Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2)

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Reckless at Westbrook High (The Kingston Brothers #2) Page 15

by Bethany Winters

I roll my eyes and shake my head at him, not even bothering to answer that. “Just stay on her and call me if anything weird happens, alright?”

  “Alright, bye.”

  I hang up on him and walk back upstairs to find Callie and the boys, stopping in the open doorway when I spot Wren with his arm wrapped around her neck and his mouth on her hair. Whatever he’s saying has her laughing lightly and I lock my jaw, quietly walking inside to place her snacks on the bed by her feet.

  Their relationship is something I don’t understand, and even though I don’t really have the right to be mad about it, it still pisses me off all the same.

  I leave the water on her nightstand and attempt to leave without being seen, planning on going back to Wren’s room to take a shower while they do whatever it is they’re doing right now, but then Wren snatches my hand and pulls me back, not letting me go. I frown and look down at him, raising a brow when he moves his eyes over my abs and down to the waistband of his sweats with his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.

  He likes me wearing his shit.

  Callie gives him a little push in my direction and he looks down at her, leaning over to kiss her forehead before he moves to stand. She winks at me with a mouthful of chocolate and I flip her off, making her laugh. Wren steps closer to level with me and backs me up into the hall, holding my eyes hostage while he guides me back to his room. As soon as we’re inside with the door closed, he walks me back to the bed and shoves me down on it, leaning over me to lie between my legs.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he whispers, bouncing his eyes between mine.

  Lots of fuckin’ things, but I don’t tell him that.

  Instead I slide my hands over his waist and down to his ass, squeezing hard to pull him into me. A sexy little groan slips from his throat and he props himself up on one elbow beside my head, gently running his thumb over the pulsing vein in my neck. He’s not stupid – he’s the only person in the world who can see right through me and my bullshit with little to no effort – but he’s also not a mind reader, and he can’t possibly begin to understand the root of my anger.

  “What are you hiding from me, Lev?”

  “Nothing,” I lie, fucking hating myself for doing it, but I’d rather hate myself than have him hate me.

  I can’t deal with that.

  Not yet.

  “Stop lying to me,” he pleads, dipping his head to speak over my lips. “Tell me something real, Lev.”

  I sigh heavily and drop my head back on the sheet, hesitating a long minute before I decide to give him what he wants. “Remember the day we got back from Cancun and you found me at Ryan’s with a black eye?”

  He nods, confused.

  “I didn’t get into a fight, Wren,” I say quietly, swallowing the lump in my throat when I catch the realization in his eyes. “I punched a brick wall, busted my own hand just to make it look like I did.”

  Silence follows and his jaw locks, his entire body damn near shaking against mine.

  “Killian,” he guesses, pulling me back when I try to look away. “He hits you?”

  I don’t answer that, but it seems I don’t need to.

  He already knows.

  He scans every inch of my face like he’s recalling every mark he’s ever seen on me and I wait, expecting him to go off on me for keeping this to myself all this time. He doesn’t do that, though. Instead he takes my face in his hands and dips his head to kiss me, claiming my mouth with his until all I feel is him.

  He’s erasing the pain the only way he knows how, and I’m the lying motherfucker selfish enough to let him do it.

  Chapter Twenty


  “He told you, didn’t he?”

  My jaw ticks at the sound of her voice and I lean forward to rest my elbows on my knees, flicking my lighter to burn the end of my joint. “You knew.”

  Callie raises a brow at my tone and changes course, dropping down on the wooden coffee table in front of me so I’m forced to face her fully. “That sounds an awful lot like an accusation, ganja man.”

  “Because it is one, Callie,” I bite out, scrubbing my hands over my face in an attempt to calm myself down, but it doesn’t work. “Fuck, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Not my place to tell,” she says simply, shrugging like it’s obvious.

  I grind my teeth and look away from her, spotting Levi leaning back on the edge of Ryan’s kitchen island with a red cup in his hand and his eyes on me, still watching me from a distance the same way he’s been watching me all night.

  He won’t listen to me.

  It doesn’t matter what I say, he refuses to go to the cops and make that evil piece of shit pay for everything he’s done to him. He won’t let me tell my dad, won’t even let me tell my brothers, and it’s taking everything I have not to go after Killian Matthews myself and break every bone in his goddamn body until he learns to keep his hands to himself and off what’s mine.


  “What, Callie?”

  “You know why I never told anyone what was going on behind closed doors when Jason was alive?”

  I shake my head, hanging onto her every word.

  “He would’ve killed me for it.”

  I wince before I can stop it and grab the backs of her knees to pull her closer. “Callie..”

  “I’m not saying that’s what’s going through your boy’s head right now because I can’t speak for him or any other fucker with daddy issues,” she goes on, keeping her tone even despite the knife she just shoved through my heart. “But what I do know is that kids without parents get put into group homes, and yeah, sometimes those places can be alright if you’re lucky, but most of the time it’s easier to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”

  I nod, getting that, but it doesn’t explain why he won’t do something about it now. He’s eighteen, free to move out and live on his own if he wanted to, and despite the fact I’ve known this guy since we were four and I trust him with my life, I can’t shake this feeling there’s more he’s not telling me.

  Just as I think it, his brows dip and he reaches over to grab a bottle of Jack from the island, keeping his eyes on me while he pours himself another whiskey and coke. Callie stands to leave when she realizes he’s coming for me but I snatch her hand to stop her, pulling her back until her eyes hit mine.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “The fuck for?” she frowns, looking genuinely confused, but then realization hits and she shakes her head at me, leaning over me to take my face in her hands. “You’re too damn sweet for your own good sometimes, you know that?”

  “I’m not fuckin’ sweet.”

  “You’re hella fuckin’ sweet,” she teases, squeezing my cheeks together. “I kinda love you for it.”

  “Lucky me.”

  She laughs at me and smashes her lips on my forehead, straightening up to look over her shoulder when Levi walks over with three cups in his hands.

  “That for me?”

  “If I say yes will you beat it?”

  She laughs at him this time and takes the drink he offers her, tossing a wave over her shoulder while she walks for the hot tub to go sit with Damon and the boys. Levi drops down on the couch beside me and I take the cup he passes me without looking at him, leaning back in my seat until my shoulder touches his.

  “You still mad?”

  “You still keepin’ secrets?”

  He says nothing so I roll my head to face him, licking my lips when I realize how close he is. I’m fully aware we’re surrounded by a house full of people who can’t know about us, Freya fucking Thorne being one of them, but I don’t care.

  Why don’t I care?

  “Don’t look at me like that, Wren.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re about five seconds away from outing us both in front of half the fuckin’ school.”

  “Why haven’t you come out yet?”


  “This is our fuckin’ school,
Lev,” I stress, pausing to take a hit of my joint. “You know as well as I do no one’s gonna say shit to you for being gay, so why hide it?”

  He looks away and I glare, reading his mind.

  “Say it.”

  “Fuck you, Wren.”

  “Say it.” I repeat, slower this time.

  He laughs lightly and drops his head back on the couch, staring at the stars while he speaks. “Because he’ll kill me for it.”

  This motherfucker.

  I move without thinking and take his jaw to pull his eyes back to mine, digging my fingers into his cheeks to hold him there. It’s not his fucking fault, but I’m pissed off and he’s the only fucker I feel like taking it out on, so he’s just gonna have to deal with it.

  “Listen to me very fucking carefully, Lev,” I say clearly, pulling him in until his nose touches mine. “If this is really what you want, for me to drop it and leave him alone, fine, I’ll leave him the fuck alone, but the next time he puts his hands on you or even talks to you the wrong way, I’ll ruin his life so fast he won’t even see me coming before it’s done, and I’ll do it with or without your fuckin’ say so. Got it?”

  He blinks in surprise and stares at me with his mouth parted, almost like I’m some alien creature he’s never seen before. “You’re serious.”

  “I know.”

  “You gonna act like this every time I get hurt or is it just Killian?” he jokes, playing it off the same way I know Callie does when she’s done sharing her feelings for the day.

  “I’ll ruin anyone who hurts you, period,” I say simply, flicking my roach into the ash tray on the table. “And if you even try to stop me, I’ll tape your hands behind your back and make you watch.”

  He groans and drops his forehead on my temple, speaking in my ear. “You’re so fuckin’ hot.”

  I smirk and slide my eyes to the hot tub where Kai’s sitting with Freya, his arms spread out on the edge while she straddles his thighs and runs her hands over his chest. To anyone else, he’d look like he’s enjoying himself with her pussy on his cock and her tits in his face, but I know better. He’s only enjoying the fact she has no idea he’s him and not me, and that if she did, she’d run a fucking mile.

  I catch my brother’s eyes and he grins like a demon, setting his drink down on the edge of the hot tub, then he grabs my fiancé’s face with both hands and shoves his tongue in her mouth. I shake my head at him and look at Levi, hiding a laugh when I catch the look on his face. This isn’t the first time Kai’s had to distract her for us and it probably won’t be the last, but despite the fact he knows it’s all fake, it still pisses him off all the same. The smug little bitch thinks I chose her over him and he hates not being able to tell her different.

  “Get upstairs.”

  My cock thickens at his bossy command and I move to stand, quickly swallowing my drink while I walk for the house to do as I’m told. Several pretty girls call me by Kai’s name while I make my way through the crowd but I ignore them, tossing my empty cup on the kitchen island before I head for the stairs. I don’t bother to look back, I already know he’s following me, and as soon as we’re out of sight on the second floor, he’s on me. He catches me by the back of my neck and spins me to face him fully, smashing his mouth on mine while he walks me through his bedroom door. He locks it behind us and backs me up towards the bed, pulling my shirt over my head before doing the same with his own.

  “Did you fuck any of those guys you told me about?” I rasp, fumbling with the button on his jeans to push them down over his thighs. “That gay couple or the other one before me?”

  He raises a brow and steps out of them, pushing me back a step until my ass hits the mattress. “No.”

  I cock my head and lean back on my elbows, watching him closely while he curls his fingers beneath my waistband to pull the rest of my clothes off. “Did they fuck you?”

  He laughs lightly and leans over me to tease my mouth with his, pushing my thighs apart to lie down between them. “No.”


  My brows dip and I pull back an inch to look at him, searching his eyes for the lie. I know he’s gay – not bi, just gay – but I’ve seen him play with pussy before so I guess it’s possible..

  “You ever fucked a girl?”


  Jesus fucking..

  “You’re a virgin.”

  He nods and wraps his fist around my cock, smirking when it jerks in his grip. “You like that?”

  My eyes darken and I slide my hand over his abs, all the way down to that hot little vee peeking out above his boxers. “I want you to fuck me.”

  He groans at that, quickly snatching my jaw to force my eyes back to his. “Right now?”

  “Right fuckin’ now.”

  He kisses me hard and wiggles his way out of his underwear, blindly reaching into the drawer of his nightstand to find the lube I know he keeps in there. “Does your dad still make you all get tested once a month?”

  “Why, you gonna fuck me bare?” I tease, grinning when he glares impatiently. “I was clean three weeks ago and I haven’t fucked anyone sinc–”

  He shuts me up with his mouth and pops the cap off the lube, squeezing a little bit onto his finger to tease my ass with it. I jolt and dig my nails into his abs, my heart fucking flying at the thought of what comes next.

  I’m about to get fucked.

  By a fucking guy.

  By my fucking guy.

  And my dick’s never been harder.

  He smirks like he knows it and slides a single finger inside me to stretch me out, swallowing the desperate ass moans leaving my throat with his own. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip while he adds a second one and I rake my hand through his hair, holding him down on me while I roll my hips up to fuck his hand.


  “What, Wren?” he teases, slowing his pace.

  “I swear to god I’ll kill you.”

  He laughs lightly and pulls his fingers out, sitting back on his heels to rub a shit load of lube all over his cock. “You want this?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  “Say it.”

  “I want it,” I rush out, moaning again when he slides the tip over my hole. “Fuck, please, Lev.”

  He grins and gently pushes the head inside me, snatching my hip to keep me still when I dig my heels into the backs of his thighs, already wanting more. At first it doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, but then he slides it in a little further and I wince, squeezing my eyes shut so hard they burn.


  “Breathe, man,” he rasps, sounding like he’s in as much pain as I am. “Open your eyes and relax for me, okay?”

  I do as I’m told and release the breath I was holding, forcing my body to calm the fuck down before it decides to jump off his dick and make a run for it. I nod and he slowly eases the rest of the way in, not stopping until he’s buried balls deep inside me. We groan as one and he runs his hand over my inner thigh, holding me there a minute while my body adjusts to the fullness.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so fuckin’ tight.”

  “No shit,” I mutter, making him laugh.

  He reaches over to grab my jeans from the edge of the bed and I lift my head, confused.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want you to see,” he explains, pulling my phone from my pocket to take a picture of me.

  He passes it to me and I take it, biting my lip when I get a look at the way his thick cock stretches my asshole.

  “Fuck me, Lev,” I whisper, tossing it to the side to grab both sides of his neck. “Hard.”

  He growls and falls down on me, holding himself up with one elbow beside my head while he grinds his hips on me to do as he’s told. He wraps his fist around my cock and my eyes roll, my nails scratching up the sides of his neck while I pull his mouth back to mine. He kisses me like he’ll die if he doesn’t and I kiss him back, tipping my head back for him when he moves his mouth down to my neck. He sucks on t
he pulsing vein there, making me shake while he marks me with his tongue and his teeth, but then he freezes on top of me and I frown, following his line of sight to the phone next to my head.

  “What the fuck is that?”


  Chapter Twenty-One


  He moves to grab it before I can so I snatch his wrists to stop him, pinning them to the bed above his head. I hold them there with one hand and pick up his phone with the other, clicking on the image of me and him I saw just now to get a better look at it.

  Only it’s not an image.

  It’s a fucking video.

  Fuck that.

  It’s practically a fucking sex tape.

  He struggles beneath me but I ignore it, turning the volume up a little bit before I press the play button. On the screen, he’s leaning back on the couch by the window with his hand in my hair, rolling his hips out to fuck my mouth while I suck his cock on my knees beneath him.

  “Where the fuck did you get this?”

  He looks away and I toss his phone on the nightstand, leaning over him to pull him back by his jaw.

  “I said where’d you get it?”

  “Callie,” he forces out, sighing when my confusion peaks because that doesn’t make any sense.

  Callie wasn’t even in Westbrook back then, and even if she was, I know for a fact she wouldn’t do something like that to us, to him..

  “I told you Freya’s cousin saw us in here that night,” he mutters, pausing a second before he decides to tell me the rest. “He taped us and gave it to Freya, then Freya tried to send it to the entire school right before she left for New York a few weeks ago, probably woulda done it if Callie hadn’t found out about it first.”

  My jaw ticks and I close my eyes a minute, honest to god considering what life would look like behind bars if I were to slit that stupid little whore’s throat and watch her die in Ryan’s hot tub.

  Wren shifts beneath me and brushes his mouth against mine, reminding me how fucking good his ass feels wrapped around my cock. I blink my eyes open and look down at him, forcing the thought of Freya’s bloody throat from my head because that’s not me.


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