Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2) Page 3

by G. K. DeRosa

  A mischievous grin tugged at his lips, revealing that elusive dimple on his scruffy cheek. It was the closest thing to a smile I’d seen from the surly dragon in a while. “Flying, of course.”

  My jaw dropped, and I halted mid-stride. “Seriously?”

  “How else did you think we were going to get off this mountain top? Unless you wanted to take the stairs down? Because I don’t think opening a portal into SIA headquarters would go over well.”

  “Touché, dragon douche canoe.”

  “How colorful, one thirty-eight.”

  I grunted and continued traipsing down the dim passageway. Flying? On Talon’s dragon? My insides twisted into a giant pretzel, without the delicious cheesy dipping sauce.

  “What’s the matter, you scared of heights?”

  “No,” I hissed. I wrapped my arms tighter around myself. “It just sounds like it’s going to be frigid.”

  “You’ll be fine. My dragon’s pretty hot.” Again, that smirk.

  “Are you actually making a joke? I didn’t think you were capable of such lighthearted banter.”

  He shoved his fingers through his dark hair, driving up the spikes. “You don’t know anything about me, Azara. Just like I know nothing about you. We met under difficult circumstances and maybe things between us would’ve been different otherwise.”

  He picked up his pace, leaving me slack-jawed once more. What did that even mean?

  I let the silence linger and stayed a few feet behind him. Talon was the most exasperating man I knew. One second he was a complete beast and the next he was almost human.

  “We’re almost there,” he called out over his shoulder.

  Sure enough, I glanced ahead to find a light at the end of the tunnel. Cliché, right? But this light would actually be heaven, my salvation from the past few weeks behind bars. I lengthened my strides and caught up to Talon.

  As we neared the end of the passageway, a brisk chill swept over my polyester jumpsuit. I tugged on the collar pulling it up higher around my neck. The archway loomed ever closer, pristine white snow blotting the opening.

  “Hold on a sec.” Talon stopped and pivoted toward a small alcove entrenched within the obsidian rock. He dropped to the floor and dug at the hard-packed dirt. A moment later, a duffle bag appeared from the hole in the ground. He unzipped it and pulled out two thick winter coats and a neatly folded stack of clothes. “Here you go.”

  I accepted the items and scanned my new apparel. I didn’t know why I was being picky after living in a prison jumpsuit for weeks. Maybe it was the mystery of to whom they belonged that was getting to me.

  “Are you going to put the clothes on or just stare at them?” Talon threw me a sidelong glance as he began to strip out of his jumpsuit.

  Do not look up, Azara. I kept my gaze trained on the warm outfit to keep from ogling his sculpted perfection. “I was just looking for a size.”

  “They’ll fit. You’re about the same build as Ella.”

  My eyes shot up before I could stop them. “Who’s Ella?”

  “One of the females on the team, like I told you before.”

  I bit down on my lip to keep from asking more about this girl. Instead, my eyes focused on Talon’s half naked body. Dammit. Even in the dim light, his silver dragon shimmered, dancing along the cut dips and valleys of his torso.

  Fire surged through my veins, ignited by the sight of his glimmering beast. Had to be the bond.

  He pulled the slate gray jumpsuit down over his hips, revealing tight black boxer briefs, and I swallowed hard. Sure, I’d seen him in his underwear before but never at this close distance. Heat blossomed across my cheeks, and I lowered my gaze to the clothes in my arms. Right, get dressed, Azara.

  I shimmied out of my jumpsuit, letting the material hang from my waist. Luckily, I could keep my tank top underneath. I pulled the long-sleeve shirt and sweater over my head and the soft wool caressed my skin. After that horrible prison garb this was heaven.

  A faint rumble diverted my attention back to Talon. His eyes were glued to the inch of skin peeking out between the sweater and sagging jumpsuit. His tongue snaked out, he swept it over his bottom lip and another soft groan filled the silence.

  My insides clenched, heat swelling in my lower half. I spun around refusing to give into my lusty urges. “Do you mind turning around?” I muttered over my shoulder.

  “Um, yeah, sure.”

  The awkward tone of his voice split my lips into a smile. I didn’t think I’d ever heard the great leader of the Triad embarrassed before. I tugged the bottom half of my jumpsuit off and slipped into the skinny jeans. They were like second skin, fitting perfectly. How had Talon been so spot on?

  Once I had everything on, I gave Talon the okay to turn around. His eyes raked over me appreciatively. In his defense, the saggy prison attire did nothing for my curves. Now they were in full view. “Good, I’m glad they fit.” The surprisingly gruff tone caught me off guard.

  “Yup.” I slid my hands over the soft woolen sleeves, soaking the warmth in. Talon stood there still wearing only boxers, his hand palming the back of his neck. “Aren’t you getting dressed?”

  “No point. I’ll just destroy my clothes when my dragon comes out.”

  “Oh, right.” I’d forgotten about that. I hadn’t spent much time with shifters growing up. Even though my uncle was the Brotherhood of Dragon’s Alpha, we didn’t see them often since we lived in the human world.

  He ticked his head toward the opening of the tunnel. “Ready?”

  To ride your dragon? Again, I had to stifle an inappropriate giggle. Pressing my lips together, I nodded.

  We reached the archway, and the towering crags of Draeko loomed over us. Pristine snow blanketed the monstrous summits, the rising sun bathing the sky in a brilliant rainbow. The crisp, clean air after weeks of the dank prison filled my lungs, reminding me of Talon’s mountain fresh scent.

  The moment I left the shelter of the tunnel and stepped foot onto the snowy peak, the glacial breeze stole the breath from my lungs. My teeth chattered, and I hugged my arms around myself trying to disappear into the warm coat. “Freezing faeries!”

  Meanwhile, Talon stood atop the icy promontory in nothing but boxers like it was a sunny day at Summer Court. “You’ll feel warmer once you’re on my dragon, you’ll see.”

  “Well, let’s get on with that then.” I twirled my finger at him.

  A wicked grin pulled at his lips, something like excitement flashing across his twinkling irises. “You might want to step back.”

  I staggered backward and took shelter at the tunnel opening. A silver mist swirled around Talon’s legs, slowly crawling up his waist, chest, and neck, until it covered him completely. The air vibrated around him, and the smoky scent of magic swathed the chilly air. Through the mystical haze, I could just make out Talon’s form expanding and contorting. Silver scales crept over his shoulders and chest, then sped down his arms. His hands curled, his fingers disappearing as sharp talons jutted from webbed reptilian digits.

  Enormous leathery wings sprang out from his back, about twice the size of the ones I’d seen when he’d partially transformed to battle the caracara demon that attacked me in the communal showers. His face elongated, a silver snout and razor-sharp teeth glistening beneath the rising sun’s first rays.

  The magical vapor finally dissipated, revealing the massive dragon in all his glory. I sucked in a breath as my heart bashed against its skeletal confines. Holy dragon babies, he was more incredible than I ever could’ve imagined.

  I stared unblinking at the magnificent creature before me, the creature I was tied to. Now in his animal form, I could feel it more acutely than ever before. I had to fist my hands at my sides to keep from touching him. From running my fingers over his glistening scales.

  Are you going to sit there and stare or are you getting on? A familiar deep voice echoed in my mind, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

  “How are you in my head?” I shrieked.
br />   The dragon’s luminescent eyes locked on mine, and his nostrils flared. Don’t you know anything about how dragons communicate?

  “No, I must have missed that particular lesson in human high school.” I threw my hands up as I stared at the oversized iguana.

  This is how we communicate within our pride when we’re in dragon form. Dragons can’t actually speak.

  “Thanks for the newsflash.” With his voice invading my mind, I was having a hard time focusing. I actually did know my aunt could communicate with her dragon husband, but they were mates. “Wait a second. I’m not in your pride; I’m not even a dragon for gods’ sakes. How come I can hear you?”

  Another perk of the blood bond.

  I could’ve sworn the dragon smirked, but I couldn’t be sure. Could the monster reptile even smile?

  We have to get going. We don’t want to be late for your first meeting with the director. Climb on.

  He said it so casually, like he was a horse with a saddle and I just needed to hop on the mounting block. When I didn’t move, he flattened down, his tree-trunk sized legs sinking into the blanket of snow. He stretched out an arm, and his head ticked at his monstrous talons.

  I eyed the huge beast as my insides wrestled with indecision. I might have been weirdly attracted to the creature, but that didn’t mean I was totally okay with jumping on his back and soaring over the towering crags of Draeko. What if he dropped me, and I plummeted to my death?

  Come on, Azara. We don’t have all day.

  “You have done this before, right?”

  Flown someone on my back?


  Of course.

  “No casualties?”

  His frustrated growl reverberated across my mind. No casualties. Dragon-Talon’s gaze locked on mine, his nostrils flaring. Azara, if you don’t get on my back right now, we’re not going and you’ll spend the next ten years in Darkblood Prison.

  A streak of panic tightened my chest and sent my feet in motion. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Grabbing onto his scaled shoulder for support, I placed one boot on his foot then the other. Slowly, I climbed up, my fingers digging into his plated flesh.

  Hold onto this. He lowered his wing, and I grabbed onto the smooth membrane. With a quick jerk, he hauled me onto his back. I gasped and clung on for dear life.

  My legs wrapped around his body, sitting between what I assumed would’ve been his shoulder blades. His wings stretched out on either side of me and warmth seeped from his scales through my clothes. It was like sitting on a hot rock baking in the desert sun.

  Once I settled in, the tension in my body released and my hips sank into him.

  You ready?

  “I guess.”

  Hold onto the crux of my wing joint. They’re like built in handles.

  “Got it.” I clenched my fingers around the scaly appendages.

  Here we go.

  My thighs tightened around his torso as he jolted forward. He took a few unwieldy steps toward the edge of the peak, and my gut twisted. The crag dipped below to a deep valley hundreds of feet down. I clenched my teeth, muttering curses as the promontory disappeared from beneath us.

  With a mighty flap of his wings, we lurched forward. My stomach dropped, and I couldn’t muffle the scream from tearing out. His wings beat the frigid air and we leveled out, soaring over the surrounding peaks.

  You okay?

  I drew in a breath, filling my empty lungs. “Yup,” I finally choked out. “Just peachy.”

  This time I was certain he chuckled. His husky laugh echoed through my mind, bouncing off my skull. Stupid jackdragon.

  Relax and enjoy the sights. We’ll be there in about ten minutes.

  “Sure, easy-peasy.” I glanced down at the jagged, snow-covered mountaintops and immediately regretted it. Sure, it was pretty, but damn, it was a long way down. Instead, I focused on the sparkling scales sprawled beneath me.

  Now that we were flying, Dragon-Talon’s movements weren’t so jostling. I loosened my death grip and ran one finger over the sleek plates of his skin. They were surprisingly soft and silky. My insides hummed at the contact. Emboldened, I caressed his wing joint, moving slowly over the bone.

  Dragon-Talon rumbled beneath me, his massive torso making a rumbly purr.

  I jerked my hand off, and the sound stopped. Did dragons purr like cats? I definitely needed to find out more about this beast I was bound to. I ran my hand over his scales again, and the throaty rumble started up once more.

  Heat seeped from the dragon’s flesh through my jeans, and I shifted uncomfortably. The unexpected warmth sparked lusty embers in my core. My legs tightened around his torso, and a soft groan resounded in my head.

  There was no way I’d survive another five minutes of this. “So, tell me about the SIA director,” I blurted. Anything to change the subject.

  The dragon tensed, and the radiator between my thighs cooled. Maxim’s a good guy, a tiger shifter. A little intense, but he’s been with the agency for almost three decades. Just be honest with him, and you’ll be fine.

  I gulped, and I hoped he couldn’t feel my anxiety spilling through the bond. I couldn’t be completely honest, not without divulging my family’s secrets. “What’s he going to ask me about today exactly?”

  I’m not sure. Typical interview, I suppose. If he likes you, there may be a follow up meeting—a short physical assessment.

  “Like of my powers?”

  Most likely.

  Craptastic. The SIA couldn’t find out about my burgeoning warlock abilities. What if they made me take some sort of lie detector test?

  My nervous thoughts accompanied me the remainder of the trip, eliminating any chance for small talk with my dragon blood buddy. I’d practiced the incantation GG gave me for hours last night, but I was still anxious. What if someone discovered the truth?

  My stomach began to drop, yanking my attention from my inner thoughts. I glanced up to see a sprawling cement compound nestled deep within a snowy valley.

  That’s it. SIA headquarters.

  A boulder the size of one of the surrounding massive mountaintops sank to the bottom of my gut. Here goes nothing.

  Chapter Five

  The bleak gray corridors of the Supernatural Intelligence Agency’s headquarters were only a small step up from Darkblood Prison. Sure, there weren’t any murderous convicts, but the vibe wasn’t any less tense.

  “Relax, Azara, everything’s going to be fine.” Talon leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “Maxim is a shifter, remember? He can smell fear.”

  “Right.” I fisted my hands at my sides as I followed Talon down the nondescript hall. From the corner of my eye, I hazarded a quick peek at my escort. He looked like a different man in a crisp white button-down shirt, dark jeans and the silver SIA badge hanging from his neck.

  Talon stopped in front of a thick metal door, a golden plaque across the top with the word Director stamped across. He knocked, and a sharp buzz echoed through the quiet corridor followed by the click of a lock. Opening the door, he motioned for me to enter first.

  I held my breath as I crossed the threshold into a small reception area with generic beige walls and a few framed landscapes. A woman stood up from the mahogany desk in the corner and approached us with a tight smile, her severe bun angling her cat eyes.

  “Agent one thirty-eight, nice to see you again.”

  I nearly choked on my spit. I’d forgotten Talon’s secret agent number was the same as the numerals assigned to me at Darkblood. Coincidence or fate?

  “You too, Ymelia.”

  The middle-aged assistant’s eyes gave me a quick once over before her lips pressed into a thin line like she’d smelled something foul. “Director Maxim is waiting for you; you can go on in.” She motioned to the door adjacent to her desk, and Talon strode forward.

  I trailed a few steps behind him, not overly eager to meet this Maxim guy.

  Talon held the door open as I trudged into the director’s office
. A blast of chilly air shot over my body as I entered, and I thanked my lucky stars I’d kept the long-sleeve shirt on.

  Brilliant citrine eyes glanced up, fixing on mine the second we approached. A low growl cut through the silence, and the director slammed closed the book splayed across his expansive desk. Beads of sweat snaked down my back as those penetrating irises drilled into me.

  I had to suppress the urge to squirm.

  “Thanks for meeting with us today, Maxim.” Talon nodded at the hulking tiger shifter behind the desk.

  “Only for you, Talon.” He gave me a once over again, his nostrils flaring, and then his lips twisted into a scowl. “I don’t sense any magic on her.”

  My dragon bodyguard cleared his throat. “As I mentioned during our conversation, we’re working on accessing it as we speak. The little that I’ve seen is beyond impressive. She’d give Ella a run for her money.”

  Ella? My ears perked up.

  Maxim’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Interesting.” The director drummed his big fingers on the desk, his scrutinizing gaze still following my every move. I’d barely been able to breathe since we’d walked in. And I’d thought Talon was intimidating. This guy would make Delacroix weak in the knees. “What you’re asking is highly unorthodox. We haven’t resorted to recruiting prisoners in years, not since”—his eyes flicked to Talon then dropped to his desk before refocusing back on me—“it’s been a while.”

  “I know, and I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t truly believe Azara was worth it.”

  My heart flip-flopped at his unexpected words.

  “Besides being powerful, she could be our way in to finally dismantling Delacroix’s hold at Darkblood Prison. He seems to be working with Thax, and if we can eliminate the warlord’s assistance from the outside, the hellus demon would be ousted as reigning mob boss.”

  “What does she have to do with it?” Again, that laser sharp gaze bored into me, evacuating all the air from my lungs.


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