The Savage Blood (Savage Series, Book 2)

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The Savage Blood (Savage Series, Book 2) Page 13

by Tamara Rose Blodgett

  Rowenna looked at Clara sharply, a lovely pink coloring her cheeks and she sucked in a huge breath, letting it out in a shaky exhale. “Many times, but briefly. We always came together in the glade.”

  “But how? Our home sphere is forty days travel by horseback from your clan.”

  “Yes. But, he came the way that they did.”


  “The Travelers.”

  Clara stopped and faced her. “What mode of travel allows a body to go through time?”

  Rowenna shook her head. “It was not the barrier of time that they breached in this instance, but distance. They explained it as a 'folding'.” Rowenna used her hands to mime folding a napkin or similar. “It is akin to opening it thus,” and she mimicked opening a small blanket entirely. “See the distance is here,” she touched on one corner, then ran her finger to the opposite end. “Then,” she folded the imaginary cloth in two, then half of that again. “Suddenly, this distance is much smaller.” She shrugged. “I cannot begin to ascribe a degree of logic to how it occurs, just that is is real.”

  “That is how you came to be together?”

  She nodded. “He had but three short months to aid with your conception then he had to fulfill his mating obligation to Princess Ada.” She looked at her hands momentarily, seeming to resolve something internally. “The folding sickened Raymond, Clara. He knew that he would sacrifice longevity for this cause.” Clara saw a sheen on her lavender eyes and afforded her privacy, looking away.

  “He died because he used their way,” Clara stated.

  Rowenna nodded, pinching the bridge of her nose as she did so.

  “He would need a time after he came through the ripple, to come to his senses. Sometimes, he would need to be ill.” She looked at Clara. “I loved him, you know. Even though he was a sphere-dweller. The man that he was...”

  Clara smiled through a wash of tears thinking of the two unlikely lovers, brought together for the future of humankind and finding love. “I know what man he was.” And Clara told her of the glass that Father had commissioned on the date of Clara's birth in her honor.

  Rowenna began to sob and they held each other, their tears blending, the sadness of what was missed an abiding weight which pressed upon both their hearts.


  They made their way back just as the suns great weight melted above the vast ocean, turning it into a sea of blood.

  “Tell me of Maddoc,” Clara said.

  “He is from my mate, Rolland,” Rowenna said.

  “Where is he?” Clara asked, thinking she had not yet met him.

  Her face took on a sad expression and Clara halted. “He died in battle with the fragment.”

  Clara was enraged instantly. “Now I know that without the misery of the Travelers, that we would not need to worry. They are scourge.”

  “ 'Tis true. It has been many years. He mated me when I was but ten and six years.”

  “Do you wed so early?”

  Rowenna began to move forward again and nodded. “We do. Ten and sixteen years is an age of acceptance in the clan. In fact, that girl that was so...”

  Clara knew she meant Evelyn and smiled.

  “If she does not have a drop of savage blood, I will toss my dirk into the sea.” she smiled.

  “Mayhap,” Clara laughed, thinking of the girl's temperament.

  “How many years is she?”

  “Nary unto ten and four, I believe.”

  Rowenna grew thoughtful. “Your brother is my only child,” she looked quickly at Clara, “aside from you, of course.”

  Clara understood the newness of her presence and did not take offense.

  “He is accustomed to the adoration of the females of our clan. He is one of very few males his age and we have a glut of females at that age, but not many of other ages.” she shrugged.

  So he was a sole rooster in a coop of hens, Clara thought, enjoying her thoughts.

  Rowenna smiled at Clara. “Tell me what you think upon, my daughter.”

  “I think it is very good that he has made Evelyn's acquaintance.”

  Rowenna chuckled. “And I.”

  Mother and daughter looked at each other and laughed as they entered the dwelling that served as dining hall and recreation. The scene which greeted them was several of the young Band surrounding Evelyn. Maddoc had a look of feigned nonchalance that Clara immediately saw through and Rowenna gave Clara a wink and nod, sliding away from her to greet members of the clan.

  Charles found her and said, “I am very glad that you have returned. Where were you?”

  Clara retold all that Rowenna had conveyed, skimming lightly over their romantic entanglement as she thought it was somehow wrong for him to know of their intimacy in any detail.

  “This is why your father died when he did? He was sickened by their magic transport?” It wasn't a perfect summary but it was accurate enough. Clara nodded.

  “Did he know he sacrificed growing old for this problem that was of the Guardian's making?”

  Clara nodded again.

  “They were never our saviors but playing the part of a god?”

  “It appears that is so,” Clara said sadly.

  Thinking that her father's life had been full of sacrifice. The woman he truly loved forty days away and from a culture looked down upon by the people he ruled. His heart had been held by her. His royal obligation and leadership was so much more to Clara in light of what she knew now. Marriage to Ada must have been hell on sphere for him. And Clara growing to look so much like the Band of his secret love.

  She shuddered thinking of all he had endured.

  Rowenna came to Clara and said, “We will have a huge feast in honor of your return to our clan. We will announce our kinship and your place within the clan. It will be a joyous occasion.”

  Clara smiled, she felt so honored to be a part of their family.

  Rowenna turned to her suddenly and her eyes flicked momentarily to Charles'. Clara intuited she was concerned to speak with him nearby. “It is fine, he is my adviser and dear friend,” she said, patting his arm and he gave her a glowing smile in return.

  Charles would bide his time. Now that the savages could no longer court Clara, he was her most logical choice. His eyes sought Matthew and Bracus of the Band and found their eyes already upon him. He smiled. They could go sod off. They glowered back at him and the one brute, Matthew, laid his hand upon the handle of his dagger where a large polished stone was embedded. Charles stifled a recoil. They were a repugnant lot. What had Clara been thinking? Charles tried not to dwell on the fact that she was actually related to the Band. That she was, in fact, Band herself. He came back to the conversation reluctantly.

  “Did you not say that the fragment knew who you were?”

  Clara nodded. “Yes, of course. It was because of Prince Frederic that they knew who I was.”

  “Do they know that you are now queen of that sphere?”

  Clara thought about her brief time with the fragment. Slowly, she shook her head. “I do not believe so. Their leader, a man named Tucker, referred to me as Princess. They do not know. Although, it should have been most obvious to Frederic. He did murder Ada,” Clara said, swallowing a huge lump in her throat. She did not know why she mourned the atrocious woman. The memory of her bloodied neck spilling against Clara and the blackened pearls scattered about in the middle of the field would be one that would haunt her forever.

  Rowenna's eyes narrowed. “What say you?”

  “I was remembering the battle that led to her demise. It was...”

  “Bloody?” Rowenna supplied.


  “They are always thus,” she shrugged. “It is the way of it. She obviously did not understand with whom she dealt.”

  No, she had not, Clara thought. Knowing in her heart that Ada had not been sober since her father's untimely death. She did not see the snake in the grass until it struck.


  Evelyn watched Rowenna and Clara
speak at a distance, that dolt Charles lingering about. Her eyes found Matthew and Bracus, their eyes trained on Clara. This was beyond boring! Could she not just choose one of the Band? And be about it? She looked around all the young Band that was here and thought them handsome. But, it was that rogue Band that she was smitten over.


  He had eyes only for the females of his Band though. She wanted to slap him again. Did he not notice she was fair of face? She was not a weak female of the clan either. Her grand-sire had been Band. Their blood beat in her veins. Although she had not throat slits like Clara. Oh to have them! Evelyn thought it would be quite wonderful. She had missed one of the Band's words that he spoke to her, his eyes filled with desire.

  Ugh. “I do apologize, what say you?”

  “I asked if you would walk with me.”

  Hmm. Evelyn did not really wish to walk with him but mayhap it would cause Maddoc jealousy? Presently, he was allowing two dark haired beauties of his clan to drape themselves all over him. Mayhap they were a year older than she. But still had the figure of a boy. She had finally lost hers and was glad of it.

  From the appreciative looks of the Band, they had noticed as well.

  She flounced off with her young admirer.

  She did not see Maddoc's eyes break off from the females that he had tolerated fawning over him to watch the slight sway of Evelyn's hips and the golden hair that cascaded to her hips. Nor did she see his expression darken as Lee of the Band, put a guiding hand on the small of her back, the entirety of it covering the hollow and disappearing under the sweep of her hair.

  “Do not look at her!” one of the females giggled and he rolled his eyes, suffering them with the barest amount of patience. How he hated their prattling, their simpering. His eyes strayed to where Evelyn had been. He was not a close companion to Lee but knew that he had a healthy appetite with the females.

  They never said no to him.

  But Maddoc knew this female was different. The same fire that ran in his veins ran in hers.

  Like knew like, she was of savage blood. He knew it.

  He excused himself to a hail of grief at his departure. He strode out of the Gathering Hall, first looking to make sure at least three mature of the Band were inside. His mother was as well.


  He went outside and his gills opened, allowing his acute sense of smell to find the girl.


  He found her scent and followed.


  Evelyn was bored to weeping. Lee of the Band was but a rock with no sense of amusement, talking about war and weaponry.

  As if this would be the least amount interesting or amusing? She wished to talk of the sea and the differences in their clan. She wished to know what the young did to amuse themselves. But he wished to talk of battle.

  Finally, they came upon a log and he asked her to sit upon it. She did, narrowly avoiding utter rudeness by a slim margin. She put on a brave face and false smile, belatedly realizing that she had missed her intended target by twenty horse lengths.

  Maddoc had not noticed or cared at her departure. She kicked a shell with her toe and buried it under the sand.

  Lee had said something else and she nodded, having not really heard and her heart leaped in her chest as she realized she should have listened as he bent to kiss her.

  Too late she shoved her hands into a chest that felt made of stone. Good Lord he was strong.

  She fell back into the sea grass with a surprised yelp and he mistook it for excitement. He was on her at once, his large hand wrapping into her hair and holding it tight as he lowered his face once again, a knee between her legs and pressing against her groin, pinning her.

  Evelyn whimpered in fear. How had it gotten this out of hand?

  “You are most eager for ten and four years,” Lee said softly, mistaking her signals again.

  “No! Please, I did not mean for you to kiss me...”

  He rammed his lips down on hers with bruising force and she tried to get away from him, but he was too big, covering her body fully and then again by half.

  She did the only thing she could think of, she bit his lip and he howled, rearing up off of her.

  She tried to scurry out from underneath him and he said, “I see how your are, you like to play rough. I am very about that.”

  Evelyn got to her feet and sprinted and he chased her. She reached the forest that lay to the north of the beach seconds before he. She rounded a corner and hit a wall of warm flesh, bouncing off it as the breath left her body.

  Lee rounded the corner and saw Maddoc. His confusion giving way to mirth. “Ah. You want a bit of sport with the new female?” he said, nodding his great head, arms flexing as he reached for Evelyn.

  Evelyn lay on the ground, still without air and her eyes found Maddoc's.

  Maddoc immediately understood her terror but was not sure of its source. Had she not left with Lee? Did she wish to be left with him?

  She shook her head, moving to get away, warding him off with a hand. The air rushed back into her lungs and she screamed.

  “Quiet! Someone will come thinking you need aid,” Lee said jerking her to her feet and she recoiled.

  Maddoc had had enough. “Do not touch her.”

  Lee's eyes flicked to Maddoc's in the gloom. “What say you? I will share, she is a hot temper. It will be great fun.”

  Maddoc looked at her face, like a terrified colt. He shook his head. “She comes with me.”

  Evelyn blew out the breath she had held. Mayhap she would escape this disaster at hand. She was embarrassed beyond words that the young Band that stood before her she had abused this day and all along he had been a true protector. She was ashamed.

  Lee jerked her against him. “You have your pick of the few females we have in our clan. You begrudge me sport with this new female. Look at her,” he said.

  Maddoc did and swallowed. Even from this distance she affected him. His eyes traveled her body and stopped at her lovely face. Then he looked at the hands which held her.

  “Please, I did not wish, I do not...” Evelyn floundered for the first time in her life. “I have not yet been kissed by a male. I did not wish to be kissed this night.”

  Maddoc looked at Lee and sobered. “Explain.”

  “She lies. She was all about wanting my attentions but a moment before,” and with deliberate slowness he moved the hand that held her arm and covered her breast with it. He squeezed and she whimpered in fear, her panic a nauseating pulse in her body.

  Maddoc felt a red haze of rage descend in front of his vision like a veil. One moment he was a horse length away and the next he had torn Evelyn out of Lee's grasp and was swinging his fists into his face. Lee rolled and swept his feet into Maddoc's ribs and Maddoc recoiled as he swung his knee into the face of Lee. He howled as blood sprayed from his nose. Maddoc drove his head into Lee's torso, the both of them flying onto the forest floor.

  Blood sprayed onto Maddoc, temporarily blinding him as Lee took a jab at his jaw and he fell backward, Lee riding him to the ground, his hands around the sensitive throat slits at his neck.

  Blood dripped into his face from Lee's nose and Maddoc took the two knuckles of his right hand and jabbed the injured nose, causing Lee to release him. Maddoc kicked him twice in his hard belly and he got up on all fours, shaking his head, blood flying like liquid ink.

  “Stay down or I will finish you.”

  “She is nothing to you. You can have any female of our Band,” his voice gurgled out.

  “You have said that, dolt.”

  “Why her?”

  “Stay down.”

  Maddoc turned to Evelyn.

  She had fled.


  Evelyn watched as Maddoc beat the one of the Band, Lee, into submission. It was not easy, Lee being the older of the two but Maddoc attacked him like an animal. Evelyn thought of how his hand had been a brand of fire on her arm as he tore her from Lee and she had been most glad. She had
yet to be as frightened since her time with the fragment.

  She backed away. Maddoc frightened her, his fists like bloody and deadly hammers as they struck Lee.

  Most of all, she was afraid of herself and how she felt about Maddoc.

  She turned and fled.

  The branches from the trees slashed her as she ran. She needed to get back to her own Band, to Clara. They would protect her. Maddoc was a dangerous male.

  As she ran she thought she heard something behind her but Evelyn did not turn until she was taken from behind. Her mouth opened to shriek, it was Lee, she knew it. He had recovered and was here to...

  “Be still, Evelyn,” Maddoc said, wrapping her in against his body.

  She whimpered in fear, remembering the beating he gave Lee. Surely he would not hurt her? But the image burned in her mind and she struggled.

  He turned her in his arms and the scream stilled in her throat.

  There was no mistaking the expression of tenderness which lay there. “I will not hurt you.” He reached out and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and trailed a hand down the side of her face.

  The past half hour came crashing down and her lip began to tremble as she tried not to cry like some weak female of the sphere. Maddoc looked at her face and moved her into the cradle of his body, stroking her head and her reserve broke, she sobbed against his chest, soaking his tunic.

  “I thought he would...would...”

  “I know. I knew that something was wrong,” Maddoc said.

  “How did you know where we were?” Evelyn asked, her head cranked back to look up at his face.

  “Your scent.”


  “But how did you know that I did not...that I did not desire his attention in that way?” she asked, wiping the tears from her face.

  “It was the blood about his mouth that told me you did not reciprocate his attention.”

  She nodded her head, biting her lip to keep from crying again and backed away from Maddoc. He frowned. “Do not go, let me walk you back to the Gathering Hall.”


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