Chasing Dove (Branches of Emrys Book 4)

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Chasing Dove (Branches of Emrys Book 4) Page 18

by Brandy L Rivers

  Clara blinked. “Aren’t you the magister of the Silver Council?”

  Robert nodded. “Don’t worry, I’m not here for anything more than to stop that thing.”

  She nodded slowly.

  The man with curly white hair spoke up, “You’re Wilhelm McCallister’s son, aren’t you?”

  Robert nodded, his brow pinched.

  “I was a friend of his. I’m Luca.”

  “Robert,” he answered, then shook his head. He turned to Clara. “Can I bring the others directly here? We’re all part of the Branches of Emrys, save Jacinda and Chatan, unless they choose to join us.”

  Jacinda glanced back at Robert, who dipped his head.

  Clara nodded. “Sure. Hang on.” She adjusted the wards. “Go. We’ll be here. I just hope this works.”

  “I’ll bring most everyone, then go to get Brialle.” Robert disappeared.

  Chatan rubbed at his face, then faced the one with white hair. “Do you know my father? Matoskah?”

  The white-haired man smiled. “I do. Is he coming?”

  “Should be.”

  “I’m Luca. A friend of Draecyn’s.” He met Draecyn’s gaze. “Ceridwen still want my nuts on a platter?”

  Chatan snorted.

  Draecyn shook his head. “No. And she should be here soon. Sure, she was mad, but she let you walk away because she knew what Myrddin did and why. She took it out on you, but not nearly as bad as she could have.”

  “The others need to gear up, then they’ll be here,” Jacinda answered. “In the meantime, let me tell you what should work.”

  “You have my attention,” Clara answered.

  * * * *

  Lars cursed as he dropped to his knees. They disappeared past the door and the entire cabin vanished, as if it had never been.

  “They’ll come out soon,” Thanatos hissed. “They have to. They can’t stay there forever, and if people are coming, they are planning something.” Thanatos dragged Lars back into the shadow realm. “You need to stop thinking like a fool trying to break free and start acting like someone who has their freedom. You do now,” Thanatos assured. “I need you, just as you need me.”

  Lars nodded. “Tell me what to do.”

  “I’ll show you.” Thanatos closed the distance and placed his big, clawed hands on Lars’ forehead.

  Images, thoughts, spells, all filled his head in a wave that made him nauseous.

  Chapter 24

  Clara had never been so impressed by one of her relatives. Most were content to run. Jacinda was determined to stop Thanatos. And her idea was solid.

  No one had come up with anything half as crazy, or as likely to work. And if it were anyone else, she wouldn’t believe they stood a chance. But when she was a child, she dreamed of a girl with red hair who could turn the tide of all their fates.

  Five total left, but one was just an infant and the young mother didn’t yet understand that sometimes the best motivation to keep fighting was the little girl in the crib.

  Her own children were dead and gone. And she hadn’t been close enough to save either of them. At least Mina saved her daughter, or at least prevented Thanatos from hunting her long enough to form a plan.

  “That fool who is helping Thanatos is your brother?” Clara asked, pinning Olivier with a glare.

  He nodded. “Unfortunately, I’ve never known the best way to deal with him. He feels as if I’ve abandoned him, and maybe I have. But his ability with spirits has never been kept in check. He poses a threat to everyone he comes in contact with, and I don’t know another way to deal with him.”

  Matoskah sat down beside Olivier. “This isn’t your fault. He won’t participate when I take people to Seattle, or any other of the outings. He doesn’t want to associate with the other members of the community and seems depressed because he couldn’t communicate with the majority of his familiars.”

  “Maybe there was never a good answer for him. I just don’t know what to believe anymore.” Olivier managed a smile. “Robert, whatever you have to do, I’ll accept it.”

  He shook his head. “That will all depend on what Lars attempts to do and how far he gets. If we stop Thanatos before the ritual gets too far, maybe we can figure out another place for him, where he won’t feel the same way.”

  “You’re a good man, Robert. You have no reason to trust he won’t always be like that, and you’re looking for another way to deal with him.”

  “We all deserve a chance. And I have to believe he doesn’t truly know what he’s getting into.”

  Brent nodded. “Most sorcerers who lean too heavily on the spirits find themselves in trouble. If he survives this, fully himself, I’m willing to help if it’s possible. He has to make that choice and mean it, though. His problem is kind of like an addict’s.”

  “Thanks,” Olivier said.

  Clara cleared her throat as she sat back. “We need to act. We have everyone here. Everyone knows the plan. If anyone wants to sit this out, speak now.”

  “I’ll even take you back,” Robert said.

  “We’re already here, and I’m ready,” Brialle stated. “I’m eager to stop him.”

  Jacinda stood up, determination shining in her green eyes. “I want Thanatos dead. Scathane too. And for the record, as long as Lars doesn’t get in my way, I don’t much care what happens to him.”

  A snort escaped Olivier. “In your position, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted him dead, and I sure as hell won’t hold it against you if you do kill him.”

  Jacinda didn’t wait for anyone else to say anything before she started to pull on her gear.

  Chatan dropped his head, shaking it.

  Clara couldn’t hide the smile. She wanted to see this girl succeed. Chatan could learn something from Luca on accepting that his woman was going to do as she pleased when she wanted to.

  Joining Jacinda, Clara pulled on her own gear.

  * * * *

  Chatan couldn’t help wondering what in the hell Luca was. He was kicking off some kind of primal energy unlike he’d ever sensed. A shifter of some form, but Chatan didn’t have a clue what.

  Luca hadn’t bothered to put on gear, and Chatan asked, “Don’t you need something warmer?”

  He shook his head. “I shift into something that belongs on these mountains.”

  “What’s that?” Chatan asked.

  “A yeti.” He stepped outside and grew several feet, his shoulders broadening, and white fur replacing his clothes. He glanced back, his eyes pure black, but a smile on his face.

  Jacinda blinked, then smiled. “Never expected to meet a yeti. Most of the stories said you all were extinct.”

  “What about all those pictures and sightings?” Chatan asked.

  Jacinda lifted a shoulder. “Those are most often hoaxes.”

  Luca nodded. “She’s right, but there are a few of us left. We just happen to be better at hiding, and most of us have gotten used to our human forms. Those who haven’t, tend to be hunted down.”

  “I’m sorry,” Chatan said, shaking his head. “Does that mean you start life as the yeti?”

  “We’re an old magic people, here long before humans.” He lifted a shoulder. “There were few of us, and to better fit in, we learned to shift. I can take on many forms.”

  “But some don’t like to?” Jacinda asked.

  “Sadly, no.” Luca reached for Clara’s hand. “But Clara understands what it’s like to be hunted. And not only by Thanatos. No, she was also hunted by the Dark Templar for saving people they would have preferred to starve out of a village.”

  “What?” Robert asked.

  “Don’t worry. That was long before your time, and your family has always been a part of the Branches of Emrys. Not the Dark Templar.”

  Robert nodded. “For what it’s worth, the Dark Templar are no more, and I’m working to change what I can in the Council.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Clara said. “And if I was worried about you, you wouldn’t be here now.”

  He dipped his head.

  Jacinda looked at Chatan. “I’m going to see if I can pull on the taint Thanatos has left in Lars. See if I can get him to show himself that way. I may need your help.” She looked first at Savon, who had been there but quiet. Then she met Brent’s gaze. “I know you don’t like this plan, but it’s the best we’ve got.”

  Brent nodded. “I’m only concerned that if he’s already tainted, we may not be able to strip the taint out of the man.”

  “That was his choice,” Olivier stated, but his heart wasn’t in the statement.

  “I may know a place for him,” Luca suggested. “A group of sorcerers shunned for the very same reasons he is shunned now.”

  “If it’s not too late,” Olivier muttered.

  Jacinda slipped past everyone into the cold air and started a spell Chatan didn’t recognize but feared. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he followed. Then everyone else came out.

  A dark smear formed in the air a hundred feet away. Lars fell through, landing on his hands and knees.

  All part of Jacinda’s plan. She walked forward, chanting as Thanatos reached through.

  Chatan erected a shield and Robert added to it.

  Lars screamed out a spell and Thanatos flew out of the tear in the planes and dove straight for Jacinda.

  She threw her hands out, shouting her own spell.

  Thanatos hit a wall of nothing and went tumbling backward, right into the shield that gave him one hell of a zap.

  Savon and Brent moved toward Lars, working a spell together that jarred Chatan’s nerves. Spirit magic tended to unnerve him. The discomfort didn’t stop him from keeping up with Jacinda, ready to take on the beast if need be.

  Only one problem, they were already warned not to let the thing touch them. If they did, he would wither and die just like his mother. No, he needed to be smart.

  * * * *

  On one hand, Jacinda was getting used to being around a bunch of people. On the other, she realized why she liked being on her own. Too much talking, not enough action.

  Well, she didn’t want to be on her own now. She wanted to stay with Chatan no matter what. He could talk to her for years and she wouldn’t mind. But he was different.

  No, these people were too busy trying not to step on anyone’s toes, and she just wanted all of it over with. She was so close to having a normal life, finally. No one could blame her for being anxious to finish this.

  Chatan hovered beside her, waiting for his move. Not that she was sure what he was actually going to do, but she couldn’t worry about that just then.

  Thanatos pushed himself up and charged at her. She threw her hands out, whispering a spell. Twines of lightning and fire whipped out, locking around Thanatos. He fell to the ground, his wings wrapped tight around his body.

  Robert cast another spell, this one putting Thanatos under.

  Chatan snarled as he glanced around, then flung his hands toward the brush surrounding the house. It grew into vines with long, sharp points that he guided with hand movements. The mutated plant flowed around Thanatos, wrapping tightly before the ends plunged through Thanatos’ body, into the ground.

  Jacinda shouted, “Watch him. If he moves, let me know.” She ran toward Brent while Brialle went to work on pulling their dead relatives out of the shadows, into the world to help with the fight.

  * * * *

  Brent didn’t mind working with a stronger sorcerer. In fact, he liked the challenge. And Savon was self-taught. She had a good head on her—didn’t dabble where she shouldn’t.

  And she worked well with him.

  Savon met his gaze. “I think I know how to separate Scathane’s essence from Lars, but he’s going to feel sick. It’s already fused into his body.”

  “Start, I’ll add my magic,” Jacinda said.

  Brent’s brow arched, but if they were right and she was basically a sponge for magic, she could help.

  Savon’s spell rolled around the shield, first hitting Brent and amplifying, then hitting Jacinda and exploding in blinding light.

  After a moment they could see Lars on the ground rolling around, clawing at his face as shadows leached from his skin and flowed up, toward the ceiling of the shield.

  Lars thrashed around as his body was lifted off the ground, his back bowing. The last of the shadows drifted from him and he fell with a thud, tears streaming down his face.

  But there was another problem. There were at least three souls writhing in the shadowy remains of the taint. Not Lars, no, these were hitchhikers. Not strong enough to take control, but enough to make a sorcerer crazy.

  “The shield needs to come down, so we can banish the ones still floating in the essence,” Brent announced.

  Jacinda touched the shield and it evaporated. Brent started the spell to banish the spirits, and they winked out of existence as Savon cast a spell to burn up the rest of the essence left over from Thanatos.

  Robert appeared beside Lars and quietly said, “This is for your own good.” They disappeared in a blink and Brent had to assume they took the bastard to a cell. Maybe he could realize what he had done.

  Chapter 25

  Pain erupted through Thanatos. Scathane screamed and cried out as he tried to pull free of Thanatos’ body, but he was rooted in his bones, while something else rooted him to the earth. He pried his eyes open and found strange, gnarly vines wrapped around him and driven through his body like railroad spikes.

  Chanting rose up over him, several voices. He looked around.

  Two of the cursed women he wanted to kill, one powerful enough to make him whole.

  No, make that three.

  And instead of cowering when he finally did find them, they were fighting. Whatever spell they worked in unison felt as if it would tear him apart.

  He struggled to get free but couldn’t. And then he caught who the spell was aimed at.


  They weren’t afraid of Thanatos. They were afraid of the entity who had taken over his destiny.

  Thanatos saw a new path. Scathane taught him how to take magic and fuse it into his bones, strengthening him. If he could tear the magic from the three women, he could make himself more powerful than anyone or anything else.

  He started the spell to unwind Scathane’s essence from himself, making it easier to separate the two. Hopefully, they would take that as him begging for his life and they would be merciful.

  * * * *

  Everything was going too easy. Jacinda worried things were about to blow up in their faces and leave them in a world of hurt. She chanted the spell with Brent and Savon. Clara wove protection around each of the people there. None of them could touch each other because they were each surrounded by a magical bubble.

  She wasn’t sure if that comforted her or not.

  As Scathane was pulled from Thanatos, Robert and Chatan cast a shield around him. Thanatos rolled to his hands and knees, panting as he tried to push himself to a stand.

  Jacinda focused on the shadowy blob that had started to take the shape of a man. No wings, no solid form, just shadows winding around itself in the shape of a body.

  “Yes, bind me to this world and I’ll drink your power down, starting with the fool who summoned me to begin with.” Scathane swept down and the shadowy form exploded on the shield before gathering ten feet above the glittering dome to take shape again.

  He hissed. “Fine, then I’ll take Thanatos’ only chance at immortality.”

  He flew at Jacinda, dissolving the bubble as he surrounded her with his essence.

  Pain flowed from every pore as she cast the spell her father sang to her since before she could remember. Light exploded, and she felt two sets of hands on her. Her mother’s and father’s voices joined in on the spell.

  * * * *

  Ceridwen had wanted to stay away, but she knew she couldn’t. Luca had not banished Myrddin, and she knew it, but he was the only one who could have stopped Myrddin from locking himself away. />
  Time to forgive the yeti for what he couldn’t control. And to save the girl who would take on Dove’s knowledge, and the young man who would take on Hawk’s.

  She appeared on the slope and watched the mayhem unfold. Was she too late?

  Jacinda was surrounded by the shadow mystic. Scathane had no form. He seemed to be trying to insert himself into the girl, but she was singing the song Tyrell taught her, the one he taught her to protect his daughter from the entity trying to destroy her line.

  At the time, she hadn’t realized Scathane was behind Thanatos. If she had, she would have hunted down the bastard so much sooner.

  Everything changed as Jacinda’s voice rose. Then her parents’ voices joined in. Scathane had become something far worse than merely a shadow mystic. He survived on the souls of those he killed.

  * * * *

  The second the shadowy form went for Jacinda, Chatan burst into motion. He slammed his hand against Clara’s shield and changed into a hawk to fly the distance. He didn’t know how Jacinda managed to wind up so far away, but he flew through the shadow as power erupted from Jacinda.

  He burst through the darkness, knocking Jacinda to the ground as he shifted back, shielding her from Scathane.

  Hawk and Dove burst from the necklace, flying around Jacinda and Chatan, lifting them off their feet. Jacinda’s eyes locked on his. Fire danced in their green depths. She let out a cry as Dove grew to an enormous size and wrapped her in its wings.

  Hawk engulfed Chatan the same way and warmth flooded his entire body, demolishing the chill. Magic rushed through him, power that had always been there unleashed, and images flashed through his head. He knew how to use the power.

  Jacinda floated to her feet, power flowing from her, reaching for him. They joined hands as they moved toward the shadowy figure reforming on its knees before them.

  “Whatever your goal, it’s over. You can no longer have Thanatos, and you sure as hell can’t have this world.” Jacinda held her free hand out, weaving a spell.


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