Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2)

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Darkblood Prison: Demon Double-Agent (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 2) Page 5

by G. K. DeRosa

  I glanced back at the entry, and the C.O.’s eyes widened before his thick head disappeared from view. The sound of a faint scuffle kept my attention on the door, but with the chatter filling the rec room I couldn’t make out any details.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and I grabbed Dallas’s arm. Before I opened my mouth to speak, the door flew open and slammed against the wall. Dembrat, Delacroix’s elf henchman, and a few more goons I recognized filled the doorway.

  Son of a demon!

  “Everyone out except for the demon soul-sucker,” Dembrat hissed. His watery eyes met mine and a sinister smile curled his puffy lips, showcasing a row of yellowing teeth.

  Valeria shot out of her seat so fast I thought she was flying. Flix’s panicked eyes met mine from across the table as he slowly stood. “I’m sorry, kid. I can’t get in the middle of this.”

  I gave him a nod, but a pang of hurt streaked through my insides. It wasn’t like I expected him to put his life down for me, but… maybe I did. If the situation had been reversed, I wouldn’t run away like a coward regardless of how scary Delacroix was. Or at least that’s what I liked to believe.

  A second later, the entire room was empty. The sound of my breathing was all that disturbed the eerie silence. Dallas stood and folded his muscled arms over his chest. “Again, Dembrat? I thought we’d already resolved this situation?”

  I glanced up at the camera perched on the wall, and the typically blinking red light was off. Dammit. Delacroix had planned this too. How was he getting into the control room to disable the cameras—or rather, which guard was he threatening to do his dirty work?

  “Your Triad leader threatening my life if I came near the girl again doesn’t exactly resolve anything, vampire.”

  “Well then, aren’t you lucky Talon’s not here.” Dallas’s fangs dropped, and he flashed the elf and the half-dozen other thugs his pointy incisors. “Then again, I’d be happy to make good on my brother’s word for him.”

  Dembrat raised a stubby finger and pointed it at my vampire bodyguard. “You know, everyone always questions Delacroix’s methods around here, but no one ever wonders how it’s possible for you and your brothers to access your powers.”

  “Family secret,” Dallas snarled.

  From the color of the jumpsuits surrounding the elf, in addition to the demon, two shifters and another Fae made up Delacroix’s crew today. I recognized one of the succubi I’d met in Block Eight and the wolf shifter who’d tossed me out in the boneyard a few weeks back. I wondered what our chances were against them. I muttered a curse as I eyed the black cuff on my wrist. I really had to get Logan to upgrade mine to the special type the Triad had.

  “What do you want anyway?” I finally blurted. I was getting tired of all this macho posturing.

  “You and Delacroix have some unfinished business to discuss. Come with me, and we avoid any bloodshed.”

  “You’re out of your tiny mind.” Dallas’s jaw snapped shut, the sharp crack echoing through the room. “She’s not going anywhere near your boss.”

  The corner of Dembrat’s lip tilted up. “Even if he’d like to discuss a certain warlord of the Underworld?”

  I was barely able to stop my jaw from dropping. Luckily, I managed it in the nick of time and maintained my poker face. Did Delacroix know we’d infiltrated Thax’s castle? A pit of dread took root in my gut, but I fought the intense sensations to keep my mask of calm.

  “Whatever Delacroix wants to say to Azara, he can say to me. I’d be happy to meet with your boss.”

  Dembrat wagged his stubby little finger. “That’s not the deal, vampire.”

  “Then we’re done here.” Dallas’s hand curled around my arm, and he tugged me toward the door. “Kindly get out of the way.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible.” Dembrat shook his head, and the four evil minions closed rank around him.

  “Then let’s get on with the bloodshed.” Dallas ran his tongue over the sharp point of his fang. “I don’t prefer supe blood, but I can make an exception.” He turned to me with a smirk. “Stay back, precious, we don’t want to get any nasty demon blood on your clothes.”

  “Right,” I muttered as I grabbed the nearest chair and held it out in front of me like a battering ram. I wasn’t some damsel in distress that needed constant protection. Or at least that’s how I hoped it looked.

  I blinked, and Dallas lunged. Damn, so much for a little countdown or something.

  Dembrat stood back as the vampire sunk his teeth into the Fae male and the other two guys jumped into the tussle. The succubus came straight for me.

  “Remember me, pretty?”

  “How could I forget a face like that?” I smirked and tightened my grip on the back of the chair. It wasn’t exactly the most nimble weapon, but I’d make it work if necessary.

  She circled, a predatory smile curling her pink lips. I thanked the gods her burly female friend hadn’t come instead. Now, she was scary. This demon girl looked like a cracked-out Barbie.

  “Are we going to fight or trade beauty advice?” she snarled.

  “I’d rather not do either if we’re being honest.”

  She unzipped the top of her jumpsuit and reached in, revealing a gleaming blade.

  Oh, succubus!

  She lunged forward and I jerked my arms out, shoving the metal chair legs at her chest. Not the greatest weapon, but a decent shield as it turned out. She sliced the knife through the air as I ducked and parried with the unwieldy chair.

  From the corner of my eye, I could just make out Dallas battling it out with the others. One of the males was on the ground, surrounded by a pool of his own blood, but the other two were still fighting tooth and nail. Literally.

  Meanwhile, Dembrat leaned against the wall watching.

  A flash of silver streaked across my peripheral vision, and I ducked just in time. Or maybe not. A sharp sting raced across my cheek. Ouch! I clapped my hand over my face, and my palm came away sticky.

  “If you can’t play with the big girls, you have no place in Delacroix’s crew.”

  I jumped back and readjusted my hold on the chair. “Who said I wanted to be in your stupid crew anyway?”

  She jabbed at the air with her weapon, her thrusts getting more desperate and sloppy with each move. “I don’t understand why you’re so important. Why hasn’t he killed you already? I don’t smell anything special about you.”

  “Geez, thanks for that, you slutty succubus. He must not be too particular if he let you into the gang.”

  She let out a throaty snarl and yanked at my weapon—A.K.A. one of the chair legs.

  “Let go!” I shrieked as I twisted the cumbersome thing to get it out of her grasp. She kept coming as I staggered back, quickly losing my grip.

  A sharp scream from the other side of the room curdled the blood in my veins. Dallas. The werewolf hovered over him, a mouthful of blood dripping from his maw.

  Oh my gods, wasn’t werewolf venom toxic to vampires? But would his poisonous saliva even work if there was no magic?

  The succubus jerked the chair free from my hands while I was distracted and tossed my makeshift weapon to the floor. Craptabulous. She advanced, brandishing the contraband knife, a wicked smile forming on her lips. “Now we’ll see who’s the baddest demon bitch in this joint.”

  My shoulder blades hit the back wall, and I muttered a curse. I was trapped. From over the succubus’s shoulder I could just make out Dallas. He was still on the floor, but it looked like he was fighting back.

  I released a breath and focused on my advancing assailant. She thrust the dagger at my chest, but I managed to block it with my forearm. The blade sank into my skin, and I bit back the scream at the back of my throat. She sliced the air again, and with my shoulders against the wall I was stuck.

  A brilliant purple glow lit up my upper arm, the light emanating through my black sleeve. It caught her eye and diverted her attention. It was all the distraction I needed to throw a good
sucker punch to her gut.

  She staggered back, clutching her stomach and shrieked a curse. This time, she charged.

  I threw my hand out as the blade grew dangerously close, and a burst of energy exploded from my palm. The ball of mystical power slammed into her chest and tossed her across the room. She smacked into the opposite wall with a sickening crunch and crumbled to the floor.

  My shoulders sagged in relief and I slid down the wall, landing in a heap. My heart fluttered. I drew in a breath to get my raging pulse under control.

  The door flew open, and the crack of metal hinges snapping yanked my attention to the massive dragon in the doorway. Not that I’d really needed to look, I could feel Talon the moment he neared. He barreled through the ongoing battle, shoving one of the guys Dallas was still fighting out of the way and raced toward me.

  He slid to the floor, and his rough hands cradled my cheeks. “Gods, Azara, are you okay?” Smoldering silver orbs bored into mine, two pools of bottomless emotion. Removing one hand from my face, he pressed it into his chest. “I felt something terrible. I thought… I thought you—” He clenched his jaw, and his lips pressed into a tight line.

  I nodded quickly, the depth of concern in his tone sparking a wave of unexpected sensations. Hot tears filled my eyes, and I hurried to blink them back. “Help Dallas. I think that werewolf bit him.”

  With a lingering glance that melted my insides, he darted toward his friend. I sucked in a breath of air not tainted with Talon’s musky scent and scanned the room. Dembrat was gone. The succubus and the Fae’s unmoving bodies littered the floor. In a second, the two guys battling Dallas would join their fallen comrades. The fire raging across Talon’s eyes was nothing like I'd ever seen.

  Sometimes I forgot how scary the massive dragon could be.

  A roar shot across the room, vibrating the very wall I leaned against. I glanced up to find Dallas propped against the opposite wall, and the two shifters in a trembling heap. Talon loomed over the two males, his massive wings draped behind him and fire dancing on his fingertips. “You tell Delacroix to forget Azara exists, do not look at her, do not think about her. If he comes near her again, I’ll shove my claw down his throat, dig around his insides and drag his heart out of his mouth. And that goes for any of his crew. Do you understand me?”

  The two still-conscious males nodded.

  He bent down and seared them with a narrowed glare. He blew out a breath, and a flame hovered from his lips. “I need to hear you say it.”

  The males’ eyes widened in horror. “We understand,” they choked out in unison.

  “Now get out of here and spread the word. I took it easy on you guys before, but my patience has ended.”

  The pair wobbled as they stood, blood spattering their jumpsuits.

  “And take your friends.” Talon ticked his head at the fallen succubus and Fae.

  The guys scrambled to the floor, limping, and forced their friends up.

  I was relieved when the succubus clung onto the shifter’s shoulder. She was definitely hurting, but at least I hadn’t killed her.

  I wasn’t sure why I cared.

  Chapter Seven

  The silent, dark, pre-wake-up-call halls did nothing to quell my nerves as Talon and I trudged toward the basement. After yesterday’s surprise attack, I wasn’t feeling my best for today’s big meeting with the SIA. Neither was my dragon escort based on the steady stream of anxiety trickling through the bond.

  We hadn’t talked much after we got back to our cell last night. I couldn’t get the desperate look in his eyes out of my mind. It was like he actually cared about me.

  I chased the errant thought away. This blood bond was screwing with both our minds.

  Rubbing my shoulder, I followed Talon down the steps to the training room. Today instead of flying, we’d be traveling by portal. I didn’t even know we had warlock guards on property but apparently there were two, one stationed at each tower. One of them was meeting us today at the end of the secret tunnel to send us to SIA headquarters.

  I’d tried to convince Logan to let me give it a try, but he didn’t think showing off my possible-warlock powers was a good idea. He was probably right, but I was itching to give them another whirl.

  To be safe I’d practiced GG’s “thy will be done” incantation a few times last night before passing out. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. That succubus was tougher than she looked.

  Talon opened the secret door to the Triad’s mini SIA headquarters off the training room, and I trailed in behind him. He released the door before I’d made it all the way through and I was so lost in my thoughts, it slammed into my shoulder.

  “Ow!” I squealed.

  He whirled back and whipped the door open, as his scrutinizing gaze raked over me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” I rubbed at my left shoulder again. “Just a little sore from yesterday’s tussle with the scrappy succubus. I shouldn’t have let her corner me like that.”

  “Locasta’s no innocent flower. She’s tougher than most of the males in here, which is how she got on Delacroix’s crew. You handled yourself well.”

  My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. “Was that an actual compliment?”

  His jaw tightened. “I was merely stating a fact. Don’t let it go to your head, one thirty-eight.”

  “Ugh, are we back to that again?”

  “I said I wouldn’t call you by your prisoner number while we were at SIA headquarters. I didn’t agree to anything while we’re here.”

  “Does this even really count as Darkblood Prison property?”

  He was already mumbling the words of the spell that opened the next secret door into the subterranean tunnels. “Yes,” he called out over his shoulder.

  I glanced down at the nasty scar along my forearm. It didn’t exactly go with my tattoo, but maybe it would enhance my prison cred. I wondered how long it would remain. Hayden still hadn’t returned from his latest SIA mission so he couldn’t work his magical healing on my cuts and bruises. He’d been getting called away from his prison duties to assist slayer squads in the human world. Apparently, my Underworlder cousins were running amuck, and Luci wasn’t doing a thing to keep them in check.

  “How’s your arm?” His eyes locked on my torn flesh, and his lips twisted. A shadow of the intensity I’d seen yesterday contorted his features.

  I ran my hand over the scar and winced. “Okay.” The look on his face reminded me of what he’d said when he’d found me. “You felt something yesterday? That’s how you knew how to find me even though the cameras were off?”

  The door to the tunnels slid open and the damp, cool air rushed into the control room. Talon walked through without answering and lit up the torches with his dragon flame. I hurried behind him until I was shoulder to shoulder with the big beast. Or more like shoulder to elbow, but whatever.


  He loosed a sharp breath. “Yes, I felt something. It was so violent it woke me and nearly tossed me right out of bed.”

  “Really?” I was very familiar with the sensation. I’d felt it twice now and the urgency that accompanied it was overpowering. I wondered if it was the same for him.

  He nodded and picked up his pace. The tendon in his jaw was working like crazy, and I was pretty sure we were done with the conversation. He surprised me a minute later when his rough voice broke the silence once more. “It felt like my heart was getting ripped out.”

  I glanced up, but his gaze remained trained straight ahead. The flickering torches lit up the blaze of silver in his mesmerizing irises as he marched.

  “I’ve never experienced anything like that,” he continued and rubbed at his chest. “I thought—I thought you had died. And something broke inside me.” He swallowed hard, and the air crackled between us.

  I held my tongue, not trusting myself to speak. I’d probably confess something stupid and regret it later.

  He raked his hands over his face and grunted. “Gods, Azara, thi
s bond goes much deeper than I ever imagined. The things I’m feeling—” He cut himself off, stopped short and I nearly barreled into him.

  “Sorry,” I muttered as I teetered on one leg.

  His arm came around my waist to steady me, the feel of his fingertips on my hips burning through the flimsy material of my jumpsuit.

  I risked a glance up and smoldering silver orbs fixed on mine. I sucked in a ragged breath, their fiery intensity constricting my lungs. I waited for him to release me, to unlock his gaze from mine, but he didn’t move.

  And neither did I.

  His pupils thinned to narrow slits, the molten silver eclipsing the black and a deep growl echoed through his chest. The vibration rumbled against my own flesh pressed against his. His head tilted forward, his lips a hairsbreadth away.

  My heart catapulted against my ribcage, trying to break free as heat surged through my veins. My head dipped closer, and a different kind of hunger clawed at my insides.

  “Oh gods, Azara,” Talon hissed through clenched teeth. “I’ve never wanted anyone more…” His eyes widened, and he snapped his jaw shut as if the words had slipped out by accident.

  But it was too late, my lusty demon had scraped its way to the surface, and she wanted the devastatingly gorgeous dragon in front of her. Consequences be damned. My tongue darted out and swept over my lower lip, and it was all the invitation Talon needed.

  His lips crashed into mine, sucking on my tongue and lower lip, drawing them inside his hungry mouth. His hands slid down my waist to cradle my butt as he pushed me against the cold wall. The sleek obsidian sent a chill down my heated skin and I arched against Talon, eliciting another sexy growl.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed closer as my hands trailed the hard planes of his muscular back. His lips moved from my mouth, down my neck, to the hollow of my throat, leaving a scorching wake.

  My erratic heartbeats thundered across my eardrums as Talon’s tongue stroked my skin, worshipping every inch of my flesh. All rational thought was tossed out the window. My hormones were in control, and they wanted to eliminate every millimeter of space between my body and the delicious dragon’s.


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