Past Lives

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Past Lives Page 34

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  The look in his eyes as he said that just killed Dionysus, and he fell on his face and pleaded to be forgiven for everything, but without the pathos, which made the scene truly heart-rending.

  And Lukas made it worse, by taking Dionysus in his arms, and holding him tightly, crying freely, for their lost friendship, and for what would happen to the jolly god. Would he ever see Hailee again? Would they burn him out, take his manhood, kill him outright?

  'I forgive you, old friend, but you know you deserve punishment. Will you take what is coming with dignity, will you accept responsibility for what you have done? I will see what can still be done for your niece, and then I am going back to the world where your plot landed me, straight into love and happiness. We will never meet again, old friend, so farewell.'

  Lukas kissed Dionysus' soft cheeks, squeezed him against his own slight body, then got up and left. Paul and Melissa followed in silence, there was nothing for them to say. A guard closed the door behind them and slid a few locks in place.

  Lukas led them back to that comfortable room, where they met up with the other three.

  'Can we go to Rhoda straight away? I feel awful, I watched you burn her out with satisfaction, and here she had been through abject terror every night, for months, right under my father's house, and no-one ever noticed. I want this over with, this day has been one big exercise in shock for me.'

  Before either Melissa or Paul could do something, Lukas was in the arms of his grandfather, who had swept him up, and said: 'No, you cannot do it now. You have borne more than your share of misery, I will take care of this mortal girl, I give you my word she will have every chance of recovery she can have.

  You will go wherever you are staying tonight and be together with your loved ones, free of fear and free of care. And I will see to this girl with Hera, at our own villa. If there is anything to salvage, my spouse will find it. If not, there are ways to make up for a miserable life, I have connections everywhere, even in Hell.

  Aphrodite, you take your nephew and his friends, Hermes will go by his palace and hand the girl over to me. Stop worrying, she will be released.'

  Soon, they were back at the big house, where the monster had been killed

  by Galan, with the help of Damara. They had both suffered a few hits, but not as many as they would have had the monster been constructed for attack, with horns or claws.

  Lukas was still a bit quiet, this had been a very tough day for him, and Melissa sat down on a sofa in a quiet corner with his curly head in her lap, and she scratched his horn-bases really softly, to let him know he was loved, and to give him a chance to relax.

  Realizing this would be hard on Aphrodite, who must be hoping to spend this last night together, Melissa nonetheless did what she thought she had to do, no-one could comfort Lukas as well as she could, the familiarity of her touch would have him back to a semblance of good humour the quickest.

  'You are so good to me, Melissa,' Lukas mumbled, giving himself up to her ministrations totally, then added: 'I'm so glad we will be together again, I've missed both of you the last few days. I feel bad for my aunt, she will miss all of us, she doesn't love her husband you know, she was practically forced to marry him.

  Give me five more minutes with you, and I'll detach myself from my old friend Dionysus, and from the girl we all wronged, and then we'll make this night one Aphrodite will remember for a long time to come. She deserves that much for treating us all so well.'

  Of course Melissa knew the jolly god had done countless bad things, and she suspected this was not the first time he had broken laws, but somehow she felt very sorry for him. Still, she was not going to tell Lukas that, for he'd feel bad all over again. There was nothing they could do for Dionysus, he had brought this on himself.

  Galan was describing how he had skewered the creature right through the second heart, and Melissa was amazed with the change in him. He had been so quiet, almost invisible, and now he was very pleased to tell Paul all about how those steel swords had even sheared through bone.

  Then he wondered how they would remove the body, it was huge, and in the Mediterranean heat it would spoil quickly. Melissa thought they might tug it off the terrace and then burn it, the feathered wings would probably burn reasonably well.

  In her arms, Lukas was slowly coming back to himself, and after five more minutes he did indeed sit up, shake his head, kiss her, and then he asked for a glass of wine and joined the conversation. Melissa knew he had just put his grief away for later, but that was no problem, they'd have plenty of time

  for that as they got used to the cold in England, she suspected they would spend the first days catching up on sleep anyway.

  In the heat of things, they had missed lunch, so Ophelie arranged for some snacks to be served, and they all ate heartily. Lukas moved to sit with Aphrodite, and he was succeeding very well in keeping her happy and entertained.

  Paul joined Melissa and they were silent mostly, they just didn't have much to say, so much had happened, but none of it was a suitable subject for conversation just now. So they held hands and listened to the others, trying to fix them in their minds for later reminiscence. There was a lot of love in this household, and Melissa hoped for both couples that it would soon be enlarged with a few children.

  As they sat comfortably, finally able to relax now everything was really over, glad somehow that they had stayed to the end, knowing Lukas' family would be safe now, Hermes came in, and he was not alone.

  He had brought his father, and Zeus greeted everyone with a hug and a kind word, even Kadmus, Damara and Galan.

  He sat himself with Lukas and Aphrodite, and as he spoke to them, the relief in their faces showed that he had good news on Rhoda. They would have to wait to hear how much Hera had been able to salvage, but for now Melissa was just pleased Lukas had one thing less to worry about.

  After that little chat the wise old god joined the two of them, and said:

  'I've just told Lukas that my wife has managed to find Rhoda back amongst the ruins of her mind, and she has been able to fade her bad memories a lot, taking away much of her hatred against everyone.

  She will not get her magic back, but my wife likes little projects like these, and will undoubtedly treat her again until she has a chance of happiness, then set her up with some deserving bloke to get married or something.

  Lukas and Aphrodite had no way of knowing what had been done to her, her hatred had drowned out all those memories, I just knew the truth somehow, as soon as I saw Ishtar, that happens to me often.'

  The god now wanted to know all about England, about the way magic worked there, how Paul had learned how to make a construct, whether it was true there were only humans left, how Paul could make a necklace of dolphins that really seemed to move.

  'Horses too, I see,' looking at Melissa's necklace.

  Melissa got her turn as well, did she realize no-one could see into things like she did? And could she really build a house out of glass?

  After talking for nearly an hour, Melissa decided it was time she asked a question and she asked: 'Master Zeus, why is it that you call Lukas by his chosen name, and not by his given name?'

  The god looked wiser than ever, stroked his beard, then said: 'He asked me to call him Lukas, so that is what I called him. It seemed the polite thing to do.'

  That had them laughing, Melissa had imagined a meaning to his use of Lukas' chosen name, gotten from some unfathomable source, but it had been simple courtesy. Could it be that the world was a lot simpler than she thought it was, even if it was ruled by real, live gods?

  He looked at her intensely, and again she thought he must see something deep in her, but then he said: 'You are the most beautiful woman I have seen in ages, so different from my own people, the wealth of your body and your extraordinary colouring, and your intelligence enhancing it. I have heard that young Lukas always had a good taste in women, though he didn't use to follow them back to an alien world.

  And I can see you
have made an impression on my son as well, he has learned a lot on your world.'

  He seemed just another man, as he sat back, sipped his wine, and said:

  'You will all be missed when you leave, but I for one am kind of happy as well, you know too much, and you are too independent to live under the rule of fallible gods and goddesses.

  They are attracted to you like moths to a bright flame, not realizing you don't acknowledge their right to rule you. No, you are better off on your own world, and since you released Lukas' Gift, you have the right to its providence to better the lot of your people.

  I know you will take great care of him, and protect him from his own goodness, more than any of us ever did. You will make him happy, as he will make you happy.'

  With a very mild expression he asked Melissa: 'May I touch you just for a moment? Just hold your hand very briefly?'

  Seeing no reason not to let him have it, she gave him her hand. He did not blank out, but he fixed her in a steady gaze for a few seconds, then he smiled

  broadly, showing a clear family-resemblance, released her hand and repeated:

  'Yes, you will make him very happy, both of you.'

  Then he looked at Paul and asked: 'Will you go back first thing in the morning? Hermes and I were contemplating to move the portal to the basement of the villa, instead of having it in that nasty demon world. We were planning to check it out together, see if it can be made safer to travel between worlds, for Hermes is planning to spend some time in your world every year, to see his son's family, and his friends and get some rest.

  And I think my daughter wants to come too. Can't have her chasing demons, it would cause a diplomatic disaster. I'd have to visit there, have you any idea of the things those unholy fellows serve at a formal dinner? Spare me!

  So, if you have the patience to stay for lunch, you might go straight through the portal from the villa, that is what I wanted to say.

  And now, if you will excuse me, I will spend some time with my daughter-in-law, who looks ravishing in the traditional way. She's not the kind to share either, is she? I was planning to stay the night, but not alone.'

  Paul said cheekily: 'Why not try Damara, she loves to share. Feisty, though.'

  The old man belied his wizened appearance with a lusty grin, and set off for the group of people that happened to include both his daughter-in-law and her eager friend. Paul had seen Damara checking him out several times that night, and though they would be staying in the villa, he thought it might be safest if she was occupied with someone else, and she might appreciate a really skilled and powerful lover for a night.

  'Master Zeus!' Paul called after him. The god turned around and took a few steps back towards them. When he was rather close again, Paul added in a low voice: 'She likes to have the bases of her horns scratched.'

  That broad grin again, it really was a family-trait, though Lukas' was the cutest because of his dented lip.

  Melissa nudged him and said: 'Paul, she's his granddaughter!'

  That did startle him for a moment, but he recovered: 'I forgot, but they won't care. Hermes made love to his own sister. They draw the line at their parents, though. Damara wanted Lukas so much but couldn't have him, why not have the ultimate catch? Hera will never know.'

  He was right, in a way, and Zeus seemed nice enough.

  Enjoying the quiet, warm afternoon, they sat together until dinner, and

  during dinner they discussed how the portal might be moved. Hermes and Zeus had a theory on how worlds touched one another, and wanted Melissa and Paul to test it against their more modern knowledge of physics. Melissa had the time of her life, trying to rhyme the laws of physics she had learned with the fact that alternate worlds and dimensions clearly did exist.

  Paul's knowledge of magic was useful too, though he would have loved to have Tristan and George here, who were the real experts on the subject of other dimensions. Maybe even Jakob, somehow Paul guessed those three men would prove as powerful as the three older gods in their own right. He pictured Tristan discussing the finer points of high magick with Zeus, still unable to see the ancient god as some higher being.

  To him, the Greek gods were just very talented mages, with unlimited power. Zeus was right, it was best they leave, they were a distinct danger to the established order.

  They spent their last evening pleasantly, drinking wine, chatting and laughing, but they did not stay up very late. Damara had led Zeus away to her room rather eagerly, she certainly had an interesting night ahead of her.

  Hermes stayed with Ophelie, and Galan and Katarina went home, with the teleport circle in their basement they were a few seconds away from their own bed.

  Back at the villa, Aphrodite clearly wanted Lukas to stay with her very much, for one last night. What could he do but indulge her, from tomorrow on he would sleep with his loved ones again. He hugged both of them tightly, Melissa whispering: 'If you need me, don't hesitate to come and find me, love.' She was so sweet, he could kiss her, and he did.

  Then they parted reluctantly, and found their own beds.

  The next morning, Melissa found herself alone in bed, which was totally unheard of. She looked for Paul's mind, the fastest way of finding him, and was greeted enthusiastically by her beloved, who had awoken early and gone for a swim, hoping to see the dolphins one last time.

  Lukas was there as well, always an early riser, and Melissa decided to join them as well. She walked towards the cliff without bothering to dress, and found the guys in the middle of a water-battle with the four dolphins.

  They were losing of course.

  After playing in the water for half an hour they had breakfast on the terrace, and Aphrodite joined them there. She didn't eat much, she was not

  looking forward to the coming parting.

  'If you visit, I will teach you to ride a bicycle,' Melissa promised her, to cheer her up. Managing a smile, the goddess observed: 'That is the thing with just two wheels, isn't it? I'd love to try one, and see your city.

  I think we will drop by, to let Lykos know about Dionysus, what punishment is delivered to him. And to see how you are doing.'

  Well, Melissa expected they'd do just fine, did Aphrodite expect Lukas to be sorry for going back? He might be, once he found out how cold and wet winter was, and how much worse the city's poor were off in that harsh time of the year.

  Having finished their packing, they left their packs at the villa and teleported to the big house to say their final goodbyes.

  Galan wanted Paul to take one of the swords, but Paul told him to keep the one and give the other to Damara, they knew how to use them, he'd make another one for himself. He did take one of the knives, in memory of Galan and his lovely smithy.

  Of course Lukas and Katarina shed a lot of tears saying goodbye, but they were tears of joy as well, to leave the other happy and safe. Melissa thought Katarina looked radiant, and there was something different about her, her mottles were much more defined, and her cheeks a little more rounded. She could be with child, but it had been only days since she had first shared her love and had been touched by Aphrodite.

  And she must have been rather depressed, not able to be herself and convinced her beloved father was dead in a ditch somewhere. Getting a little sun on her mottled skin, and enjoying wine and food would make her gain weight.

  It was just too early to say, and Melissa found herself hoping there would be some traffic along the portal, to keep up with the news.

  Damara had clearly enjoyed herself hugely the last night, she practically glowed, and she said goodbye to her father and to Paul without regrets they were leaving.

  Hermes and Zeus were indeed absent, and having said their goodbyes the visitors went back to the villa for lunch. Once there, Paul and Melissa busied themselves laying the table with whatever food was available in the kitchen, whilst Lukas sat on the terrace holding his aunt, giving her what love he could, knowing she would have a few days of disappointment to see them go.

  He d
id not think she would be inconsolable, gods just didn't feel that strongly. She'd get over him quickly, and find some other guy willing to please her. Of course she'd miss their company as well, Paul and Melissa were very smart and interesting to talk to. Only Dionysus had any chance of even getting close to Lukas' skills in making love, and he was certain Aphrodite would not turn to him. Poor old friend, he was certainly in for it.

  No love for him for a long, long time.

  But that couldn't be helped, by now he was looking forward very much to being home once more, building back his muscle, sharing love with George, improving life for as many people as he could. A nice dance, though probably indoors by now. Too bad, though he wasn't interested in what went on in the bushes anyhow.

  It would be good to be home again.

  He kissed his aunt tenderly, stroking her perfect body, feeling her tense.

  'Do you want to share love one last time?' he asked her. But she was not tensing in heat, she had her face buried in his chest, and was crying quietly.

  That was something he didn't expect. But it couldn't be helped, he could not live without his loved ones, and they needed him, London needed him.

  Depending on how much power he would have left once back in England, he would not rest at healing a few individuals, he would spend part of each day going out, trying to make a difference.

  Pulling his attention back into the here and now, he tried to console his divine lover, he kissed her gently, and stroked her perfect skin and lovely hair. She was so beautiful, and had been such a gentle and skilled lover.

  'Will you remember me, Lykos?' Aphrodite asked him.

  'Of course I will, beloved,' he answered, 'but you will visit, won't you?

  Soon? You'll love going to a dance, and you can help me in my practice. I'm planning to set up a healing practice, besides my work in the forge.'

  'I'll be there when you get your greatest wish, dear Lykos, be sure of that.

  And until then I'll savour my memories. I'm very glad to have come to know you, you and Paul are the most deserving men I've ever known.


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