Eternal Destiny - Book 2 (Second book in The Ruby Ring Series)

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Eternal Destiny - Book 2 (Second book in The Ruby Ring Series) Page 5

by Chrissy Peebles

  If you say so. “If you wouldn’t have come, I’d be dead, Liz.”

  “We’ll discuss it more later.” Liz looked at the spotted horse lying helplessly on the ground. She slowly opened her hand, and a red light glowed all around it. Where she touched the horse’s wound, the long gash miraculously closed, only to disappear a second later. The animal stumbled to its feet and neighed, and Liz patted its side, satisfied.

  Sarah gasped. “What you just did…it was beautiful.”

  Liz jumped on the horse, and Sarah hoisted herself up. William grabbed another stray horse and motioned them to follow. Sarah gripped the sword tightly, and Liz led them through a tangle of bushes, deep into the woods.

  William stopped and turned his horse. “We can’t go back to the castle. Immortals are waiting for us to return. We’ll head to the next city, where we’ll be safe.”

  “You can put down the sword, sis,” said Liz.

  “I’d rather keep it, if you don’t mind. What about Charles?”

  “I used the power of the ring to warn him to leave. Otherwise, they’d drag him to court and question him about the marriage. They’d interrogate him about whether or not his real wife died that night at the ball.”

  “I’m so sorry about all of this,” Sarah said.

  “It’s okay, sis,” Liz said, leaning over to give Sarah’s hand a squeeze. “The Larker sisters are going to get through this.”

  Sarah nodded, her mouth pressed into a tight line. It wasn’t okay, but they had no more time to waste worrying about their missteps. The Immortals wouldn’t give up, and it was only a matter of time until they gave chase. She focused on the scenery to either side as they rode for miles, navigating through towering trees and vegetation. The trees grew denser there, their thickets building a canopy above the travelers’ heads. The leaves were deep green, filtering the morning light. It all seemed so serene and quiet, were it not for the thumping of hooves on the ground, stirring up the leaves in their wake.

  Eventually, William stopped, quite suddenly.

  Sarah turned to face him, only then noticing that his eyes were closed. “What’s he doing?” she whispered to Liz.

  Liz just shrugged.

  William’s eyes fluttered open as he said, “We need to move faster. The Immortals have picked up our trail.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Sarah said. “How do you know that?”

  Liz nodded. “We’ll move faster, Father.”

  They picked up their pace through the woods, and a few minutes later, William motioned for them to stop.

  Sarah strained to listen. Coming from her right, she thought she heard the soft thuds of hooves, then a cough, barely louder than the whispering wind.

  William pushed a giant fern out of the way and peered beyond. “We’ve got trouble. It’s King Victor’s camp.” His Immortal vision was amazing, and in that moment, Sarah envied it.

  “He told me he was meeting up with his army,” Sarah said, pushing the thought out of her mind. Nothing made her wonder anymore.

  Liz sighed. “Well, I guess he got what he’s always wanted, his free pass. Now he’s come over into our territory to throw it in our faces. We can’t touch him.”

  “Or kill him,” added William. “If we do, it’ll kill you.” He looked at Sarah and frowned. “He didn’t get my daughter like he intended, but he got the sister of my beloved daughter-in-law, so I’d say he accomplished his mission. My men and I will never be able to touch him now…never.”

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done, for sparing my life by sparing his,” Sarah said.

  “Don’t think for a minute that I did it for you, miss. I did it for my daughter-n-law, whom I love deeply. She doesn’t need to lose the only biological family she has left—the sister she’s longed for since the day I met her.”

  Sarah touched her temples. Behind her mind’s veil, she could feel him beckoning to her, calling her even though he didn’t speak out her name. Something drew her to him, forcing her to obey his unspoken command. “He’s here,” she whispered. “I can feel him.”

  “In that case, we’re trapped,” William said. “Either we take on King Victor’s men or we deal with the Immortals from the Kardashian Court.”

  “Listen, Sarah,” Liz said. “We have absolutely no chance with the Immortals. We might have a good chance with your husband, because he cares about you. It’s time to face him.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened. “You want me to surrender to him?”

  “Absolutely not!” roared William. “I watched him nearly destroy the last woman he loved.”

  “Sarah’s the reason he’s here,” Liz said. “He won’t hurt her.”

  “But he wants to keep me from ever going back to our world, and that isn’t going to happen. I want to go home.”

  “Would it be so awful?” Liz asked. “To be here stuck with me?”

  William whipped out his sword. “I say we have a better chance facing a few Immortals than King Victor and his army.”

  Liz shook her head. “The Immortals will drag us to court and then kill us.”

  William steered his horse toward Liz. “King Victor will kill me without a doubt. I stole the love of his life all those years ago. He’ll never stop until I’m dead. It’s why I’ve been trying to kill him first—to end this ridiculous war that’s been going on for ages.”

  “So Victor started a war over a woman?” Sarah asked.

  Liz shot her a glance. “This war isn’t just over Della. After my father won her heart, he took over two of Victor’s most prized countries in his kingdom. That’s what really started it. They’re fighting over property lines.”

  “This isn’t the time to discuss this,” William said.

  Footsteps thudded through the thicket. An Immortal lunged toward Sarah spooking her horse. Sarah fell off as the horse whinnied and reared up. Scrambling to her feet, she drew her sword and whipped it above her head.

  William jumped in front of her and drew his own sword. He blocked a blow and yelled, “RUN!”

  “I’m not leaving you, Father!” yelled Liz.

  William dealt another blow to the Immortal’s chest. “Go! Head for the city of Lasnera.”

  “No! I’ll get help.” Liz pulled hard on the reins. “Come on!” She reached her hand out to Sarah and pulled her up with incredible strength. They bolted through the towering ferns.

  Her sister hadn’t a clue of the position she was putting her in. “I’m not surrendering.”

  “Get over your fears. Victor can help us. We need him desperately. Do you think we could really make it to the next city on our own? No way, Sarah! We don’t stand a chance. More experienced Immortals are on our trail. They’ll arrest my father and find him guilty of treason…and us too.”

  “Liz, I don’t want to leave my friends and family back home. Mom and Dad are back there, wondering where we are, and I can’t bear to live without them. They’re my world. Maybe you love it here, but I don’t! How could you want to stay in Medieval Land for even one minute?”

  “Because the love of my life is here. I love Charles, and I love my new family here. And if you don’t help my father, I’ll never forgive you.”

  A howling wind gushed across their faces, and the horse reared up, then came to an abrupt halt, refusing to budge.

  Liz shook the reins. “Come on, girl. MOVE!”

  Sarah slid down from the horse. “It’s Victor. He’s not letting the horse move another inch. We need to run…he’s close.”

  Liz dismounted. Inclining her head, she said, “Good. Where is he? Because my father needs him…like now.”

  “You don’t understand. If Victor gets his hands on me, he’ll never let me go.”

  “He won’t hurt you,” Liz said. “I can sense it. Otherwise, I’d never send you to him. We can make a quick getaway later.”

  “Do you know how heavily guarded he kept me at the castle? I couldn’t go to the dressing room without a dozen knights in tow.”

��s eyes glimmered with unshed tears. “I’m not going to let my father die because you’re scared to face your husband. Victor is the only one who can help us now.”

  She can’t be serious! Sarah threw up her hands. “My fake husband, in case you have forgotten!”

  Liz’s voice thundered as she tried to get her point across. “No, in this world, he’s your real husband. You told me you think about him all the time. You said the vows. You kissed him passionately. You wear his mark. You’re in love with him! Sarah, you’re his wife in every way.”

  “Great. Now I’m sure you’ve just announced our presence to everyone, whether they wanted to know or not.” Sarah snorted. “In love with him? You can’t be serious. He’s hot, but that’s about all. How do you jump to conclusions like that?”

  Footsteps rustled through crackling leaves, causing Sarah to turn her head.

  “In love with me?” Victor said, smirking.

  Sarah met his gaze, lost for words. He did have the most stunning blue eyes she had ever seen. Even so, they were just eyes and nothing special.

  “The more you try to rationalize, the more you fail,” Victor continued, interrupting her train of thought. “I would have to agree with your sister on this. You are my wife…in every way.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but she noticed knights gathering around them, swords drawn. She’d have to set things straight later, preferably when someone wasn’t holding a blade to her throat.

  Chapter 5

  “I told you this was a bad idea,” Sarah hissed. Victor knew Liz was her sister; the wedding ring on her finger left room for no secrets.

  “Put down your weapons!” Victor ordered.

  Immediately, the knights obeyed and withdrew their swords.

  Victor cupped Sarah’s face. “I’m so glad you’re well. I tried everything to save you, but there were so many of them. They dragged you away while I kept fighting. Some of my men found me, and we barely escaped with our lives.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more to help,” Sarah said.

  “You look absolutely stunning in red.” His face moved an inch closer—so close she could see the hungry sparkle in his eyes and smell his woody scent. “And it’s interesting that you wear a crown on your head, as if you’ve already accepted your position as queen in my Royal Court.”

  “Liz put me in this get-up!” Sarah said, fooling with the thin tiara.

  “Listen, your wife wishes to surrender herself to you,” Liz said.

  He raised a brow, an amused glint playing in his eyes. “Do you, Sarah?”

  Sarah had no choice now. Does he just want to hear me say the words? Does he enjoy this power he holds over me? He seems to be enjoying this game far too much. But if she wasn’t willing to surrender, she’d already be running. Thanks, Liz. Sarah swallowed hard, bowing deeply. “Yes, Your Highness. I throw myself down at your mercy.”

  “You may rise,” Victor said.

  Rising gracefully, she looked up. His intense gaze was fixed on her face. Everything about Victor pulled her in. She had felt the strong attraction to him the second their eyes met for the first time back in the forest. The connection was so strong, the attraction so powerful and irresistible. How could she deny her ruggedly powerful new husband anything? She knew surrendering to him came with consequences; even still, she couldn’t help but admit that seeing him again was a thrill.

  Liz also bowed. “Your Highness, I need your help. Immortals are chasing us. One’s fighting my father, and more are coming!”

  Victor shook his head, his brows furrowed in confusion. “You expect me to help William after he tried to kill me…and Sarah?”

  Sarah stepped forward and touched his hand. “I’d consider it a personal favor.”

  “Why would you defend him after what he did to us?” Victor said. “I hate to disagree with you, but my answer is no.”

  “Please!” Liz whispered.

  Sarah could see the tight line around her sister’s mouth as she begged desperately. She knew Victor had better hurry and give in. If he didn’t—and soon—he was going to get more than he bargained for when Liz threw one of her classic temper tantrums. “I’m not happy with William’s behavior either, but my sister loves him,” Sarah said. “I’m begging you. Surely, surrendering myself to you has to mean something. I could’ve easily run to the next village.”

  “With Immortals chasing you? I doubt that, my love.” He clenched his fists, and a frown crossed his brows. “I could feel the terror you felt as William held the sword over your head. The monster deserves to die.”

  Liz’s eyes threw daggers. “NO! How could you say that about my father? You’re just mad he took Della away from you, but that was hundreds of years ago. Maybe it’s time you got over it. You know that’s what this is all about! This stupid war is a bunch of nonsense.”

  Sarah knelt down and stroked Liz’s back to try and comfort her as she glanced up at Victor. “Yes, he tried to kill me, but he changed his mind, spared my life, and took the bounty off your head as well as mine. If you can’t do this for my sister, please do it for me.”

  For a long moment, Victor just stared at her. She could see the various emotions crossing his beautiful face: hesitation, disbelief, stubbornness, and then it all changed to something else. His shoulders slumped as though he was finally willing to give in. “When you look at me like that, how can I deny you anything, my Queen?” Victor turned toward his knights. “Get the Immortal knights to help William. The others can start packing up.”

  “Yes, milord!” the soldiers called out.

  Victor gazed directly into Sarah’s eyes. “We’re leaving. I’ve gotten what I’ve come for.”

  Great idea, Liz! Now I’m a captive again.

  “Make sure William is unharmed, then bring him to me,” Victor ordered.

  “Yes, sir,” a knight said.

  Victor reached for Sarah’s hand. “Come. Let’s get you something to eat.”

  She broke away with a yank. She had no intentions of being anyone’s property or of letting anyone boss her around, king or Immortal or otherwise. “What about my sister?”

  “She’s free to go if she wishes, but you’re not,” he said. His blue gaze sparkled with determination.

  Sarah looked at Liz. “Do you see what you’ve done to me? Do you see the life you’ve just thrown me into?”

  “I’m sorry, but I’ll fix this, sis,” Liz said. “I wasn’t thinking straight. All I could think about was saving my father. Besides, if we didn’t surrender to him, the Immortals would’ve captured us, and we’d be on our way to death row this very second. Your husband just saved our lives.”

  “I know. I get it,” Sarah said in a huff.

  Liz’s lips grew into a tight line. “Listen, Your Highness, I can’t leave right now. The Immortals are after me too.”

  “Then you have a big problem,” Victor said. “Luckily for you, you’re family, so I will help you.”

  “If it means anything to you that we’re family, then you won’t kill my father,” Liz said. The dangerous glint in her eyes appeared again.

  Sarah groaned. She could already make out the battle for control: It would inevitably be a long one with both Victor and Liz fighting to get the upper hand.

  Victor remained silent.

  “Well?” Liz raised a brow.

  Victor’s voice grew stern and strained. “Do not make demands of me while the wound is still fresh in my mind. Sarah and I almost died mere hours ago.”

  Yelling at him and demanding favors was a lost cause. Sarah rolled her eyes at Liz, then turned to face Victor. “We’d feel much better if you’d swear not to kill William…and really mean it.”

  The scowl on his face softened, and he put a hand on Liz’s shoulder. “I’m a man of my word. I won’t kill him.”

  “Thank you,” Liz whispered.

  William and a group of knights approached.

  Victor turned toward his knights. “Any more Immortals?”

��The problem has been taken care of, milord,” a soldier said.

  The knights helped William off the horse, and he crumbled to the ground, bleeding from the chest.

  Liz ran to his side and applied pressure on the wound. “You’ll be all right.”

  He opened his eyes as best he could and squinted at Victor. “I owe you my life.”

  “I did it for my wife.” Victor’s eyes turned cold. “The woman you tried to kill only yesterday is begging me to spare your life. Doesn’t make sense, does it?”

  “Why…why are we fighting, Victor?” King William said between gasps. “Over a woman and some land?”

  Victor’s cheeks burned with rage. “You married the woman I loved, the one whom I intended to wed.”

  “You may have loved her, but she…she never loved you,” he hissed, “not even for a second.”

  “I know that! What I don’t know is why I’m letting these women keep me from killing you.” Victor lunged at him, sword drawn.

  William swung feebly at him, falling to the ground.

  “My father’s too weak to fight,” Liz said. “He needs to heal, and you promised not to hurt him! Please keep your word.”

  Victor held the blade to his neck.

  “Do it,” William taunted. “If you slice my throat, it’s your precious Della’s blood you spill.”

  “Stop it!” Liz yelled. “Victor, you cannot kill my father right before my eyes. He took care of me when…when I had no one else! Let him go!”

  “She’s right,” Sarah said. “Victor, please don’t kill him.”

  William lifted his head as Victor raised his sword from his throat. “I’m sorry it turned out the way it did. She made her decision hundreds of years ago. Let’s put this grudge behind us and reunite the lands. I’ll even give you your precious land back.”

  “You know how much those countries mean to me and my people.”

  “Consider them yours as part of a peace treaty. But I want the ancient books you stole from us back.”

  Victor didn’t say a word.


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