Tease: Volume 2

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Tease: Volume 2 Page 2

by Alexis Anne

  Adam lost his breath and his arms shook a little as he held himself over me, but he stayed exactly where I asked him to.

  The more I worked my nipples, the hotter I got, increasing the speed of my hips moving up and down his cock.

  Adam’s eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth hung open. It was all so hot: the look of Adam’s barely restrained lust, his perfect dick, my body quivering for release. I wanted more.

  “Your mouth. I need it here,” I held up my right breast.

  He swore under his breath and sucked my nipple into his mouth hard, his tongue swirling and his lips moving over my skin as he adjusted.

  My body pulsed from deep inside. My muscles were bunching tight and my hips were rocking out of rhythm as I started to lose control. “Fuck me now, Adam,” I gasped and braced for the impact.

  He grabbed my wrists and pinned them down beside my head. Restraining me.

  Then his cock slammed into me, our bodies making contact, and mine lighting up from the inside. The sudden change in pressure and speed was perfect. I was alive everywhere. I started moaning uncontrollably, screaming out each time his body crashed against mine, filling me to the brim.

  Adam was using me just like I’d used him.

  He was in charge now, but only because I’d given it to him.

  I liked how it felt to have my hands restrained. I liked knowing I couldn’t touch him. And the thing I loved most was watching him use me. He was so focused but not quite holding it all together. I think I found his abandon the hottest thing about him.

  My body started to shake as my orgasm built, my arms pushing against Adam’s hands. He pushed back and looked me in the eye for confirmation that I was fine.

  I smiled and moaned, breaking the eye contact. It was just too much. I only wanted his cock. Just his cock. The one that was filling me over and over again.

  He slammed into me and swirled his hips, pushing against my body. That was what did it. The world went white as my orgasm rocked through me. My feet flexed, my arms fought against Adam’s hold, and every muscle in my body tensed and relaxed all at once.

  I’m not even sure when Adam came. It didn’t matter. This was about me getting what I needed out of a man I didn’t care about.

  Chapter 2

  Thursday afternoon

  At precisely one o’clock, Adam knocked on my office door.

  “Come in,” I called while shutting down my email and browser.

  Adam whistled low and shut my office door. I didn’t miss the faint click of the lock, either. “Nice place you have here.”

  “Thank you,” I replied as I watched him glance around. My office was small, like almost every other professor’s office on campus, but mine had a window. It looked out over the main green where students laid out, had picnics, and played Frisbee. Bookcases lined two walls, mostly stuffed with textbooks and research, and the other wall held my display of diplomas, work pictures, and awards.

  “I feel like I should call you Doctor Filler instead of Elizabeth,” he said quietly. “I had no idea you were so accomplished.”

  “Thanks?” I asked. It didn’t exactly sound like a compliment.

  “Sorry,” he replied and fell into one of my two brown office chairs. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded at all. You are fairly young and while you are obviously a professor at a great college, I had no idea you’d already done so much. This is very impressive.”

  “Thanks,” I replied again, but this time with less question and more genuine thanks.

  “It looks like you’ve been everywhere…” he started reciting the places he saw in the pictures.

  What Adam probably didn’t notice was that I was only pictured with colleagues, or Lilly and Allison. There was a lot more of me on that wall than I’d ever realized. For a split second I let myself dwell on all the reasons I took this job: to get away from my family and start a new life.

  “I’ve been travelling since I was very young. It was when I was touring old cathedrals and ruins that I decided I wanted to study historic architecture and preservation.”

  “Sounds like a natural fit,” he agreed. “Are you ready for your tour?”

  I turned off my monitor. “Am I fulfilling an old college fantasy first?”

  He grinned. “If you’re up for it, Dr. Filler.”

  There was something about the way he was saying my name. It was like a student, but not. It was borderline creepy, yet dirty and hot. I liked the way it walked the line. I’d never once considered doing anything with a student, but that didn’t mean the fantasy of off-limits sex hadn’t crossed my mind. To be able to fulfill it without getting in trouble, well that was kind of fun.

  I stood up and closed my blinds before walking around my desk, stopping in front of Adam. “How can I help you, Mr. Callaway?”

  He grinned. “I don’t seem to understand what you were teaching in class today,” he moved to the edge of the chair, looking up at me. “Perhaps you could tutor me one-on-one?”

  “I might be able to arrange it, but I’m very busy, Mr. Callaway. My time is valuable.” It was fun playing a role.

  “Perhaps,” Adam played back, “I could make it worth your while. Pay you in advance?”

  I leaned back on the desk, my sundress flittering around my thighs and settling against my skin. “How would you pay me?”

  Adam swallowed and kneeled down in front of me. “I was thinking of something like this.” He slid his hands up my thighs, under my skirt, and hooked inside my panties. “Would that be enough?”

  He pulled my panties down my legs and I stepped out, the fresh air against my newly exposed sex felt cold and light. It turned me on nearly as much as Adam’s hands on my skin.

  “I don’t know…this isn’t right,” I whispered, moving my thighs further apart.

  “But I want to do this for you.”

  “Well,” I gasped as Adam’s fingers lightly ran over the entrance to my sex. “If you really want to.”

  He dove between my legs. Unlike the foyer, Adam was able to take his time and explore. His tongue moved up and down my folds, teasing me until I was panting.

  Then he began to explore with his fingers, tracing the same path his tongue had just taken, but with more pressure and purpose.

  It was crazy how well Adam knew how to turn me on. It was like he’d instinctively known the first time, but since then, he’d carefully studied me. Like he was committing my likes and dislikes to memory. He knew how sensitive my nipples were but that going too far was a turn off. He learned how much I liked it hard, but he also knew how to change things up and tease me with slow. He knew where that bundle of nerves was that made me gasp every time his cock stroked past it, and he knew exactly how much pressure I liked on my clit right after I started to come.

  In a way I felt bad, almost selfish. I wasn’t a terribly giving lover. I tended to get what I needed and move on before things got complicated. It was an advantage of being a woman who wanted sex. If I offered it, I got it—even when I had to do most of the work. I very rarely needed (or wanted) to do anything more. It had never occurred to me, before Adam, to make an effort to remember how he liked his balls cupped or whether he liked his nipples touched.

  I muffled a groan as Adam slid his fingers inside, curling and stroking until he found the spot that made me convulse and writhe. “Quiet,” he whispered, “we’re at school…” I felt his grin as he kissed along my inner thigh and back to my clit, working me with his tongue and finger until I was red and hot from the heat I was generating. I was panting and sweaty, desperate to come, and loving knowing that I was on top of my desk, my hands braced on the smooth wood where I would grade student papers and go over blueprints with local business owners. Tomorrow morning someone else would be sitting in the chair my heel was braced against, but they wouldn’t be licking and sucking me into a mind-blowing orgasm.

  I heard voices in the hallway outside my door—Dr. Prescott, the department chair, and Dr. Mueller whose office was next
to mine. They were just on the other side of my door talking about a new class we were offering next semester on student preservation initiatives in public schools. I was so turned on knowing my colleagues were steps away while Adam was buried between my thighs. I came around his fingers, shuddering as I desperately fought to keep quiet and Adam pushed me further into climax. He didn’t let up. He sucked and pushed, teasing out my pleasure as far as it would go, not giving me a single inch.

  When I was done, I relaxed and collapsed back on the cool surface of my desk. I was panting and managing to keep my moans to myself. How, I had no idea because that orgasm had been every bit as fantastic as the rest. I usually yelled as loud as I could when I felt that good.

  A moment later, Adam slid my panties most of the way up my thighs and then reached out his hand. I took it and stood, pulling my lacey panties into place and letting out a deep breath. “Well, I don’t think you need any other tutoring, Mr. Callaway. You get an ‘A’ for effort this semester.”

  He grinned and took the bottle of water I offered him. “Well thank you, Dr. Filler. I sure do appreciate that.” Then he winked and we unofficially ended our role playing.

  “So, how about that tour?”

  “See?” He grinned and handed me back the bottle. “I like it so much better when you are agreeable to my suggestions.”

  I grabbed my bag, locked my office door behind us, and followed Adam out to his car. Only it wasn’t just any car waiting for us in the guest parking lot. It was his car. Why it never occurred to me that Adam, super car designer extraordinaire, would have the hottest sports car on the market, I have no idea.

  I huffed, but it was really more of an exasperated laugh. “A Mercedes SLS AMG. Are you fucking kidding me?” The AMG was sleek, fast, and expensive as hell, even for a Mercedes designer.

  Adam bounced his eyebrows and snatched my hand, pulling me around to face him. “What did you expect me to be driving? A Dodge?”

  “This isn’t just any Mercedes, Adam. This is a two hundred thousand dollar Mercedes.”

  He walked me backward, a devilish look in his eyes, until I was pressed up against the gull-wing door of the car. “How do you know so much about cars? You holdin’ out on me, Filler?”

  I shrugged and looked up at Adam sheepishly. “I know a thing or two about foreign sports cars.”

  “Just the foreign ones?”

  I nodded.

  “And here I thought all this time you didn’t know anything about cars at all. We could have been talking about so much more…”

  I groaned. “No, that’s the problem. No talking. Fucking.”

  He looked thoroughly exasperated by me. It was kind of adorable how frustrated I made him. “You don’t want to hear about the formulas we use to calculate weight versus thrust?” He flexed his hips into mine and I laughed.

  “Alright, so some car lingo is a bit dirty…”

  “A lot dirty. Men love to make love to their cars.”

  I kissed him lightly on the lips. “How much do car designers make anyway? This is a really expensive car.”

  For once it was Adam who looked like he wanted to avoid conversation. “They pay me well to be the best at what I do.”

  “And are you?” I asked, even though I had a very good idea Adam was a natural at that, too.

  “Yes I am.”

  His eyes were burning a hole through me and the energy coursing between us was almost unbearable. I either needed to take him in the rather tiny cabin space of his fancy sports car, or drive it. Otherwise I was going to short circuit from the lust surging through me.

  “Give me the keys,” I whispered and held up my hand.

  He cocked an eyebrow and chuckled low in his chest, pulling out the key and letting it drop. “Show me what you got, Filler. I expect to be impressed with an attitude like that.”

  Impressed? I had to imagine impressing a man who built the world’s most exotic cars would be hard to surprise, but I could certainly give him a show.

  Like many of my father’s fastest cars, the AMG was hard and uncomfortable. It wasn’t a car designed for comfort, it was designed for speed: to hug the curves of the road in the lightest frame possible. I pulled the gull-wing door closed and adjusted the seat while Adam moved around to the passenger seat.

  “Fun fact, we decided to keep the doors manual instead of the much cooler automatic doors in order to shed ninety extra pounds.”

  “I know,” I replied without looking at him. “It was a good choice.”

  I turned the key and closed my eyes as the engine rumbled to life. It was a lot like foreplay. The way the throaty engine purred and sent a vibration through the car always made me feel alive and I liked to enjoy it for a moment.

  “You need a minute?” Adam laughed, but the look in his eyes was serious.

  “I’m fine. Just haven’t sat behind the wheel of something this fast in a little while.”

  “How much experience do you have driving cars like this?”

  I fastened my seatbelt and backed the car out of the parking space. “Enough.”

  I drove carefully while we were in town. The tourist heavy streets were filled with pedestrians and tiny lanes. It also gave me an opportunity to get used to the car, from the way it shifted to how sensitive the pedals were. By the time we reached the outskirts of town, I knew the car pretty well.

  “Which way?”

  “Turn left. You can really open her up out here, by the way.”

  I glanced over at Adam while I waited for the light to change. “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, the cops don’t watch this road, it’s long and pretty straight, and because of the plantations there aren’t many other cars.”

  “You sound like you have experience running cars out here.”

  “Might have raced a few down this road…” The light turned green and I gunned it, the car shooting forward at a ridiculous speed, like a bullet out of a gun or, as I liked to think of it, a jet taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier.

  This was why I loved driving and it was probably the one and only trait I shared wholly with my father. The adrenaline rush of being flung from resting to over sixty miles an hour in less than six seconds…well, exhilarating wasn’t the right word. It was more like the feeling of an orgasm that sneaks up and knocks you on your ass, leaving you breathless and immediately ready for round two.

  The car was a work of art. Designed for precisely what I was doing: going fast. I was in love and wet as a river from the lust I felt toward the machine. It was smooth, powerful, and, for the moment, all mine. If it was possible to love a car, I was madly in love with Adam’s AMG.

  “You may want to slow down a tad. There is a crossroad in about a thousand meters.”

  I backed off the gas pedal, but the car didn’t slow down, it was too finely tuned and maintained its speed almost entirely, so I lightly tapped the brake. “Thanks for the heads up.”

  I fingered the paddle shifter, ready for more. My father claimed they ruined the experience of driving a ‘real’ car, but for me, the convenience and ease of shifting gears far outweighed the ego-boosting fun of mashing a clutch and palming a stick.

  Although that was fun, too.

  Chapter 3

  “We’re coming up on Mossy Oaks, you’ll see the brown signs,” Adam pointed at a sign that was fast approaching on the side of the road.

  A chain of plantations ran along Long Branch River. Mossy Oaks was the closest.

  I noticed Adam was quietly watching me from the passenger seat. I wasn’t sure if he was silent because he was enjoying the ride or because he was studying me, but I had a feeling it was the latter. His eyes were on me but they were focused somewhere else, like he was deep in thought.

  Oak trees lined the road as we approached the heavy wrought iron gates at the entrance to the property. The driveway was smoothly paved and wound down through large green fields before the towering white house came into view. Beautiful gardens, a massive fountain, and a cobbled
circle drive sat in front of the columned porch.

  I parked in the designated guest parking lot and turned off the engine. “Fucking fantastic car, Adam. Thanks for letting me drive it.”

  “You are most welcome. Not too many people can handle a car with this much power.” He let his unasked question hang as he looked at me intently.

  The reaction I had to that was strange. Instead of feeling like I was being forced to answer questions, or being exposed, I was strangely comfortable. For the first time in a long, long time, I felt like I wanted to talk.

  “My father collects foreign sports cars. I learned to drive in a Ferrari F50.”

  Adam’s eyebrows shot up and he nodded slowly. “Helluva car to learn to drive on.”

  I turned slightly in the seat so I could face him. “No shit. He said if I could drive that, I could drive anything.”

  “That’s not what I meant, but that’s true, too.”

  We were quiet for a moment and I waited to see if Adam was going to explain. The silence stretched and I realized, finally, that Adam wasn’t going to ask questions unless I wanted him to. For once, someone was actually respecting my wishes.

  “You meant that the car was expensive?”

  Adam nodded, but still didn’t ask anything else.

  “It’s the only thing we have in common. Me and my father. Outside of sports cars we have absolutely nothing to talk about.”

  Adam chuckled and shifted in his seat. “That’s actually kind of funny. My grandfather, the one I told you about, the one who taught me how to build cars? That’s all we had in common. He was a racist, closed-minded asshole, but damn did he know his cars. At least when we were under the hood he kept conversation about the engine.”

  “You don’t get to pick your family,” I sighed.

  “But you do get to pick your friends,” Adam smiled and squeezed my hand. “Let’s go get a tour.”

  For the next hour a docent gave us a private tour of the house and grounds that were still a working plantation and museum. The owners of the property no longer lived on-sight, preferring instead to keep the house open to the public. I learned a lot and was happy to finally be able to say I’d been to the plantation instead of just reading about it.


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