Alien Sex 103

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Alien Sex 103 Page 6

by Allie Ritch

  Cool air kissed her back and bare buttocks seconds after her dress hit the floor. The pressure eased between her breasts, and she realized he’d also popped open her bra. He took the undergarment with him as he stepped back to look at her.

  “Like candy.” He reached out to circle each areola with a fingertip.

  Even that light touch had her nipples pebbling harder, causing gooseflesh to prickle all over her body. Fresh nectar gushed from between her legs, bathing her swollen folds and the insides of her thighs. She started to reach for her necklace to take it off, but he stopped her.

  “Leave the jewelry. I like it.”

  A shiver ran down her spine at his eager tone. Giving him what he wanted, she left her necklace and armbands in place while she slipped out of her shoes. Her jewelry was now the only thing she was wearing. Closing the distance between them, she snagged him by the waistband of his pants.

  “Come out and play,” she said.

  With one deft move of her fingers, she had his erection jutting free of his pants, as long and thick as she’d ever seen it. Following the fabric down, she pushed his pants to the floor and helped him out of his shoes and socks. She made sure to blow hot air over his shaft on her way back up, but she never quite touched his cock. Pushing his jacket off his shoulders, she had to loosen his tie before she could shove his shirt off. She didn’t discard the tie, though. Instead, she left it around his neck and used it like a leash to lead him to the foot of the bed. The slick fabric slid out of her fingers when she sat down on the edge of the mattress and lay back.

  “Let’s see what you’ve got, lover.” She threw down the challenge knowing he wouldn’t disappoint her.

  Although he appeared huge and fierce standing over her, the glimmer in his eye made him look like he was laughing in delight. Instead of crooking his lips in a grin, though, he used his mouth to plunder her sex as he dove between her legs.

  The first touch was a shock, especially since she’d never seen him move so fast. One second he was standing over her, and the next he was kneeling at the foot of the bed, bent over her pussy like a supplicant. His lips suckled her clit in strong pulls, while he jammed his finger into her and began to twirl it.

  “Varion!” Her body jolted like she was a live wire.

  His only response was to flutter his tongue and pump his finger in and out.

  Already hurtling toward a speedy climax, she lifted her hips into every thrust. As soon as he had a nice flame burning inside her, he pulled away and walked to the head of the bed. She had a moment to whine in complaint before he returned and stuffed a pillow under her hips. Benni wound up as precariously perched as those silly food towers she’d seen at the restaurant tonight.

  Varion’s hands were hot where he grabbed her thighs and cranked her pelvis even higher. The blood rushing to her head scalded her cheeks, but she couldn’t tell how much was due to the angle and how much to simple lust. Above her, his penis stood out long and fat and proud, ready to penetrate her.

  Within moments, that hard, glorious male flesh was poised at her entrance and tunneling into her. Tiny orgasms sparkled inside her vagina, amplified by the mounting pressure as he sank in as deeply as he could go. He felt enormous like this—any more and it would have been painful. As it was, she felt a giddy sort of helplessness.

  Benni held her breath as he drew back his hips for the first plunge. Although she knew it was going to be violent, she still gasped when he drove in again. The downward angle made it feel like he was drilling toward her throat, and she didn’t have enough leverage to move. Whether she would have shied away or thrust up for more, she wasn’t sure.

  Wham! He reamed her again and closed his eyes with a blissful expression. When his lashes parted, she saw the feral expression in his gaze. She gave up all hope of catching her breath. Her thigh muscles flexed as he released a lusty growl and began a hard, driving pump that made his balls smack against her with every down stroke.

  Her womb contracted once … twice … and then pleasure bubbled up continuously under his assault. Beneath their moaning and groaning, the slick sound of good humping filled the room, accompanied by the spanking noise of skin against skin. Her cream lubricated him so generously she expected it to shower down on her like a waterfall.

  This was true penetration—an invasion Benni couldn’t begin to control or absorb. All she could do was go along for the ride as he pounded her into oblivion. Poised on the edge, she cried out when the volume cranked up on the orgasm inside her. She was already feeling little mini-tremors bouncing up and down her sheath.

  “Me, me, me,” he chanted. “Scream my name, Benni. Tell me who’s taking you.”

  Whimpering in pleasure, she surrendered to his continued plundering even as she quaked at the intensity of the climax bearing down on her. She couldn’t take it.

  He growled. “Tell me, dammit. I’m taking you. Me. Cry my name.”

  “Varion!” Too crazed to resist, she screamed it.

  Her body imploded. It felt like she turned inside out around his cock. A never-ending pulse of pleasure kept her convulsing as she dangled helplessly from his shaft. Then he was bellowing to the ceiling and pouring himself into her, a scalding stream of cum that should have had her overflowing but somehow managed to find a space in the reservoir of her body. She expected to hear a gurgling sound as her pussy sucked him dry.

  They were both shaking when he finally lowered her hips and pulled free, and the bed bounced when he crashed beside her. He didn’t even twitch. Only the fast rise and fall of his chest assured her he was still alive.

  Although they’d made love countless times, something seemed different about this encounter. Benni felt like Varion had taken something from her this time—claimed her in some way. Which was ridiculous. They were just having fun together. Weren’t they?

  Chapter 5


  Varion awoke the next morning to two things: Benni’s warm, naked body spooned up against his and the obnoxious blare of his Monday morning wake-up alarm. The latter he could have done without.

  With a sigh of resignation, he shifted away from her delicious heat and murmured a voice command to shut off the noise. Benni released a soft groan of protest at his departure but didn’t fully wake up. Varion was flattered. He’d actually managed to exhaust his usually tireless lover.

  Leaning over her, he kissed her forehead and tucked the sheet higher over her bare shoulder. “It’s all right. You can sleep in while I get ready.”

  In response, she mumbled incoherently and rolled over.

  Varion headed for the shower to clean up and then got dressed in his work clothes. He left his suit jacket and tie off for now, and he wasn’t yet ready to don his Rion Nach features. More and more, that persona was starting to chafe. He at least wanted to get some breakfast first.

  When he was halfway down the stairs, he heard his shower turn on. His sleepy Flexian was awake after all and was no doubt standing glossily naked beneath a stream of soapy water. It was almost enough to tempt him back upstairs, but he didn’t dare show up to work late today.

  Everything was coming to a head this week. Willyem Gor was about ready to make his move on the Trilanta Amusement Park and Fairgrounds, and Mr. Vip was poised to beat him to it.

  Speak of the devil. Just as Varion finished scrambling some Duosien eggs for himself and Benni, his vid screen beeped with an incoming call from his secret boss. Setting breakfast aside for a moment, he walked into the living room to take it.

  “Mr. Chanj?” Vip said his name uncertainly.

  Damn, Varion had forgotten to change. Although his boss knew he was a Multan—that had been his chief qualification for the position—the man had only seen him as Rion Nach since he’d infiltrated Willyem Gor’s business. With a quick flex of his muscles, he shifted to the white-blond hair and gray eyes his employer expected to see.

  “Don’t slip up and do that around Gor,” Vip warned him. “We’re getting close, but this deal isn’t locked in ye

  “What’s happening?”

  His boss sniffed. “That’s what I’m asking you. It takes time to shift the amount of money we need. The market isn’t optimal right now, so we’re selling off our stock in Leynet Tours at a discount. We didn’t have a majority holding in that travel company anyway, although it gave us some pull. I plan to make my move on Binner and Son and the fairgrounds on Wednesday. Tell me Gor and Tabbler won’t do anything before then.”

  Varion shook his head. “Willyem is being careful. He’ll attempt a buyout of Junior’s company this week, but we’re only meeting about it today. We’re probably looking at Thursday at the earliest.”

  It was going to be close, but Mr. Vip definitely had the edge, mostly because Willyem didn’t even know there was a threat. There was no doubt in Varion’s mind who was going to win.

  “Good.” A spark of glee—or was that avarice?—flashed in Vip’s eyes. “We’re going to make a killing on this one. This is just the shot in the arm we need to expand Glomo Unlimited’s real estate division before we go intergalactic.”

  “I’m sorry?” What did he mean by real estate? This was a deal for a concession contract.

  “Bluv Binner, Jr. isn’t the only one who left himself vulnerable,” Mr. Vip explained. “Palli Farr took out some loans to redo the grounds and install new arena seating. Since this is the off-season, the profits aren’t there and she’s overextended herself.”

  “How badly?”

  “Badly enough. A few good seasons and she’ll bounce back, but right now she’s vulnerable. I’ve pulled some strings with a buddy of mine over at the bank, and he’s putting the squeeze on her. We’ll give her some time to sweat. Then we’ll swoop in and offer her a deal she can’t refuse.”

  Varion’s lips felt numb as he mumbled his response. “You’re taking over the park.”

  Mr. Vip’s grin turned predatory. “Palli Farr and her family have owned that land since before Trilanta built up. It’s prime real estate. We can start construction immediately and have that acreage covered in condos in no time. We’ll see a nice, sweet return.”

  “Condos? But the park is a historic landmark. It provides jobs for so many of the locals.”

  It was obvious Vip wasn’t listening. The man was probably too busy picturing his fat portfolio.

  “We owe it all to you, Mr. Chanj,” his boss continued. “If you hadn’t been in place, we never would have gotten the tip in time. There will be a generous bonus for you when this is all over.”

  “But you—”

  The screen went dead, leaving Varion standing there in ominous silence. Which was when he realized the water was no longer running.

  Some sixth sense told him what he’d find when he turned around, but there was no avoiding it. With a sinking feeling in his gut, he slowly spun to face the foot of the stairs. There was Benni in her nice dress and the jewels she’d left on while he’d made love to her last night. And there, dangling from one hand, were the jacket and tie he’d left upstairs. Her cheeks were pale, but her eyes spit fire.

  “You’re not some do-gooder secret agent, are you?” she asked quietly.

  He drew a deep breath, but all that came out was the simple truth. “No.”

  “What are you?”

  “When all is said and done, I’m a corporate spy. I sell my services to the highest bidder and then get myself hired by their competitor so I can learn inside secrets.”

  “You’re a thief,” she accused him.

  “A spy.”

  “A thief! You steal information from unsuspecting people.” Her voice grew louder with every word. “You betray their trust. Now you’ve betrayed me. Thanks to you and that shark on the screen, Palli is going to lose everything her family has ever worked for, and I’ll be out of a job. Is this why you wanted to be with me? So you could learn more about how to steal Palli’s business?”

  “No!” Gods, no. Business had nothing to do with why he wanted her. “I didn’t know anything about your job or Gor’s business with Palli until last week when I visited the fairgrounds. That’s why I was so shocked to see you. And I had no idea my boss was after the park. I thought he just wanted the concession contract. If I’d known about his real estate plans, I never would have taken the job. I wasn’t out to hurt anybody, especially not you.”

  “And I should believe that? How can I believe anything you say? I thought you were like me, kind and carefree and out to have fun, not ruin other people. Instead, you’re a thief disguised as some rigid, condescending exec. What is that?”

  Fear that he was losing her mixed with the guilt already simmering in his chest. The toxic combination made him snap back at her when all he really wanted was to take her in his arms.

  “Well, there you go. You’ve got me pegged. Of course, you never bothered to get to know me first, but that doesn’t matter. All you care about is that you have a different face to stare at every time you get laid. I saved you the trouble of actually chasing down all those men.”

  The look of hurt that flooded her face had him biting his tongue, but it was already too late. When he stepped toward her, she held up a hand to ward him off.

  “You idiot.” She shook her head at him. “Is that what you think? You think I’m not just a slut, but a lazy slut?”

  Regret left him raw and desperate. “No, I didn’t mean it like—”

  “So that’s why you haven’t changed your look lately. It was some kind of test.”

  “Look, I’m sorry.”

  Her tone turned weary. “Well, there you go. You got me pegged without ever bothering to know me either.”

  Without another word, she dropped his jacket and tie on the floor and stormed out his front door. Her look of pain and disappointment continued to haunt him long after she’d slammed it shut behind her.

  Raking his fingers through his hair, Varion cursed and walked over to pick up the discarded items. He felt more like a fake than ever as he finished dressing. There was a lot of truth to what she’d said about him. Unfortunately, he worried that the same could be said for his own accusation, although it hadn’t come out right. Had she ever wanted him? And would she ever want him again now that he was about to cost her everything?

  The answer to that question was obvious. Some things couldn’t be undone. He meant what he’d said to Benni, though. If he’d known when he’d signed on with Mr. Vip that this was where he’d end up, he never would have accepted this gig. Back at the start, playing at corporate espionage had sounded like fun and games. Every big company did it, so what was the big deal? Nobody ever told him he was going to hurt the woman he—

  Ah, hell. He loved Benni. It wasn’t just lust between them and careless fun. That sexy Flexian had him wrapped around her little finger. She had him losing his temper and over-thinking everything when usually he was a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. He couldn’t lose her.

  But how could he win her back? At this point, it wasn’t like there was anything he could do to salvage the situation. Vip would sell off the company’s travel agency stock, buy out Junior, and bully Palli into a deal before Willyem made his move. Willyem Gor had no idea he was even in competition with anyone for the fairgrounds. The man was too busy taking trips down memory lane about his boyhood visits there. He was no doubt imagining all the future shows with rodeo acts and Benni’s trick riding and everything else he loved about the place. Those plans would evaporate the second he found out his arch enemy had bested him.

  If only Rion Nach’s boss knew what was about to happen.

  * * * *

  The following night, Benni arrived extra early at the gym where her Sex Ed class was held. Hoping to talk to the instructors before anyone else showed up, she caught them making out next to the women’s locker room. If she hadn’t been in such a bum mood, she might have laughed. Instead she cleared her throat with a loud cough.

  Obviously uncaring that they had an audience—not surprising since the two of them had done a full intercourse demonstration be
fore she’d gotten into the class—they slowly broke the lip-lock and turned to face her.

  “You’re early,” Quinn said dryly.

  Forcing a brief smile, Benni stared down at her toes as she spoke. “Yeah, well, I was hoping to talk to you. I know you already announced this evening’s topic and all, but I was wondering if you’d mind changing it to just Multan anatomy. I’d rather not model tonight.”

  She glanced back up in time to see him and his wife exchange a speaking look. Xindra patted his arm, and Quinn returned a single nod before drifting away to go set up.

  “Are you and Varion having problems?” Xindra’s tone was so gentle it made Benni’s heart ache all over again.

  “Not now that we’re broken up.” Although Benni tried for funny, her depressing monotone didn’t exactly sell the line. “He pretended to be someone he’s not, arranged for me to lose my job, and then accused me of only wanting him for his variety of appearances.”

  “This is the Multan we’re talking about, right? Our Varion?” Xindra sounded as disbelieving as Benni felt. “He struck me as the easygoing, party-boy type.”

  “Exactly! That’s what I thought. Then I found out he’s secretly been wearing a suit and selling stocks and stuff. He’s also a spy.”

  Xindra’s lips twitched. “Now that last one I could see. Working as a spy sounds thrilling, although I suspect he got more than he bargained for if he’s wearing a suit as a disguise.”

  “Serves him right,” Benni grumbled.

  “Does he know you don’t want to model with him tonight?”

  She laughed, although it wasn’t a pleasant sound. “He’d have to be an idiot not to figure it out.”

  “You did call me an idiot,” Varion said behind her.

  Spinning around, Benni spotted him walking around the corner toward them. He was still wearing his Rion Nach spy ensemble, which ticked her off all over again. Before she could say something nasty, though, he glanced past her at Xindra.


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