Past Lives

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Past Lives Page 18

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Raised in a noble family, Paul was used to wealth, and having met Hermes in conditions that one might inoffensively call delicate, he was not prepared to find the god living in such opulence. He had greatly underestimated the power Hermes wielded on this world, and seeing this palace made that abundantly clear to him.

  Still, he had left wealth and power behind, and he was not going to be overly impressed by it now. He still had a promise standing between Hermes and himself to explain the concept of delegating to him, and he was sure that Hermes would be suitably impressed with the work Paul had done for him on the necklace.

  Suddenly he remembered that there were people in their midst who might have more trouble ignoring the opulence of the palace and the obvious power of Hermes, and he prepared to have to quiet Melissa again, and maybe

  Katarina and Galan as well.

  But neither seemed very much impressed, he suspected Katarina and Galan of being advocates for equal rights, and they would not allow themselves to be overpowered by mere wealth. And Melissa had been underwhelmed by Hermes as much as he was, or maybe she was used to opulence by now.

  In fact, Melissa was very much impressed by the palace, but the trip with its beautiful views and dolphin show had brought her in a holiday mood, and somehow this huge hotel was a natural result. She ignored the fact that it belonged to a god, but merely thought of the owners of the glass house, or Paul's parents' place. This is what they would live in in ancient Greece.

  She enjoyed not having to carry her own luggage ashore, and she enjoyed the politeness of the captain, increased manifold by the tribute of the dolphins to his passengers.

  Melissa even enjoyed the sight of Hermes eagerly awaiting them on the wooden dock in the bay in front of his palace. The bay was lovely, they would be able to swim whilst staying here, and she couldn't wait to explore the building, the building style was different from the other structures she had seen so far.

  The ship was secured to the dock, and she left it with a slight feeling of regret. It had been very enjoyable, and she hoped their business here would be finished soon and successfully, so they could enjoy their holiday even more.

  Hermes embraced his son first of all, he was clearly sincerely happy to see Lukas. Melissa looked at Katarina's reaction, and Katarina saw it too, and appeared to believe it was genuine.

  He approached Katarina next, and offered her a tentative embrace too, which she accepted without reserve. Galan was embraced too, and showed no objection either.

  Leaving her for last, Hermes shook hands with Paul, a weird sight until she remembered Hermes had been staying in England for nearly three weeks, he'd know the common manners that Paul was used to.

  Paul said: 'It's finished.' That brought out a broad smile on Hermes' face, emphasizing his resemblance to Lukas, and ending in an embrace for Paul too.

  But despite Hermes' newly found attachment to Ophelie, Melissa got the

  distinct impression that he had kept the real affection for his greeting of herself.

  He invited her in his arms, and when she graciously allowed him to hold her, he gripped her rather tightly and nuzzled first her hair, and then her neck, holding on to her longer than to any of the others.

  When he looked at her, his eyes had that gaze again, that hunger she had not seen in them since he had gone through the Portal. He was still aching for her, but she found it no longer bothered her, actually she found herself considering to share love with him.

  Would it be so bad, if he wanted it so very much? Paul had indulged Katarina, she suspected he'd understand. Ophelie expected it of her husband.

  And Lukas? He had asked her not to do it, but that was some time ago, under very different circumstances. Still, he hadn't shared his love once since their arrival here, and she decided to watch and wait. Not sharing love might even be unhealthy for Lukas, she'd have to discuss that with Paul, and see what they could do to encourage him.

  Her absence of mind tempted Hermes to take her hand and lead her down the dock to the rocky shore, and to his surprise and delight she allowed him to hold it. She saw his boyish joy at holding her hand, and it reminded her of Lukas once again.

  Once ashore he let go of her hand, and took the lead towards the house.

  The rocky cliff was intensely hot, and Melissa wilted in the stifling air. Paul assisted her and whispered in her ear: 'He's still mad about you, beloved, maybe you should indulge him whilst we're still here, if it's not unpalatable to you.'

  She replied: 'I was just considering it, allow him to move on, point is I promised Lukas I wouldn't.' That got a reaction from Paul: 'The master of love asked you not to do his dad?'

  'Yes he did, the night after we left the manor in a hurry, remember? But Lukas was different then, needy, and he is no longer. And I'd be indulging Hermes, for I have no feelings for him anymore besides a general liking. Do you think Lukas should share? He hasn't since coming here.'

  'Well he did promise you not to leave you alone, and I got kidnapped all the time, so he didn't have much opportunity.'

  She mused: 'True, well, let's see what happens here, just keep me posted on what you want.'

  That was a decidedly weird conversation, and she hoped everything

  would return to normal once they were back in London. Sharing love might be fine in this sweltering heat, but in winter she'd prefer to stick to her own familiar hunk.

  The rooms they were shown to were large and gorgeous. Lukas declined his own room, he preferred to have his things in the same room with Paul and Melissa. Katarina of course shared a room with her husband.

  Since they would have to wait for Aphrodite anyway, they decided to have a chat first with some cool drinks on the side, then nap.

  Their host invited them to a shady terrace behind the house, and they quickly refreshed themselves, Paul collected the roll with the necklace, the tools and the leftover gold, and they followed Hermes to a small, private corner with the rocky walls overgrown with a blooming vine, and comfortable chairs around a single large table.

  'Can I show it on you?' Paul asked Melissa, and she nodded, planning to keep an eye on Lukas whilst Hermes would undoubtedly look at her in a certain way and praise not only the beauty of the necklace.

  And she was not wrong, for when Paul had fastened his masterpiece around her throat and drew Hermes' attention to the finished work, at first the god did not have eyes for the exquisite work of art, but just for the total picture of a beautiful young woman with a glittering piece of jewellery around her shapely throat.

  She saw a glimmer of a hopeless look make way for open mouthed astonishment on Hermes' face as he finally saw the necklace for what it was, but then she forced herself to look at Lukas instead, and he showed only appreciation and pride, no displeasure or even jealousy.

  She had another chance when Hermes wanted to hold the necklace in his hands, and Paul encouraged him to loosen it himself.

  His hands approached her very slowly, was it reverently? And she felt them fumbling with the fastening. He had to come really close to her to look at it first, before he got the idea how to free it, and Melissa could feel Hermes' breath on her skin and his scent in her nose. It was still very pleasant.

  And Lukas didn't show any negative feeling.

  When Hermes had freed the necklace he took it to the table and studied it in detail, and Melissa just had to know. She went to Lukas and observed:

  'Love, I have a feeling your father is still rather taken with me. Did you


  He nodded, and replied: 'He hid it better at the villa, it was part of what we fought about.'

  'You mind then?' she asked him.

  'Not so much his wanting you so badly, more his usual habit of bending women to his will, I was afraid he'd do that to you. But he denied that, told me he couldn't help loving you but realized that bending you to his will would break you, hand him just an empty husk. He loves your intelligence and independence too.'

  Melissa now stroked his ch
eek and was amazed how different he had become, again. She loved him so much, she wanted to kiss that dent in his lip, and she did. And then she boldly asked: 'Love, I'm thinking of indulging him, sharing my love with him. He wants it so much, and I find I really don't mind anymore. But you asked me not to, and if you still don't want me to, I will not.'

  He certainly was amazed by her statement, but not sad, or angry. 'What does Paul say?'

  'You won't believe me, but he suggested it just after I thought of it myself.'

  Lukas was silent for some time, and Melissa used that time to study him, to see what had changed so much.

  He still looked like a twenty year old boy, his face was the same, his body was the same. When he looked at her she could see the intensity of his love for her, that hadn't changed.

  'It's the responsibility, beloved,' he said, before she had even asked anything. 'You wondered what had changed about me, didn't you?'

  'I did. I couldn't put my finger on it. Are you unhappy, Lukas? You don't share love anymore, you seem to resent people worshipping you. If you want me to stay away from your father I will, I love you and I would do almost anything for you.'

  He took her in his arms, held her tightly, to comfort himself mostly, but he did not lay his head in her bosom but kissed her tenderly, stroked her hair.

  'I want to lie on our sofa again, and untie your corset, having your breasts fall in my face, trying to control ourselves to not wake Paul. I want to be responsible for us, not for all these people I don't even know.

  But the freedom to go back to that is just a few hours away, and no, it does not make me unhappy, just a bit distracted and serious. But that will

  pass, and I'll be impulsive again, and horse around with you two.'

  The memory of doing just that clearly pleased him, and he continued:

  'And I'll share my love again, as soon as I meet someone whom I want to share it with, for so far there were only daughters and step-mothers around.

  And you, and I love to share my love with you most of all, so that is what I did.'

  Thinking of the last few days, she had to agree with him, and she said so.

  Lukas came to a decision: 'And you know what? I don't mind the idea of you sharing love with my father anymore. He wants it badly indeed, and he is actually kind of nice, I think he will take better care of his people from now on, and of my step-mother. Maybe if you give him what he wants, he'll move on. But I'm convinced now he will not take you or bend you, so if you can find it in you to give him what he aches for, you have my blessing.'

  Hearing himself say that, he whispered urgently: 'Please forget I said that.

  I don't want worshippers but that means I can't go around dealing out blessings either. Just love me more than him, please?'

  He was so sweet. 'How could I not love you more than anyone except Paul? Maybe it will not even happen. I'm glad you are not unhappy, and I long for our uncomplicated life, too. Just work a little, and play a lot. Let people like Tristan rule the world and bear the burden.'

  And with a last kiss they went back to the others and were just in time to see Hermes kiss Paul and thank him for his masterpiece. 'This will be such a help to get Aphrodite on our side. Please tell me, how can I repay you for all the work you have put into this?'

  'It was a pleasure to make it, Hermes, that was payment enough. It is in our interest too that Aphrodite is in a good mood.' It was clear Paul really meant that, and Hermes accepted it with grace.

  'Will you do me the favour of keeping any leftover gold, then?'

  Paul considered that for a moment, then thought of the roof, and said: 'I will, and thank you.'

  Lukas observed: 'Did they tell you already that your sister sent a pod of dolphins along with us? They entertained us and showed us exactly how much of a genius Paul here really is.'

  'She sent her dolphins? I guess that is a good sign, or they would have patrolled, but these entertained you?'

  Lukas nodded.

  'Maybe it will all turn out for the best yet. We can certainly hope so. Do you want a nap before dinner?

  Everyone did, and they retreated to their rooms for a bit of rest, until servants came by their room to tell that Aphrodite had arrived.

  Chapter 11

  They helped Lukas into his new tunic and belt, and he wore no trousers, as befitted a satyr. Paul and Melissa dressed in their usual linen, the little copper horses running their usual circles around her throat. Hermes had taken the gold necklace with him, to get it suitably gift-wrapped, and anyway, they had decided to try to keep Paul out of it.

  Outside their room they found Katarina and Galan, also dressed in their usual garb, exquisite finely woven wool. They looked a bit nervous, but that was to be expected, nobody liked to be spellbound and then have a goddess remove that spell. That was unnerving.

  They were led to the dining room by a servant, and found the dining room a lot larger and a lot fuller than they expected. This was a real court, be it a small one, and they were introduced to a lot of people, many satyrs, and some humans.

  Lukas was greeted eagerly, and as far as Melissa could tell honestly, by many courtiers. His manners were as perfect as they had ever been in noble company, and Paul followed suit easily, also used to these formal occasions.

  Melissa kept back a little, though she wasn't as afraid to blunder as in London, but as it was, her exotic looks gained her enough attention. In general, she thought she was admired, but she didn't get any offers to share love, which she appreciated very much.

  Paul was again very much sought after, somehow he attracted Greek ladies like honey attracted flies.

  And then they had to meet Aphrodite. She was on Hermes' arm, stunningly beautiful, tall, slim, she was blonde, and very feminine despite her slimness. Lukas and Paul clearly appreciated her beauty, but they did not look mesmerized.

  Hermes started the introductions with Katarina, who was also very gracious, and very noble. Aphrodite spoke to her with a very pleasant voice, and said: 'Pleased to meet you, Katarina, your father here tells me that none of the unrest is actually your fault, that a spell has caused your countrymen to

  change their behaviour outrageously.

  I'll be pleased to remove it for you, do you want to do that right now, so you can enjoy the evening without that ordeal hanging over you?'

  Katarina nearly begged her to, and pleaded if her husband and Lykos could be present as well as Hermes.

  Aphrodite now looked at Lukas, and said: 'Lykos Hermeides, it is so good to see you in such good health. And come into your own I see, congratulations. What happened to your horns? You were not branded I presume, no-one could do that to a god, and such a well-loved one. So it must have happened during your ordeal, I'm sorry to see your proud looks so damaged.

  I hope your prowess didn't suffer? I was always hoping to put you through your paces some time, the goddess of love cannot lack knowledge of the master of love forever, now can she?'

  Did Lukas accept that challenge there and then? Melissa truly thought he did, as a knowing look passed between them.

  He bowed deeply and spoke: 'My dear Lady, I would be flattered to try to please you, it would be the greatest honour. I removed my horns myself, to fit into a world where horns and hoofs belong to an evil god instead of an innocent, benign species.'

  'Let it be soon, dear Lykos, it has been some time since I have been really satisfied by a lover.'

  His only answer was another deep bow.

  'And who are your friends, surely this young lady is not from our hot country?' Aphrodite asked with interest.

  'Melissa Kenwick is indeed not from our country but from cold England, far to the north. She is an engineer, she can build structures that never fail, and she saved my life after I fled my torturers, sorely wounded and nearly dying from loneliness.'

  Melissa curtsied elegantly to show her respect to the goddess of love, who said: 'You are surpassingly beautiful with your lush curves and your creamy skin and copper hai
r. I envy Lykos the experience of having his life saved by a divine creature like you. It must have been like balm poured into a horribly painful wound.'

  Of course Lukas' face showed that it had been exactly like that, and Aphrodite noticed.

  'My lovely lady, but you have a gorgeous necklace, do you realize those

  horses really seem to move? I know ladies usually prefer gold, but the copper matches your hair perfectly, this must have been made for you by a superb artist. Too bad he probably lives a world away.'

  Of course that was an opportunity Hermes could not let pass: 'Excuse me, sis, but this might be the right moment to give you a trifle I've ordered made especially for you, by Melissa's husband, Paul Kenwick.'

  That was not the deal, now they had to hope Hermes knew what he was doing. He handed over the package, and she opened it curiously, and it was worth a million pounds to see her expression change from polite interest to stunned delight.

  The gold glittered, and she held the necklace up, but couldn't appreciate the effect she knew it should have because of the likeness to the chain of running horses.

  'May I see it on your delicious throat to truly appreciate the effect, my dear?' she asked Melissa. Hermes quickly held out his hand and then held the chain before Melissa, his hands burning on her shoulders, his breath in her hair once more.

  'Oh my, that is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,' Aphrodite whispered reverently, 'I loved the horses, but I love dolphins even more, and they are so live-like. They must be real, how did you do that?'

  She looked straight at Paul now, and even he had some trouble breathing with the goddess of love fixing him in an intense stare.

  She seemed to realize what she was doing to him, looked away for a second, then looked back at him with softer eyes. 'Will you fasten it on me?'


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