Stress Relief

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Stress Relief Page 2

by Evangeline Anderson

  Andi realized she was babbling and forced herself to stop. This close she could actually smell him, a spicy kind of musk made up of leather and clean sweat. It was a very masculine smell, a frightening smell as far as Andi was concerned.

  But she wasn’t the only one using her nose. From the darkness in front of her came a low sniffing sound. Suddenly Agent Alpha’s voice hardened.

  “You’re not what the Agency usually sends over. Who are you?” He reached for a lamp beside the couch and suddenly the room was flooded with muted golden light.

  “I…I’m sorry, I know I’m not what you expected,” Andi stuttered, blinking in the sudden brilliance.

  She was trying to focus on his face but she was afraid to meet his piercing blue eyes. He had black hair cut short to his scalp and features that looked like they’d been carved out of some unforgiving rock. A surprisingly full and sensuous mouth balanced out his chilly eyes and knife blade nose. He was wearing a pair of black leather pants and nothing else and she couldn’t help looking at his muscular chest. It was smooth and bare except for the tattoo of a wolf’s head on his upper right pectoral. She wondered if the Agency had put it there to identify him or if he’d had it before he was inducted into the program.

  “Damn right you’re not what I expected.” The look in his eyes made her so nervous that Andi started babbling again, trying to keep her mind off of what was about to happen to her.

  “I would have sent one of the girls but they were all, er…occupied and the best one is in the shop and so there was no other choice but to come myself and I’m sorry because I know I’m not what you wanted but—”

  “You’re real.” The lust in his voice was unmistakable.

  “I…what?” Andi looked at him, meeting his pale blue eyes for the first time. He stared at her so intently that she soon had to drop her own eyes, unable to stand the intensity of his gaze.

  “I said, you’re real. A real woman. Not one of those fucking whore dolls they always send us.”

  “The girls, yes. They were all busy or broken tonight. That’s how you ended up with me. I’m so sorry—”

  “I’m not,” he cut her off. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been with a real woman, not some fake collection of silicone and collagen run by a microchip?”

  “Agent Alpha, I—”

  “Matt,” he said, still looking intently into her face. “My name—my real name—is Matt. Bet you didn’t know that, did you, Andrea?”

  Andi didn’t know what surprised and frightened her more—the fact that Agent Alpha knew his own real name or the fact that he knew hers. In either case it pointed to a break-down in his conditioning. She was going to have to be very careful here.

  “How…how do you know your name?” she asked, starting with the obvious question.

  He shrugged shoulders that were easily twice as broad as hers. “It just came to me. I’d been having dreams…flashes of people I used to know, things I used to do. Did you know I played in chess tournaments and that I collected baseball cards when I was a kid?”

  “I…” Andi swallowed and heard a dry clicking in her throat. “They didn’t really give me any background on anyone when they set me up here.”

  He laughed, a dry, humorless sound. “That’s because they don’t give a shit about any of us. We’re all expendable. Even you, sweetheart. That’s how you ended up here tonight, isn’t it?”

  “Please…” Andi could feel her pulse pounding in every part of her body at once. “Please don’t kill me.”

  “Why would I kill you?” His voice softened and the hand on her arm relaxed a little.

  “B-because, that’s what you do,” Andi stuttered.

  “Not any more.” Black eyebrows came down over his ice blue eyes and he scowled. Then he gave Andi a searching look. “I’m not going to kill you, but the damn conditioning makes it impossible for me to just let you go. You know what I need.”

  “I…I know.” Andi fumbled with the buttons on her blouse with numb fingers. Have to get this over with…

  “Stop.” Agent Alpha—or Matt as she supposed she should think of him now—pulled her hands gently away from the red silk blouse.

  “But…but I thought you wanted…”

  “I do want you. More than you know.” He pulled her gently into his lap and buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply. He was so big she felt like a doll seated on his knee. “God, you smell so good. So real,” he rumbled.

  We’ll see how excited he is about real when I lose the bra and he sees I’m a B cup instead of a double D, Andi thought apprehensively. She didn’t struggle to get away although having such a dangerous man so close was triggering her fight or flight response almost unbearably. But she couldn’t relax in his arms either. Not even the fact that his big hands rubbing up and down her back and his warm breath on her neck was surprisingly erotic could make her lose her fear of him. He was a trained killer and she’d seen what he could do.

  He seemed to sense her apprehension because he pulled back from her and looked her in the eye. “Andi,” he rumbled softly. “How long since you’ve had a man inside you?”

  Andi felt her face burning but she was afraid not to answer the frank question and she knew that he would sense a lie. “Two…two years,” she murmured, looking down at her hands which were trembling in her lap.

  He sighed. “It’s been three times that long since I had a real woman. Look at me, Andi.” He lifted her chin with one finger, forcing her to meet his gaze again. “I need you tonight—need to fuck you.”

  Andi felt a shiver that wasn’t entirely fear ripple through her at his coarse words. Not trusting her voice, she only nodded.

  “I need to fuck you. Need to open you up with my cock and come deep inside your pussy. But I won’t hurt you.”

  If her cheeks had been warm before they were on fire now. Two years was a long time, she realized. A long time to be without a man, a long time to go without being touched, being held and taken. She knew that sex with Matt was going to be rough but if she could really trust him not to hurt her…

  “Do you promise?” she asked softly, looking at him intently. The piercing blue eyes were half hooded with lust now but she saw sincerity in them as well.

  “I swear it,” he breathed, pulling her close to bury his face in her neck again. “Now can you relax and let go with me? I don’t want to fuck a block of wood—might as well be using one of those damn whore dolls.”

  “Are they that bad?” Andi asked breathlessly. She had never seen the girls in action, she just saw the results afterwards.

  “They’re not real. They smell like plastic instead of skin.” He inhaled her scent again as his large hands began unbuttoning her blouse. He cupped her right breast through the black lace bra she was wearing and Andi gasped and bit back a moan. “They don’t react when you touch them.” He popped open the latch at the front of her bra and pealed back the black lace, baring her breasts. For a moment he just stared at her and she felt fear rising to the surface once more.

  “Look, I know I don’t have…have as much up top as you’re used to…” she began but he shook his head.

  “Andi, they’re beautiful. Real. Soft.” He stroked one bare breast with his large, warm hand and Andi moaned softly as her nipple hardened under his palm. “Responsive,” he continued, leaning down to take the nipple in his mouth.

  “Oh!” Andi gasped as his hot mouth made contact with her bare skin. She felt like a thousand volts of electricity had suddenly shot through her. Apparently encouraged by her reaction, Matt sucked harder, taking as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. He flicked the other nipple with his fingers idly, making Andi squirm in his lap. The hot sensation of his tongue lapping and sucking her bare flesh seemed to course from her breasts straight to the tender cleft between her legs. To her embarrassment she realized she was actually getting wet.

  “God, you feel so good in my arms.” Matt’s voice was low and hoarse with need. He shifted her suddenly
so that she was straddling his hips. Andi moaned as her legs spread wide. The leather mini skirt slid high on her upper thighs, revealing the black lace panties that went with her bra. Feeling slightly panicked and incredibly exposed, she tried to wiggle backwards and pull the skirt down but Matt wouldn’t allow it.

  “Closer.” His voice was a low growl in her ear as he pulled her pelvis toward his, forcing the leather mini skirt up around her waist. The action spread her legs even wider and parted her throbbing sex under the lace panties. Then he gripped her ass with both hands and brought her in the final fraction of an inch so that she was plastered against him with her bare breasts against the hard planes of his chest.

  Andi moaned again as he pressed her sex hard against the thick club of his cock, pulsing under his leather pants. He ground against her, his hard shaft parting the swollen lips of her pussy beneath the brief front panel of her panties and rubbing hard against the sensitive bud of her clit. God, he must be huge! For a moment she wondered how in the world she could accommodate the massive cock she felt rubbing against her spread sex and then the thought was pushed to the back of her mind by his mouth on her neck.

  “Taste so good,” Matt murmured into her hair as his hands stroked hungrily over her back and ass. His tongue was hot and demanding as he lapped and sucked at the sensitive hollow of her throat. “Can’t wait to taste you everywhere, Andi.”

  She couldn’t make sense of his words, could barely make sense of her own reactions. Here she was, spread out with her breasts exposed and her skirt hiked up to her waist with a man’s hands all over her. A man whom she had always feared. She had never felt so vulnerable in her entire life and yet, she had never felt so hot, so sexual.

  “You like this? Like the feel of me tasting you?” he demanded, pulling back to look in her eyes.

  “I…” Andi bit her lip, unable to say what she was really feeling.

  Matt frowned. “Tell me what you feel, sweetheart. I want to know. Talk to me.”

  “I…it’s…I’ve never felt like this.” She dropped her eyes, embarrassed.

  “Like what?” His hooded eyes regarded her steadily and he thrust with his pelvis, grinding his leather clad cock hard against her open folds.

  “Oh, God!” Andi closed her eyes briefly and bit her lip hard. “A little bit scared but…but also…” She shook her head, unable to continue.

  “Also…?” His hand slid from her ass to press between her legs and he cupped her wet sex in his hand. She cried out softly as the heel of his hand thrust against her mound and his fingers explored the damp lace that barely covered her swollen cunt.

  “Also hot,” she gasped at last when he prompted her by rubbing her aching clit with his blunt fingertips.

  “Explain.” He sounded genuinely interested and it occurred to Andi in a muddled kind of way that he must have missed making love to a partner who could actually communicate her needs and wishes instead of just lying still and taking it the way the girls did.

  “I…I just…two years is a long time,” she panted. His fingers had slipped behind the front panel of her panties now and he was stroking her wet inner cunt slowly, as though he had all the time in the world to touch her. His leisurely way surprised her—she would have thought that fucking Agent Alpha would be just that—fucking. By very definition it should be fast, furious, and rough. Instead he seemed to want to take his time exploring her…owning her.

  “That’s right. Two years since you’ve had a man,” he mused softly. “Two years since anyone has touched this sweet, wet pussy.” He circled her clit with one fingertip as he spoke. “Two years since you’ve been fucked.” Two long, thick fingers entered her roughly and pressed deep into her core.

  Andi moaned and jerked against him as his fingers opened her pussy and found the end of her channel. God, would he ever stop? Any other man would have had her by now, would have thrown her down on the couch and been on top of her, inside her. But Matt seemed content to talk and watch her reaction to his teasing touch.

  “Two years since you took this job and your personal life ended, right?” he asked as he continued to slide his thick fingers in and out of her wet sex.

  “That…that’s right,” Andi made herself say. “It…there was no way to date anyone without endangering them. The…the Agency frowns on…on…” She shook her head, it was impossible to carry on a conversation when what he was doing below her waist was driving her crazy.

  “The Agency frowns on you having a life outside of work. The Agency wants to control every aspect of your existence,” he finished for her. “You and I could have gone on working together for years without knowing each other. Without doing this.” The blunt pad of his thumb came up to rub her throbbing clit and at the same time he thrust hard with his fingers, reaching the end of her channel.

  “Oh!” Andi threw back her head, her back arching helplessly as the whipcrack orgasm rolled through her. It was short and sharp and jagged, like a lightening strike to her entire body. While it lasted she was incapable of thinking of anything, of doing anything but reacting to his hands on her.

  “That’s right, sweetheart, come for me.” Matt’s deep voice was a hungry growl. “Come while I fingerfuck your sweet pussy.”

  Andi panted as the pleasure ebbed. Slowly she opened her eyes which had been squeezed shut and looked at the man in front of her. She wondered if Matt had talked himself out. Surely he would take her now—would fuck her. She felt a stab of apprehension mixed with something suspiciously like anticipation as she wondered how it would feel to have that thick monster of a cock sheathed inside her to the hilt.

  “You’re beautiful when you come, Andi.” Matt’s deep voice sent a shiver up her spine. Slowly he withdrew his fingers and brought them to his mouth. Without breaking eye contact, he slipped them between his lips, sucking her essence eagerly from his skin as though it was a delicacy.

  Andi’s eyes widened as she watched his display. She’d never been with any man who acted like Matt. There was an almost animal enjoyment in his eyes as he sucked his fingers clean. He acted as though he was savoring her taste, as though he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Delicious,” he murmured as he finished getting the last traces of her honey from his long fingers. “Can’t wait to taste it straight from the source.”

  “I…I don’t understand,” Andi protested although she was afraid that she understood all too well. “I can’t…I don’t…”

  “You don’t have to. I will.” He was already pressing her back on the couch and removing her panties and miniskirt in one swift motion. The leather of the couch was cool against her bare ass and Andy shivered helplessly, feeling incredibly vulnerable. She’d never been with a man who really wanted to do this. It was always something a guy did only if he felt like he had to—not something he really enjoyed. As a result, Andi had never enjoyed it either. It felt too much like a duty and she usually tried to avoid it. But there was no avoiding it now. Matt’s big hands on her thighs, spreading her legs, let her know that he wanted to do it and that she had no choice about letting him.

  “Please,” she whispered. “I…I…”

  “You scared, sweetheart?” He kissed her neck hungrily and then moved lower, to the soft skin between her breasts. “Still afraid of the big bad wolf?”

  “I don’t know,” she murmured, realizing it was the truth. She was no longer terrified that he might harm her. But it was hard to be this vulnerable with any man. Lying there on the couch with her legs spread she felt so open, so helpless.

  “It’s all right. Told you I’m not gonna hurt you.” His voice was a soft rumble as he moved still lower, circling the cup of her naval with his tongue until the fine muscles of her stomach trembled. But when his lips traced a trail of fire down to the neatly trimmed thatch of curls that decorated her mound, Andi lost her nerve and tried to shut her thighs.

  “Hey, don’t get shy on me now.” Matt’s hands on her inner thighs were warm and gentle but demanding at the same time. It was
obvious he wasn’t going to be denied. “Don’t tell me you came here willing to let me put my cock in your pussy but not my tongue.” He looked up at her, one eyebrow arched in disbelief.

  Andi squirmed uncomfortably on the couch. “Look, it’s just…I’ve never been with anyone who really wanted to do this. I know some guys feel like they have to but really they don’t—you don’t, I mean. So if you’re just trying to be nice…”

  His deep, rumbling laughter startled her and when she looked down she could see the gleam of amusement in his sharp blue eyes. “Look at me, sweetheart. I’m a trained assassin—a killing machine. Do you really think I do anything just to be nice?”

  “Well then why do you want to do it? Why not just…just fuck me like you said you were going to?” Andi couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth but she couldn’t help herself. She was so uncomfortable.

  He looked at her sharply for a minute. “If I hadn’t felt how wet and hot your pussy was when I was fingering you I’d think you just wanted to get this little encounter over with.” He smiled. “But I did feel it, and I watched the way you came so hard just now. You need this bad, Andi. Almost as bad as I do. And you don’t even have any damn Agency conditioning to blame.”

  Andi felt her cheeks heat at his words but there was no way she could deny them so she didn’t try. Instead she said, “You still haven’t answered my question.”

  He frowned. “I didn’t think it needed answering. But if you really want to know, going down on you is something I’ve given a lot of thought to. You might even call it a recurring fantasy if you were an Agency shrink.”

  “You…you thought about me?” Andi didn’t know whether to be frightened or flattered. She settled for a combination of the two. “But…but we’ve never even met in person until tonight,” she protested.

  “Yeah, but I would always watch you on the phone screen when you gave me assignments. You looks so serious, so scared. Almost as lost as I was.” He leaned down and nipped one of her hip bones, making her jump. “It made me want you. Every time you sent one of those fucking fake whores to my door to “control my stress” after a mission I imagined it was you I was fucking. I wondered what you’d sound like when you came, what you’d feel like when I touched you. Wondered what your sweet, wet cunt would taste like when I went down on you… And now I finally have the chance to find out.”


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