Past Lives

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Past Lives Page 11

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Those large, work roughened hands were so gentle, tender even, let Paul think he flicked his tail to please him, it was his only way to express the undisguised lust taking hold of him, and he would force himself to make do with that, to prove first to himself and then to Paul that he could control himself even under extreme heat.

  Then there was a knock on the door, and Kadmus' voice said: 'Master Lykos, your father is unwell, would you please come with me to look at him?'

  Heat drained in a fraction of a second, Lukas was out of the bed and into his pants in a second. Before he could storm out the door, Melissa said calmly: 'Please wait for us, Lukas, we'll be ready in a minute.'

  And they were, Paul even managed to put on his boots in a record time, and they were off, following Kadmus through the house until they entered a beautifully decorated bedroom where a lovely young woman sat on the bed, Hermes in her arms groaning in pain.

  'Lykos, he is in such pain, can you help him?' He recognized that voice, it was Ophelie, but she was no more than twenty years old!

  'Did he do that, Ophelie?' Lukas asked with intensity.

  'He did, is he going to die? He told me he would be tired, and asked me to spoil him for a day.' She was distraught, and very, very beautiful.

  'No my dear, he is still a god, he cannot die. He has probably strained his

  nerves too much, they were very badly damaged only a month ago, he shouldn't have been performing miracles this soon again. You couldn't know, love. Here, let us take him.'

  And Lukas sat on the bed with his father in his arms, Paul on his one side, Melissa on the other. Ophelie sat in a luxurious chair next to the bed, less anxious now Lykos had taken over. Hermes had stopped screaming, and now looked at his son dazedly, hope in his eyes.

  'Melissa, will you come with me? Paul, will you anchor us?' Lukas asked self-assuredly, and they both nodded. Lukas touched his father and unleashed his Gift.

  Is was immediately clear to both Lukas and Melissa why Hermes was in great pain again. The incredible feat of giving Ophelie her youth back had sent an enormous load of magic energy through his body, and this had overstrained his still sensitive nerves.

  And now his body was gathering replacement energy from the environment straight away, which hurt his nerves agonizingly. There was only one thing to do: have him put up a shield to keep out all power except that of his worshippers, and give his nerves time to heal again. And no large magics for some time!

  They came back into the now, and Lukas put a shield on his father like the one Paul, George and Tristan had used in London. That helped a lot, and an ordinary painkiller did the rest. They made room for Ophelie on the bed, Kadmus assured her she'd get a good dinner in her bedroom, and as they left, Paul said cheekily: 'And don't refrain from loving one another, you know love is the best cure for you, Hermes.'

  It must have been Ophelie who threw the pillow at him, for Hermes had not seemed strong enough to throw anything just yet.

  They left the now young couple to themselves, and had a good dinner with Damara, discussing the best route to take to Katarina's village. They arranged with Kadmus for an early breakfast and he offered the use of a donkey to carry their luggage and the bundle of tools and materials. Of course they eagerly accepted, and they spent a quiet and loving night in Lukas' old room.

  The next morning after breakfast they readied everything to leave, said goodbye to Damara, Ophelie and Hermes, who was a lot better but was not planning to come with them anyway. He would make the most of the days

  they had together before he needed to be back in the saddle.

  Lukas said he knew exactly where to go, and though Melissa was really looking forward to the trip, she hoped he would not mind taking a little longer to get at their destination, for she knew she would not be up to a long day's walk with the temperatures they experienced here, and Paul would probably have problems with the heat as well.

  Better take two days, and have some energy left to enjoy the trip, it was their holiday after all. Apparently the terrain they had to cross was pretty steep, rugged limestone mountains where there was little water and the soil was stony and poor, making farming difficult.

  Lukas' people were mostly pastoral, tending their sheep and goats in the valleys, and supplementing their diets with meat they hunted from the extensive forests that covered the surrounding mountains.

  They traded their wool and the products of their craftsmen with the tradesmen and fishermen living in villages on the coastal plain that was quite near the settlement, obtaining fish and valuable commodities like metals.

  Melissa had been surprised to hear that they were going to walk through forests mostly, for Frances' account of Greece had described most of the country that she had seen as bare and dry, with only bushes and some cultivated trees. But of course this could very well be a totally different part of the country, or maybe the modern Greeks had multiplied and cut most of their trees, as the English had done.

  They left the house and started on a path uphill, and when they had reached the top, Lukas looked back for a moment. The house was large, much larger than the villa on the coast, it was a strong, square building, washed white with a roof of terracotta tiles.

  It was not a miracle of architecture, but it would stand the elements, Lukas said it could rain for days in winter, and even the occasional earthquake, apparently this was a very active region in that respect.

  'Why does Ophelie have such a large house, Lukas? She's on her own, and she doesn't even have much staff,' Paul asked.

  Still taking in the surroundings, saying goodbye, maybe, Lukas replied: 'It is the ancient home of her family, they ruled this realm before Hermes got control of it. They used to be a large family, filling that house with children, grandchildren and staff, but they dwindled until they could no longer defend their territory against human clans pushing the borders to get at the fertile coastal plain, so as tradesmen they begged Hermes for help and he promised

  his aid in return for sovereign-ship and Ophelie's hand.

  Of course there is the occasional human marrying into the families here, but most are like me, satyrs, and very peaceful and not at all able to become very aggressive. Generally my people were very pleased to leave the aggression to Hermes, and just live their lives quietly, defended by his reputation and forces.

  It was part of my job at Dionysus' court to represent this part of my father's realm, and I managed quite well, even without magic, mostly because people tend to like me a lot. Maybe that was the reason I was abducted, to have a go at controlling this region, with me out of the picture they'd target Hermes next and undermine his authority.

  If so, it is very insidiously and cleverly done, they must know our family well, for I have influence over Katarina but my father hasn't.'

  'I don't mean to frighten you, Lukas, but whoever planned this will not be happy when you intervene and they may try to stop you. We may all be in danger,' was Paul's disturbing observation. He didn't seem afraid though, just like that time when we contemplated Hermes coming through the portal.

  'Well, if they do, we'll have surprise for them, for they'll be unaware that I am a god now, and that my father and me are on speaking terms again. Still, it won't hurt to be a little on our guard.'

  Lukas had turned from the house and they were walking over the hill now, and indeed, Melissa saw clearly that they would soon enter a cool, shady forest, the path running through it as a red line, towards the horizon, well, actually towards the next hilltop.

  The donkey was a cute and very willing creature, keeping up easily even though laden with all their packs. Melissa had felt sorry for it with those three large backpacks, but once they were distributed well over the pack saddle it was clear the little animal didn't suffer from the weight, it stepped along daintily on its little feet, and when Melissa started to get tired and hot, the donkey still looked as fresh as it had that morning.

  They had been walking for a few hours, with only a little break for a drink
from a water bottle they had brought, and Melissa felt her stomach complaining, and her feet as well. Also, it was getting really hot.

  Lukas encouraged her, and talked to Paul as well, for he wasn't as fresh anymore either: 'We've come a nice way, about ten minutes ahead is a nice green dell, with a little stream surfacing. I thought we might have our

  afternoon nap there, and walk on into the evening. How are your feet holding up, Paul, in those heavy boots?'

  Of course Lukas was still striding along happily, no fatigue visible at all, his springy legs and rock hard hoofs perfectly suited to this activity.

  'Quite well, actually, Lukas. They are hot, to be sure, but they support my feet quite well and I have no blisters yet.' He might not look totally fresh anymore, it was clear Paul was enjoying himself hugely.

  Ten minutes went by quickly, and soon they were carefully descending into a depression in the forest, about a hundred feet across, with a steep rock face to all sides and only this path leading down, following natural fissures in the rock, packed with deep red clay.

  There were different trees in the little depression, not pine-trees but broad leaved trees, and some were carrying bright orange fruit. The ground was covered in lush grass, and it soon became clear why this little dell was so different from the rest of the forest.

  As the little donkey dawdled, snatching at the lush grass, they could hear a gurgle ahead, and soon the grass opened onto a little stream. There was no way for the stream to get out of the hollow, and no way in either. Melissa was speechless with wonder, as she looked around this weird and amazing post-stamp of heaven.

  Meanwhile, Lukas had taken the packs and the pack-saddle off the little donkey and set it free to graze and to drink, finding the package that contained their lunch, and filling their water bottles at the little stream. Paul had untied his boots and thrown them in the grass beside the packs, then he started to explore the dell, looking up at the surface of the forest in awe.

  'This must be fifteen feet high, Lukas, how did it get here? And where does the stream come from and go to?' Paul asked.

  Lukas took Melissa's hand and they joined Paul in his inspection of the wall. 'Just follow the wall around, Paul,' was Lukas' comment, 'and you'll see.'

  So they did, and Paul and Melissa were stunned to see the little stream just disappearing in a small cave in the wall itself. Paul walked through it on his bare feet, careful not to stub his toes on a sharp rock, though there didn't seem to be too many of those around, and he helped Melissa to jump to the other side. Lukas of course just stepped right in with his hoofs.

  The donkey was very happy, eating the lush grass after a morning walk, and Paul asked: 'Won't the little thing founder with so much lush grass at

  once? We always had to be really careful with our horses.'

  Grinning with delight, Lukas replied: 'These donkeys can handle almost anything, they're much hardier than pure-bred horses. Besides, the grass is a bit rich but the stalks are long and it is thinner than it looks, and they're smart, donkeys, much smarter than the average horse. He won't eat to foundering.

  But he'll thank you for thinking of him, especially since he has been lugging all that gold of yours around.' Lukas was so happy to be here, what if he didn't want to return to London after all?

  Paul laughed at Lukas' cheeky face, and he grabbed him, spun him around and kissed him heartily. 'I love you, you handsome fellow, will you help me make another of those dolphin figurines before our nap? And will you please tell us how this place came to be? I can see that Melissa is just dying to know.'

  And she was dying to know, but she wanted to think about it first. She had been taught extensive geology of course, for even the best construction would fail if is was built on an unstable foundation, so she said: 'I do want to know, but please let me think of an explanation first.

  Let's have lunch, and you go melt some gold, and I'll study the rocks and brush the donkey and think.'

  That brought a look of respect on the gentlemen's faces, and Paul lifted her too, and kissed her too, and said, fire in his eyes: 'Methinks you are forgetting something in your little to-do list. This lush green grass reminds me of a little dell on the Nomes' estate. Unless our fearless leader is unwilling to lose the time?'

  Remembering that little dell, Lukas felt his heat stirring, and he observed:

  'The path leaves the forest soon, it is way too hot outside the forest for the two of you to be out there in the heat of day. No, we're stuck here for a few more hours.'

  They had lunch first, but it was a strange meal, Melissa could almost feel the anticipation in both men, they ate heartily and drank from the clear stream, but there seemed to be some conspiracy going on between the two of them.

  Well, she was hungry with all the walking, and she feared it would be late in the evening before she would get something to eat again, so she didn't let the sidelong glances distract her and enjoyed the bread and cheese with a relish. A few olives, some cured bacon, and then a nice drink from the stream. That didn't work out as planned, though, the water wasn't as sweet as

  the babbling stream promised, it had a bitter taste and an oily feel to it.

  'Is this safe to drink?' she asked Lukas, and his response was positively annoying: 'It is, but I'll let you figure out why it tastes like that for yourself.'

  When they were all through, the tension between them rose, not to awkwardness or embarrassment, but differently, she couldn't put her finger on it. She soon found out, though, when she was stalked by both men, heat burning in their eyes, one on each side of her, partly hidden in the long grass.

  Excitement gripped her as they started to nuzzle her, give her small bites, fondle her hair and her curves.

  Paul undid the sash that held her dress together, and Lukas opened it as if there was something very precious inside, her white skin a treasure they wanted to possess. Two sets of hands now stroked her, and she felt loved beyond what any living person deserved. Better watch it here on this world, where the gods could be jealous!

  There was no occasion to start on some buttons herself, there was so much going on, hands caressing her thighs, her breasts, she decided to just lay back and enjoy, and see whether someone would come within her reach to do her share of the fondling.

  And sure enough, pretty soon she was kissed intensely by Paul, and she practically grabbed him, wanting to feel his chest, smell him, run her hands over those pliant muscles and the soft skin. And as she indulged herself, she felt him gasp, mouth still on hers, Lukas apparently busying himself with Paul's nether regions.

  Their kissing intensified, he was clearly getting worked up fast, and she heard Lukas laugh and say: 'You're even challenging my expertise Paul, better do some serious work or I can't make you last.' Paul kissed her, and excused himself, moving down, where he seriously set to exploring Melissa's ability to undergo high after high, until she found herself groping again for something to vent her lust on, finding it in Lukas' sizeable erection, wriggling a little to be able to reach it.

  And that laid a big bomb under the equilibrium the guys had reached, for under her warm, moist tongue, Lukas' fervour soared sky-high, and he couldn't help passing it on to Paul, who had an explosive climax and crashed in the flattened grass, spent.

  That was a temptation Lukas could not resist, and he was on and inside Melissa in a blink of an eye, his slight body pressing on hers, his musky scent filling her senses, his slight body thrusting slowly, enjoying every second.

  And he didn't speed up this time, he just proceeded slowly and carefully, kissing her, and kissing Paul, exploring making love at a different speed. It didn't make Melissa's rising ecstasy any less, she used the lazy mood to indulge herself in his muscles as well, loving the feel of the smooth, firm flesh beneath her hands, nuzzling his neck, staying away from his horns to give him the chance to control himself.

  She had one brief moment to see Paul still sated and pleased to watch them, stroking Lukas, kissing her, and then her fervour too
k over, making her adjust her position slightly to feel Lukas' efforts even better, until they both lost touch with the world in the throes of their final climax.

  Feeling her heat ebb, she immersed herself in sweating male bodies, mingling their scents, one big heap of total closeness, slowly losing themselves in sleep in the hot afternoon air.

  The donkey didn't stray of course, there was water and fresh grass here, it ate its fill then laid down itself, not losing its consciousness in sleep, but rather dozing a little as herd-animals do, staying alert to danger, for these forests still held their share of predators, wolves, lynx, the occasional bear, who wouldn't mind a bite of prime donkey, nor some prime human for that matter.

  Paul woke up when the donkey got to its feet to drink from the stream and eat the rest of the grass. The heat was still oppressive, but nothing could stop him once inspiration got a hold of him. It was stronger here, maybe the Muses had their influence on him as well, this was certainly a place where one would expect them to be happy, it was so beautiful and so peaceful.

  He was lying against Melissa, legs around hers, his head on her arm, face really close to her lovely white breast.

  She was still sleeping blissfully, not even aware of Lukas' body draped across hers, one hand on her other breast, the other one arm around Paul and his face on his chest.

  It was foolish to have all gone to sleep at the same time, something was after Lukas or Hermes or both, and they had been totally helpless for an hour or so. They would have to post a watch next time, maybe even in villages, they had no idea who was friend and who was foe. Though Lukas might sense enmity in the people around him.

  Trying to remove himself from the tangle of bodies woke Lukas, of course, and he rubbed his eyes, observing: 'That was not the most sensible thing we ever did, fall asleep all together. You know there are wolves and big

  cats in this forest, as well as the occasional robber. Fortunately the donkey was wiser than we were.'


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