Alien Sex 103

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Alien Sex 103 Page 10

by Allie Ritch

  Right now, his sister, Leoni, was sunbathing while she held court with some of the other unmated Nimanians. Her best friend, Rinda, was the one doing the splashing as she teased one of the young males who’d come to live with them. Zeo didn’t know Ulistro well, but he felt for the guy. Rinda had him wrapped around her little finger, yet she refused to give in despite Ulistro’s many attempts to mate her. Unfortunately, Zeo knew why she was holding out.

  The second she spotted him, Rinda stopped her play and left Ulistro without a backward glance. Bounding out of the water, she padded up to him like an excited pet. Like most young Nimanians, he and Rinda had been encouraged to explore sexual play with each other as soon as they’d matured—not as a commitment like mating, but as a way of learning about one’s body and how to please the opposite sex. It was considered as natural and harmless as rough-housing between young males to learn strength and fighting tactics.

  While Zeo had enjoyed his time with Rinda and had seen to her pleasure, he’d never felt any urge to take things further. For some reason, though, she’d set her sights on him, and he wasn’t sure how to dissuade her. He’d tried being gentle, and he’d tried being stern. Nowadays, he mostly ignored her. If she didn’t drop this unhealthy obsession with him soon, he’d have to speak to the community elders.

  “Hi, Zeo.”

  Rinda stopped far too close to his body and flipped her dark hair over her shoulder. It was probably meant to be a provocative move, but he watched in annoyance as several water droplets flew off the wet strands to spatter his shoes. Although she was certainly attractive with her full breasts and athletic body, his hormones these days only seemed to fire for one woman. A quiet beauty who needed him to seduce her.

  “Hello.” He deliberately kept his tone neutral and turned to the others. “Ulistro. Sister.” The rest he gave a silent nod.

  “Where have you been?” Rinda demanded, once again refusing to take the hint. “You’ve been gone all night.”

  Zeo simply stared at her until she took a step back. He saw Ulistro tense behind her, but he swung his gaze toward the younger male to pin him in place. Although the young Nimanian glared at him in resentment, he didn’t come closer.

  Leoni chided him. “Zeo, stop playing hard to get. Rinda was worried about you when you didn’t come home. You shouldn’t be so mean to her.”

  Leading with a growl, Zeo strode over to tower over his sister’s prone form. He’d had enough of her interference. Her loyalty to her friend was admirable, but she’d somehow gotten it into her head that Rinda was destined to become her sister. She was making mischief, and he wouldn’t stand for it.

  He snarled. “You pour poison in her ear with such talk. False hopes are crueler than harsh honesty.”

  Leoni’s dark eyes, the same shade and shape as his, narrowed as she sat up to glower at him. “You can’t tell me what to do. I’m an adult now.”

  In their community, that was technically true, but at eighteen, she still had a lot of maturing to do.

  “Then act like it.” He couldn’t go easy on her. Not in this. “Leave off your selfish scheming. There will be no mating between me and Rinda.” Seeing the subject of this argument pale, he added more softly, “Ulistro will make a fine mate if she chooses him.”

  The other male’s eyes widened in shock. He obviously hadn’t expected Zeo to support him.

  Turning on his heel, Zeo stalked off, but his sister wasn’t so easily appeased. Meddlesome female. She got her tenacity from their mother.

  Leoni caught up with him a few paces later. “How could you? She doesn’t want Ulistro. She wants you.”

  “I don’t want her,” he replied.

  “Of course you do. We’ve known Rinda since childhood. You’re just being stubborn.”

  Had she been a male, he would have had her pinned belly-up by now in a demand for surrender. His female relatives—his sister in particular—were the only ones he ever let speak to him like this. Nimanians could be relentless, and you learned early on to stand up for yourself if you wanted any hope of peace in this community.

  “Don’t you dare give me the silent treatment.” She snarled when he didn’t respond. “You can ignore and grunt at the others, but it won’t work with me.”

  “If only.” Sighing, he stopped and took her by the shoulders even though she tried to break free. “You wish to be treated as an adult. Then hear me. I have already chosen my mate. You will meet her soon. I trust you will show some loyalty to your brother and welcome her as she deserves.”

  It was perhaps the first time in his life he’d seen Leoni stupefied.

  “Mate?” she asked. “You plan to take a mate? An outsider?”

  “Yes. A New Earthling female.”

  Her head jerked back like he’d slapped her. “She’s not even Nimanian? You’re out of your mind. You can’t mate with some weak, stupid—”

  “Careful.” He’d tolerate a lot from her, but not disrespect to his chosen female. It already stung that she refused to be happy for him.

  “You can’t do this,” she spat. “You can’t.”

  Crowding her, he scowled until she grudgingly lowered her gaze and stepped back. Then he just shook his head and walked away. There was no sense arguing with her. He’d made his choice, and she’d have to learn to accept it.

  He headed for his place. Now that he’d announced his intentions, Zeo needed to plan. His family would expect a mating ceremony soon. No Nimanian waited long once he found the female he wanted. To delay invited other males to steal her from him. Tradition dictated that he claim his mate by mounting her for the first time in front of their most trusted friends and family. This was to ensure that there was no deception or force, and the couple had support and comfort if either partner grew nervous about what could be, even for Nimanians, an overwhelming experience their first time.

  Although Zeo wanted such a ceremony with Pixie, he knew it couldn’t be. He understood enough about her and her culture to realize she’d never agree to have sex with him in front of her parents or his family. Such exposure would be considered a disgusting, humiliating display by New Earthlings. Add to that the fact that her loss of virginity would hurt and distress her, and it was out of the question.

  Before he did anything else, Zeo needed to find a solution to these difficulties—one that would appease his instincts, but hurt her as little as possible. While he figured that out, he’d turn his attention to introducing her to his family. Although he’d seen her confidence slowly growing, he still worried for her. As his sister had just proven, a lot of Nimanians regarded New Earthlings as weak. If she was going to stand by his side, his little mate would have to prove them wrong.

  * * * *

  Pixie cocked her head to study her work just as the sun sank that evening. After Zeo had left, she’d gone to Trilanta’s botanical gardens in search of inspiration for her art. An hour later, she’d returned with dozens of photos of exotic Nimanian plants—not surprising considering how much Zeo was on her mind.

  Once she’d selected the best pictures, she’d jumped right into her work, hitting that zone where her creativity flowed and the hours meant nothing. She’d used her laser cutter to carve the paper-thin synth-marble she’d bought and fuse the pieces together to create an artificial jungle. Although the material wasn’t cheap, she’d spared no expense buying up sheets of marble with coloring that was true to the original plants. Some days she missed still being at school where all the supplies had been covered and all she’d had to worry about was her art. Of course, now she could create whatever moved her.

  All day long, Pixie had worked on this piece until she’d completed it just before dinnertime. The food Zeo had bought her filled her belly and gave her the break she needed. Now she stood back and examined the finished product with a fresher eye.

  The arrangement was well balanced without feeling forced, and the colors were vibrant. All the little veins and shading in the synth-marble made the leaves and petals come alive, so much so that
she couldn’t resist tracing them with her fingertips. Rather than leaving it two-dimensional, she’d sculpted the piece so that several of the fronds draped outward. It still worked as a wall-hanging, but it had movement and depth.

  This was her best work yet. If she was smart, she’d make a hundred versions of it and sell them all for a hefty price. Even as the thought occurred to her, though, she knew she’d never do it. This piece was special.

  Pixie had made it with Zeo in mind, and she intended to give it to him as a gift. Although he’d told her about the family and friends he had living around him, she had the feeling he was a bit of a loner. She doubted he’d been given many gifts, and she couldn’t wait to see what his reaction would be.

  The ping of her front door panel broke into her thoughts and had her reluctantly turning away from her masterpiece. Walking to the door, she checked the tiny security monitor and was shocked to see she’d conjured her Nimanian on the other side.

  A thrill ran through her just at the sight of him. Then she panicked. She hadn’t expected to see him again until next week. She wasn’t prepared to face him now.

  Racing back into her tiny living room, she threw a blanket over his present where it rested on the floor against an armchair. Pixie was very sensitive about her art. She wanted to give him his gift when she was ready and the timing was right, not have him walk right in and stumble upon it. That would have been tantamount to answering the door buck naked. Okay, so he’d seen her nude last night, which still made her blush, but that had been different.

  The door sounded again.

  “Coming!” She wasn’t sure he could hear her through the soundproof walls.

  Hurrying to hit the unlock button, she threw the door open and tried to smile while she caught her breath. Zeo seemed bigger than she’d remembered, which was a stupid impression. He was also looking at her with his usual directness, causing her gaze to slowly drift to his shoes. She got the feeling if she met his stare too long, he’d know every one of her secrets. Not that she had many.

  “Hi,” she said when he just stood there.

  “I wanted to see you.” His rough voice reminded her of his stubble scuffing her skin when he kissed her.

  “Oh.” Pixie’s heart pattered happily in her breast. She took a step back. “You want to come in?”

  Accepting her invitation, he glided past her and strolled into the living room. Without a word, he sat down on her loveseat—the one her mother had kept in the family room until she’d redecorated. The piece of furniture appeared too tiny for him. Then again, his presence seemed to overwhelm the whole room. Or maybe just her.

  His gaze drifted away from her face and perused his surroundings until she saw him focus on the covered artwork across from him.

  “What is that?” he asked curiously.

  She tried to sound casual. “Just a project. What are you doing here?” Okay, that sounded like she was sorry he’d come. “I mean, why? What brings you here now?”

  One of his rare smiles peeked out for a split second. “I wanted to be with you.”

  He said it so starkly, so sincerely, she couldn’t doubt him. She suddenly felt a need to hold him, to give him whatever he wanted, but she wasn’t sure how to offer.

  As if he could read her mind, Zeo held out his hand to lure her closer. When Pixie took it, he tugged her forward and plopped her across his lap. A startled squeak escaped her, but all he did was bury his nose in her hair before releasing a contented sigh. His strong arms cradled her gently against his chest.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  He was being extra quiet, even for him.

  “Not now,” he replied, which wasn’t exactly a denial.

  “But there was?”

  Again, he sighed. “My sister is a troublemaker.”

  “Leoni?” Pixie remembered him telling her about his sibling. “This would be the same girl who accidentally set her hair on fire, right?”

  Zeo made a chuffing noise she recognized as his laugh. “She was six. We had gone out to a restaurant with flammable desserts, and she wanted to try it at home.”

  Pixie smiled. She didn’t have any siblings, but she still recognized the note of affection beneath his exasperated tone. “What did she do now?”

  His arms tightened around her for a moment. “She thinks she’s a matchmaker.”

  Her breath caught as a cold wave of dread washed through her. She couldn’t help but stiffen. “With you? She’s setting you up with women?”

  The idea both threatened and angered her. She didn’t like the idea of him dating other women.

  “A woman,” he grumbled. “She thinks to bind me to her friend, Rinda.”

  Trapped in his embrace, all Pixie could do was watch herself wring her hands. “Does this Rinda want to be set up with you?”

  “She wants to mate with me.”

  “Oh.” For some reason, that was all Pixie could think of to say.

  This Rinda was probably some busty, long-legged goddess—a fierce Nimanian woman who knew how to please men and hold her own. What a depressing thought.

  Zeo released his hold on Pixie’s hip to slide his hand beneath her chin and tip her head up. When she met his gaze, he lowered his head until their lips were only inches apart. His breath was warm when he spoke.

  “I told my sister I do not want Rinda. I have already chosen my future mate.”

  Feeling her heart leap and skitter, Pixie was just drawing breath for another one-syllable response when his mouth crashed into hers. The feel of his soft lips moving aggressively, the wet sweep of his tongue against hers, made her tingle all over. She probably should have been freaking out over his declaration, but his words somehow steadied her. He didn’t want another woman. Out of all the women in Trilanta, in the universe, he’d chosen her.

  When he finally pulled back from the kiss, she licked her lips to hold on to his taste. She had to clear her throat twice before she could speak.

  “So how did Leoni take the news?” Pixie wasn’t ready to address the whole mating issue with him yet. She wasn’t even sure what it entailed, though she liked the idea of being exclusive.

  He shrugged, but she could tell the gesture wasn’t as casual as he wanted her to believe. “She’s angry with me, but she will get over it.”

  Not sure how to comfort him, Pixie laid her hand over his heart. “I’m sorry. You don’t like confrontation, do you? Especially with your family.”

  He tilted his head as if she’d surprised him. “No, I don’t. When I was young, my parents worried about that. They feared I’d be weak.”

  “Why? Why would avoiding an argument be weak?”

  With one hand, he started stroking her back. “Nimanian males are aggressive once we sexually mature. Fights are common until territory and dominance are established and control is learned. I did not go looking for fights.”

  Pixie knew she was frowning, but she was confused. “That’s not weak. That’s just smart.”

  He inclined his head. “I agree, but my family did not see it that way at the time.”

  “Then they didn’t really see you,” she pointed out.

  Zeo continued to stare at her for a moment before fingering a lock of her hair. “Sometimes people don’t even see themselves clearly.”

  She got the feeling he was no longer talking about himself.

  Uncomfortable, she fidgeted in his lap. “I have something for you.”

  Pixie decided now was the right time after all. She wanted to cheer him up.

  When she pushed against his chest, he let her get up with obvious reluctance. Walking over to the hastily tossed blanket, she grabbed one corner.

  “Your project?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I worked on it all day since you left.”

  His dark eyes appeared to melt into a warmer shade of brown as he watched her. “Your art.”

  Although he’d never seen any of her artwork, she’d told him about her passion during one of their walks. She was flatte
red he remembered.

  “I hope you like it.”

  She quickly unveiled the piece before she lost her nerve. Holding the blanket to her chest, she stepped back to see his reaction.

  Zeo went so perfectly still it was hard to read him, but his gaze locked on to the gift with the same focus he usually reserved for her. She wondered if he’d make love with the same concentration and realized she already knew the answer to that. Without a doubt, he would.

  Suspense wound her insides into knots as seconds ticked by. When he finally lifted his gaze to look at her, she saw such pride and approval in his expression she couldn’t help but stand a little straighter.

  “It has life.” It was the perfect compliment, as was the awed tone in which he uttered it.

  Carefully setting aside the blanket, Pixie strode back over to him and felt very daring when she sat on his lap again.

  His arms immediately enveloped her. “Thank you. You honor me.”

  Pixie hid her smile by burying her face against his shoulder. His reaction was everything she could have hoped for and more.

  For several minutes, they sat silently together, staring at the small piece of the Nimanian rainforest framed across from them.

  “You worked all day for me,” Zeo said after a while.

  Now she was the one trying to pull off an easy shrug.

  “You must be tired,” he added.

  “A little. While I was working, I was energized, but it’s been a long day.” She stifled a yawn.

  “I will take care of you.”

  Before she knew what he was doing, he shifted her so that her butt fell on the edge of the seat between his legs. He positioned her so that she faced away from him with her knees hooked over his thighs.

  “What are you doing?” She started to protest, but he hushed her.


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