

  "Not much. I've never had to do the choosing."

  "I'll teach you. It's something you should know, now that you're mine."

  There's that dominating streak again. Wulf let it go. "Whatever you say."

  Luc held up his other hand. "Take my hand and step in."

  He slipped his fingers into Luc's and stepped into the tub. Bubbles immediately burst around him and tickled their coolness all the way up his calf.

  "Ooh, that feels strange." With every motion, more bubbles rose to the surface.

  "Have a seat, love. Careful, the bubbles make it slippery."

  The liquid-- a little below skin temperature--made Wulf gasp. The rising bubbles teased his legs and popped on the surface, making the rest of his skin wet. "This is amazing. I think I could get drunk sitting here without taking a single sip."

  "You like it?"

  "Yes." Wulf sat back against the sculpted area behind him. "Do you do this often?"

  Luc shrugged off his robe and leaned on the outside edge of the tub. "No."

  Wulf slid forward. The movement broke thousands of bubbles around him. He rested an elbow on the edge of the tub next to Luc. "You don't want to admit you do it when you seduce someone. Why not say it?"

  "I see no reason to remind you I've had other lovers."

  "Master." He took Luc's face in his hands. "You've lived thousands of years. How could I ever expect there weren't lovers before me?" He smoothed a fingertip across Luc's lower lip. "Never apologize for who and what you are. I'm your Chosen. You can be real with me."

  The sudden hard grip of his master's hands made him suck in a shallow breath.

  "Wulf." Luc closed his eyes with an expression of pain. "Knowing you accept me as I am..." When they opened, the glow seemed hotter, brighter. "You have no idea how much it means."

  With a sigh, Wulf threw his arms around Luc's neck and kissed him. He pulled back enough to brush his lips across Luc's. "Show me."

  Luc made him lie back against the sloping edge of the tub, tucking a small inflatable pillow behind his neck. Wulf allowed himself to be bathed by hand. Luc scooped up handfuls of the champagne and dribbled it over his chest, down his arms, across his belly, following it with gentle caresses and strokes. The combination of warm hands and cool liquid played havoc with Wulf's senses, his mind inundated by the sight of Luc tenderly bathing him.

  "Luc..." He roused himself and sat up, pressing as close to his master as he could. "I thought this was about me pleasuring you."

  "Oh, it is, love. It is." He slanted his mouth across Wulf's.

  The rest of the universe faded away, his awareness too full of Luc to allow distractions. The coolness of his lover's mouth, the warm dance of his tongue, the seductive nibble along Wulf's lower lip--it drew him, bound him to this man.

  At some point, he'd closed his eyes. When the kiss ended, he opened them. "Master." He whispered the word as if it were a prayer. "I want you."

  Luc climbed into the tub, and Wulf spread his thighs, making room for Luc atop him. Tiny bubbles burst around them like wet fireworks celebrating the union of their bodies. Wulf clung to him with abandon as they kissed, giving more of himself, opening more of himself.

  Wet hands gripped Wulf's hair and pulled it back. Luc turned Wulf's head aside and kissed below his ear, stroking it with tiny licks.

  "Say my name, Wulf." He bit the lobe, held it between his teeth.


  "Mmm. I love the way you say it." The warm whisper against his ear made Wulf shiver. "Another name."

  How many of his names do I know? Is this a test? "Neene."

  "More." Luc nuzzled his throat.

  "Ran. Donsa. Timorus. Jensarr."

  Luc lifted his head. The glowing eyes and tranquil smile lulled Wulf's concern. "Go on."

  "Lucas. Sandel. Marston. Tencyr. Sondis. Luther. Stomahr. Cyr." He stopped when his lover placed two fingers against his mouth.

  "Now, tell me which one of them you love."

  "Oh, Master, I c..."

  "Yes, you can." With champagne scented fingers, he stroked back Wulf's hair. "Think about it for a moment before answering. Which one do you love?"

  "All of them." Wulf adjusted himself in the tub so they faced each other on their sides, their wet skin making them slip. How could he ever choose one? Each name represented a man who had given his all to help others. "I love every aspect of you, Master."

  "Choose one."

  "Luc! I can't do that."

  "You must." He kissed Wulf's mouth. "You can be in love with one person at a time. You need to choose which of my selves that will be."

  "In that case, I love you, no matter who you are or where you go, but I am in love with the man who's in this tub with me right this minute. The one with pure white eyes who's holding me. Who bathed me in champagne and is about to make love to me for hours on end. I am head-over-heels in love with Luc Saint-Cyr."

  His perfect teeth showed in a huge grin. "Wulf, love, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear." He kissed him. "Now let's rinse this off so I can feed you, and then we'll take out that plug and replace it with me."

  Showered and shampooed, Wulf wrapped himself in a thick, white terrycloth robe and climbed onto the bed as Luc directed. His lover pushed the table over to the bedside and sat next to Wulf.

  "I'm going to feed you and I want you to relax and enjoy it. All right? Are you ready?"

  "Yes." How did I ever get this amazing man in bed with me? Taking care of me like I'm worthy of him? He knuckled away the happy tears on his cheeks. "I'm ready."

  "What is it?" Luc touched his face, spreading his fingers across Wulf's cheeks. "Tell me why you're crying."

  "I'm sooo happy." He sniffed.

  "No, no, no! Baby, you can't cry." Luc set his brow against Wulf's. "I couldn't stand it if you cried. It'd make me want to cry."

  He hiccupped and rubbed his nose. "It would not."

  "Yes, it would. How would that look? The Harbinger, crying."

  Wulf chuckled. "That wouldn't do."

  "Not at all." He rubbed a thumb across Wulf's lower lip. "I wish I could see you."

  He rubbed his nose against Luc's. "I can help you with that."

  "You are already." He scooted over toward the table and dragged it a little closer. "First up, sweet, dark chocolate."

  Wulf opened his mouth and accepted the flat brown wafer Luc set on his tongue. The familiar taste soothed. "Delicious. Dark chocolate is my favorite. Especially with cherries inside it."

  Luc licked his fingers. "Mmm, mmm, mmm. Some ancient societies called chocolate 'nourishment of the gods'. It's easy to see why, and that was a small taste." Luc touched the outside of a tiny, flowered teapot. "Good, still hot." He lifted it and poured into two tiny cups.

  Wulf took the cup and saucer. Sweet, creamy, and hot, it had an underscore of coffee and chocolate. "Oh, this is wonderful! What is it?"

  "Chocolate Espresso Crème."

  "Yum." He allowed the warm liquid to rest on his tongue. "So good."

  "Coffee can boost the body and the mind. In preparation for lovemaking..." Luc leaned toward him and Wulf moved to accept his kiss. "Mmm, I love the way you taste." He frowned. "Where was I?"

  "Preparation for lovemaking?"

  "When preparing for sex, it's best to take coffee in small quantities. Don't want it to make you nervous."

  When Wulf finished the drink, Luc took his cup and set it aside.

  Wulf tilted his head. "Are you sure you can't see?"

  The glowing eyes showed as he turned. "I make myself memorize where everything is in every room. McDoth lays out things for me in a certain order so I can find them. And I'm listening to you, aware of where you are." He lowered his lashes. "Without my lenses, I'm quite blind, I assure you."

  Luc reached into a deep white bowl and withdrew a brown, bulbous shape that dripped with water.

  "Ooh! What is that?" Wulf rose a bit, but the table made the bowl too high to see into it. "I've never seen one of those before."

  "They're not grown in the empire. They're called figs." He dried his fingers on a napkin and picked up the fig once more. "Some consider them a sexual stimulant."

  "Why is that?" He scooted closer so he could see.

  "Watch." Luc held the fig between his hands, both thumbs on the thick bulb. He pressed down and pulled, opening the fruit. Inside, thick dark fruit glistened with moisture.

  "Ooh. It's like a woman's..." He swallowed, unexpectedly stirred by the sight. His shaft thickened. "I never expected..."

  "What? That a woman could arouse you?"

  Wulf leaned into Luc's shoulder with his own. "Yeah. Seeing you do that, though, in this context... Wow." He shivered.

  Luc leaned down to kiss him on the lips. "How open are you to threesomes?"

  "Are you kidding me?" The expression on Luc's face declared he wasn't. Wulf hmm'd. "You mean you and me and a woman?"

  "Yes." His open expression invited Wulf's comments.

  "Who does what to whom?"

  "We can decide that when the time comes." Luc kissed him again. "I would enjoy seeing you being made love to by a woman and I think you'd like her to watch while I take you."

  Wulf fanned his hot cheeks.

  "You liked that image, didn't you?" He used one hand to cup Wulf's chin and lift his face for a kiss. "Do you know how I pictured you? Shall I tell you?"

  Wulf fought to breathe, his face hot, cock hard and aching. "Yes, Master."

  "I could see you lying face down on my bed, your smooth round behind in the air and my cock thrusting between your tight little ass cheeks."

  Wulf swallowed, a hand at his throat.

  "The woman who's sharing you with me is lying on the bed in front of you while you tongue her."

  The image burned itself into his mind with absolute clarity. Wulf held his breath.

  "She's writhing with pleasure, all the while savoring the sight of you being taken. She likes seeing you submit to my mastery."

  Wulf sucked in a gulp of air. "Why do I get the impression you're referring to Her Majesty?"

  Luc's naughty grin confirmed the guess.

  Wulf covered his eyes. "I--I've never wanted a woman before and now here I am lusting after the Conqueror." He rested against Luc and lifted his face. Luc's eyes glowed even brighter. "It's you that's making me hot. You and your words. I love the way you talk about sex."

  "Good. I enjoy it when you squirm." Luc kissed him. "I've lived far too long not to have tried just about anything sexual, Wulf." He lifted one shoulder. "There are a few exceptions, things I'll never do for personal reasons, but there are so many I would like to share with you. Now, time for a bite. Open up." He tore off a small piece of the fig and placed it on Wulf's tongue. "Hold it against your teeth and flick it with your tongue. Think about how it feels. Do you like it?"

  The wrinkled texture on the outside felt like skin; the sweet fruit inside had a gritty feel against his tongue. "Mmm. Love it. Tastes sort of like dates."

  "I'm glad you like it." He lowered his lashes. "Kiss me. I want to taste it in your mouth."

  He lifted his mouth to his master, parting his lips for the kiss. Luc swept his tongue inside. Wulf tilted back his head, moaning at the tender invasion.

  "Mmm, Wulf." He wrapped his arms around him.

  Wulf held onto him, needing closeness, wanting to hold him like this forever.

  "You're mine, Wulf." He changed the angle with which he held him, pushed them both back against the pile of pillows. "Let me feast on your mouth."

  A hot whimper escaped Wulf's mouth. He clung to his master's shoulders while Luc teased every corner of his mouth. The man darted his tongue along Wulf's lips, licked the corners, and delved deep inside, stroking his tongue. His master's warmth soothed, all along Wulf's body.

  He arched his neck as Luc nibbled down his throat, pausing to lick here and there. Melting, Wulf panted, his thoughts aflame. Though his master kissed him and caressed his body, he hadn't yet touched his nipples, balls, or cock. Yearning for his touch made Wulf clutch him harder, pulling him back up to his mouth.

  "Kiss me, Master. Please..."

  Luc lifted his head, his eyes radiating brilliant light.

  "Your eyes--The hotter you get the more they glow."

  "Yes..." he hissed, in a breathless confession. "You burn me, Wulf. My lust for you has me on fire inside."

  "Do you..." Wulf swallowed. "Um, Master, if you want to take me, you don't have to do all this. I'm yours."

  "Yes, you are, Wulf." He placed a soft kiss on his nose. "And when the time is right, I will take you. Again and again."

  "But, your eyes..."

  "Are supposed to glow hotter and brighter during sex. It's part of making the glow reverse itself."

  "Oh, well then by all means, let's light the world on fire."

  A smile spread across Luc's face. "Then I'd better make sure you're well nourished."
He sat up and turned toward the table. "Do you like avocado?" He picked up the dark green pear-shaped fruit and a paring knife.

  "I've had it in dips and as a face mask." Wulf rested a hand on Luc's thigh.

  "It's delicious all by itself." He ran the knife around the avocado lengthwise, twisted it, and pulled it apart. He set one half down and squeezed the other one like a lemon wedge, forcing the green fruit inside to push out. "Here. Taste this." He used two fingers of his other hand to scoop up the soft fruit and offer it on his fingertips.

  Wulf leaned forward and placed his hand beneath Luc's, bringing it to his mouth. He licked all of it from his fingers, stroking his tongue across the fingers and up along his palm. He pressed his lips against the center.

  "Wulf. Here." He pinched the avocado skin to push out more of the green fruit. "Have some more. It's good for you."

  Wulf took the avocado from him and brought it to his mouth. He sucked the fruit into his mouth, leaned forward, and opened his mouth. His master licked the avocado off his tongue and ate it.

  "Mmm. Where else would you like me to lick this off me?"

  "Allow me." Luc scooped some of it from the outer shell and rubbed it across Wulf's chest. He bent to lick it clean, flicking his tongue across Wulf's nipples in turn.

  "Oh..." He leaned back his head. "I thought you'd never get to that."

  Chuckling, Luc circled his tongue around each nipple. He sucked at first one, then the other.

  Wulf writhed.

  Luc stretched out beside him and put his hands behind Wulf, pulling his chest forward. "Put your hands over your head for me, love."

  He reached back and gripped the edge of the mattress.

  Luc clamped his mouth across one nipple and sucked.

  Wulf cried out, digging his heels into the bed and arching toward him.

  "That's right. Let me hear your passion." He teased the other nipple the same way, then held it between his teeth, and battered it with the tip of his tongue.

  "Oh, Luc." Wulf sucked in a breath and let it out raggedly. The heat in his cock and balls pushed thought far from him. The sensual bites and licks drove him over the edge. His back bowed.


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