Past Lives

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Past Lives Page 58

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  The sturdy contractor proved he had a logical mind by asking, rather embarrassed: 'But how can you be so sure the baby is his then?'

  He had a point there, and Melissa was curious how Paul would explain that.

  'That is difficult to explain, let's just say a higher power revealed to us who the father of our child really was.'

  The weird thing was that that didn't seem to surprise Mr Jones at all, he accepted the totally illogical explanation with a: 'Somehow I can believe that, you know some very powerful people who seem to be surrounded by a certain mystery, like Sir George Nomes, and that beautiful young man who stayed there when I met him for the first time, and council member Telling.

  Young Lukas here, he seems to be different, too, not very much, but I saw him scalded by boiling water yesterday, his skin was blistering all over his face and his hands, I feared for his handsome face and his hands at the very least, and yes, for his life at the worst. And now he is fine, his skin still pink and tender, and he is holding his son as if he has had children before.'

  Mr Jones was very observant indeed, and he had an excellent memory:

  'That reminds me Melissa, that I saw you stun a man half again your size with a slap.

  I have long thought there is more to all of you than meets the eye, but I will not tell anyone that. Your secret is safe with me.

  I've heard stories of a slender young man with brown curly hair healing poor people all over the city, all through winter. I just hope that if something bad ever happens to me on a work-site, that you will be there, Lukas.'

  Lukas bent over towards Mr Jones with his son, keeping his legs and hoofs hidden under the blanket, and he replied: 'I hope so too, Mr Jones. And if I'm not, you can always send for me. And now little Edward wants to meet you, see how he watches you?'

  The dark eyes were indeed fixed on Mr Jones with more intent than a baby usually displayed, and the man felt a bit uncomfortable under that fearless gaze. But the eyes were very large and very friendly, beautifully shaped and with long dark lashes already, and the little face was so incredibly cute with his father's dented lip but the chubby cheeks of an infant, that it was just not possible to feel any negative feeling at all.

  One just had to love this baby, and to stroke its dear little fuzzy head and its soft cheek, so Mr Jones did just that. Little Edward kept his serious look, for of course he couldn't laugh yet, Mr Jones had children of his own and he remembered that stage where babies look as if they know the truth about the

  world and everything in it but can't communicate the answers yet.

  And Lukas didn't look the same as usual either, this was not a twenty-year-old apprentice metal worker, there was an adult man looking out of those dark eyes. Had this man cured himself of burns that would have left him mutilated, if not killed with shock and infection within days?

  These thoughts came over him in a second, and after that second he blurted out: 'He does look like you Lukas, his dark eyes are exactly the same shape, and the dent in his lip. He'll grow to look more like you every day, what will the people think?'

  'They'll probably think Lukas slept with my wife, which is true. I know, because I was there. Let the people talk, Rupert, our friends know the truth, and I'm already totally smitten with this spitting image of the dearest friend I have on this earth.'

  Edward turned his gaze towards Paul, and somehow Paul knew he was supposed to carry him around for a while. As he moved towards Lukas, the latter already held Edward out to Paul. Had Lukas received unspoken instructions too?

  Paul looked at Lukas and saw him nod. Apparently Rupert didn't know half of it, and neither did he.

  Seeing Paul handle his son with such affection, and feeling the love in this unconventional family, Mr Jones said to Melissa: 'I congratulate you on such a fine boy, and such fine fathers. The only thing I regret the tiniest bit is that little Edward will not have your glorious hair. I had hoped to see that pass on to the next generation. But where one child is born, usually more will follow, so there is still hope of a copper-haired Kenwick beauty.'

  Melissa realized he was right, Edward would have dark hair, but she was also tickled Mr Jones had had thoughts on the colour of their baby's hair.

  He went on: 'Do I have your permission to talk a little business now?

  With two husbands to share the load, I am hoping you will be back on the market for inspections soon? I have several I'm keeping for you, I don't want anyone else there and I'll send a carriage of course.'

  Nothing could have made Melissa happier, and she said: 'The midwife insists on my taking at least a week off to recover and get used to having a baby, but after that I will be totally at your service, and gladly. I've missed work.'

  'Great,' Mr Jones said, 'we have a deal, then, before Mr Millner beats me to it, I know he is waiting for you to resume work as well. And for the

  gentlemen, I have an official request for two brass or copper boilers for the glass-house, with every safety precaution that can be had, to be delivered and installed before the cold sets in. Can you make an offer on those? As large as you can safely make them?'

  Paul nodded, a bit distracted because he was nuzzling and kissing his son, and observed: 'We're doing well with bicycles and swords, but we can fit in a few boilers this summer. There's this whole new mouth to feed, you see. You don't want to know how much his father eats, and the small one has so much growing to do.'

  Lukas smiled his broadest smile, always happy when made fun of, and Mr Jones added: 'That reminds me, the gardener of the glass-house would like to talk to your smallish friend again, he worked up his nerve to ask me, he was very sorry that their discourse was interrupted by that terrible accident. I understand your friend works at the Nomes' Manor, in the new greenhouse?'

  Lukas asserted himself much more, and replied: 'He does, John is very good with plants, and he enjoyed talking to the glass-house man just as much.

  Lady Nomes mostly grows useful plants, those that carry fruit, and I think John is very interested in the ornamental ones as well.'

  'That's what the gardener said, he wanted to know more about tropical plants that bear fruit, so they can exchange information and maybe even seedlings.'

  At that very moment, someone entered the room, and everyone looked at the door and saw Aphrodite come in, bearing a tray with coffee, tea and cups.

  She saw Mr Jones and said: 'One moment please, let me yell at John.'

  She walked out again, indeed yelled something, in Greek, then returned almost immediately: 'I asked him to bring an extra plate and cup, for your visitor.'

  Paul saw Mr Jones gape at the beauty of the goddess, Victorian dress did become her exceptionally well. Paul himself was still totally overcome by Melissa's looks, but he knew most men thought Aphrodite the most beautiful woman that ever existed.

  He had to introduce her, and decided on impulse to just use her own name. Paul handed Edward to his beautiful mother, who took him eagerly, which made Paul very happy, and then he said: Rupert, may I introduce you to our midwife, Lukas' aunt Aphrodite. Aphrodite, this is Rupert Jones, the contractor who has made our business a success. He has also built the iron

  frame of Frances' greenhouse.'

  Mr Jones kissed the hand Aphrodite held out to him, she had been learning Victorian manners very quickly, using Tristan's as example of the most exalted ones.

  Mr Jones was still unable to speak, but the goddess asked him: 'I supposed you'd be willing to take a cup of coffee with us, Mr Jones, in honour of the latest addition to the Kenwick family?'

  With everything Paul had just told him, Mr Jones would be thinking feverishly whether she meant that or was being sarcastic. Apparently he decided to just drink the coffee: 'Yes, Miss, please.' And suddenly he managed to say very politely: 'You are very well-named, Miss Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love cannot possibly be more beautiful than you.'

  'Why thank you for your compliment, Mr Jones, to be compared to a goddess is so nice! Though I am a Misses, I've
been married for quite some years now. To a master-smith, actually, as accomplished in his way as Paul here, but slightly less bent on modern inventions. My husband likes traditional ironwork.'

  Blushing, Mr Jones accepted a cup of coffee with a polite bow.

  Now John entered as well, carrying another tray with lunch articles, bread, cheese, olives, and plates and cutlery.

  He shook hands with Mr Jones, and that worthy man told him about the gardener of the glass-house in person. John was pleased, and he promised to cycle by the glass-house on his afternoon off.

  After lunch, Mr Jones left, having looked his fill of Aphrodite throughout the meal.

  Little Edward had another drink, then fell asleep again in his mother's arms.

  Paul observed: 'I thought you'd be at the manor, John.'

  'I was planning to, but Aphrodite asked me to stay and keep her company, so I did. I will be going there this afternoon, though, to put in my hours of work.'

  'Do you want to go, too, Lukas?' Paul asked, 'I'm planning to stay with Melissa this afternoon, so you can tell George and your father the good news.'

  Lukas replied: 'I really want to, but won't you miss me? I promised to be there for you.'

  His aunt said: 'I'm staying here, so you can go without feeling guilty.

  Everything will be just fine.'

  'I'll come with you then, John,' Lukas said to his friend, 'they'll be amazed.'

  Aphrodite stayed for another five days, in which she taught them everything she knew about babies, and helped run the household so they could connect to their new family-member and to each other. Not being allowed to make love was pretty hard on Melissa, apparently her urges were so high that even a birth couldn't put her off it.

  She did encourage Lukas to indulge Aphrodite at least once, it was clear the goddess wanted to very much, and it was not as if it was an unpleasant duty to share love with her. Melissa wouldn't have minded if Paul had done so too, but he absolutely denied the need to share, he was very satisfied to express their love differently until she was totally recovered.

  With his and Lukas' attentions Melissa bore her own growing unrest reasonably well, and little Edward thrived under their excellent care. Paul was soon back into his old routine, working in the mornings, playing in the afternoons, and with Aphrodite staying at their house most of the time, Lukas could often join him in the workshop.

  John worked most mornings, too, then spent the afternoons with Aphrodite in the apartment, and their involvement changed him from a rather humble, self-effacing shade of a man, into the self-assured lover he had been, enjoying life much more keenly because the goddess of love appreciated playing with him so obviously.

  He saw Hailee regularly at the manor, and they interacted playfully, but neither made a move for the other, John transferred his regained confidence to Frances, in the secrecy of their little love-nest between the large plants of the old greenhouse, and John supposed that Hailee shared love with Marcus.

  She did gain self-confidence and a certain independence at the manor, Frances told him she was reading a lot, and had talked with Ilsa for a long time about her ambitions and hopes. She was still in doubt whether to stay or leave.

  Of course Melissa and Edward had a lot of visitors, all their friends and family came by, and Edward seemed to know them all, his gaze upon each newcomer, and according to Lukas his feelings much like: So this is Jakob.

  Glad to have finally seen him.

  Little Edward's meeting with Hermes was profound, as his grandfather

  came in and kissed Melissa with that special intimacy they shared since Greece, Hermes looked away from her as if called, and picked up the baby first, holding him as he liked being held, nestled in the person's arm but able to look at them conveniently. His steady gaze spoke volumes.

  But with Hermes, a whole conversation seemed to take place. The beautiful god stood in silence, with Edward in his arm, holding each other's gaze, exchanging a world of information for all anyone could see, and only then, after as much as five minutes, did Hermes nuzzle the little neck and kiss the cute face.

  Edward stayed in his arms for the entire visit, and when Hermes left after just a short time, mother and baby still needed their rest after all, he cried in disappointment, sounding like any other baby, and letting himself be comforted by his mother's presence like any other baby.

  But Melissa was not lying in bed all day, she was up and about from day two, doing any chore but cooking, watching the men cook, or sitting in the easy chair in the workshop, a bit worried about the noise and the heat of the forge, but little Edward loved the workshop, there was so much to see, he didn't know where to look first.

  Though she didn't like it at all, she forced herself to leave Edward with either of his fathers at least once a day for a short period of time, to go shopping with Aphrodite, to visit Frances at the manor, often seeing Ilsa there, or just to sit and read in the garden or go for a little bicycle ride, alone or with one of the others.

  Since she was always back for the next meal, Edward never cried when she left, he loved being with Paul or Lukas just as much.

  When Aphrodite left, Hermes went with her, and they were on their own.

  Lukas spent a little more time with John, either at home or in the apartment, and George became a regular visitor once again, often bringing Frances to either sit with Melissa and the baby, or work in the garden with John.

  Melissa's parents made their appearance often, and her sisters and Paul's parents once, though Sofia was a more regular visitor, staying in London in summer she sought their company more often, for with her parents on the Kenwick estate she had to look elsewhere for a little company.

  The inspections resumed, as frequent as they had been, still a steady source of income for their household, and a great source of gratification for Melissa, though it was harder than she had ever expected to leave her little son behind, even in the excellent care of Paul and Lukas.

  When they went to the doctor's house to practice and teach, they took little Edward with them, and Catherine adored him, had several of those unspoken conversations with him. Lukas asked Adison to let him come with her for a few births, and she allowed him to, testing the knowledge Aphrodite had left him with, and teaching him more.

  On one of these visits, the mother-to-be had a life-threatening case of pneumonia, which Adison was dosing her against. She had not tried to heal her with magic, never having had a case of pneumonia before, and Lukas suggested he cure the sickness with her following the process, Lukas expected her to learn the treatment for this specific disease quicker with an example to follow.

  Sending any witnesses out of the room, Lukas had carefully linked to Adison, as they had done before, taking care they wouldn't experience the need to exchange intimacies, and activated his talent.

  As he went to the source of the sickness and battled the shapes that caused it, he felt something fall into place in his companion, and when they got back onto the now, the woman much improved already, Adison thanked him for showing her how to beat this dangerous disease.

  They arranged for Adison to come with him on some of his excursions to the poor neighbourhoods, though the mild weather improved the living conditions of the homeless, there were still those who needed care, and it was a perfect place to practise healing magic, especially with Vincent watching their backs.

  With little Edward two weeks old, Lukas was at the manor on his morning run, as he met Jonathan, who was looking for him to discuss a certain sensitive matter.

  They sat on lazy chairs in the garden near the greenhouse, where they had healed child after child of severe trauma almost a year ago. Then Jonathan said: 'Rhoda and I are getting ever closer, and we really want to become physical.

  But she cannot bear my touch if it gets too intimate, she is still traumatized I think, but she just accepts it and says time is needed to heal the rest of the damage.

  I don't trust Hera, she wanted Rhoda's memories to hurt Dionysus, and she m
ay not be as talented as you are in healing trauma, what if it can be improved, so we can at least stroke each other a little? I don't need to share love already, but I'd like to kiss her and sleep together.

  And she still has nightmares that leave her depressed all day, something Paul is involved with, for I've noticed she has trouble facing him, yet he is perfectly relaxed with her, encouraging her to hold Edward, but whenever they meet she has to control herself not to flee from him, and she dreams the night after. She hurts.

  She adapts magnificently, knows what she wants, studies hard, she even helps me with my magic sometimes, she has sight, though she cannot use her magic, it seems no power accumulates in her but mostly she has no will to try at all, she just says she cannot and I dare not insist.

  I want her to be at peace, we haven't talked about the past yet, I want to tell her about mine and I want to hear what hurt her so, but she is not going to share her story with me as long as it still haunts her day and night. She will not let me stay with her to comfort her after a nightmare, she doesn't want me to touch her with love at all.'

  Lukas said: 'I'm glad you're asking me, I had a feeling something was not yet right, and I'd like to help. But I want Melissa along, she can see things I can't, and I'll need her to cope with my own guilt, and my anger that might flare up when I help her process her memories.

  For you are right that Paul had something to do with it, she hurt him really badly, and I love him so much. You need to be there, too, and I want George to anchor us. Paul can mind the baby, he needs to not be there.

  It took Jonathan another two weeks to convince Rhoda to let Lukas and Melissa try a healing on her. To let Paul's wife and lover into her head to see what she had done to him was a lot to ask.

  But before Rhoda had reached a decision, a boy banged on their door in the middle of the night. Lukas dressed and ran full speed to the Telling mansion, to help Adison with the delivery of Ilsa's baby. He arrived first, of course, and found Ilsa still in the first stages of labor.


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