The Masterful Viking (The Masterful Series Book 3)

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The Masterful Viking (The Masterful Series Book 3) Page 5

by Cordelia Gregory

  With one hard thrust he buried his tongue inside her as far as it would go. Fallon’s hips lifted up and she furiously bucked against him, lost. The effect of her sexy body demanding more with her hips, straining on her bonds to free herself from the torment just about drove him crazy. He wanted to be inside her but it was too soon. He removed one of his hands from her hips and slipped two of his fingers inside her channel as he continued to lap at her pussy and flex his tongue over her vulva and clit spelling out the alphabet, a technique he had learnt well and applied many a time.

  He needed her to be happy and content, she belonged to him, accepting of his rule before they took the next step. He might want her to pay for her father’s crimes but he wondered if something else between them could be taking place just as he had wondered in the forest. Perhaps fate had other plans for them both? Right now, he wanted her to come and to come hard so he could watch the pleasure ride her face and know that for once in his life he had brought happiness to someone, to Fallon.

  Her pants grew louder and a rush of silky fluid filled his mouth. She was close. He could feel the silky wet muscles inside her channel throb and tighten. Lifting up, he settled her back on the bedpan and kept his fingers inside her, curling them upwards to stroke expertly at the rough front wall of her vagina and the centre of her pleasure, using his thumb to maintain the caress on her clit. He stood and leaned over her watching her helpless pleasure begin to consume her.

  “Come for me now, Fallon. Relax those tense muscles and let your water flow,” he breathed his command in a husky voice.

  With a cry, she let go on command and allowed her orgasm to blossom. The sight was breathtaking. Her tense, pretty features relaxed and were bathed in a soft pink glow. Her eyes glazed as though she were possessed by pleasure and stared up at him in wonder making him catch his breath. If he had to say when he first fell in love with Fallon, it was this intoxicating moment.

  The muscles inside the depths of her vagina tightened and trapped his fingers. He thrust them harder, deeper as her orgasm broke reveling in the feel of being inside her connecting them together. The moment it did her water released and flowed freely over his fingers and hand relieving her pain, falling noisily into the pan.

  “Good girl,” he whispered as her climax ended and the trickle of water into the pan ceased.

  Vidar continued moving his fingers back and forth until the small shudders inside her channel relaxed and every last drop of water had been expelled. Then he slowly removed his fingers and her panting calmed.

  Without a word he walked to the bathroom and retrieved a cleansing wipe which he used to lovingly dab her vagina to clean her. He took the bedpan away, disposed of the wipe and washed his hands.

  Fallon grimaced, blushing scarlet as he did so. She fought to turn her face and body away from the sight of him taking the pan away.

  “Why does this bother you? It should not. I nursed my sick, bedridden father before he died from cancer, after he came out of prison,” he gave a small chuckle. “And believe me, this is not the first time I have made a woman urinate when coming,” he said brushing his fingers over her thigh feeling the urge to continue the small cruelty of talking about her perceived shame.

  “There is nothing more intoxicating than taking control of a woman’s pleasure and the function of her body in doing so. In that moment, she is completely in your control, dependent on you to take care of her.” He lowered his voice to a soft whisper. “Complete trust must exist. I hope in time this is something we can cultivate between us.”

  “I am not sure I can ever trust a man who has kidnapped me and is holding me here against my will,” she answered defiantly.

  He smiled and continued to caress the inside of her thigh amused and undeterred, the predator inside him curling his lip with the thrill of the challenge to bring her to her knees in front of him.

  “We will see.”

  His mind excitedly dwelled on the seductive image of her coming as he conquered her will. The temptation of curling up in bed with her and holding her softness against him was too tempting. Just for a short while he would let his guard down and take refuge in her. That was the whole point of taking her from Prince, to steal her for those moments he needed satisfaction and comfort. Isn’t that what he had really taken her for?

  The phone in the room rang distracting him for a moment, he rushed to pick it up wanting to deal with the problem and continue his night with Fallon.

  “Sir, I am sorry to disturb you but your sister has been sighted in Stavanger, Norway just where I suspected she was.”

  Vidar held his breath. Excitement pumped through his veins. All these years and now she was close. Fallon wasn’t just bringing confusion into his life but luck as well.

  “Get the yacht ready. We will leave early in the morning.”

  Vidar couldn’t stop thinking about Fallon. Her pretty face kept drifting into his mind distracting him from his work. Last night had been interesting to say the least. She was formidable when she was angry and boy, had she been angry. She refused to talk to him. This constant silent treatment seemed to be her only defence against him and her captivity and she was going to make damn sure he was going to suffer from it. Perhaps this coldness between them would always exist. He hadn’t cared at first. All he’d wanted was revenge and his Danegeld as Ethan Prince had so eloquently called it. But she was seeping under his skin, reminding him he was a caring, loving man not just the Viking he had been playing to public effect the last few years. He’d thought that man had died a long time ago but her callous cold behaviour was making him protective, determined, and fatherly towards her.

  Fallon had been abused by her father and the men in her life. She didn’t trust men at all and he couldn’t blame her. She had more than enough reason to feel that way, but now he wanted her to see he was different and, in time, perhaps they could make this strange relationship work. The more angry she was with him, the more feisty and stubborn she became, the more he wanted to possess her and trap her, like the fragile butterfly she was, in his arms and make her willingly submit to his mastery.

  Bloody fool. There is no chance of her ever feeling like that after what you’ve done to her. Still, I like a challenge. And I always get what I want and I will take you, Fallon Prince for my own.

  He had never given up on a challenge and he would not be deterred this time either. Even if it meant he needed to come on a little stronger to force out her natural, beautiful, submissive nature she kept hiding that screamed at him for release every time he went near her. Fallon Prince was a wounded woman and was equally determined not to let anyone in. He was going to have to knock down all of the defences she had placed around her, storm her castle, and carry her out to freedom over his shoulder as a conquered woman.

  Frustrated, he stopped answering emails and rubbed his face. It was no use. He had to see her. He’d left her locked in the cabin on his super yacht forcing her to rest after she’d complained of feeling unwell and threatened to jump overboard and swim to the nearest shore to escape him and gain her freedom, damn it.

  He hoped the pain in her stomach, which she had been trying to hide from him this morning, was gone. If it wasn’t stress, like he’d thought at first, then it might be her period. When he’d questioned her about it she had been evasive and curt convincing him it might well be her period and she was suffering from PMT. Courteously he had given her space and waited for her to ask if she could wear underwear at night because of her period but she hadn’t and she appeared to be getting worse with her temper. Last night on the yacht she had thrown a vase in the dining area at him because he had made the mistake of trying to help her when she was in pain. She wanted nothing from him. To his dismay she appeared to be in the same angry state when he woke early this morning when they’d hit bad weather in the North Sea and he’d found her trying to sleep in the chair by the side of the bed away from him, her eyes wide and nervous as the yacht moved from side to side. He had promptly got up and picked her s
truggling form up into his arms and put her back in the bed threatening to spank her over his knee if she tried to move again. That appeared to do the trick and she remained still.

  He’d shaken his head when she turned the other way. In one firm movement he drew her against his chest, trapping her there acutely aware she appeared very nervous of the rough weather rocking the boat and needed to feel safe. The Billionaire had expected resistance but to his surprise he had received none. He couldn’t help but smile as he buried his face in her hair loving the smell of peach coming from it. She was still asleep when he woke and he decided to leave her there to rest. It was the first time he had seen her content and at peace in her sleep. Vidar hadn’t been able to resist brushing his lips over her own stealing a kiss before he left. Now that the sea was calmer he wondered if she would be ready to eat some breakfast. She’d looked a little nauseous with the yacht’s movement through the night but that should have settled now.

  Before returning to the cabin he went down to the galley and got the chef to make her some breakfast. Pancakes with fruit and syrup, croissants with hot fresh coffee. He took the tray with the food and prepared to leave then stopped in the lounge on the way up noticing one of his staff preparing a display of fresh roses and other flowers as though he were picking up on Vidar’s romantic mood. When he remarked on it, Pietro told him, “We have a beautiful woman on board. She should be surrounded with roses.”

  It put an idea in his head.

  “Can you spare a rose and a vase?” he asked.

  Pietro had grinned and dutifully retrieved him a small tall slender vase and placed a long-stemmed red rose minus the thorns inside it and on to Vidar’s tray.

  “Good luck, sir,” he’d said.

  With a wink, Vidar grinned and made his way back up to the next level with the tray hoping to find Fallon awake and a lot happier. But as he unlocked the cabin and walked inside the large white room with a row of windows overlooking the sea, to his dismay she was sitting reading on the long white sofa doing her best to ignore him as usual. She didn’t even look up at the tray and his heart sank.

  Annoyed at her lack of response when he called her name twice he decided to take no more of her cold behaviour. He put the tray down on top of the small table for dining near the tousled white and black sheet covered bed and walked towards her with purpose. He noticed she was rubbing her tummy obviously in pain again. Vidar snatched the book out of her hands and threw it across the floor. He pulled her up by her arms.

  “Have the courtesy to answer me when I am talking to you,” he gruffly demanded, giving her a small shake.

  “Let me go. I will do no such thing.”

  He winced at her superior disapproving tone in English making him curse out loud in his own Norwegian.

  “I might be your prisoner and your whore but I will not do you any courtesy or anything you ask willingly. You are nothing but an arrogant upstart who thinks he can take what he wants and damn anyone else. You are nothing more than a common thief and a bully,” she almost spat the words with contempt at him.

  He wanted to slap her. His hand tingled down at his side. Instead he pushed her backwards and watched her fall back down onto the soft white leather sofa. He paced the room looking at her not sure what to do with her. She folded her arms, a triumphant cruel smile briefly lighting her lips. She refused to look at him but a sudden pain in her stomach made her gasp and bend forwards. He was by her side in an instant trying to ignore his scolding inner voice warning him to keep his distance and be cold with her. He was the one in control here, not her. The sooner she learnt that the better.

  He bent and cupped her face with his hand tilting it up towards him. His thumb stroked her cheek lovingly.

  “What is wrong? Why are you in pain? Don’t fob me off. I want to know how to help you. Is it period pain?”

  She looked squarely into his eyes when she spoke.

  “None of your business. I can handle it. Now let me go.”

  “No, I won’t. I will get you some painkillers.”

  “I won’t take them.”

  “Then I will make you.”

  “Try it,” she challenged.

  He was about to retaliate when she let out a cry and bent over nursing her stomach again. He couldn’t help but rub her back.

  “Don’t touch me,” she screamed standing to get away from him. Her reaction made him pull away and pace again as she knelt on the floor and rocked her body in an attempt to soothe the pain. He couldn’t bear to see her suffering. He decided to take action and pulled her up from the soft beige carpeted floor and lifted her up into his arms. Fallon struggled wildly and he had to use all of his male strength to hold her still as he carried her to the bed. He threw her down amidst the sheets. She landed with a shriek. He quickly straddled his body over her small form preventing her from sitting up.

  The Billionaire immediately reached for the bottom of the summer dress she wore, one of the ones he’d bought her. He chose her clothes now, because he wanted her fragile strongly feminine beauty enhanced by her clothes. Besides, the summer dresses, he had told her, allowed him to easily access her body when he chose. He simply had to lift the dress and he’d be able to touch her pussy, devoid of panties, and ready her with his touch to take her whenever and wherever he chose. He lifted the delicate white and red patterned dress up to her waist pushing her hands away when she tried to stop him.

  “I am not going to hurt you. Stay still,” he urged. “I am trying to help you.”

  Taking hold of her arms he pinned them above her head on the bed and held them there with one hand while he used his other to slip his fingers between the folds of her neatly shaven pussy. His intention was to see whether or not she was now menstruating but when he took his fingers away to examine them there was no blood.

  “Now, I see the problem. We need to get your period started and your blood flowing. That will ease the pain.”

  “Let me go.”

  “Hush,” he softened the tone of his voice as he carefully moved his fingers back and forth between the lips of her vagina to dampen it with her arousal. “If you won’t take any medication then I will give you some of my own homespun medicine, a good orgasm. That always makes the blood flow and stops the pain. Trust me this will help. Now stop struggling, lie back and relax. I will make the pain go away.”

  Despite rolling her body from side to side beneath him she grew wet fast. He grinned down at her.

  “You can’t fight this. I know you want me to take you just like you did in the office.”

  “I do not. Let me go. Bastard.”

  He gave a tut and removed his fingers to slap his hand firmly down across her pussy making her jump beneath him. He gave her three more slaps to encourage her to comprehend the message.

  “Ladies shouldn’t lie or swear. I won’t tolerate it, Fallon.”

  Another two strikes, a little firmer this time had her gasping loudly.

  “Misogynist,” she hissed.

  “I am nothing of the sort. Just a man ready to give some badly needed correction to a naughty little girl,” he teased. “Call me that again, little one and I will whip your bottom with my belt. Do I make myself clear?”

  He gave her three more slaps to encourage her to comprehend the message making her growl. Then pinched her clit to encourage some good behaviour. A flood of wetness seeped into her folds making him feel victorious. He heard a stray moan of pleasure escape her lips but she still wasn’t allowing him to take control and pleasure her pain away. He was going to have to force the orgasm from her, something he loved doing to a woman playing a bratty game with him when he dominated her. The orgasm always proved so strong and desirable she would be kneeling at his feet afterwards keen to obey his every order and begging for him to leash her, collar and tame her with a strong hard fucking. Fallon was proving more of a challenge as he had already anticipated but it was one he could more than master. He watched her closely for signs of fear but he saw none. It was as though she wa
nted to wrestle with him and encourage him to make her submit just as she had done in the office. The very idea made him hard and he ached to simply free his cock and thrust inside her to the hilt silencing the game she played. But he knew, for now, that would be a step too far. He would continue to play her game of denial and resistance until he broke her down and she fell submissively into his arms.

  Her struggles became stronger. She bucked her pelvis encouraging him to pinch her clit sharply to make her still. It did for a moment but she made the mistake of swearing at him again and calling him that damned insulting word, misogynist. She knew just how to push his damn buttons, just a little bit too much. Time to act and show her he was a man true to his word.

  “That’s it, little girl. I have taken enough,” he told her sternly in a heavy parental tone.

  He took his hand away from her arms and gripped her dress that he’d raised to her waist. As she continued to struggle, he tugged it upwards. She wriggled so much it tore as he lifted it. He heard her give a breathless gasp in response giving him every indication she was actually aroused by his rough handling of her body, although he knew she would go to the grave rather than admit it.

  The Billionaire continued tearing the garment up over her breasts and up over her head, quickly turning his attention to her pretty white lace bra encasing her large plump breasts he couldn’t help admiring so much. He hadn’t seen them naked since she had been tied to the bed back at his home in the UK and so deliciously available for his caress whenever he desired to touch her.

  Mmm. Maybe I should do that to you again. It might make you accept my rule and help you realise I can do whatever I choose to do with you.

  But for now, he was content enough to exercise some discipline. Vidar pulled the straps of the bra down her arms, then swept his hands underneath her back, and expertly undid the catch. He pulled the base of the bra upwards, lifting the cups up and off the pert mounds to bare them to his gaze making her shriek with surprise. With dexterity, he pulled the cups up forcing the straps right down her arms. With a twist of the material he wove the straps and cups around her wrists and secured them together tightly. Satisfied she could not free herself he stopped straddling her and holding her slender waist flipped her over on to her front.


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