Past Lives

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Past Lives Page 31

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  She nodded and said: 'I'm one of the strongest gods here, I bow to my father's will out of respect for him, but he could not beat me in a one-on-one contest. And I have many allies, my husband has a large and powerful family, and they will all support me.

  My affinity with sea-creatures has endeared me to Poseidon, and most other gods cannot help loving me, even fathers wife quite likes me. I think I'm safe.

  But honestly, father seems to like Lykos, and to beat him, me, Hermes and Lykos himself seems impossible.

  Do you want to stay here? I'll ask my dolphins to stay. Hermes will want Ophelie safe too, though her house is remote and her teleport well-guarded, and her staff is Gifted and very loyal. I suppose you'd rather not stay at Hermes' palace.'

  She felt Paul shudder under her, and remarked: 'I guess that is a no.'

  The atmosphere of impending doom had not improved for Melissa and Paul, though Lukas didn't seem to feel it, but their conversation had killed a lot of time, and Hermes and Ophelie arrived, not through the teleport, but via the beach. Ophelie's hair was dishevelled, and her cheeks were blushed with excitement by the swift journey.

  They laid the table for dinner, and soon they were all sitting together, eating and talking and laughing. Both Hermes and Aphrodite blanked out for a moment at the same time, and said that was their father summoning them to the meeting tomorrow. They'd pick up Katarina and teleport straight to Olympus.

  'I would prefer to have you all stay at Ophelie's place, do you agree?'

  Hermes asked, 'it is remote and very well-guarded. The staff is totally loyal to her and very Gifted.'

  'I have one objection,' Paul interjected, 'Damara. I do not want to share love with her again, but I'm sure she will expect me to. I can only stay at your place if you explain to her why I cannot. Is that acceptable?'

  Ophelie hastened to assure him: 'Of course, I will tell her what happened and she will leave you alone. I will be tense every moment Hermes is gone anyway, I don't trust the whole situation, Dionysus is not known for his subtlety, this whole plot reeks of someone else involved, someone powerful enough to scare Dionysus into silence. I'm afraid there is more afoot.

  Better be on your guard, all of you. I fear for Katarina, she cannot defend herself at all.'

  Feeling supported at last, Melissa offered: 'Can't she take another of those devices, Lukas, Paul? She'd end up in our basement, but we'd get her back home somehow. Hermes could fetch her. I would not like to be in her shoes, you can fight, Lykos, and you can flee, but she cannot do anything but hope for the best. She is mortal and therefore of no consequence.'

  'And we will want to know the spell to the demon world, so we can reach the portal by ourselves if at all possible,' said Paul.

  'Such doom and gloom, what is wrong with you?' exclaimed Hermes, 'this is supposed to be a party. You will be back in England in two more days, let us please enjoy these last few moments together. I will take good care of Katarina, and sis here will take excellent care of Lykos, and we'll say our say and be back before you know it.'

  And in a way he was right, they were all gloomy, so they had another glass of wine and tried to be gay. After an hour of small-talk and story-telling, Lukas caught Aphrodite's eye, and led Ophelie away to the beach. She looked after him with approval, he was a good person, and a good healer.

  There was something she really wanted for herself, which she thought she could never have, but she was contemplating to just ask and see what happened.

  She had seen the effect of Lykos' healing on Paul, and she really, really wanted to share her love with the strong man she admired for his artistry but also for the burning love and indomitable will he had in him. He had told her frankly just now that he was not going to share again, so what chance did she have?

  But an ancient goddess, beautiful and powerful, had no insecurities worth

  mentioning, so she decided to just ask and see what he wanted. She acted immediately, and sat on his other side, Melissa being seated on his one side.

  Frankness would be the only way, so she just dived in: 'Would you consider sharing love with me tonight, Paul? Just this once? I've wanted to taste your burning love since we met, and this is probably my last chance.'

  He was stunned by her request, that much was clear. But she didn't see outright refusal, or even fear, in him. She had surprised him utterly, and he needed to think it over.

  He looked at Melissa, questioningly, and she shrugged, it was his call, she didn't mind.

  'But why?' he asked, 'I'm just a very ordinary guy, not even a very good lover. Why would you want me if you're used to Lykos?'

  'You are in no way ordinary, Paul, I can feel you burning from here, you have so much love in you. I know it cannot be mine, but I thought I might taste it for once. But I will not blame you if you don't want to, I know you love very exclusively, in fact I heard you swear to never share again.'

  Taking in the situation, he said: 'Actually I don't mind, I kind of like you, I trust you, you have been very nice to me when I needed it, I am inclined to give you what you want. But Melissa has the last say, she'll be left behind with Hermes, once again.'

  Melissa still didn't seem to mind, and she said in a steady voice: 'I really don't mind, Paul, I think it is kind of fitting, to share once more and then be done with it.'

  Seeing Aphrodite's face as she heard this, Paul was more or less convinced she somehow really wanted him. It was kind of gratifying. So he let her lead him away, looking back only once, and getting a decided wink from Melissa.

  Melissa sat next to Hermes and said: 'Left behind together once more, Hermes. And this time it wasn't planned, but I feel much more at home here than in your palace, with those hungry courtiers everywhere.'

  He swallowed audibly and said huskily: 'Let it be very clear this was totally unplanned, but I must admit it does give me some memories. You must have been very sorry to have shared with me last time, since it enabled Rhoda to take Paul.'

  'I was, for a while, not for you, for we had a good time, but I did think I might have prevented Paul from being taken if I had stayed with him. But

  Aphrodite told me she could have taken both of us, and that would have been the end of Lykos, for neither of us would have returned to him.' The very idea was too awful for words, but Melissa had already cried once today, and she was not going to twice. It seemed those Greeks had infected her with their emotions.

  Hermes looked beat, that had never occurred to him either, and he didn't want to contemplate it, it had not happened.

  'May I kiss you once more?' the sleek god asked her shyly. Shyly? Yes, there was no other word for it, he asked it shyly. She realized Paul had counted on this happening, both of them sharing once more, with someone trustworthy, and deserving. Melissa couldn't even call it indulging him anymore, she actually wanted to share with Hermes one more time, he was a great lover, and he really cared for her.

  She didn't answer, but offered to kiss him. There was electricity as their mouths met, and the irony of the situation struck her, on this very terrace, next he'd offer to fly with her. Somehow he felt her laughter bubbling up, and he looked at her questioningly, not breaking off the kiss though. He was still a bit in love with her.

  When the kiss came to a natural end, she did laugh, and observed: 'One of those dreams the elven statues sent me was just like this, you and me kissing on this very terrace. Afterwards you took me flying and we made love with passion.'

  'Those things, how did they know this place?' Hermes was seriously put out. 'Anyway, I'm not taking you flying, I'm not leaving my son and my wife behind tonight, life is just always on the edge here. Maybe we'll pack everything up in a few months, move to London. A couple of citizens extra, they won't notice, will they?'

  'No, nobody will notice. But you will be missed here,' she replied, 'and life is not perfect there, either.'

  'Well then, what can we do but make love passionately then?' he asked cheekily, half-expecting her to refuse. And as she answered:
'I can't think of anything either, so we'd better. Damned elves, they'll love being right all along,' he lifted her bodily and carried her to his room, carefully laying her on his bed.

  And then she felt his smooth body again, and experienced not his burning love, nor his boundless energy, but the gentle skill that came with ages of practice in the art of loving. They coupled with passion, knowing this would

  be the last time their bodies would ever meet, and not even sorry for that, for they both had partners they truly loved. They took their time, knowing the others would do too, and Melissa only caught herself thinking of getting pregnant afterwards.

  She did not want a baby at all, but certainly not from Hermes. He must have caught that thought, for he smiled, and said: 'Don't worry, I don't sire children easily, none of the gods do. With our long lifespans, I suppose the world would otherwise be overrun with our offspring.

  I hope Lykos is not the exception, though he might be, having been a god for such a short time. I had hoped to make love to my own wife often enough to father our children myself this time. Not everyone gets a second chance.'

  He was really sweet, and much more generous than she would ever have thought when she first met him. She kissed him again, and they defied her fears by doing everything all over again.

  When Melissa went to her own bed, Paul was already there, asleep, but very lightly. He awoke when she crawled in next to him, and embraced her tightly, mumbling: 'And, are you worried to have a little godling?'

  She laughed, how well did he know her, and replied: 'Actually I was, but Hermes told me gods aren't particularly fertile, he suspected to prevent the world from being overrun with little godlings. Did you have a good time?'

  'I did,' was his reply, 'there is something special about making love to someone with centuries of experience, that cannot be denied. Still, I'll be happy to go back to our Victorian morals.'

  'Me too,' Melissa could not but agree with him, 'though I did notice the same thing: making love is certainly a skill that improves with age. Maybe we should keep sharing for holidays, to broaden our own skills.'

  'If you don't mind I'll refrain from an opinion on the subject of holidays until Lukas has returned to us safely tomorrow. That will probably decide whether I'll ever set foot on this world again.' Paul really didn't trust in a good ending to this adventure, and to be frank, Melissa was not entirely easy about it either.

  'Will you lend him the gun?' she asked her beloved, feeling torn between fear of the dangerous thing, and trust in its destructive capacity.

  'I will, and I want Lukas to pick up a steel knife from Galan's smithy, I know he can handle one. Too bad we didn't get to practice with the gun.

  Though he will be with Hermes and Aphrodite, what enemy could turn up that they cannot handle?'

  Paul changed the subject: 'I jested just now about pregnancies and babies, but are you still as afraid? I wouldn't want you to think I don't take your fears seriously, for I do now. I must admit I didn't before, it just seemed such an unreal subject. But I suppose that is the whole point, the reason why women get stuck with the babies. I promise you that if you do get pregnant, which I understand now is just a matter of time, I will take my responsibility.'

  'Thank you, love. I'm not as afraid anymore, Aphrodite was right, I missed the facts. And knowing both of you will be there for me, or rather, us, is essential. Let's forget about it now, and enjoy our freedom while it lasts.'

  Their bodies were too sated to make love all over again, and they missed Lukas a lot, so they cuddled until they got really tired, then went to sleep.

  Chapter 19

  The next morning they memorized the spell from the teleport to the demon world, and Paul handed Lukas the gun and several cartridges. He noticed that Lukas was wearing trousers and his leather vest, ready for action.

  Lukas also took two of the devices that were supposed to take the holder back to their basement in London instantly.

  He would only use it in a life-threatening situation, but he had no way to warn them if he had to use it. They decided that if the party had not returned that night, Melissa and Paul would go through the portal by themselves, straight from Ophelie's house.

  Though he had no skills with it, Paul wished he had one of those steel swords with him, but some cool part of his brain told him to not see danger where it wasn't. They'd spend a nice day with Ophelie, maybe learning some more about Lukas' youth, and in the evening they would all be together again for dinner.

  As they said their goodbyes in the teleport-cellar, Hermes said: 'I can reach both of you via the link, I'll try to keep you posted. Try not to worry too much, we have nothing to fear at my father's hands, and nothing can threaten four gods.

  And they were off, Ophelie staying behind with them. As they prepared to leave for her house themselves, the teleport activated and Galan arrived in the mosaic. He said: 'Katarina insisted I stay with you today. So I am coming with you. I brought the swords, I thought we might spend some time testing them.'

  'You know how to use one?' Paul asked eagerly, 'I've had a few fencing lessons in my youth, but my parents preferred I learn magic.'

  Galan grinned, and said: 'Actually I'm quite good, and these babies are lighter and much stronger that the weapons I'm used to.'

  He really loved those swords, that much was clear to Melissa. He must be a good fighter, with his strong satyr legs and his super-developed smith's muscles.

  She had always admired the elegance of sword-fighters, and had a secret

  wish to learn herself, in busy London she had just never gotten around to learning. But it would be great exercise, for Jonathan too.

  They teleported to the big house, having left all their stuff at the villa.

  Ophelie showed them around the house, and Melissa was really impressed by its solid structure, an earthquake would have little impact on it, and it was built very cleverly to keep as much heat out as possible, and still let in cooler evening breezes.

  As they sat in the main room for a while, the guys talking iron of course, showing signs of withdrawal being without their forge and hammer, but holding out well so far, Ophelie sat close to Melissa as if she wanted to talk confidently.

  Curious as ever, Melissa hoped she'd hear more of last night, and indeed, the now stunningly beautiful young woman said: 'Last night was really special for me, Melissa. I'm very happy to have finally gotten Hermes'

  attention, I ached for him for such a long time, but there was still some tension between Lykos and me.

  I loved him too, all those years, and I wanted to run off with him and leave everything behind, certain Hermes would never care for me. But propriety stopped me, I couldn't leave my people behind and I really did love Hermes very much. Well, you'll understand, loving two men.

  Melissa asked: 'But why didn't you just love Lykos and stay wed to Hermes? Sharing is quite accepted here, isn't it?'

  'I didn't dare, Hermes was different then. Very rarely he made love to me the way he is now, incredibly gentle and caring, but he could be insensitive and cruel as well, and I thought him rather jealous. I was afraid he'd hurt Lykos if he found out.

  But still I loved both, those few times Hermes showed his true nature made such an impression on me, and he was the god my people looked to for everything, it was my duty to my people to stay with him. Also, I don't like to share love that much, I just don't care about other men the way I do about Hermes.

  But Lykos, that needed doing, and it healed the hurt between us. He is so happy with you, he could forgive me for being so cold to him all those years.

  And he is the master of love, that much is clear. He had me gasping and shuddering at the same time.

  Thank you so much for taking such good care of him, it was painful to

  see him so lonely all the time and not being able to help him. He was the simply the best father to Katarina, such a gentle and sweet man.'

  Aphrodite had been right, detaching himself from his negative feelings had been
a good thing for Lukas, it had healed the breach between him and his step-mother.

  There was one thing Melissa wanted to leave behind for Ophelie: 'Has Lykos told you about our world, where loving just one person, and not sharing love at all, is considered the right thing to do? Not everyone can stick to it, the way I live with two men would be considered a disgrace, but most people in our world like having just one partner.

  What I mean to say is, that maybe you are one of those people, who don't want to share, who are happy with their own partner. Sharing may not be healthy for you, but a burden, a bow to propriety, as it has been for Paul. He doesn't really want to share, he is happy with me and has had to learn to love Lykos.

  If that is the case, why not talk to Hermes and stop trying?'

  'Lykos did tell me. I liked sharing with him, but only for what was between us, I wouldn't like to do it again. I am going to talk to Hermes, tell him sharing is not for me, and beg him to accept my love as it comes. Sharing is healthy if the inclination and the desire are there, but I don't have them, I am complete with Hermes' love, and I hope for a child of his, if I shared it will probably be someone else's again, I don't want that.'

  Melissa winked at her and said: 'I've heard that Aphrodite is really good at issues of the heart. Maybe she can help you conceive his child. But be quick if you mean to consult her, for Lykos may still be as fertile as ever.'

  'I love Katarina, and even I never knew for certain who her father was, but I am going to take your advice.'

  They thought it was sensible to go outside for the testing of the swords, so they stepped out on the terrace behind the main room. It was spacious and shady, and they could be back inside the house in a second if danger struck.

  Galan demonstrated his skill in a sword-form, and it was a marvel to behold. He moved fast enough to be difficult to follow, and killed imaginary enemies with graceful sweeps of the bright blade. When he had worked himself in a sweat, he wanted to try out Paul's skill, standing opposite him and drawing him out in traditional moves.


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