The Cripple’s Bride_Family of Love Series_A Western Romance Story

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The Cripple’s Bride_Family of Love Series_A Western Romance Story Page 17

by Elliee Atkinson

  “Yes, unfortunately, it will be at least another week before I’m walking around.”

  “Barring any further problems with your body. You and your surprise wounds. Rachel told us all about that scare. I can’t believe you had a walnut lodged in your back, Daryl.”

  Daryl rolled his eyes. He’d forgotten to ask Rachel what the offending object was. “A walnut? I can’t believe that!”

  “That’s what we said. But it makes sense. We know where you fell off the ravine. Sam and I went by there when we went out for a ride earlier. You hit some big rocks and branches. It’s a wonder you’re alive, my friend.”

  “I’m glad I am.”

  “I am, too. And it looks like we’re going to end up brothers, Sam and me.”

  Daryl nodded. “Eventually.”

  “Yeah. I look forward to it.”

  “Thanks for helping me with Johnny and Bethany, Charles. It means a lot to me.”

  “You’ve always helped us out in the past, Daryl. Every time we needed your help, you were there. We didn’t want to leave you behind in Louisville when we moved here. And I gotta say there have been some times when we really needed you and you were just too far away. But you aren’t now.”

  “I’m here now,” Daryl nodded. “I’m not going anywhere.”




  When Esther left Daryl’s room, after being pushed away by Charles, she turned to the living room and saw Rebecca and Rachel on the front porch, talking. They were laughing about something. Esther wondered if it was she they were laughing about. She felt hot resentment pass through her. She went through the room, ignoring Allan, who was sitting in the corner with a book in his lap.

  He looked up at her, watching her go to the front door. His eyes flicked to the window, through which he could see Rachel and Rebecca.

  Oh, what’s going to happen now? he thought.

  Esther pushed open the door and went out to stand next to Rachel. She didn’t say anything. The women stopped talking when she came through the door, looking at her expectantly. She turned her head to look at them. “It’s a nice day. I’m glad the snow is melting.”

  Rachel turned her head to look at Rebecca, who shrugged so lightly, only Rachel could have seen it. “Yes, it is a beautiful day,” Rebecca replied. “How is Daryl?”

  Esther smiled. “He’s doing so much better. I’m glad I’m here to take care of him now.”

  Rachel opened her mouth, but Rebecca grabbed her arm and stopped her. Rachel glared at her. Rebecca shook her head. “Esther, how long have you been married to him?”

  “About fifteen years.”

  “You’ve been together for fifteen years and married to him that long, too?” Rebecca asked.

  Esther nodded, gathering her shawl around her shoulders and holding it together in front of her chest with one hand.

  “Why didn’t you invite me to the wedding? I would have been so happy to be there for him.”

  Esther looked at her in confusion. “I’m sure you were there. Weren’t you?”

  Rebecca shook her head. “No, I wasn’t there. I would remember. I know I would.”

  Esther tilted her head to the side. “Why would you want to be there? You barely know him. I’ve never seen you.”

  Rebecca smiled and said in a gentle voice, “My dear, he is my brother. I do know him, very well. And if you haven’t seen me with him, it’s because you met him sometime in the past year and a half. That’s how long I’ve been in Wickenburg. We used to live together in Louisville before I moved out with my husband and children.”

  Esther stared at Rebecca for a moment. “You’re Rebecca, his sister,” she said as if she suddenly realized who she was addressing.

  Rebecca smiled. “Yes, dear. His sister. I would know if he was married.”

  “We are married,” Esther insisted. “We are.”

  Rebecca and Rachel shared a look. At that moment, the door opened and Charles came out with Allan behind him.

  “Rachel, you should go in and talk to Daryl. He has some… instructions for you.”

  “He doesn’t want me to help him?” Esther asked in a hurt voice.

  Charles looked at her. “Rachel has been working hard to help Daryl and he has to update her on what will happen now that you’re here.” Charles spoke in a matter of fact tone that even his wife would have believed if she didn’t know the situation.

  Esther accepted his explanation, nodding. “Oh, yes, you better go in there then, Rachel. We don’t want him upset.”

  Rachel resented being dismissed by Esther, but swallowed her pride and went back into the house without a word.

  Rebecca looked at Charles with curiosity in her eyes. He knew she was dying to know what was going on. “Becky, let’s go inside. It’s cold out here and your nose is getting pink. Why are you standing out here anyway when you should be staying warm by the fire? Come on.” He took her arm and led her back through the door and into the warm living room. Esther was about to follow when Allan stood in her way. She looked up at him.

  “I was thinking you might like to take a walk with me, Mrs. Parker,” Allan almost choked on the words but said them anyway. He knew his father wanted time to talk to his mother. Without Esther there. “It will keep the blood pumping and warm us up.”

  Esther looked surprised. “Well, I… I reckon that might be nice. All right.”

  She put out her elbow and he looked down at it for a moment before wrapping his arm around it. They went down the steps together.

  Inside, Charles and Rebecca sat on the couch, facing each other.

  “What is going on, Charles?” Rebecca asked. “Daryl is going to give Rachel instructions?”

  Charles nodded. “As a matter of fact, he is. He’s going to tell her how to deal with Esther and her children.”

  “How to deal with them? What does that mean? That doesn’t sound good.”

  Charles let out a low chuckle. “You have a dark mind, my dear. No, the woman is obviously living in a different reality. She has no idea that her husband and two babies are dead.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  Charles recounted for his wife all that Daryl had told him. He ended by saying that an institution was the only place for her now, at least until she regained her senses. “And that’s assuming that she will,” he said.

  Rebecca shook her head slowly. “That poor woman. Those poor children. Oh, Charles, what will happen to them?”

  “Daryl wants to take care of them. But he won’t be on his feet for a few weeks. He’s asked me if we will take them in until he can find a home where they can all live.”

  Rebecca sighed. “My brother is a noble man. So noble.”

  “I thought the same thing,” Charles said. “I’m always impressed by him. And I want to help him with this, too. Are you willing to have those children stay with us temporarily? I’m sure Elizabeth won’t mind sharing her bed. And Chris often stays in town with his friends, so he won’t mind having a little boy sleeping in his bed.”

  “I don’t think they would object.” Rebecca said.

  “So you are okay with this?” Charles asked.

  She smiled at him. “Of course I am, Charles. I never turn away a child in need. Not if I can do something to help them.”

  He put his arms around her neck, pulling her into a hug. “I knew you wouldn’t say no. I know you well, my love. A remarkable woman.”

  “I love you, Charles.” She giggled. “You are so flattering.”

  “I love you, too, my dear.”

  “So did Daryl tell you what his plan is?”

  Charles nodded. “He did. And I’m not sure Rachel is going to like it. She’ll go along with it, but she isn’t going to like it.”


  Charles lifted one side of his lips in a half-grin. “Yeah. She’s gonna hate it.”

  Rachel stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. “You call
ed for me, sir? You have instructions for me?”

  Daryl laughed. “You silly woman. Come sit down next to me. I missed your face while you were gone.”

  “I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me before.”

  “I am glad I was the first. It’s going to be my goal to compliment you as often as I can until you beg me to stop.”

  “Now why would I ever beg you to stop?” Rachel pulled the chair closer to the bed and sat down, leaning toward him. She wanted to feel his lips on hers again, but knew it wasn’t the time. She satisfied herself by gazing into his eyes and studying his face. He already looked healthier.

  They sat for a few moments, just looking at each other.

  Daryl hoped Rachel wouldn’t be too upset about the plan he’d put together for taking care of Esther. He inhaled, sighed, and said, “I want to talk to you about Esther.”

  “Please do. I wish we didn’t have to, but I reckon I need to know.”

  “Yes, you do. Because it might be a bit hard to get through the next week or so.”

  “What do you mean?” Rachel pulled back a little.

  “I know you can see that she is not in full use of her faculties. She is not well. In the head. She thinks we are married and that her children are mine. She is a woman I used to help in Louisville. Her husband was a mean drunk and would hurt her and the children all the time. She would come to me and I would make sure they were fed and any wounds were bandaged. She relied on me a lot. But when my…” He didn’t want to tell Rachel about Laura. “When I decided to move to Wickenburg, I guess I kind of left her behind. I didn’t mean to. But she wasn’t my responsibility and I wanted to leave. Now that I’m here, I’m definitely not going back.”

  “I’m sorry to hear she was in a bad marriage. But what’s happened to make her show up here thinking she’s married to you?”

  “There was a fire at her house. Apparently her husband James and the two little babies they had – two year old twins – died in it. The shock has sent her… over the edge, shall we say.”

  “Oh my,” Rachel felt an ache in her heart at the thought of the babies. “That is so terrible. No wonder she doesn’t know where she is or who she is.”

  Daryl nodded. “I have no doubt that she really thinks she’s married to me. I’m sure it’s something she’s dreamed about for a long time. I tried to make it clear to her in the past that I had no feelings for her. She seemed to understand before but now… now she just doesn’t hear me when I say we are not married.”

  “Tell me what your plan is. We don’t have the knowledge to bring her back to reality. And if we did and she realized her babies are dead, that might send her right back over.”

  Daryl nodded. “I thought the same thing. I suggest we let her think I am married to her until I am able to get up on my feet. It should only be a week or two. Then I can take her on a holiday and leave her at an institution.”

  “Oh, that sounds so cruel.”

  “I can’t think of any other way to deal with her.”

  “But if we go along with this, she will fall deeper into her delusion, won’t she?”

  Daryl gazed at her. “I’m just going to have to heal up as fast as possible.”

  “Oh Daryl, I don’t know.”

  “We don’t really have a choice, my dear. It’s either this or do something violent, like throw a bag over her head and tie her up and take her down there like an animal. We can’t do that. You know that.”

  Rachel nodded. “What if I was to make friends with her? I could take her to the institution.”

  “Why would she want to go on vacation with you?” Daryl grinned. “I don’t think she likes you much. She thinks you’re a rival.”

  Rachel smiled back at him. “Little does she know the extent of that rivalry.”

  Daryl laughed, throwing his head back. “You are a silly woman, Rachel. I do love you.”

  “I love you, Daryl. And I will try not to be too jealous if she treats you like you are her husband. What if she kisses you? What if she expects to sleep with you at night?”

  “My injury will prevent sleeping with me at night. As for kissing, I won’t be giving her an opportunity to do that. My focus is to get better. I’ll do whatever the doc tells me to do.”

  “Good. I know you’re a strong man. Only a strong man would have lived through what you’ve been through. Does your leg still hurt terribly?”

  He looked down at it. “Not as much, no. I think it’s healing.”

  “Of course it’s healing,” She grinned. “That’s what bodies do.”

  “Thank the Lord,” he said.

  “I do.” Her voice was soft. “Every day. I thank Him that you came to my door. I thank Him that I put that lantern in the window. I still don’t know why I did. But I like to think it was a sign from Him that you were coming. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Daryl smiled. “Me too.”

  “So where is she going to sleep, if not in here with you? You realize she will probably want to sit in this chair right here and stare at you all night while you sleep.”

  Daryl shuddered. “I won’t let that happen. If she doesn’t want to sleep on the couch, I’m sure she can stay at the Inn.”

  “Where will her children go?”

  “Charles and Rebecca have said they will give them shelter until I can find a way to take care of them.”

  “Hmm. My house isn’t big enough for two children.”

  Daryl shook his head. “No, I’m afraid it isn’t. Even when we’re married, we would still need another bedroom for one of them.”

  Rachel felt a thrill pass through her when he said they would be married. She was lost for words for a moment. He grinned when he saw what he’d done to her.

  “You are so sweet,” he said softly.

  She blushed. “I’m not surprised your family is taking them in.”

  “She could probably stay there with them, if she wanted to. But I think my sister might kill her.”

  “Oh dear. We don’t want that. Elizabeth and her brothers might be older, but they still need their mother. It would do them no good to have her serving hard labor at the penitentiary.”

  Daryl laughed. “No. That would not do.”




  As expected, the next ten days were Hell for Rachel. Esther treated Daryl more like a king than a husband, doing his every bidding at a moment’s notice. The days dragged on until Rachel was finally counting down, telling herself it would only be another few days until the woman was not in her life anymore.

  Esther wasn’t a bother in general. However, her attitude toward Rachel was one of clear jealousy. It made her fawn over Daryl even more, much to Rachel’s annoyance.

  After nine days of listening to Esther call Daryl her husband and tell him how much she loved him, she got fed up and saddled Prince for a long ride. The weather had turned warm and the snow had melted away. It would be summer soon. Spring would be short this year.

  As she was putting the saddle on Prince and strapping it on, a shadow came to the door of the barn and she looked up, squinting. The sun outlined a person, but she couldn’t see who it was. She lifted one hand to block the sun. For a moment, she got the creepy feeling that Esther was standing there with a pitchfork, ready to do her in. The person took a step inside the barn and the feeling melted away.

  It was Daryl. He was walking, the stick he’d brought with him under one arm. He limped toward her with a huge smile on his face.

  “Daryl! You… you’re up on your feet!”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’m ready to take this relationship further. I want you to marry me, Rachel. Will you please marry me?”

  He pulled a small ring box from his pocket and held it out to her. “I bought this with the intention of giving it to the love of my life. It turns out fate stopped me and sent me to the woman who is really the love of my life. Do you mind that it was bought for another woman?”
r />   Rachel shook her head, taking the box from him. “If you bought it for love and not to please the woman you loved, I don’t mind. It’s a symbol of your love for me. Right?”

  He smiled at her. “That’s right.”

  She opened the box and took the ring out, gasping at its beauty. The stone was not large, but it was set between two light green peridots. “Oh Daryl. The peridot is my birthstone!”

  Daryl felt chills rise up on his arms. “That is amazing. That is simply amazing. A sign from God. It has to be.”

  “He sends a lot of signs our way, doesn’t He, Daryl? Do you think you can ride?”

  “In a wagon or a carriage. Not on horseback. It’s going to be a few weeks before I can do that.”

  “You won’t need to be on horseback anytime soon. We can take care of business without you ever straining yourself. Let’s go for a ride in the wagon. Do you feel up to it?”

  Daryl smiled wide. “Yeah. I do. I’ve been holed up in there for near a month now.”

  Rachel helped him up into the wagon and set up the horses so that she could drive the wagon out of the barn. She looked toward the house, glad that Esther was not there. She had gone to spend some time with Johnny and Bethany. Both she and Daryl encouraged her to see them often. They knew she would not be seeing them as often soon.

  “Did you tell Johnny or Bethany that their mother was going to be leaving?” Rachel asked, looking over at his handsome profile.

  He nodded. She waited a moment before continuing in a soft voice. “How are they taking it?”

  “I told Johnny. Bethany is too young to understand. When I tell Bethany I’m taking her on vacation, she will believe it. We will tell her the truth when she’s older.”

  “Is it right to lie to her?”

  “She wouldn’t understand, Rachel. I promise. I’m still hoping Johnny fully understands, and that boy is one smart kid.”

  “He seems like it. Once he got cleaned up, he didn’t seem so much of a ruffian.”


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