Free Pass (Free Will Book 1)

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Free Pass (Free Will Book 1) Page 2

by Kincheloe, Allie

  Chapter Five

  When Laney stomped past my door alone, I ventured out to see what was up.

  "I just needed to get my bag. I'm going to my parents' house."

  I offered to walk her home. She bit her lip, looking like she couldn't decide if she'd let me walk with her or not, but finally nodded. I could have drove her, but it's only a couple blocks. She'd almost let me kiss her on the stairs and walking gave us more time to talk. Gave me more time for me to gauge if I had a shot with her.

  I grabbed her bag out of Austin's room and we started toward her parents' house. This might be my only chance. But I didn't want to push her too far. Halfway down the block, I couldn't bite my tongue any longer. "What did Austin mean when he said not me?"

  We walked past a few more houses and she still didn't answer.

  I looked over, caught her eye, and raised an eyebrow, waiting.

  "Okay, look. Your brother cheated on me over spring break. And I found out. Well, he told me he didn't want to break up. He wants me to pick someone to have a fling with, no strings or anything, like he had with Ms. Boobs-as-Big-as-my-Head."

  "Shit. He cheated on you?"

  She nodded. Brutal honesty it is then. Ouch.

  I shook my head. What the hell was wrong with Austin? Laney was everything a man could want. I stopped walking and grabbed her hand. "Did she really have boobs that big?"

  "Oh, of course, that is what you stick on. The size of her boobs." She tried to pull her hand away.

  My response annoyed her. I'd almost missed the flash of anger in the dim evening light.

  How the hell could she ignore the sparks shooting up from where our hands were still joined? Surely she felt it too.

  "I'm sorry, Laney. I'm not sure I've seen any quite that big." I smiled and tugged her closer. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I snuggled her up against my chest. "I've always been more of an ass man myself."

  Your ass in particular.

  My heart beat a thousand times in the seconds it took to bend my head toward hers. Dear God, she didn't pull away. A car turned the corner and I remembered where we were. Who it was I was about to kiss. I stepped back and released her hand.


  "So, I'm off limits then, huh? His rule or yours?" I shoved my hands in my jean pockets. If I didn't, I was gonna reach for her again. And it was too soon for that. She was finally showing a little bit of interest in me and I didn't want to screw that up by moving too soon.


  I had to look away then. It would be all kinds of weird for us to have a relationship of any kind, fling or otherwise. But fuck, how would I ever get the thought out of my mind now?

  We reached her house and I wanted to cuss. This isn't how I wanted tonight to end. I didn't want to push her too far and ruin things, but what if tomorrow things changed and I missed my only chance?

  I handed her bag over without a word and watched her unlock the door. Her parents weren't home. They'd been dancing the night away at my parents' not long ago.

  Laney waited for me to say something. Anything. But I didn't. She had me speechless. She gave me a moment before whispering a soft goodbye and turning to go inside.

  No, not yet.

  I reached out and grabbed her by the waist. Spinning her into my arms, I drew her up against my chest. Once again, she didn't try to pull away, so I held her even closer.

  She brought her hand up to rest on my chest. My heart beat thumped under the palm of her hand. It pounded so hard she must be able to feel it.

  I lowered my head until the tips of our noses touched. Warm puffs of her breath brushed my lips. Her tongue poked out to moisten her lips and my gaze pulled away from her sparkling eyes to stare at her mouth.

  Desire thickened my voice when I finally found the question I needed to ask. "And what about you, Laney? Am I off-limits to you?"

  My grip tightened. My whole body strummed with anticipation. And, of course, her parents would decide to come home right fucking then. Their car turned into the drive, headlights illuminating us for a brief second. Best timing ever. I cursed. So damn close.

  Stepping away from her, I rubbed her cheek with a gentle hand. "Bye, Laney."

  I called a quick hello to her parents before jogging off.

  I'd almost kissed my brother's girlfriend multiple times today. Guilt should be all over me. But my conscience's lips were sealed. That little bastard wanted Laney every bit as much as I did.

  When I made it back home, my brother sat on the steps. Waiting for me no doubt...

  Austin rose as I got near the stairs. "Dude, Laney's my girl. She's off-limits. Remember?"

  He tried to intimidate me by towering over me, but I wouldn't be cowered. I didn't give one shit that my little brother stood several inches taller and a good fifty pounds heavier than me. Austin didn't scare me, never had. "Too bad you didn't remember she was yours over spring break, huh?"

  Austin sank back down on the steps. "She told you about that?"

  "Oh yeah. And the fling. Stupidest shit I ever heard, man. But just so you know, Laney doesn't seem to agree that I'm off limits." I smirked at Austin and walked inside.

  If I could convince Laney to pick me for this fling, then maybe I might finally have a shot with the girl I'd been in love with for ages. I needed a plan.

  Chapter Six

  A firm hand on my shoulder roused me from the most amazing dream about Jake's lips. I groaned my displeasure at the interruption. His lips had finally covered mine and the kiss was glorious. Until someone shook me and the vision faded.

  "Laney," Mom called my name from next to the bed.

  "Hmm." I grumbled and rolled over, pulling the comforter over my head.

  "Well, maybe I will just send your visitor away if you don't want to wake up and talk to him." Her annoyance got my attention.

  I peeked an eye out. No one but her. Good, she didn't bring them upstairs. I mumbled something that must have sounded to her ears like "Who is it?" She fussed at me again about Jake.

  Jake? Wait, what? Awareness hit. Sitting straight up, I asked, "Who's downstairs?"

  Mom glared at me. "Jake is bad news. You've been dating his brother. Whatever this flirtation you have going on with him is, knock it off. It's inappropriate."

  "Jake is downstairs?"

  With a glare that could set fires, my mom snapped, "You heard me. And you know damn well that you're playing with fire flirting with that man."

  "I need to get dressed. I need to shower first." I jumped out of bed. Mom shook her head and spat out a repeat of last night's lecture almost word for word.

  "Yeah, I know, Mom, but nothing's going on between us."

  "If nothing's going on, why's he here so early? Why do you care what you look like before you see him? Laney, damn it. You are going to mess up your life. Austin is a good boy. His parents love you. Don't you screw that up."

  Ugh, the way my mom was talking, you'd think Austin and I were engaged or something. Geez.

  I threw on a pair of jean shorts and exchanged my sleep shirt for a T-shirt. I ran into the bathroom, mostly because I had to go, but partly so that I could run a brush through my hair. I took a quick moment to brush my teeth; I couldn't face a possibly kissable Jake with morning skunk breath.

  I hurried down the stairs and looked around for Jake, baffled. The living room sat empty. "Mom? Where is he?"

  "I left him on the porch. I don't want him in my house. You know, I don’t think Austin'd like knowing how his brother's hitting on his girlfriend." As I ran out the door, she yelled after me, "If he so much as touches you, I'll turn the hose on him."

  That wasn't rude at all, was it? She hadn't seemed upset by Austin dancing with that slut yesterday. Lovely double standard there, Mom.

  Jake sat on a bench on the porch. He had clearly stopped by on his morning run. He wore basketball shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt. A drip of sweat ran down his jaw and I was jealous. Yes, of a bead of sweat.

  Where did that thought come f
rom? Crap, I blushed again. Dang it! Jumbled emotions vied for my attention. I'd shot down the idea of Austin's two best friends. So why did his brother make me wish for the chance to know him on a more intimate level?

  Jake looked up when he heard the door open. His hot gaze lingered on my bare legs a second too long to be anything but interest. He brought his eyes up to mine, grinning when he saw I busted him. Sliding over to the edge of the bench, he patted the spot next to him.

  The rapid thump in my chest increased. Mere inches would separate us on that small bench. I eased down next to him and tried to keep my hands from shaking. He reached toward me, but my mom came outside. She slammed the door with enough force it rattled in its frame. Jake withdrew his outstretched hand at the evil look she gave him.

  "Don't make me hose you down, Romeo. Keep those grabby hands to yourself. I will be watching," she snapped at him and went to pull weeds from her planter beds close to the street. She sat down to work, situating herself to be able to keep us within her sight line.

  "She would hose me down, wouldn't she?" he said with a little chuckle.

  "Oh yeah. I got lectures both last night and this morning about you. Sorry 'bout my mom." I tucked one foot up under my leg to get comfortable and glanced over at my mom. She stabbed her spade into the ground with a scary ferocity. I didn't think she even liked Austin all that much, so why would she care if I dumped him for Jake? But she clearly did.

  Jake's sigh drew my attention away from my mom. I looked over at him and his intense gaze made me shudder.

  "What's happening here, Laney? I can't get you off my mind. I didn't sleep more than two hours last night. What are you doing to me?" He laid a hand between us on the bench. I dropped mine down next to his, and he ran his pinky against mine.

  "I don't know. I never saw you like this either. You were just Austin's brother to me."

  "And what am I now?" he asked as his warm hand slid over mine.

  How could I answer that? I had no answers... Not at the moment. All I really had was more questions. Did I want to break up with Austin? What would their parents say? They liked me right now, but would they still like me if I broke up with Austin to date Jake? Austin cheating hurt more than I had ever imagined. I'd always thought if he cheated on me that I'd just move on. I never expected it to feel like I would be losing part of my family to dump him.

  And why did the slightest touch of Jake's hand send my heart rate soaring? Why was he the man in my dreams last night?

  Jake squeezed my hand, pulling me from my thoughts and reminding me that I hadn't answered. "I don't know. I can't stop thinking of you either. But I just don't see how we can make anything work. Do you?"

  His thumb drug slowly across the palm of my hand. It kinda tickled, but I didn't want him to stop. I wanted him to touch more than my hand, a lot more than my hand. I wanted him to pull me into his arms again and not let anything keep our lips from meeting.

  His sad smile tugged at my heart. Somehow Jake had become important to me overnight. But even if I broke up with Austin, what future could we have? I had dated his brother for three years...

  He cleared his throat, but tightened his hold on my hand.

  "Are you still a hockey fan?" He changed the subject abruptly. When I nodded, he mentioned a recent player trade.

  "You like hockey?" There was a twinkle in his eyes when he spoke of seeing a game during playoffs. His interest was genuine, and not manufactured. How'd he know I was a hockey fan?

  Icy cold water sprinkled over us and we both jumped. My mom stood, hose in hand, next to the porch. "I told you no touching. Holding hands is touching," she grumbled.

  His chuckle surprised me, but I found myself laughing along with him. He brushed the wet hair out of my face and tempted my mom's limited patience.

  "Do I need to get a bucket of ice water?"

  Jake glanced at his watch and did a double take. "Shit. It's 9:30. My mom is going to shoot me if I don't get back in time for church. You heading back tonight?" He hopped up to leave, but waited for my answer before he turned away.

  "Yeah, well, I have to get my parents to take me. I rode with Austin and you just know how much I want to ride three hours in a car with him right now."

  "I'm heading back later. I can take you, if you want?"

  Three hours alone with Jake? Um...yes, please.

  "That would be great!"

  "So, I'll pick you up after lunch?"

  I smiled at him. "I'll be ready."

  He nodded and retreated, hands up, away from Mom and her garden hose. Braving a wave, he laughed when she sprayed water in his direction.

  Where had the time gone? We'd talked for over an hour, and yet it felt like ten minutes? I shook my head, hoping to clear out the tangled webs of confusion. But no such luck. How could someone I'd known for years command such attention where they hadn't before? Why had I never noticed how the intensity in his eyes made my heart flutter? Or how he'd sent waves of desire crashing over me without so much as a kiss?

  I ignored my mom's harrumphs of disapproval and watched Jake leave. Once he'd walked around the corner, I went inside to get ready for the day.

  Chapter Seven

  "Jake, how 'bout we take a little walk."

  I loosened my tie and followed my dad out of the house. This couldn't be good. Taking a walk with Dad never really meant just a walk. I waited for him to bring up what I'd done.

  "So, Susie told me you were at their house talking to Laney before nine o'clock this morning. Wanna explain to me what you'd have to talk to your brother's girlfriend about that early on a Sunday morning?"

  "Nope." Already getting a lecture. Pretty sure it would be worse if I told him why I was there.

  Although from the glare on his face, Dad seemed to have a pretty good idea.

  "Now, Jacob. Do I need to remind you that she is spoken for?"

  "No, sir."

  "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He slowed to a stop.

  "Nope." I stuffed my hands in my pockets and kept walking.

  Dad grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. "Damn it, boy. Your mama and I love that girl. We fully expect her to become a part of this family in a few years. You mess that up and your mama may not speak to you again."

  I didn't reply. His words made their opinion clear. They'd never accept me and Laney as a couple. They'd never understand why I couldn't pass up this chance with Laney.

  Even if it ruined everything...

  Chapter Eight

  I was sitting on the porch waiting when Jake pulled up that afternoon. He hopped out of the Jeep and walked over to me. He sank down next to me and stared at his hands.

  "Dad expects you to be his daughter in law. He said if I mess that up, he won't have a son. So, no pressure, right?"

  I burst into laughter and Jake looked so confused. I slipped an arm around his waist and he pulled me close.

  "I never saw me and Austin married. But it's good to know that your dad likes me," I finally whispered once I could control myself.

  "You really don't want to marry Austin," he said into my hair. His voice sounded all funny, like after you swallow something wrong and cough forever.

  I pulled away, just enough to look at him. "No, I like Austin and we've had some fun. While I hoped things would get better, I've always suspected it wouldn't last forever."

  "Like? Not love?"

  I shook my head no, and he yanked me close. His lips crashed down on mine. Heaven had to feel like Jake's kiss. His lips soft, the pressure firm, just the right amount of tongue. Not a faint brush of lips, but a real kiss. The kind that made you glad you're sitting down because your knees went weak because of it.

  The kind I never had with Austin.

  I mean, yeah, Austin and I kissed and fooled around, but not once did a single kiss make me feel like this one. One kiss, and I knew what I'd been missing. Yowzer!

  When he finally broke the kiss and lay his forehead against mine, we were both breathless. He cu
pped my cheek and whispered, "Wow."

  "Yeah." That was all I could come up with to say.

  He grinned at me before covering my lips with his own once more. Oh my goodness, could this man kiss! He slid his hand from my cheek to tangle in my hair, while he used his other arm to keep me held tight to his chest. His tongue was caressing mine when someone cleared their throat.


  With great reluctance, I pulled away to see his dad standing on the sidewalk with mine next to him.

  Double crap.

  Our dads looked pissed. Sigh.

  Jake relaxed his arm around me some, but still held me against him. I hid my face against his throat and didn't look at my dad.

  "Jacob, I believe that we had a discussion earlier about the inappropriate nature of your interest in Laney. Did we not? Yet here I find you kissing her, not even four hours later. Explain yourself, boy."

  Tension poured off Jake in waves as Scott spoke. It was in the rigidity of his arms, the set of his jaw. "Dad, I didn't plan this. But, I'm not a little boy you can boss around anymore. I'm a grown man, and I can kiss or date who I want to."

  "Not your brother's girlfriend!" Scott hissed at him. I braved a peek at Scott, the anger on his face scared me. My breath caught and I tried to force back a sob. I didn't want them fighting because of me.

  Jake noticed the change in my breathing and hugged me closer. His dad still glared. I finally dared to look at my dad. He didn't look quite as angry as he had at first glance. Well, that was good... I hoped.

  "Have you given Austin a lecture about how to behave when you have a girlfriend?" Jake shot back at his dad. "She'd have never let me near her if he'd treated her like he should, would she? Maybe you should go lecture him."

  Scott opened his mouth to speak, then shook his head and stomped off. Some of the tension left Jake. His arms loosened around me. He looked at my dad and waited for that shoe to drop.

  My dad just nodded at Jake and then looked at me. "You be sure this is what you want before you go messing with this boy. He's putting a lot on the line for you with his family. You reflect on that." He didn't wait for me to answer. Dad stepped around me and went inside.


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