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Glossary of Terms
Adalay—[a′ da lay]—High mountain range to the east of Sylvan Mintoth and part of the region considered under the governance of House DeHelios.
Aether—[ee′ thur]—The spiritual realm attained by highborn medical practitioners that allows them to address the seven centers of bodily life and by all other magistrae to communicate with the Great Mother.
Anima—[ah′ nee mah]—Soul, spirit, internal essence of life.
Arcobaleno—[ark′ oh bah lay′ no]—The color that the diamantorre in the sigil towers blaze indicating the highest amount of energy is being transferred, absorbed and transmitted. The color is a pure white at the furthest end of the light spectrum.
Arkodaenia—[Arko day′nee a]—Verdantia’s sole spaceport. Arkodaenia is the only city free from the electromagnetic forces created by the vast deposits of diaman pipes. Because of this, modern technologies are possible in this highly restricted space. It is the one portal for Verdantians into the rest of the settled universes with all the advantages of their technologies.
Ari—[ah′ ree]—Conte Aristos Camliel De Tano, Primo Signore of the Second Tetriarch, High Lord of Verdantia and the Queen Fleur de Luna Constante’s husband and consort.
Básdtost—[bas′ toast] – “The Silent Death,” Hel’s nickname given to him by the Haarb.
Beporza—[bee poor za]—Aflying beetle type of insect that makes a loud buzzing sound.
Bombomtorta—[bomb bomb*tor tah]—A decadent tort that consists of layers of heavy, rich, chocolate cake, liquor-flavored butter cream and crushed nuts in a pastry shell.
Bovem—[bovem]—A cow-like creature.
Butyrum—[butt tree um]—A butter-like substance.
CarissimeMedica—[Cariss′ eh may * Med i ca]—“Beloved Healer” After the events in Hers To Claim, this was the name given to Adonia by the people of Verdantia.
ChambreCristalle—[ shaam′ brah*kris′tall]—the name of the ritual chamber in a sigil tower where the Great Rite is performed. This is the only place the Great Rite is performed. Every sigil tower in Verdantia has a Chambre Cristalle.
Chital—[she′ tall]—A spotted antelope-like creature with lyre-shaped horns. They travel in herds and occupy the open grasslands.
DeCorvus vs Corvus—In Hers To Claim, Adonia is introduced at various times with the last name of “Corvus” and “DeCorvus.” In Verdantian society, the “De” prefix indicates the bearer is of one of the thirty-two noble houses originally founded. In the case of Adonia Corvus, her family dropped the “De” prefix when they joined the Mother’s Acolytes. Hel introduces Adonia as “Adonia DeCorvus,” properly giving her the aristocratic prefix.
Diamantorre [Dee ah mahntor]—An immense block of diaman crystal that serves as the central dais in the Chambre Cristalle of each sigil tower. This block of crystal stores the energy of the Great Rite and releases it into the surrounding atmosphere. In an outward display of extravagance, the entire city of Nyth Uchel, its surrounding walls, and the white tower, Torre Bianca, were built entirely of diaman crystal. As such, the overflow of energy from the Great Rite is absorbed by the very building stones to the extent that all of Nyth Uchel is haloed with a soft, luminescent light giving the entire city an appearance of magickal enchantment.
Doral [Dohrall′]—Visconte Doral Celestia Agentio DeLorion, Segundo Signore of the Second Tetriarch, lover to Ari and Fleur. While neither Hel nor Doral realizes it, they are distantly related. In fact, the entire Second Tetriarch is distantly related to Hel as their bloodlines cross repeatedly. This was not by accident. After the schism between Nyth Uchel and Sylvan Mintoth, the High Enclave Elders spent centuries quietly trying to duplicate the genetic makeup of the DeHelios line.
Fellwolf—A genetically engineered hybrid of a large, predatory canine and a giant lizard, similar to Earth’s komodo dragon. They are the size of a large pony and have acute senses of smell, hearing and vision. At some point in time, someone added nano-bots to their genetic structure, which makes them heal incredibly fast. It takes beheading or a shot to the brain to put one down. They are highly intelligent and controlled through the use of pulse collars which can be set in varying degrees of severity from mild to stun. They are a favorite of the Haarb.
Fleur—[Fler]—Queen Fleur de Luna Constante, supreme monarch of Verdantia. Her last name does not contain a “De” as she and her father and mother were of questionable nobility. It is the source of one of Hel’s reservations about the legitimacy of the Second Tetriarch.
Fricki—[frick′ee]—Anelusive, elk-like creature living in the mountain regions of Verdantia. They are snow-white in color and very rare. Lore has it that the sight of one of these exotic, shy creatures indicates the active presence of the Great Mother and is very good luck. To kill one is a criminal offense.
Imitamekanikos—[em′ mi tah*mehkan′nikos]—“Meks” are a highly advanced combination of organic and non-organic cyborg. They are immensely intelligent, can morph into whatever form they wish to mimic, are enormously strong and communicate telepathically. The meks have the capability to absorb power, so they are not vulnerable to conventional weapons that fire blasts of fusion energy or lazer pulses. Firing such weapons at them merely makes them stronger. They were unearthed on Devon III during the cyborg wars on that planet. Their discovery had disastrous consequences for the Devonians. When the planet fell to the cyborgs, the meks were unleashed into the universe.
Magister—[ma gis′ tur]—A High Enclave-bred and trained nobleman with a specific genetic link to “Her.”
Magistra—[ma gis′tra]—A High Enclave-bred and trained noblewoman with a specific genetic link to “Her.”
Magistrae—[ma gis′ tray]—Plural form of magistra or magister—gender inclusive. More than one magistra or magister.
Mela—[may′ la]—A tart, lime green, oval fruit similar to an apple.
NythUchel—[nith′oochel′]—“High Aerie” – The DeHelios family seat – A large palace with a prosperous city below. Nyth Uchel was the original capital of Verdantia.
Nata—[natah]—A white liquid similar to cream.
Pannis—[pan is]—A grain-based type of bread. It can be shaped into multiple forms.
Plains of Vergaza—Avast open grassland west of Sylvan Mintoth and the desert wastelands of the Oshtesh.
Saccharon—[sack′ ah ron]—The Verdantian equivalent to sugar.
Senzienza—[sen′ zee en′ za]—The Planet of Verdantia’s sentience. Also referred to as She or Her
Signore, Primo—[pree′mo*sig′ nor eh]—“First gentleman” – the first male in the Tetriarch
Signore, Segundo —[sah′ gun do*sig′ nor eh]—“Second gentleman” – the second male in the Tetriarch
Tetriarch— [tet′ tree ark]—A trio of nobles formed by the Senzienza to rule Verdantia. They wield extraordinary mystical power with joined with Mother Verdantia. There have been only two in the five hundred year history of
Torre Bianca—[torebee′ahnka]—the “White Tower”—a sigil tower above Nyth Uchel. Torre Bianca is the first, and greatest, of all sigil towers in Verdantia. Her construction, as with all the sigil towers in Verdantia, was accomplished by the First Tetriarch, Tristan’s ancestors. Torre Bianca is the only sigil tower constructed entirely of diaman crystal.
Other books by Patricia A. Knight
Hers to Captivate Page 22