Past Lives

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Past Lives Page 24

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  But she didn't want a child of Paul either, she was just not ready to have a child, yet, the responsibility. And why did it have to be she who had them, the discomfort of the pregnancy, the danger of childbirth. It was so unfair, she had a good job and a nice life, she did not want to spoil that with having to take care of a helpless child.

  She said honestly: 'I have thought about it often, and I don't want a child yet. I don't want to give up my work, and I don't want to be big and fat and clumsy. I like children, when they are someone else's.'

  Her honesty shocked him, and he said: 'I'm sorry you feel that way. But it is my responsibility too, you wouldn't have to deal with a child on your own.

  I can work my own hours, and I'm sure Lukas loves children.

  And maybe you won't get pregnant for some time. Or do you want Lukas to see if he can prevent it? He might be able to do it here.'

  'I don't know, love, first I want you to be better, and not afraid of my touch. And then we need to decide what to do, go home or try to get some better memories of this place. I'd hate to flee it with the memory of my fear stuck to it forever. I like Hermes now, I like Katarina and Galan, I like Ophius, and even Aphrodite.'

  Nodding in assent, Paul observed: 'You are so right, I would hate to remember just this, I'd rather see those sweet satyrs cured and happy again, and I'd like to make a better forge for Galan, and use magic openly for some more time. I was looking forward to doing some iron-work with magic. But I do not want to share love ever again, and I do not want to have eyes in the back of my head all the time.'

  'Would you mind very much if I shared one more time?' Melissa asked carefully.

  'Did you like Hermes that much?' Paul asked, suddenly curious how that went, he'd totally forgotten.

  She smiled and said: 'Oh, it was nice enough, he was sleek and smooth and very sweet, but no, I didn't mean him. I kind of liked the thought of

  sharing with Aphrodite, and we kind of promised. She'll understand you not wanting to be intimate with another woman, I'm sure of that, but when I think of that kiss I want to take the next step.'

  'Can I watch?' Apparently that thought excited Paul even in his current state.

  'Supposing she'd even want me without you, there would always be a risk you'd get involved, you realize that, don't you?'

  Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. At their invitation, Hermes and Aphrodite marched in and sat on the bed next to Melissa.

  'Lykos out?' Hermes asked. Melissa answered: 'He went for his morning run, and he said he had a promise to fulfil at Dionysus' place. Don't know what he meant by that.'

  Hermes chuckled and said: 'I think I know, a girl he knew there helped us, she had him promise to visit her later and tell her all about his disappearance.

  She was very beautiful, I guess he'll take his time consoling her for his sudden disappearance.'

  'Or she will console him for the things Dionysus put him through,' Paul sniggered.

  Melissa was amazed to see that Aphrodite was not amused by the thought of Lukas sharing his love with some unknown mortal girl.

  She said cheekily: 'Don't you think it is unhealthy not to share, Aphrodite?'

  To her credit, the goddess laughed, and replied: 'I thought sharing with me was healthy enough for Lykos, but I guess I was wrong.' Despite her laugh, she seemed really hurt by this realization, which surprised Melissa unpleasantly.

  'Lykos doesn't always share for his own health, though I think he always enjoys it,' was Melissa's comment.

  Aphrodite was obviously impressed by this insight, and her mood brightened, as she observed: 'You are so right, Lykos is who he is, and we should be glad to be part of his life. I wish he would stay here, I wish you would all stay.'

  Melissa shook her coppery hair and said: 'We're too independent for this world, you'd wish us gone within the month. Better enjoy the occasional visit, you can even visit us in London.'

  Not taking any offence at all, Aphrodite acceded: 'That thought did occur to me, oh well, we'll just have to make the best of the time we have left then.'

  Hermes asked: 'You will stay a little longer, won't you? If you leave now you'll always associate our world with fear and pain, I hoped you would agree to spend some more time here in a real holiday, no problems, no danger, just plain fun. You can stay in the villa.'

  'I'd like to spend some more time with Lykos,' Aphrodite said, 'not just to please me in bed, I can teach him a lot of things, we have the same Gift, and I've been around much, much longer. Will you consider staying a seven-day more?'

  This was directed mainly at Paul, who clearly had the most reason to want to leave.

  He was in obvious doubt, and said: 'Part of me wants to be safe at home, just the three of us, working, loving, having fun. But part of me wants to see how Lykos' people are doing, freed of the spell, live amongst them for a while, help Galan build a better forge, make beautiful things here, swim and bask in the heat, look at the dolphins playing.

  But I don't want to be hunted anymore, I don't want to share, I never liked it and it positively scares me now.'

  Melissa took his hand quietly, and Aphrodite kneeled beside him, not touching but offering a hand. She said: 'Lykos probably already offered you to take the pain and the fear away, so you must have a reason to have refused it.

  I release you from your promise to share love with me, but I want you to consider that I could also help you process what was done to you without using the Gift. I am the goddess of love, and love was spoiled for you under my nose. I'd like to set that to rights, but I will not force you in any way.

  Though I'll be sorry to miss out on your lovely wife as well.'

  Touched by her concern for a mere mortal, even though the mere mortal was himself, Paul took her hand, and felt no fear.

  He said: 'Lykos thought it would be best if I tried to conquer the fear by myself first, having been totally helpless he wanted me to feel strong again.

  And thank you for letting me out of my promise, Lykos said you would not force me, and my divine wife wants to share with you after all.'

  Finding herself locked in Aphrodite's hungry gaze, Melissa was almost sorry she'd said that, but she was no longer afraid of these two particular

  gods, she trusted them to respect her as she trusted George and Tristan, who were also powerful people.

  Of course that got a reaction from Hermes, who observed: 'All right, sis, don't frighten the girl, let me get a word in first.

  I need to go with Katarina and Galan today, see Ophelie, see how things are with the spell removed, have a permanent teleport installed in their house so we can keep in touch. I'll be back tomorrow, do you feel safe enough if Aphrodite stays here with you until then?'

  Paul and Melissa both nodded.

  'Once the teleport is there, maybe we can stay nights at the villa, enjoy privacy, sea, good food, modern conveniences, and days with Katarina and Galen, check on the people, work a little, play a lot. Please think about it, and please tell Lykos once he gets back. What do you say?'

  The idea appealed to all of them, and Melissa answered: 'I think it is a great idea. We'll let you know when you return. Good luck with your family and your people.'

  She embraced him and kissed him, remembering their loving with warmth, feeling much easier around him than she had before. He felt like a really good friend now, sharing love with him had been a good decision, though a small voice inside her said that if she hadn't, Paul would not have been taken.

  When Hermes had left, Aphrodite asked Paul: 'Do you want to remain with us whilst your divine wife and I play a little, or do you want us to wait until Lykos gets back?'

  A beautiful smile appeared on her face, and she observed: 'I can see the answer to that question already, may I suggest we make use of my brother's excellent facilities?

  He has a lovely warm pool that would soak the aches right out of your body. Breakfast first?'

  She blanked out for a moment, and within half an ho
ur they had breakfasted in bed, very lazy. But after breakfast Paul became restless, and Melissa soon helped him out of the bed and to the pool.

  The pool was the most beautiful thing ever. The room was rather large, with columns supporting the roof and extensive decorations on the walls, views on well-known ancient Greek landmarks, only not in ruins yet, but in bloom, painted in three dimensions so they looked almost real.

  The floors were all tiled in decorative patterns, except for the bottom of the large pool, which was a large sea view mosaic with a cliff jutting into the sea, ships and dolphins dotting the surface of the water, sea-creatures and mermaids below the waterline. It was stunning.

  The pool was large enough and deep enough to swim in, and Paul slowly discarded his shirt to plunge in. He was still black and blue all over, he had trouble raising his arms above his head, and he did not wear trousers yet, they chafed him.

  'This is going to be wonderful,' he predicted, 'it will be so good to just float and think of nothing. Thank you for bringing us here, Aphrodite.'

  'My pleasure, Paul, if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.'

  Melissa had a hard time, seeing him stand upright still in so much pain reminded her of the night he asked her to marry him, in the little cellar between the storage shelves, the deepest darkest cupboard where the portal was hidden and the big boiler.

  She couldn't help herself, she just had to hold him, he could have been killed, again, why was it always Paul who suffered so much pain, and this time, such humiliation?

  He saw her face and said: 'Come to me, Melissa,' and opened his arms.

  She wanted to cling to him but didn't dare, but he took her in a firm grip despite his injuries, and held her against him, stroking her hair, and mumbling sweet nonsense in her ear.

  Carefully removing her dress and entering the pool, the beautiful goddess saw that this was not the time to intrude on the couple, fear of death had a large impact on mortals, and Paul did look horrible with wounds and bruises all over him, including his privates and his handsome face.

  She had examined the girl who had done this to him, together with Lykos, and they had both been shocked at what they had found in her mind.

  Aphrodite had burned out her magic, a nasty procedure that usually left the victim broken, but they had not seen another option, someone capable of such violence without provocation was summarily dealt with in both her and her brother's realm. Lykos had been physically sick afterwards, but he had witnessed the entire procedure with determination.

  Lykos might make love to Aphrodite with fervour, and he might enjoy her company very much, picking up every bit of information she offered him, even loving her in his own way, but his heart and soul were Paul's.

  She knew Lykos had the reputation of innocence and goodness, but the man who had stood beside her and watched her deal out the justice of the gods had shown neither.

  She supposed that was why he had ran off that morning, he had his own feelings to deal with before he saw to his friend's.

  Aphrodite would have liked to deal the same justice to Dionysus, but he was in the custody of her father, and her father was a lot milder in his verdicts where gods were concerned. Though his wife somehow seemed to have spite against the chubby god of wine, she would help to give Dionysus his due, Aphrodite was not going to let him get away with what he had done.

  She was still swimming lazily when Paul and Melissa had finished their intimacies and joined her in the pool.

  'I'm sorry, Aphrodite, that was rude of me,' Melissa said. 'But seeing Paul like this brought it all back, my fear, my loneliness, the last time he was hurt this bad, shot with a gun.'

  Paul must have seen her expression as she was swimming, as she remembered what she had had to do last night and thinking of what she'd like to do to Dionysus, for he looked very afraid of her, and she was very sorry to have caused him extra pain.

  'You saw me scowl really nastily just now, didn't you?' she asked forthrightly, nothing less would do, this had to be dealt with or they'd be back in England before Lykos was back.

  He couldn't speak, she knew they had heard things of her, and she was sure he thought she was showing her real face at being rejected by her promised lover.

  'I take that as a yes. I'm sorry Paul, that after living through such an ordeal you had to witness me in a weak moment. Will you please believe me that my anger was due to seeing the state you are still in, after Lykos spent nearly an hour healing your hurts? I anchored him and saw some of the things that were done to you.

  And will you believe I remembered seeing Rhoda last night, with Hermes and Lykos, and entering her mind and finding it a pit of filth. How the task of removing her Gift fell to me, and how the look on Lykos' face as he witnessed me doing it still haunts me?

  And then I thought how Dionysus will probably avoid being punished, and that made me very angry all over again, for he would have had me killing satyrs, slaughtering innocents, because he had seen fit to spell them into


  Again, I'm sorry you had to see that, after what you have been through. I wish I could make it up to you, but I cannot. I cannot even give you the comfort of a hug. Please forgive me.

  Let's just swim a little, and try to calm down, and think about love some other time.'

  She offered Melissa a hand into the pool, which she fortunately took, taking Paul with her. Melissa was even more stunning naked. She was very pale, and very well-formed, beautiful curves all in perfect symmetry.

  Her pubic hair was exactly the same copper colour as her hair, and Aphrodite wanted to kiss her so much. But they had had enough for one day, there was only so much that mortals could bear, and these two needed to be alone right now.

  She got up and said: 'Again, I'm sorry I frightened you Paul. I'm still so incredibly happy with the lovely necklace you made for me. Please have trust in me to protect you until Lykos and Hermes come back. If something happens, just call out my name, and I'll find you nearly as fast as Hermes would. Enjoy your swim!'

  She left the pool to pick up a towel from a table in the corner, and dried herself carefully. Then she went to pick up her dress, and knowing their eyes would follow her, she walked upright and proud.

  'Please don't go,' Paul said huskily. 'I don't want to be like a rabbit, always afraid something will hurt me. I want to be me again, and Paul Kenwick is not afraid of a woman who has proven herself to be reliable.

  I am not giving in to fear, I was strong and bossy, and I will be again.

  Will you hug me? Carefully?'

  He held out his arms to her, and Aphrodite dropped the towel, got back in the pool and embraced him. She felt his arms close around her, and it felt good. He was not shaking, and when she looked up at him he did not clamp his jaw, or show any other sign of stress.

  She nuzzled his neck, and he smelled really good. To break the tension she said to Melissa: 'He smells nice!' Melissa smiled and Paul commented:

  'Melissa tells me I smell even better when I have been at the forge, sweaty and cured with smoke.' 'And don't forget the etching fluid,' Melissa added, 'it adds a certain exciting flavour.'

  Aphrodite smiled and observed: 'My husband is a smith too, and I agree,

  he smells nice when he has been at work. Though I don't know what etching fluid is, nor what 'gun' means.'

  Nibbling the goddess' earlobe, Paul said: 'Why don't you sit between us in the shallow end of the pool, and we'll tell you what a gun is. Etching fluid is boring smiths' stuff, it would send you to sleep. May I kiss you?'

  'Just to challenge your fear?' Aphrodite asked. 'Yes, is that a problem?'

  was his answer.

  In reply, she offered her mouth to him, and he did kiss her, carefully, and she realized just in time she'd better answer it carefully too, for when she did indeed kiss him she tasted wounds on his tongue and on the inside of his mouth, his face had been trashed so badly that it was a miracle he hadn't lost any teeth. Lykos had healed the broken jaw
easily enough, but there was no way to replace lost teeth.

  After that kiss they did each sit on one side of her, and told her what a gun was. It was not easy to understand how it worked, but once she did, she was glad once again to live in this world.

  To think Paul had made such a fearsome weapon to stop her brother from taking Lykos away from them.

  Of course, Hermes was not a god on their world, and they weren't used to gods interfering with people, but still, his self-control must be incredible to just set aside fear to protect his friend. It was the same self-control that allowed him to come from fear of herself to loving attention in less than a minute.

  During the explanation Aphrodite had felt a soft hand on her body, exploring her belly, her breasts, her inner thighs, and the thought that the large, curved woman next to her was taking liberties with her excited her not a little.

  A larger, rather rough hand joined the soft one, its explorations were not rough, strong as it was it stroked her gently. That hand had shaped those tiny dolphins of her necklace, and she wanted it to touch more of her, and she wanted to touch both him and Melissa in her turn.

  Her hand stroking Melissa was firm and forward, feeling the large, heavy breasts, and the lovely soft, padded curves.

  Her other hand, caressing Paul, was much more delicate, avoiding erogenous places, just stroking innocuous bits of skin very gently, an arm, a shoulder, a very nice and muscled chest. It was difficult, giving attention to two bodies at once, and with different levels of heat, but she was a goddess

  with a vast mind and she managed just fine.

  Guessing Paul would rather touch than be touched, Melissa set Aphrodite floating on the water, holding her head up with one arm and kissing her passionately. It was very different and very hot, kissing a woman, and Melissa loved the idea of lavishing love upon this woman together with her beloved man.

  She looked at him, and instantly saw that he thought exactly the same thing. Paul took over the kissing part, glad the goddess was very careful again, for his mouth was very sensitive, everything had the potential to hurt badly when touched a little too firmly.


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